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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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@pimsucre Ow..it looks like he's been there for a quite long time :sweatingbullets: yes i hope like that too chingu. It's better he stays in jail forever. Lol.. and i wonder he really had given his kidney to YS's dad. Everytime i want to see the scar when he wanted to show YS, YS didn't want to see it and ended with him covered his body :sweatingbullets:

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I must be a masochist for having the measurement scene on replay for the past week, LOL. There's a strange beauty in that whole scene. The loaded meaning of YS' action, the unspoken love between them, the enjoyment of being with each other, the small smiles and light touches JUST got me every time. And I have to say that Jo Yoon Hee knocked it out of the park this episode with her emotional delivery. Her anguish tears in her last conversation with DJ's mother were so raw and heartbreaking, which made me hate GJ even more...*sobs*

@valzki: I was also curious about how long HGP has been in jail and rechecked the episodes (like I said, I am OCD like that, heh). I assumed the failed wedding happened in summer (given the trees and outfits worn by the actors), so it should be around july-ish or august. Which made it almost 4 for HGP to be in jail in the current drama timeline. However, he got his 6 months sentence around October, which means if he's released in January, he serves only around 3 months out of 6 that he had to do.   


On 12/27/2016 at 11:50 PM, vaberella said:

Gi Pyo's Mother:  She's another piece of work.  She's from reasonable in my eyes.  If she was, she'd find a way to help the girl disappear rather than terrorize YS, willingly.   You may love your son, but if you see the girl doesn't and you know what your son is like, then you wouldn't force her.   Every damn step of the way that woman has dropped hints about Gi Pyo---that YS just misses.  Shoot, I almost miss them.  His violent tendencies, stating along the lines that he should have toned down with whatever illegal activities he was doing.  She even spoke about him as a kid and teenager being in and out of prison.  The woman knows Gi Pyo and yet she is still harassing and stalking YS, while her son's hooligans are another one.  That woman went as far as to threaten YS with her son's own attitude.  There is nothing reasonable there.  The woman is evil. Gi Pyo must have inhereted a good part of his personality from her.

@vaberella: In some ways HGP's mother is way worse than HGP himself. HGP's inability to let YS go is blinded by his obsession, but his mother became his avatar in exacting HGP's hold on YS with her eyes wide open, knowing full well of the irrationality of his obsession but still doing the bidding to fulfill her son's horrible demands. If HGP is a monster, then she is the creator of this monster by enabling or supporting all his whims and fancy no matter how violent and crazy they were. Her behaviors made me see red each freakin time. It's unspeakably horrible to see a woman do this to another woman *shudder*

@pinkdicentra: Thank you for the picture. Both of them look dashingly gorgeous. Though, the picture gave the opposite effect of calming for me as it made me wonder how do we move from YS planning to leave to this wedding picture in an episode or two. It just doesnt compute.

11 hours ago, pimsucre said:

And that wedding photo, I scratched my head to come up with the idea how they end up shooting this photo considering a lot of unfavorable things are happening right now. Or it could be DJ's daydream .. can't wait for tomorrow episode. And thank you all kindhearted recappers in advance. Happy New Year 2017 to all.

@pimsucre: that's what I fear too. I will be quite pissed if the writer trolling us by making this picture to be part of DJ's daydream or something like that. Well, thankfully now we have only a day to see what will truly happen.


In defense of Lee Man Sool :D

Maybe because I am biased for one of my fave granpa actor (heh), I have a different take on LMS unenthusiastic response to news of DJ and YS dating. I have never found his hesitation to be disappointing. The way I see it, his hesitation came mostly from fear of the challenges that his son will have to face, because let's admit it, YS does come with quite heavy baggage of HGP and his mother. Adding to this, DJ's divorce was not too long ago and he knew full well how his wife gonna react to the news given her expectations for their son. From his conversation with DJ, I think it was this last reason that made him hesitated the most. DJ's father, like DJ, is the type who once they decide something will commit themselves fully to the decision. Given the situation, him consenting to them meant that he has to commit twice as hard in his effort to rally behind our couple compared to those he did for DS-TP.  Because of all of these, I can see why he did not jump in joy immediately after discovering this fact of them dating.

In a similar vein, I see his warning for DJ to not meddle in "women's matter" as more of a strategic advise than full on patriarchy. Of course, there maybe an element of patriarchy in it, after all DJ's family is quite conservative, but I see it more as an advise for DJ to not do something that might hurt his cause to get GJ's consent. As we can see throughout the drama, DJ's relationship to his mother is quite formal. Even when he disagreed with his mom, he was always extremely polite and almost reverent towards his mother. Getting into an argument with his mother in order to defend YS (as he almost did) might backfire as his mother might interpret that YS has made her son become unfilial to her. If there's one thing that kdrama has taught me, unfiliality is almost like a cardinal sin. The last thing that DJ needed was to create a strife between him and his mother. I actually agree with MS' advise for DJ to watch his behavior around his mom, because his behavior will affect not only him but also YS, and disproportionately so for YS given her position and situation. That's why, despite the good intention, DJ's carelessness in that scene made me a lil bit mad at him. In regards to his mother, DJ needs to be twice more cautious because of the bond that they have.

Aside from all of these, it was his general reaction compared to GJ's of DJ-YS dating that sealed the deal for me in not being angry at him. The difference in their reaction is almost like heaven and earth. Unlike GJ, he respected his son enough to talk to him directly and kind enough to not dismiss the possibility of giving his consent completely. Unlike GJ, he never blamed YS for liking DJ and assured her that his hesitation is not borne out of his dislike towards YS. Unlike GJ, he never asked YS to pack things off and vanish without a word to DJ. Unlike GJ, he never hand-wring YS using her love and respect for him to emotionally blackmail her. Unlike GJ, he never told her that she's not worth his son (well, to be fair, GJ didnt actually said this. But all her words practically implied this. Especially when she said what benefits will his son get by dating her. Apparently loving her son unconditionally and giving happiness to him are not benefit enough, bleh...). For all of these, I love MS more and more.


The elusive quest for greatness.

This drama makes me think a lot of life and what it means to be successful. GJ always said that she raised her son for greatness and she seems to equate that to material wealth and class stature. No wonder DS can be quite a shallow woman, she got it from her mom, lol. But there's more to life than richness and career success as evident by how unhappy DJ was despite his wealth, education, and having a beautiful rich wife (albeit one with sucky personality, lol). DJ's quest for greatness to fulfill his own and his mother's expectation has left him empty and hollow. Sometimes happiness is right in front of us borne out of small kindness if only we open ourselves to it. This is something that DJ has learned over the course of the drama that GJ in a dire need to learn. GJ needs some sort of rude awakening to break from her class-and-materialistic-colored lenses for viewing the world. Related to this, since we're moving towards to end of the year and thus probably in the mood for reflections, I would recommend this poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Whenever I felt caught in the fire of my ambition, this poem always somehow managed to bring me back to earth (I highlighted my fave line). How I wish I could send this poem to GJ, LOL 


What is Success?

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by
a healthy child, a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed
easier because you have lived;

This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson



Since I will not be able to join the party here on the weekend, let me extend my new year wish here and now.


GOOD RIDDANCE, 2016! lol

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@pinkdicentra thanks for the wedding photo, it's beautiful, alluring enough, there's so much garment below for the main couple's dress... and  @vaberella I really love the DJ & YS progression too. Their chemistry took quite a while to build but I like that they were awkward and comedic as they built up the slow burn pairing.

Just a comment on kbs best couple nominations, i felt a little for them not getting nominated for the best couple award as they do deserve it. But it does not make sense to have 3 couples from one drama, kbs would need to be 'fair' to other dramas (so some weird couplings got nominated instead..) If DJ-YS had gotten nominated, they wouldn't win anything with all the competition so it's also good that the pressure is off. I watched Jo Yoon Hee's radio show and some female comedian guests commented on the great DJ-Ys coupling and JYH said oh but we aren't even in the best couple nominations.. awww.. 

Was rewatching eps this week again and pls allow me to share some great comedic/ sparkly-eyes/ romantic moments from both. When DJ found YS having a lonely dinner at the convenience store when he went to get coffee, he used his eyes to great effect, yeah the LDG effect. Eyes basically said 'you so obviously lied babe abt your dinner plans'. So YS was fumbling with her excuses and at the end of several excuses, DJ goes 'i didn't say anything'. So true. 

The whole ep (was it 26? 27?) was comedy gold - where YS walked straight into a tree immediately aft DJ's confession and grinned cutely, where YS was shaking threading the needle after hearing DJ's confession, and also asking if the photo should be deleted so ppl wouldn't misunderstand - these are so well-executed. 

Great contrasts between GP's forceful ways (in flashback recalled by YS) and DJ giving her as much time as hee needs as he waited for her outside her home to walk her to work aft the confession and also in the first snow scene. A funny thought - in the first snow scene, when DJ and YS shared that this was their first time confessing and hearing a confession respectively, DJ says this line which struck me almost as an appeal to the drama audience to go easy on them. He goes sthg like 'we are both awkward because it's our first time so please let's be understanding to each other'. 

Actually there's one scene that really gave me the feels. After DJ and Ys drink several cans of beer at the shop (SD and Geum have left), the 2 are abt to leave when a call comes through. Ys takes it - it's her almost MIL. In a previous scene, DJ left the room to let YS take GP's call in private, but in this scene, DJ stays put and listens to her talk to almost MIL as she lies to Mil that she's at home. He walks to the window and continues to listen. This was a powerful scene imho, as he acted like a companion/a BF, one of the first distinct signs of possessiveness. And of course later he asks Ys why she's like a different person, so fearful with Gp and Mum and yet so daring with him when they had their run-ins. I really liked this scene!

Alright back to current events, there will be some redemption for GJ, just don't know when. In an earlier ep, DJ had asked what kind of Daughter in law GJ would like and she gives a really decent reply 'someone who treasures you and cares for you'. So in DJ's mind, even though he knows she values status and that makes him unprepared to fess up right now, he does believe his Mom will come around to the idea, just that this smart guy has no idea right now. Like any good Son, he has faith in his mum's values.

I'm waiting too for Mr Gianni Moravia to do some Italian hook-up with wolgyesu.. what happened to the suit he wanted to pass his company as a sample? Anyway while DJ will pine for YS when she leaves, I hope he won't take days or too long  to find her. I really can't take anymore of ppl leaving their job and commitments for days or weeks to go after love. 


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2 hours ago, luvsdramas said:

Just a comment on kbs best couple nominations, i felt a little for them not getting nominated for the best couple award as they do deserve it. But it does not make sense to have 3 couples from one drama, kbs would need to be 'fair' to other dramas (so some weird couplings got nominated instead..) If DJ-YS had gotten nominated, they wouldn't win anything with all the competition so it's also good that the pressure is off. I watched Jo Yoon Hee's radio show and some female comedian guests commented on the great DJ-Ys coupling and JYH said oh but we aren't even in the best couple nominations.. awww..

@luvsdramas How did you manage to understand the conversation on the radio show? Actually, I've been suppressing myself to not talk about this but I can't help it . . . Sorry for the upcoming rant! Sometimes I would use the naver translation app to read the comments after the episodes. There were mixed opinions regarding DJ-YS as a couple, particularly after they got together. There were objective comments but I could tell that a lot were not, such as hate towards JYH's acting (which I think are unreasonable) and also some written by fans of another couple (you know the type of comments where someone has to insult one side to praise another). I can see why KBS decided to leave out the couple from the nominations but I was somewhat upset because first, leaving out the main couple is a terrible marketing strategy for KBS for an ongoing drama, and second, it's pretty discouraging for the actor/actress. For sure 'achu' couple would have been nominated but I can't help but think that SD-SN was nominated because CIP mentioned several times that he wanted to win it. I know that they were/are pretty compatible but many of us couldn't even understand why their characters were married and at times wished they would get divorced. In my opinion, it would have been not a big deal to have all 3 couples nominated even if they don't win and it would have been less insulting/embarrassing (maybe my terms are too harsh?) for JYH and LDG.

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10 hours ago, bajing said:


@vaberella: In some ways HGP's mother is way worse than HGP himself. HGP's inability to let YS go is blinded by his obsession, but his mother became his avatar in exacting HGP's hold on YS with her eyes wide open, knowing full well of the irrationality of his obsession but still doing the bidding to fulfill her son's horrible demands. If HGP is a monster, then she is the creator of this monster by enabling or supporting all his whims and fancy no matter how violent and crazy they were. Her behaviors made me see red each freakin time. It's unspeakably horrible

My recollection, perhaps incorrect, is that HGP's mother didn't go full crazy on NYS until MHJ called her and told her that she had gotten her son released early and that she could repay her by monitoring NYS and making sure she kept away from LDJ. 

Before MHJ's phone call, the mother had visited YGP and attempted to persuade him that since NYS was not interested in continuing their relationship she was not worth his obsession and he should move on. 

Not to excuse the mother's thuggish behavior, but I suspect that left to her own devices she probably would have left NYS alone. 

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@pinkdicentra I don't understand 90% of what is said on the Volume Up radio show but can pick up things here and there and I replay it to catch more when I sense sthg interesting. In this case, JYH mentioned 'couple' and the body language/ slight moan/ embarrassment at the compliment was clear before she snapped out of it quickly. I think on another recent episode, she talked with a guest abt LDG's amazing chok-chok eyes for quite a bit but that I couldn't really understand the details.

Anyway, I couldn't help but feel that she would have self-doubt too abt her acting as she has also not been nominated for any solo award too, right? Even ard the time of casting news, the opinion on her was that she is just all right, somewhat underwhelming. To her credit, JYH is the type of actress who does comedy, sincerity, purity, natural beauty very well and her eyes are an asset. She grows on u. LDG slipped into the romantic phase of this role more quickly than her but when I rewatch the eps, I find the romance even more beautiful as they took their time. I don't think it's only me here who wanted more skinship, better hair for her and I wanted more alluring clothes for her. On nominations, yeah CIP/LMR wanted it so bad.. Besides balancing things out across shows no trying to please as many sides, (like seriously why did Becky's back get nominated for couple??), kbs is also going for the couples who have some of these factors: natural chemistry; huge fanbase/anticipation; some uniqueness (to show kbs isn't just abt man meets woman) and another into factor is the real-life rship or chemistry between the two. I mean look at LsY and KTY shipping, collaborating and supporting each other (or PBG and KYJ). On this maybe JYH shouldn't have said what she did on Happy Together, I recall seeing CIP's worried face as he looked at what JYH was doing to her own coupling or their drama lol... I think we could see this in LMR and LDG too actually.. anyway JYH does not have an easy time matching up to LDG's acting (LDG has his critics too).

i love the DJ-YS couple  (I like TY & HW too although I wish she would just go to work and stop hanging ard burger place). I'm sure many are wondering why DJ-YS are not nominated and that fans are hoping the lack of it does not discourage them. Another nail-biting part of tonight's award show is whether it will be Five Children or Wolgyesu winning best long drama. I absolutely loved FC but my vote is actually for Wolgyesu! Will it be shared?? I think JYH was showing more of her coy acting when they were at Christmas dinner and DJ teased her abt getting drunk. And the DJ on YS's lap thing was in DJ/YS style, very intimate but innocent. That surely needed a lot of takes - it is almost a yoga move! On the radio show, jYH also mentioned that the PD has been compiling the NGs which they will see at the end of the drama. LDG says it should be fun while JYH says it's embarrassing. I've never heard of NGs being released to us the audience (other than those snippets on YouTube, I'm expecting a whole set of NGs from wolgyesu lol). Maybe the wolgyesu actors will get to see a compilation of the NGs at the wrap up party or sthg? If anybody knows, pls say, can we see this at all??. And we are all waiting for that sizzling kiss, the anticipation or nervousness might be getting to both actors as well! 

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@luvsdramas I think the reference to the NG compilations are the bloopers from the radio show and not the drama. At first I thought it was related to the drama too, but because JYH mentions that they will reveal it during the 1-year anniversary and LDG is invited but it's after the drama airing, it makes more sense that it's about the radio show. Too bad, I wonder if we'll ever get more BTS footage of the drama.  JYH isn't nominated for the netizen/popularity award that's based on votes but it's still possible for her to get an excellence for serial drama (or whatever they call it) if KBS wants to award her for it. I don't have much to comment on her acting because I'm not sure how much of it is a result of the writing, but I think she has the right feel for the role. I remember watching those close up scenes of her face during the first snow fall and thinking how well it worked in bringing out the innocent/pure feeling of YS (while thinking of all the complaints that Moon Lovers got with all the close-ups). As for the couple awards, KBS has been allocating 5 couples for the awards in the past years. Since the netizen and couple awards are partially based on votes, I don't see why they just can't have everyone eligible nominated (for example, I know TVB, Hong Kong's main TV station does that, at least in the past, but I don't follow them now), and then they wouldn't have all these weird questions from us viewers (I had to google Becky's Back. Why are the nominees 3 guys? Other dramas had bromances too, lol).

@effyisme They are really trying to confuse us with these photos. I don't think it will be just a dream but also don't think it's going to be happy news since we've still got 14 episodes left. But at least the photos look really nice.

I still have another day before new year arrives, but since many of you will be in 2017 before I'm back on the thread:



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1 hour ago, effyisme said:

Latest posting from gentle 

It appears that they exchanged wedding rings:wub: I can't wait for tonight's episode and I hope it's not a dream..

I don't think it would be the wedding ring. It must be the couple ring DJ gave to YS. Regarding the wedding I was thinking maybe they took the pic to commemorate the suit YS make for DJ perhaps? 

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9 minutes ago, ctheirne said:

I don't think it would be the wedding ring. It must be the couple ring DJ gave to YS. Regarding the wedding I was thinking maybe they took the pic to commemorate the suit YS make for DJ perhaps? 

Oh yes you must be right! It could be the couple rings :wub: I guess the mystery will be revealed in tonight's òr tomorrow's episodes...

Here's wishing all fellow friends a Very Happy new Year!

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28 minutes ago, effyisme said:

Oh yes you must be right! It could be the couple rings :wub: I guess the mystery will be revealed in tonight's òr tomorrow's episodes...

Here's wishing all fellow friends a Very Happy new Year!

but didn't DJ say something like they're going to put on their couple rings when all obstacles have been cleared up ?? as for the above pic, why I feel a little gender role exchanged here ... the way DJ stretching his fingers came off to me like a woman showing a ring to a man ..

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Episode starts at the tailor shop:
Yunshil is using the pattern and tailor chalk on the fabric and she begins sewing.
This clearly takes place over a few days as she's shown to be wearing different clothes. The suit is coming along well.
It's on a mannequin now, even though it's not quite done. There's a Yunshil monologue as she talks about DJ, something about a farewell gift?

Meanwhile, DJ is back at Jeil for another meeting. He's promoting Wolgyesi as usual.

At tony's burger, ES and HW are waiting for TY to finish his work. She's referring to him as Kang Star. he finishes his work and joins them. ES is complaining
something to TY. This is just a wild guess but I think TY isn't interested in becoming a Halyu star, much to ES's dismay. I think his lifelong dream is to be a teacher. HW is all smiles 
and supportive but ES clearly disapproves. 

Back at the tailor shop, DJ arrives and sees YS working hard on his suit. He looks on her through the display window and even snaps pictures of her working. She cleary does not notice it. He sends her a picture 
of her working to her. He comes in and he says he's cold. She places her hands on his cheeks. He asks where SD and Mrs Geum are and I think they left. It's another fitting session or something as DJ tries the suit.
She asks him if the fit is okay and all and he says it's perfect. She asks him if he likes the design and he likes it. He compares it to an Italian suit?

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A lag in my stream..
HJ stares at them from outside the shop.
Then she goes to the Lee household. She's begging GJ to accpet her back, making all kinds of promises. Oh wait, this is a flashback scene. HJ remembers her earlier meeting with GJ. I think
she's wondering why DJ is still with YS even though they're supposed to break up.

Back at the Min household, ES comes home and is greeted by HS and JY. She isn't pleased to see them. HS says they have something to tell her and announces their marriage. ES asks if JY is pregnant and 
she says she isn't. HS tells ES that people don''t just get married because of pregnancy or something. He says he wants to get married quickly too. JY promises to be good to HS or something. THey ask for 
ES's blessing. ES says no and says something, and then walks out and leaves. She slams the door to her bedroom and is looking disgusted. JY asks what they're going to do about it. HS says no to worry he'll think of
something. ES talks to herself as she takes out her earring and wonders where HW is. 

Hw is dozing off on TY's bed as TY is studying at his desk. SHe gets a call from ES and ignores it. TY tells her to go back if she's tired and she says she's fine. He even teases her about drooling. She asks him for a kiss 
but he says no so she kisses him on the cheek. He suggests that they go outside for some air and she agrees but only if he piggybacks her. He refuses sayin that they'll be seen by others at the gosiwon. Eventually he checks if the coast 
is clear and piggybacks her outside. Cue Mission impossible music and how he says let's go and rushes out of the building with her on his back. 

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At the tailor shop, DJ and Ys talk but YS seems dead serious about something. Dj asks her if something's wrong but she says it's nothing and she's 
probably just tired. He gives her shoulders a massage. He later leaves the shop and runs into TY and HW who are taking a walk. HW sees DJ and calls him out and 
runs to hug him, saying she misses him and all. It's a revelation moment as TY introduces HW as his girfriend and HW learns that TY and DJ are close. HW asks who YS is and TY says she's DJ's gf. HW says nothig but 
has a troubled look. 

They go out for a drink and as DJ offers YS a piece of chicken, HW gestures to TY to feed her too. TY and YS both excuse themselves to answer a phone call and go to the toilet respectively. HW takes the time to talk
to DJ about YS and says she didn't expect him to move on so quickly. She clearly is on team HJ. she asks what does DJ like about Ys and he points out about her good qualities like how she is a warm person and all. They walk out
after the drink and TY and HW excuse themselves. DJ says something that makes Hw protests and TY drags her out with him. I think it's because HW is under the impression that YS/DJ are living together? 

Meanwhile, SN is cooking and is having weird thoughts about how SD will leave her and run to EY. She gets panicked and leaves the house, leaving her cooking on the stove unattended.
TP and DS are in his room and he's writing a song and playing for her. They smell something burning and runs to turn off the stove. SD goes to the bakery but hides quickly when he sees Sn in there.
SN asks EY's son about the ajusshi from the tailor shop.The boy says something. SN tells EY about the castella that her husband likes and asks EY about her own husband. dunno what EY says but Sn finally leaves. She wonders what happens to EY's husband
and whether they got a divorce. She's scared SD might leave her. SD watches her leave a and enters the shop and is greeted by EY's son. EY asks to meet SD's wife and he is hesitant. EY says something about how SD's wife will be like her own 

TY and HW are walking back together and she asks him about YS. TY is singing praises for YS and HW isn't pleased. TY says something about how he's known YS since childhood. HW gets upset and begins comparing herself to YS, asking TY to choose about 
something. HW is dead serious but TY is completely joking as he says he needs to think. HW is so upset and TY finally realises that. She walks away and he tries to calm her by chasing after her and even offers her a piggyback. She kicks him instead.

DJ and YS arrive home and is greeted by GJ. GJ says nothing and aks them to rest. YS goes to her room and MS calls her out from outside. He gives her food (sweet potatoes?) and tells her she's like his own daughter.

Hw comes back looking glum and ES asks what happens. HW tells ES that DJ is dating TY's friend. ES is shocked. 

HJ calls GJ to ask about DJ.After the call, ES rushes into HJ's room to tell him about DJ and his gf. Dunno what HJ said. 

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uick recap.

SN comes home and TP-DS ask what's wrong.

HW is livid and is staring at her phone but TY isn't calling. he's busy studying.

SD comes home and SN offers him castella but he says no. SD is scared and goes to his jacket to check on the pocket. 

DJ goes to YS's room but she isn't in. She's at the tailor shop again, working on the suit.

The next morning, ES reads the newspaper and she sees the wedding announcement of Hs-JY. She calls HS. She seems to be 
having a headache. HW creeps up behind her to leave the house. She notices HW and asks where HW is going. HW is going to meet TY
as usual but ES asks what happens after their fight. Clearly TY didn't call HW last night and ES scold HW and tells HW that she needs 
to follow her advices if she wants TY to treat her like a princess. Clearly HW initiated everything in their relationship, like professing her love first 
and all that. As they talk, TY calls and HW automatically tries to pick up her phone but ES slaps her hand. TY wonders what happens but he has to get to work
so he leaves after the missed call.

At the tailor shop, Mrs Geum, DJ and SD come in to work and are greeted by YS who is in a very good mood. She offers to make them all coffee. SHe later gives Dj a file
and they go to this room full of suits. Dunno what they're talking about. 

Meanwhile, SN stares at YE from outside the bakery window only to be startled by TP. he asks her what she's doing. She asks TP what he thinks of YE, whether she's pretty 
and all that from a man's POV. TP says YE isn't his style. He asks her who she is and i think she says that's what she's trying to find out. 

TP goes to the tailor shop to ask SD about this and Sd is completely shocked that SN knows about YE already. TP asks who she is and SD says YE is his first love. 

SN goes home and checks her reflection in the mirror. She gets a call from Sd and he sounds so soft on the line haha. He's scared what SN will do to YE. 

Meanwhile, YS is walking out to deliver a suit and DJ offers her a ride. they go to this studio and something happens but a photoshoot is being delayed because of something. It's a 
wedding photoshoot. DJ offers the two of them to take a wedding picture (sorry, i missed out this part on why he says that). Anyway, they change into wedding attires and DJ is mesmerized by how 
beautiful YS looks in a wedding dress. He tells her there's something on her head and kisses her on the forehead instead. 
It's all so sweet and when he puts the ring on her finger, it's their couple ring that YS has been wearing as a loceket. 

After the shoot is over, DJ and YS go back to the tailor shop. They talk about the photoshoot. They both go into the shop, YS walking in first. She goes upstairs to see Mrs Geum sewing. She gives a pair of scissors to Mrs
Geum as a gift.

At the Min household, HW's phone rings again and despite HW rushing to answer the phone, ES gets there first and stops her. She's depressed but ES makes her repeat a chant and tells her to be strong.
Clearly, this exercise is killing HW. At Tony's burger, TY is clearing tables and sees the announcement on TV about KBC's announcer, Jy and HS's marriage. 

Back at the tailor shop, DJ and YS are about to leave and YS hugs DJ, thanking him. DJ leaves first. YS checks on the finished suit. She goes to the Lee household and greets GJ. GJ tells her that she'll be leaving tomorrow morning? or something.
She apologizes for making GJ wait. YS gives GJ two gifts for her and MS. GJ is in tears and apologizes to her again. YS is crying too but is being too kind again for her own good. Gah, what a tearjerker scene. 

DJ comes home with a box of cupcakes. He goes to her room and call her. She's checking on his suit and quickly pretends to sleep when she hears him. DJ opens the door to find her sleeping and despite calling her softly, she remains asleep. He tells her to 
enjoy the food and all that and tears are coming out of her eyes as she pretends to be sleeping. After he finally leaves, YS cries her eyes out. (So sad)

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