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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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I´m back - mian - it was a bit chaotic in the Morning - so I had to leave very sudden...

I rewatching a few Scenes right now...


And I came to a few conclusions again.

For Episode 3 - When YJ was in KCs Penthouse and the Attack happen - so I believe KC on that Time was already half believing that the Culprit in his Life is from another Dimension and YJ too - I believe thats why KC was so eager to get the faceless man away from YJ - he was not sure  - but this "Man" might be able to hurt or even kill JY.



The Law of a Story.. The Murdercase

If you will create a good STory you need a few Main Leads - and a lot of Sidekicks. But those Sidekicks have often not even a Name - because a Story turns to be chaotic if there are too many People the Reader must concentrate on. Thats why there are naturaly in every Story are a lot Shodow Charas. If it was never importend for the Father who killed the Family from KC - because he did not plan to put a Story behind it - the Murder is just like that too - a Shadowcharacter. I said that before - and I feel just more and more it will be like that. Those Person was not really a Person - only a tool - to make KCs World shatter and get him in the Situation he was - to create the Story SM wanted to build up.

Until KC regain his own Will on the Bridge - telling himself he have to find the Murder of his Family - that was not the issue of the Story SM made up. KC was not planned to become so strong and aiming for the truth behind his tragedy. That is alone KC.

For me this Faceless Person can´t be a real Person from the real World - (Writer can prove me to be wrong as always) - because he / she / it is way too good. Shadow can shoot and fight and can vanish - because SM can clean the drawing out on his Tablet.

The second mightyful tool for SM is the Phone. The Moment when he draw the Scene and let it be like - the nurse got a Call from an unknown Man - the Voice is telling her what to do - and she obays... The Character in the Book will follow - just because SM made her to do it - leading by the Call.

Same happend with KC - he got a Call too - and he can´t remember why he left his Guard behind and went to the Rooftop.




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4 hours ago, superxbunny99 said:

I just have more and more questions as each episode gets released (almost said chapter, I'm really thinking this is some manhwa omg someone help). I was so so so so pleased by how everything turned out: one minute I was like I hate So Hee, the next minute I was like OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. Just a thought, but I'm wondering if Kang Chul is immortal in the real world now seeing as how Yeon Joo was in the manhwa world. SPOILER/THOUGHTS: Pretty sure the killer dude is from the real world, I mean how else could he disappear like that; the only person we know who can disappear that easily is Yeon Joo and she's from the real world. If that's the case, Kang Chul won't be able to die and may be able to get his revenge on the killer dude (?), that's if my theory is right and he actually finds the killer dude. SO SO SO MANY QUESTIONS AND SO SO SO MANY THOUGHTS. But honestly, I can totally relate to how the real world characters feel right now. I'm going crazy with them, and I"m going even crazier knowing that I'll have to wait another week before we can get more action and more answers answered (or maybe even more questions to spring about). 


So many thoughts!! Will Kang Chul's world still exist as he now is aware that his world was all fake?  I'm actually wondering if KC can now die/be injured in YJ's world, as KC's world is now gone (? maybe gone? temporarily gone?)? I remember something in episode 4 saying something about once the main character is aware that he is fiction...something something...can't remember haha. YJ did say during the voiceover that KC was the only one who survived when time stopped in his manhwa world (?).

I wonder if KC is actually testing whether he can die or actually wants to die during that bridge scene in the episode 5 preview.

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2 hours ago, Moongazer said:

i'm just new to this thread, and wonder if someone has mentioned/realize in every important scene it always raining

- Ep 1 - .KC suicidal attempt --> Rain (Check) 

- EP 2 - YJ morph to KC world --> Rain (check check)

- EP 3 - YJ & Mom leaves dad, and dad decide a new start of KC life --> Rain (double chcek and can i get one more please)

- Ep 4 - KC enter real world and suddenly rain pouring down 

even preview ep 5 also show there will be a rain in han bridge 

i don't know whether its pure for cinematography, coincidence or there something beyond the presence of Rain. :blink:

anyone care to share your theory ? :D

 I thought when she go to KC's world, it wasn't raining. It was raining when she was in her world? 

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30 minutes ago, huynh.aaron said:

Han Hyo Joo's acting and facial expressions make the drama so much fun to watch, I have no idea how anyone can dislike her.


I love her, she's such a good actress, I love her since Dong Yi ...I think she's beautiful in W

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Just finished second round watch episode 3:wub:

Kang Chul is very kind and dangerous at the same time.For example YJ know everything about  KC from webtoon cannot believe KC can shoot him.We also believe he will dont shoot.As a result we can not predict what Kang Chul do next.:angry:

4 hours before episode 4 in here:w00t:



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Today was a very tiring day for me... but I was so happy when I got home and was able to watch episode 4! :D

But....that ending... that ending is sooooo good.... BUT I NEED MORE!!! WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WEEK FOR THE NEXT EP!?!? ;-;

This drama is soooo good! I'm loving the flow of this drama!!! And woah!! I was so surprised that W and Lee Jong Suk was trending WORLDWIDE!!! This drama is getting A LOT of love worldwide and in Korea as well!!! :D

At the end of the preview, Kang Chul said: "This must be a perfect ending for someone who is looking for a murderer and became a murderer himself"... I really hope Kang Chul won't commit murder... Kang Chul also took a gun from the policeman so maybe he's gonna use that to kill someone??? I really hope Yeon Joo will able to stop him before he kills someone. It also sounds like Kang Chul wants to kill Yeon Joo's father too since Yeon Joo's father made Kang Chul go all those horrible events...

Urg... I'm gonna be so angry in the next 6 days... gotta wait till next week for the next ep... If anyone know where I can buy a time travel machine, please tell me. I want to time travel to next week for the next ep. :)


This wink reminds of Dr. Hoon's wink lol XD


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Actually the rule for travelling between the 2 dimensions - the real world vs the webtoon, is abit unclear. For     YJ when she says she is being dragged into the webtoon because KC kept insisting the fact that she is the main key for his existence, does she mean she will be transported back whenever KC says this phrase to a third person? Or just having thoughts of it in KC's mind is enough to send YJ back?

Also I wonder what is the premises governing how the path to the real world opens up for KC. The first time  he was stabbed on the hotel's rooftop, the surrounding webtoon characters didn't freeze in time, while the dimension window did not open for him when the truck tried to run him over(even though his surroundings did freeze). At the police station, he wasn't facing any life threatening situations, unlike the first two scenarios. At first I thought it was a mean for him to teleport to escape death(like in QIHM), but it doesn't seems like it now.

One thing I find amusing is that KC uses the gun to scratch his head after firing a live round at YJ. Wouldn't that leave a burn mark on his forehead?? The barrel is still hot. But I guess he is alright since that is the webtoon world and he is the main character lol

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Next Point

- when YJ came back to her World Soo Bong had checked the WebToon. He was shocked - as we all knew - about the Scene in the Bathroom - Yeon Joo doing the - see I´m in underwear - Trick and later we saw on the Screen the Scene from the REstaurant and the Chase - YJ in Jail - KC visiting her... all that ... but there was no Picture from KC how he shot her. So it seems like that was not a Part of the WebToon.... why?


There are not many Scenes left from the long Preview - so I feel like very soon the Drama will become even more unpredictable. Somehow it feels like this is all the Intro for us - but the real thing will start soo. That is indeed strange - because I´m already in a Rollercoaster and every Episode is so strong and intense. But with that long Preview they really triggered a lot ideas and they lurded us in - it was a great Strike from the Broadcast Station.

The Fighting Scene was not there until now - but KC is not wearing the black Suite in that scene... so later.

And of course the Scene with SM. He was dragged by a bloody Hand in the Comic World too - I believed and I still hang on to that theory - it is the Scene from the Past - that Night on the Rooftop - because of what SM wears and a bloody hand again... I hope KC will not be hurted like that again.

In my mind the Scene with SM on the Floor and Blood on his Hands is related to the Scene ha got dragged in the W World. But I can´t trust my instincts here - the Writer is too good. I still believe until now - that the Blood in this Scene is from CK.


For next Week - KC becoming a Murder - I had to think of it twice and yes KC is capable to shot - but I still think he will not do it. Extremly when he saw the Picture before - and knows than too - that Sung Moo is Yeon Joos Father.

But he will freak out - of course - who would not. And it will rip him apart.

In my Eyes it is believable that KC will try to kill himself later. (can he die in this World????) Maybe SM told him that this Scene was the turning Point - maybe not - they will not have a nice talk - thats for sure.

Just because he is a strong Person can´t mean he is unbreakable - and I believe the strong side is just one Side- I can´t forget what he told YJ in the Jail. That was his own Story - and he said it too - after that he could not live a normal life anymore - he still can´t sleep... All that Pain - Fiction!




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23 minutes ago, chiharuhime said:

A little late to join the discussion thread. But, I'm gonna put this out there...

W deserves the ratings that Descendants of the Sun got!!!


Sorry I cut your post, I just have watched one ep of DOTS, and the story doesn't make me hooked. The chemistry between 2 main characters is kinda off to me too. I think W has more interesting plot, not sure if it will surpass DOTS in ratings but let's hope for the best

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I´m not ready yet - sorry...


It´s a bit funny - we are on Episode 4 - so logical - KCs World can´t shatter on this Point for real. Of course Do Yoon, So Hee and even that mean Prosecutor Han Chul Ho will be Part of the Drama.  But right now it really makes me wonder... how --- why...

Same for KC - we all know his Life is not in Danger for real - but still - we suffer with him... and he really suffered a lot...

I guess I was wrong - I thought the Fighting Scene in the Rain KC was with Do Yoon....

If they will let it Rain like that in the future Episode too - KC should not only grap a Gun but an Umbrella too. Only one is needed - I like a Couple and one Umbrella Scenes. (maybe because of my own Memory... sob).

I still have this Feeling like we are in the Middle of the Intro - and soon the Action will start - not sure in which World - both?

Prosecutor will be the Villian who tries to get KC for real - and how to solve the case that YJ is a Fugitive now...

Really Writer - you are only happy when you give as all you can - I love her !


I had my funny Moments - but right now - I´m stuck in the Dilemma and i fear his Pain. Can Imagine it too well.

When Soo Bong picked Clothes for Yeon Joo I was actually thinking for a Moment in a Second she will wear a funny Comic Shirt too. I was surprised he chosed plain white. :D

And for the next Episode - haha - mad Doc - YJ really ruined your Action Comic. She is now the Fiance of your Hero. Get that !


... a second later after a short Smile about that Parts of the Drama - I´m back to ... poor KC - how to handle this... poor YJ - whe must really feel   right now like it was her fault. In that Moment I felt like she regretet it soo much - and would rather go back in the Jail. In her Heart KC is just a real Man - nothing else.


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26 minutes ago, LanA said:

 I thought when she go to KC's world, it wasn't raining. It was raining when she was in her world? 


Yes it was raining in our/real world :) . If you remember she went to KC's world in front of coffee shop while it's raining. when she return, one of her doctors friend said she might got a headache because worn a short dress in the rain. 

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The first two episodes were awesome. They left me waiting for the next two episodes desperately. Now that i've watched 3rd and 4thh eps i dont think i can wait for next week. To most on going k dramas when i watch the first ep of the week im like its okay ive still got one more ep to watch tomorrow but for w when i watch one ep im like i just have one more to watch then i have to wait till next week for the next two eps. God please save me and keep me patient and alive till next week...

I hope w gets really good ratings. Its a really good drama i wish i had that writers brain so that i would know what he is thinking. This is the reason i try to avoid suspense dramas untill they are fully aird.

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3 hours ago, Mau_Cherry said:

I´m not ready yet - sorry...


It´s a bit funny - we are on Episode 4 - so logical - KCs World can´t shatter on this Point for real. Of course Do Yoon, So Hee and even that mean Prosecutor Han Chul Ho will be Part of the Drama.  But right now it really makes me wonder... how --- why...

Same for KC - we all know his Life is not in Danger for real - but still - we suffer with him... and he really suffered a lot...

I guess I was wrong - I thought the Fighting Scene in the Rain KC was with Do Yoon....

If they will let it Rain like that in the future Episode too - KC should not only grap a Gun but an Umbrella too. Only one is needed - I like a Couple and one Umbrella Scenes. (maybe because of my own Memory... sob).

I still have this Feeling like we are in the Middle of the Intro - and soon the Action will start - not sure in which World - both?

Prosecutor will be the Villian who tries to get KC for real - and how to solve the case that YJ is a Fugitive now...

Really Writer - you are only happy when you give as all you can - I love her !


I had my funny Moments - but right now - I´m stuck in the Dilemma and i fear his Pain. Can Imagine it too well.

When Soo Bong picked Clothes for Yeon Joo I was actually thinking for a Moment in a Second she will wear a funny Comic Shirt too. I was surprised he chosed plain white. :D

And for the next Episode - haha - mad Doc - YJ really ruined your Action Comic. She is now the Fiance of your Hero. Get that !


... a second later after a short Smile about that Parts of the Drama - I´m back to ... poor KC - how to handle this... poor YJ - whe must really feel right now like it was her fault. In that Moment I felt like she regretet it soo much - and would rather go back in the Jail. In her Heart he is just a real Man - nothing else.


I love that fact he told his staff that she was his fiance and i wish that lasted longer. I loved how she kinda liked being called his fiance it was adoreable and the stuffs he got for her. Man i really wish she gets a chance to wear them.

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3 minutes ago, taskdramafanatic said:

I love that fact he told his staff that she was his fiance and i wish that lasted longer. I loved how she kinda liked being called his fiance it was adoreable and the stuffs he got for her. Man i really wish she gets a chance to wear them.


And I love that she can´t really lied to him. Even about her story she did not lied - she just said - she can´t tell him - she will not hurt him. all that stuff..

and when he asked her on the Phone if she is unconfortable called his finace - she admit that its not like that - but the best for me was when he calls her charming  - her beeing crazy is somehow charming and if she is angry.. she admit she is not - but his worlds make her heart pound - something like that... She is not playing with words - she is just honest - and her way to protect him is wonderful too - when she throw the Phone away. And thanx the Guard told that to KC - and KC used that agains SH.


Gosh - I just love both Leads so much. :wub:

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From all the current 3 dramas I'm watching, I guess W wins in the plot field. The story is so unique that I don't know how to stay alive until next Wednesday!

Despite the awesome plot, I'm gonna spazz the three scenes of Kang Chul/Yeon Joo:

1. His "because you kissed me to disappear, let's try kissing again and see whether you'll disappear or not" move. He's so cool in that black shirt and hugging YJ while she was scared about getting shot with the said gun in hand and kissing her was really something memorable. It's definitely a screaming-worthy scene.

2. His "Are you married?" question, followed by that wink before the elevator closed. Sigh........My heart can't take it!

3. The flirting scene and after YJ tried saying "Saranghaeyo", he said, "If I hear it once more, I might get swayed". That's so OIASJDFIOSDJFIOSDFJISDJFIOSDJF!!!


Can someone create a shipping thread for Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo already, please, so I can go cray over there?

I love Han Hyo Joo because of Brilliant Legacy, and I love her acting here too. She portrays a confused, clueless girl who got thrown back and fort between worlds very well. As for Lee Jong Suk, this is really the first time I'm watching his drama. I guess the reason I watch W is because the story and teasers were unique and made me curious. I haven't seen a scene where I could vouchsafe him as a great actor yet, but maybe he'll surprise me. 

The preview of ep. 5 is so interesting. What would happen after he goes to her world? I'm really looking forward to the scene where KC will finally meet his creator (YJ's dad). Gotta be super interesting. 

God, how can I stand waiting for it until next Wednesday???

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About the controversy every drama have lovers and haters....and I said haters is just an idiot LOL...why? because they hate the drama..they hate the actress, they hate the actor, they hate the story line...yet they spend time to watch it and even commented and even share their comments. Ah stupid...

I remember I read some netizen comments about W when the drama still in preparation, how they dissing about the LJS airport scandal or even HHJ brother scandal.... now they talking about HHJ acting in W....why bother even to watch the drama if you hate it...just suck up and move on...

I love everything in W, the writer in insanely daebak..he mixed reality and imagination perfectly...at first I also fell weird..hemmm comic world colliding with real world...oke that's seems weird...but will anticipate it...episode 1 I'm still not really into it...but when I watch episode 2 I'm stuck...This year dramas are daebak... that's the first thing pop up in my head.... Its just I have to be here, there, and everywhere to enjoy all the ride in this forums.

in W the graphic is awesome...the car is superb....the house is lux....the airplane is the new luxury cabin I've ever seen....even long time ago in BBF where Gu Joon Pyo is the richest heir ever in south korea, his private jet not as spacey as the one owned by KC lol....

The acting is great...well I'm not an actor just a drama addict...so based on my experience I said W is one of the best of drama I've watched. I love it....

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Not sure if this article has been posted 

Lee Jong Suk on his thoughts of Han Hyo Joo - yibada article


All the bts has shown us so far that Hyo Joo os a friendly, easy going and as LJS describes "Cute".

Haha but i scratch my head when ask whats the best features of HHJ and he said veins. I suppose that means hes that observant of her..

I cant help it. I seldom ship noona romance. But with them the noona vibe isnt strong. HHJ is youthful in looks and attitude. Reel to real please

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