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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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Any connection between this:


(from 7minute highlight teaser)

...and this:

KC: For a main character who while trying to find a murderer becomes a murderer, there is probably no more satisfactory ending other than this. (from e5 preview)


That is, maybe Kang Chul really turns against his creator (like said creator feared) and causes him harm (he did arm himself before stepping out of the webtoon), and that's why he afterward goes to commit suicide?

ETA: In only one place (in snowglobe147's version) have I seen that line from the preview translated differently.

KC: For a main character that was looking for the murderer, and discovered that the murderer was himself...there's no better fitting ending (for him) than this... 

Which would be a whole different ball game, since it would mean that Appa planned to reveal at the end of the webtoon that Kang Chul actually killed his family himself (and doesn't remember it). But I consider that unlikely.

OR. Maybe that's when KC rebelled for the first time, and so an evil version/twin of KC was created (who killed the family instead)--and that's the hooded villain that keeps showing up. There's got to be a reason why they NEVER show his face.


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Their conversations gives me flutters!!


I will not ship him with anyone else, but the dialogues are so amazing... I can totally relate to the fan girl in Yeon Joo... aaaiiigooooooo... still not over that wink of episode 3 and he had to go an say that "if she says it (saranghae!) one more time, he might get swayed" 

Aiiishhhhhhh :D

A week of waiting again... I might as well die... my life is empty without Kang Chul now!!!

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20 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


I will go with - both is right - because we know he can´t sleep without a Gun under his Pillow.

Lol, that's why he put it under YJ's pillow back then? :joy:

Btw, about the supposed suiside.. It's kind of trick in my opinion because according to manhawa world rules as soon as KC's life is in danger/or (and) YJ's emotions is at high-wire she would be automatically pulled into W. Could it be CK's intention?

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15 minutes ago, juju84 said:

Lol, that's why he put it under YJ's pillow back then? :joy:

Btw, about the supposed suiside.. It's kind of trick in my opinion because according to manhawa world rules as soon as KC's life is in danger/or (and) YJ's emotions is at high-wire she would be automatically pulled into W. Could it be CK's intention?


He put it back without bulletns to see how she will react. So he was prepared well - again one step ahead.


I don´t think it is his intention - on that time - he is just desperate and lost... He really must endure so much next week. As he said - he can remember every Pain - and now he had to accept that is was only a Story - the Murder was only a tool to make the STory go on - and to create him as the Person KC is now - so maybe that is why he sees himself as the Murder now.

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Well...after watching the episode 4 and reading all your posts, i cant shake one thing from my head, what if....what if OYC return back to KC world, where will she be then ?! i hope she'll not be in the same place where she's dissapear !! becoz the last time she's dissapear and return back was in the changing room, and the other time too, when she came near hospital and return in the same place also. So if ....well, still with 'what if' she return in that lil box interview or whatever it called in the prison....yikksss!!! i cant or even dare to imagine what will happen to her then.....:(

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15 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


He put it back without bulletns to see how she will react. So he was prepared well - again one step ahead.


I don´t think it is his intention - on that time - he is just desperate and lost... He really must endure so much next week. As he said - he can remember every Pain - and now he had to accept that is was only a Story - the Murder was only a tool to make the STory go on - and to create him as the Person KC is now - so maybe that is why he sees himself as the Murder now.

I'm still not fully buying the suicide line. It can't be that simple. No matter how hard CK's life is shaken I believe he is stronger than that. It's not yet the time to break. Knowing how crafty he is, just accept it all and go...?  hmmm I can't really believe it.
Will have to wait and see.:)

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8 minutes ago, juju84 said:

I'm still not fully buying the suicide line. It can't be that simple. No matter how hard CK's life is shaken I believe he is stronger than that. It's not yet the time to break. Knowing how crafty he is, just accept it all and go...?  hmmm I can't really believe it.
Will have to wait and see.:)


I believe the news that he is a nonexistant Figure - made up buy a man like SM - and what he said to him can break even the stongest character. He is nothing... but will he really jump....

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Ratings 16-07-28

WTwoWorlds : 12.9%



"W" stands firm in first place, beating "Uncontrollably Fond" again



Lee Jong-suk and Han Hyo-joo's "W" came in first place in two consecutive days.

According to Nielsen Korea, MBC drama "W" rated 12.9% on the 28th.

Meanwhile, KBS "Uncontrollably Fond" rose 0.3% from yesterday's broadcast and rated 8.9%, and SBS"Wanted" came in third with 6.5%.

Source : www.dailian.co.kr/new...


'W' The cartoon protagonist hears the truth about his world



On the episode of MBC's Wednesday & Thursday drama, "W", Oh Yeonjoo (Han Hyo-joo) told Kang Cheol (Lee Jong-suk) the truth.

Oh Yeonjoo was confined in a cell at Seoul Detention House for being a suspect of Kang Cheol assault case. As soon as Kang Cheol returned to Korea, he went to see Oh Yeonjoo.

Kang Cheol asked Oh Yeonjoo, "Are you having hard time?" and Oh Yeonjoo answered, "This is so ridiculous I cannot convince myself. This is so unbelievable. I've never thought I would end up in a place like this. I'm just an ordinary citizen". And then she started crying.

Kang Cheol remembered the time when he was confined in a solitary cell at a detention house in the past.

Kang Cheol told Oh Yeonjoo, "I don't have any excuses to help you. You'll be investigated and put into trials for attempted murder and illegal staying and more. And your life is ruined that way. They've already decided you're a criminal. They'll do whatever it takes to prove they're right. We don't know how many years it'd take though. Then, when everything ends, it'll be hard for you to live as an ordinary citizen any longer".

He asked her again, "So answer my questions. I trust what you told me is true. Therefore, answer my questions and disappear. Where are you from?"

Oh Yeonjoo said, "After I disappear, it will cause a turmoil". Kang Cheol said, "I'll take care of it. This is the world I live". Oh Yeonjoo became worried about him so she said, "You'll become unhappy". Kang Cheol, "I don't think I'm that happy now either. I cannot sleep well because I don't know when I'm going to get killed. You know this. Are you sure you're ok to be confined here forever?"

When Oh Yeonjoo was asked where she lived, she answered, "In Seoul. I live there and you live here". Kang Cheol asked, "Then where did you find out about me?" Oh Yeonjoo was silent for a while. Kang Cheol asked again, "What did you mean when you said the world where you live?" Oh Yeonjoo ended up telling the truth, "It's inside a cartoon. We're in a cartoon. And you're the cartoon protagonist".


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32 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


I believe the news that he is a nonexistant Figure - made up buy a man like SM - and what he said to him can break even the stongest character. He is nothing... but will he really jump....

That may be but I'm still not so sure. It's CK we are talking about and he is not just strong. he is responsible, sharp and extremely smart. Like you've said before, always being one step ahead.

So I will wait and see.;):)

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YAHHHHHH!!!!!! Episode 4 Ratings! :blush: ITS "W" OR ITS NOTHING!

Nielsen Korea AGB

W-Two Worlds, National, 4th: 12.9%                   W-Two Worlds, Seoul, 4th: 14.3%

Uncontrollably Fond, National, 14th: 8.9%                  Uncontrollably Fond, Seoul, 10th : 10.1%

Wanted, National: 6.5%                                               Wanted, Seoul: Out of Top 20



W-Two Worlds, National, 5th: 13.4%                    W-Two Worlds, Seoul, 4th: 14.7%

Uncontrollably Fond, National, 19th: 8.0%                    Uncontrollably Fond, Seoul, 12th: 9.5%

*The rating systems are funny, where TNMS RISES and AGB slight decrease. which doesn't matter because W is still first place and I expect things to ramp up by episode 5. No fear W will surely make it to 20+ sooner rather than later

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okay, after having seen episode 4 with subs I wonder whether there is actually a way back for KC or not. Cause the moment KC realized that everything and everyone around him froze, YJ explains from the off that:

"When the main character realised that it's fiction, everything...in the world of the webtoon stopped.
Only Chul survived in the world...where time stopped.
It was as if...it was a punishment...to the one who became aware."

So if her explanation is true KC doesn't really have a world he can return to any longer. His world ceased exisiting the moment he became aware of what (not who) he is - a figment of imagination to entertain others. And considering the fact that the draw board he used as gate between the two world did seem to die right after he came through and considering the fact that it's really broken with the glass of the monitor having come off, I think his life crumbled even more than before. He literally turned into a non-existent person trapped in a world that looks like his but isn't. A world within which he doesn't have money and power  -a world where veryone knows his character but no one would be able to ccept that he's actually alive and real. They would freak out just as dad's assistant freaked out first.

So to a certain extent I can understand why he would propably freak out the moment he is confronted with himself as the manwha character he is. He will see the books within the book-store as the preview showed us and with that he will also learn that the intented genre of the manwha is action/suspense which explains all the misery thrown onto him as this is needed to create a strong action-character. He is going to read parts of his own story and he is going to relive these scenes as they are real for him. So it makes sense to try to seek out YJ's dad for revenge and being tempted to run havoc the moment he sees him - maybe even trying to kill him. But even after learning that YJ is the daughter of the man who put him through all the misery in his life (he saw the pictures hanging at dad's office walls), he cannot deny that she always tried to help him and was his safety belt during the last few months. So he clearly differenciated between his anger towards dad and his fondness and thankfulness towards her, but as he may feel his life isn't worth anything any longer he is mentally preparing to say goodbye to her and leave for good.

And with seeking her out and saying goodbye he once again shows how much he cares about her - just as much as she cares about him and his mental as well as physical safety - he tries to show her whatever is going to happen next, it's not her fault. He's not blaming her but he purposely chose the way he is walking on right now. He wants to ease her mind, even if he most likely knows it will not have the intented effect as she told him she wishes him happiness the most. But it's exactly because he knows she wants him to have a happy ending that he is seeking her out for a last talk. If he would have just disappeared without trying to reassure her it would have broken her and he knows it. He knows she is going to blame herself no matter what but he still needs to try to ease it as much as possible - also for his own peace of mind the moment he tries to end his life.

And I do have the feeling even if he really intends to kill himself this time by recreating the first death situation the comic had (and also the one that he knows has a certain importance for YJ), he will not die. Until now he did not die because his will to survive and find/understand the context of all the strange things happening to him prevented dad from successfully killing him off. But now that he may feels like dying (as in it's his own wish), I would not be suprised if he learns that while being in her world it's not his will deciding about him living or dying. Unlike within the manwha world where he had a free will to a certain extent he may not have it in YJ's world. Cause let's face it - now she's the main character and he's the supporting one and she as the main character in her own world and as his biggest fan and supporter will not accept him choosing death.

I wonder how KC could actually return to his own world - I mean it's to early within the drama's run to kill off all the supporting actors from the manwha world. So maybe that's the moment YJ's talent for drawing comes in handy. Maybe she recreates all the world and characters that are seemingly lost and stopped existing now. Maybe she will create a new W - but one that has a more positive feeling and most importantly one where she's not a suspected and hunted criminal...

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40 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


He put it back without bulletns to see how she will react. So he was prepared well - again one step ahead.


I don´t think it is his intention - on that time - he is just desperate and lost... He really must endure so much next week. As he said - he can remember every Pain - and now he had to accept that is was only a Story - the Murder was only a tool to make the STory go on - and to create him as the Person KC is now - so maybe that is why he sees himself as the Murder now.

Perfecto. I wholeheartedly agree with your interpretation. Everything good and bad that has happened as far as he now knows is only a device to further a story, to push his character to increasing crescendos to entertain the masses. His existence as the main character is what put the target on his family's collective backs. Ugh, to him their deaths seem all the more meaningless and pitiful now.

I must admit, the story is a bit unpredictable and me likey a lot. :D  The manhwa world, robbed of its "To Be Continued...", is in a state of inertia and has also (temporarily?) lost its main character. But we have to return there, right? KC does have enemies there and I believe it is possible for him to free his world from an animator's control and even from its absolute focus on him - the 'how' is the thrilling part!  Also, KC's life hasn't entirely been under his creator's control for a while now and because the world follows his character, neither has the world. Someone upthread said it, the manhwa has basically been writing itself for a while with murderous assists from YJ's dad. I wonder if these next set of eps are all about getting KC to a place where he can confront his creator/source of his woes without killing him (I'm pretty sure he'll hurt him) and also getting KC to realize his mission is much bigger than avenging his family. He needs to liberate his world and make it as real as he is. I mean, at some point the father has to stop being an active enemy - especially since his ability to effect change in KC's world is so limited now. I don't think he'll ever be on KC's side, but I don't think he's the big and final bad since he's the problem KC is confronting in the early stage of the drama.

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Hello everyone! I am a lurker on Soompi but finally decided to participate due to this drama. It's such an amazing show!

I just had the craziest idea. What if the show ends with KC back in his webtoon world and Yeon Joo in hers.  Except, now, Yeon Joo will be the new writer of the webtoon. She could write herself into the webtoon to be with KC and they could be together this way. She would be with him by drawing herself in, and KC would have her knowing that the woman he’s interacting with is Yeon Joo through her drawings.

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Recent K dramas there are kisses in almost every 2 episodes.. And now we had 3 kisses in W... Wondering if we will get one kiss in every episode ;) 


Cr to owners. 

The ratings seems to be stable for now! Let's ramping it up from next episode onwards!!!!

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4 hours ago, stroppyse said:


Hi @alleram95. Nice seeing you here again. Yes, we do seem to overlap translations.  It's fun. :) Thanks for the shoutout on this one. Checked out your version, there are a few differences, but I think nothing too material, mostly what Sung Moo ( I presume) to be saying.

Here is my version of the translation for the preview:

YJ colleague: Someone came looking for you claiming to be your fiancee.

Yeon Joo: Did I get dragged back into your world again?

Kang Chul: I came. I came here. To Oh Yeon Joo's world. Because I wanted to say a final goodbye.

Sung Moo: Without me, you’re nothing. You’re nothing. You’re a character that I made.

Kang Chul: Do you even know what I’ve been through?

Sang Moo: That is fiction. That is a writer's fear.

Kang Chul: I’ve had to be close to each misery. 

(excuse me while I spazz over the kiss in this part of the preview for a bit)

KC: For a main character who while trying to find a murderer becomes a murderer, there is probably no more satisfactory ending other than this.


Not sure to be happy there will be a proper kiss or sad that Kang Chul is going to be suffering next episode. 



Sooooooo.... KC and YJ's dad (I need remember he's SM, stupid me) will meet in the next episode and SM's indignant defense is "Without me, you're nothing. Your'e nothing. You're a character that I made." He actually dares to tell a "creation" standing in front of him as a flesh and blood man that his pain and torment is a fiction?! How egomaniacal! This is just like Frankenstein - the book source, not any of the movies. Victor Frankenstein was an egomaniac, too, and a coward and incapable of taking responsibility for his creation or for how his abandonment/betrayal of that creation - who never asked to be born and only wanted to live and be happy - destroyed the lives of that creation and many others besides. After I read that book, I hated Victor Frankenstein...SM, don't pull a Victor Frankenstein!!!! 

@sakura2016  I am coming around to your way of thinking. I don't want a revenge story, per se, but if we get one I want it to be clever and using YJ is not only the opposite of clever, it's petty. And you're right - KC is not mean, he's not petty. Plus it fits with my understanding of how the writer seems to work around certain cliches. Okay. No revenge using YJ, but definitely revenge against the dad. He gets his confrontation, says goodbye to the one real life person so unwilling to hurt a "fictional character" that she fought telling him, even though it meant damning herself. Yep, that definitely warrants a goodbye. To find himself on the bridge again, under the painful weight of yet another world-crashing scenario is probably enough to inspire the fatalistic grin we see in the previews. As you can see, I'm totally willing to talk myself into it, lol.  YJ will save him by convincing him to live and for a second time, he will be reborn.

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I am just speechless oh my god it just keeps getting better and better, ep 4 blew me away. I don't anything else to say other than wow!! Can't wait for next week and I reallllyyyyy hope it will continue to be like this. I enjoy reading your ideas and comments guys, thanks a lot. 

Our Kang Chul... :bawling:


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Based on the hints so far i think Kang Chul will shot Yeon Joo's Dad,now the question will be if it's a mortal wound or not,and how does apply the rule as his weapon came from fiction...Quite curious to see what will happen that will prevent him from killing himself,or if he does it,from dying...How 'em i expecetd to wait almost a week now:bawling:


Curious if somehow his sidekicks will also be able to escape the fiction world and come to the real one...And about Yeon Joo constantly falling in the webtoon world my guess it has to do mainly with Kang Chul's strong will that she is the key to his life,he is like calling her there without knowing it himself,just like the first step was made again by him when he pulled her there,the invisible string between them was made...



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