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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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@Blue_Shirt OMO I love your FMV and the song is so appropriate.. for our Jihye couple. Your song choice not only captured their love for one another but their personalities too.  :heart: good-job-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862

Here is the lyrics.... yes you've made me dig up the lyrics hahaha! Ive neva heard of the song before and I love it now.



May these words be the first
To find your ears.
The world is brighter than the sun
Now that you’re here.
Though your eyes will need some time to adjust
To the overwhelming light surrounding us,

I’ll give you everything I have.
I’ll teach you everything I know.
I promise I’ll do better.
I will always hold you close,
But I will learn to let you go.
I promise I’ll do better.
I will soften every edge,
I’ll hold the world to its best,
And I’ll do better.
With every heartbeat I have left
I will defend your every breath,
And I’ll do better.

’Сause you are loved.
You are loved more than you know.
I hereby pledge all of my days
To prove it so.
Though your heart is far too young to realize
The unimaginable light you hold inside,

I’ll give you everything I have.
I’ll teach you everything I know.
I promise I’ll do better.
I will always hold you close,
But I will learn to let you go.
I promise I’ll do better.
I will rearrange the stars,
Pull ‘em down to where you are.
I promise, I’ll do better.
With every heartbeat I have left,
I’ll defend your every breath.
I promise I’ll do better.
I will soften every edge,
Hold the world to its best.
I promise I’ll do better.
With every heartbeat I have left,
I’ll defend your every breath,
(I’ll do better.)
cr. azlyrics


HI-5! Chingue


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I'm chiming in in this thread just to say that you're not alone. Count me in, in your boat. I'm shipping our ssinz7 with Yoon Kyun Sang, too. And honestly it pains me knowing from the very start that it's gonna be a heart break. Yoon Do is such a gullible little bear towards Hye Jung. And I agree with what someone said earlier (sorry, forgot your username) YD seems to have sadomasochist tendencies, LOL. I hope he won't end up with Seo Woo, though. I just don't see them 'click', if you know what I mean. 

On another note, I kind of wish the writer will give us another view of JH's life. He's been portrayed as the perfect man so far, I really want to see his flaws because nobody's supposed to be perfect.

All in all, I'm enjoying this drama so much that I've been replaying it during my Eid vacation in my hometown. I can't hardly wait the surprise our writer-nim is going to give us.

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Are we expecting our next preview for Monday ? It's Friday!!! Happy TGIF! Countdown to 3 days~! 

I wonder how will writer nim continue their lines after the kiss. Will HJ and JH start dating ? 

Since its 20 episodes... While on the other hand, I hope to see more doctor scenes on how they save people. Some unique and rare illness. 

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2 hours ago, SukBin said:

I am totally disappointed with some of the recapping sites especially DB.... I have seen recaps of dramas that were outright boring to death being mentioned as engrossing and the recapper prodding people to have patience for it..... but when it comes to Doctors.... it looks like the recapper has been disillusioned with the drama right from the beginning... especially offended that Doctors dared to show that a teacher fell in love with a student and not to mention expecting it to be more of Doctoresque genre than of Romantic drama genre... In my view if the recapper does not identify with the drama.. they can stop recapping it... instead of disillusioning people who love the drama and turning off people who rely on DB recaps to decide if they want to watch the drama.... Looks like the very fact that Doctors is loved by so many people and is a ratings monster is hard to swallow for some... since it does not suit their palate of drama taste.... Just hope they stop recapping or bring in some one else who is not cynic in their approach towards "Doctors'drama.

I am ranting especially about DB... because honestly its one of the recapping sites i had respect for ...but seems like I need to review my opinion about it....


Honestly I agree with you, sure the recapper and everyone for that matter are entitled to their own opinion, what bothered me about the  latest recap,is how it just looked like a summary of events, it just missed something and I was wondering if this is really what that episode was about, the recapper's comments at the end didn't help either, although I appreciate her opinions and agree with her on some points, it seemed as if the recapper is not enjoying the show and wants to drop it, I remember when Dr.Jin was airing, I couldn't watch the drama cause it was really bad but diligently followed the recaps because the writer knew where to find that sliver lining in an otherwise terrible show and continued to write recaps that we're quite engaging. But in this case, it just turns me off. I really do appreciate the effort and I am grateful for the different opinions, but you don't have to force yourself to do something you don't want to do. 


With that being said, I will continue to read  recaps regardless of everything, it just turned to a habit, but they have their opinion and I have mine, and that will be the end of the story.

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8 hours ago, Raquel Bastian said:

can't help to check on the comments from other sites, and kinda sad that people are underwhelmed/disappointed with the kiss, i hope this will not result to slip of the ratings huhu

preview where are you? redemption time hehehe 

preview will be come somewhere near.. i don't know when tho heheh... i din't read/follow any other site than soompi so i don't really know how the respons out there.. but they being disappointed maybe because they already put too much expectation about the first kiss. i don't blame them tho.. maybe due to KRW track record, they expect something wow.. from him. 


5 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

We know that he decided to take the surgery of HJ's stepmother hence he called her and left a message on her voicemail. However, she never replied. Since she left the hospital, he knows where she hangs around: the Sooni Hawaii Bar as she once invited him to join her there. So he decides to go there. We know that JH was waiting for her there. YD witnesses the kiss scene from afar and is shocked. Honestly, I would like it to happen because it would serve very well our purpose:

- YD realises that HJ has no experience with men: the kiss is pure and innocent

- Sure, he is hurt, but on the other hand, he observes that the relationship doesn't seem to be that deep. As conclusion, he has got some chances.

- Finally, this gives YD the opportunity to realise that SW will lie, as soon as she starts saying that JH and HJ had an unethical relationship in the past. IF this really happens: He saw with his own eyes that JH kissed her for the first time.

Although YD might be jealous of JH, I don't think that he will allow those rumours to circulate because it would hurt HJ the most. From my point of view, YD is a very innocent man and he will do anything to protect her as well.

What do you think about it? 

i think YD can read it already, that what SW said about HJ wasn't true. but he won't take it as a matter since his feeling for HJ now still on admire / respect / interested stage (early stage of in love but not really there yet). but i agree later maybe he will protect HJ from SW false rumors. 

SW is right tho, TD has no luck in woman... 

anyway, it will be good as you told if YD saw them... but i don't really wanna it happened, just because sometime YD just to cute and i don't wanna him to get hut right now.. poor him crazy-monkey-emoticon-140.gif?1292792415


5 hours ago, andreasofia16 said:

My dear friends, your fingers are dangerous. :o I have to read about ten pages.:huh: It's that I don't want to miss anything! :rolleyes: 

But before I start reading, I want to share this with you. Maybe someone brought it, so I apologize if I'm repeating this. For me this was interesting and very significant. It is as if he was grabbing her and would not let go. Isn't wonderful? Does this gesture does not make you love him more?  Someone knows the catalog where you can buy men like him? I want one!:wub:

unfortunately men like him is limited edition and hard to find, if you want some you have to reserve it first. but it took a decade to reproduce crazy-monkey-emoticon-145.gif?1292792417 i want some too by the way

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5 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

no one gave me a dope on Ji Soo.. can someone throw light on why he is popular?

For me, first time i knew ji soo from drama "angry mom" and i love his acting there, new face but he can act, he played as someone who fall in love with ahjumma (if you are curious you can watch that drama while waiting monday :))..you can also watch him in drama "sassy go go" and "page tuner"

I love his acting and he is charming too, but in Docs i prefer KRW aka JH for HJ from all of the guys, JiHye couple :wub:


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19 minutes ago, dhia205 said:

Sorry for cut your post


unfortunately men like him is limited edition and hard to find, if you want some you have to reserve it first. but it took a decade to reproaduce crazy-monkey-emoticon-145.gif?1292792417 i want some too by the way

@dhia205 you kill me... :lol::lol:  But what a problem! It's a lot of time to wait and I can't wait... Or  meantime, can I study medicine for entertainment? :D

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Don't worry about the negative recappers. They are just stewing in jealousy that UF is not doing as awesome as Doctors since they and the media have hyped up UF so much. Their bias is not as talented or awesome as our PSH, KRW, and cast.  They can say all they want, the ratings tells us Doctors, a not pre-produced drama, is well loved because 6 episodes in and still high ratings. Imagine if Doctors had been pre-produced, the ratings would be off the hook! I'm loving every moment! 

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Hello again.

So here's my thoughts about the drama up to now, having watched all six aired episodes.

Let me start with everybody's favorite - the kiss. With the really great chemistry with these two actors and with one actor being a drama veteran and almost everyone's dreamboat, I honestly expected a better kiss. We can say that yeah, these two didn't even get together and they were probably testing the water.

But let me ask something that was popped up by a very good friend of mine. We saw all the obvious signs that teach was into HJ, and as creepy as that sounds, I wasn't against it at all, because he doesn't look like a perv or a teacher. And HJ definitely doesn't looks like a student. That's why I prefer her in the lab coat and scrubs. The point is, how did teach know that HJ liked him too? So far, aside from some random facial expressions by PSH, we weren't seen any interest in HJ. She didn't hate him, but she didn't even get affected much.

Maybe he was her favorite teacher, being all cool and everything. But beside being affected when he hugged her and kissed her, HJ was just living her life. Ah my favorite teacher came? Awesome. More brownie points. But romantic interest? As much as I love the kiss scene, I honestly wish they kept the romance angle a bit more into the future. At least they could've leveled the playing field.

HJ was doing amazing alone, getting admiration by cute puppy docs, cute bffs and hilarious gangsters. As much as I love the romance, I really didn't expect the kiss. And the more I see it, HongHongHong treated her like a little girl when he was hugging her. And the Classic moment, please.... Do we need anymore cliches?

Saying that, I honestly am in love with HongHongHong and HJ and YD too. They ate very realistic characters. Although JH is more of a dreamboat more than anything. I've already explained about why I love YD. So let me explain a bit about our rich spoiled princess.

SW came off as silent, with rage curled up inside her. She was honestly very jealous of HJ although she was rich and got everything she asked. Her parents pampered her and she was used to getting everything in her life, except love. But she has to know, she should give love to receive it. She was just asking for love and respect, she has to earn it. With the way she confessed to YD and JH, she could've quickly become a favorite of mine. But she effed up big when she turned to out to be having grudges against HJ although HJ seems to have forgotten about it. Holding grudges is something I despise.

But that moment when she turned away when HJ was changing was something that made me think twice. She's respectful. She's an amazing doctor. She's pretty and she's kind. She's not even stubborn. But she's jealous and that seems to affect her life. Also that moment made me wish they became friends again. How cool would it be to have your bff with you working together?

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19 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

HJH's father has been a long friend with SW's grandfather hence they were so close. However, the adoption must have caused a riff in their friendship because suddenly he had a son and later, HJH was studying much better than SW's father. Remember, SW's father graduated at an average university, while HJH graduated at the Seoul University. So it hurt the pride of SW's grandfather. Besides, HJH's father (Doo Sik) said that his son wasn't a real doctor as he would focus too much on money.

I also don't believe that Doo Sik (HJH's father) has anything to do with the covering up of Halmoni's surgery. I am quite sure, SW's grandfather did it, thinking that not even Doo Sik would even look into it because he doesn't know this woman. I don't think that SW's father has made a connection between HJ and JH either. 

As for the black hole: maybe HJH's father was involved in the car accident that caused the death of JH's parents. Maybe out of guilt, he decided to adopt JH later. First, he helped the orphanage where JH was living and realised that it was not good enough. And that's the black hole. JH discovers that he is responsible for his parents' death, however I don't think that JH would really blame him. 


Because he doesn't see the problem. He knows that SW's grandfather is a close friend to his own father hence he doesn't expect any dirty tricks from SW's grandfather. He doesn't expect any betrayal. Moreover, he is not really aware of the fight between his father's vision and the vision of SW's father. 

@bebebisous33  Great theory chingu , that might be why he has a little black hole because Ji Hong doesn't know about it. What truly makes me mad is that SW'a grandfather should bake himself for the way his kid turned out. I think SW's father has had ally of patient die I surgery at his hands. That maybe one of the reason he was sent away in the first place. Because they were close friends , Doo Shik did not report Jos friends son to the medical board. I don't think they covered it up but gave him lots of chances because of who he is. SW's father and grandfather are just greedy and have no morals becaus they only care about themselves and their reputation.  smh smh smh 

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