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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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13 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:

Koreans Vote For Their Current Favorite TV Programs

KBS2’s “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds” came in first place with 8.6 percent of the votes. Their survey reflected that fans of the drama are predominantly female. 13 percent of the females and 4 percent of the males surveyed selected “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds.” Of this 4 percent male group, most were in their 40s. Meanwhile, the majority of the 13 percent female votees were in their 30s and 40s.

Second place went to MBC’s “Infinite Challenge.” The next popular TV programs were MBC’s “Monster” (3.3 percent), KBS2’s “2 Days & 1 Night” (3.2 percent), and MBC’s “The Flower in Prison” (3 percent).


I think there has been a mix up in translation. According to Gallup Korea, MBC's "Infinite Challenge" came in first place (14.2%). "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" came in second (8.6%) which is still a great result!!

Congratulations to MDBC for being voted as the Koreans' favourite drama of September! 


Source: http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=109&aid=0003402196


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15 hours ago, lavender2love said:


@gf sherry I miss the bang bang scene.. 

Me : Huh ? I kinda know banging is slang for sex.... I'm sure that's not NOT you mean right friend




I don't mean sex... i was referring on the blood fight but my net freeze that moment... and beside KYJ is a young lady with wholesome image :)

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24 minutes ago, yuuinokokoro said:

@moodypie Unfortunately I don't think we will learn..ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ Our racing hearts will lead us to the most remote *Shakespearean pose* places of our fan-girl screaming minds. (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖

After much thought ...I agree. we will never learn...not in kdramaland. We will always get trolled by the preview/writernim. But we are more than happy to do so...that's is life. 

So if it didn't turn out as it is....we deserve it!!! lol. But at least we had a beautiful hope! that's what life is about...there's always a hope. 

Rules for Happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.”

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Then they start running, OMO! That eager???? OMG OMG OMG! This old heart start pumpin blood to my vein with the speed of light!  Then Byung show up............, ok, I forgive you, he's cool, just so I can breath again anyway.  I nearly forgot about that. I do have to remind you though, where is that horse you gave them?? No need to bloody run, just gallop away to that nearest shack will be muuchhhhh faster. I nearly die you know, that's like 2 minutes full with NO AIR coming in to my lung geezzz



 omigah .. ROTL .. kkkekekekekeke...


You get me why I am angry huh? .. the were running .. I tot they can't wait .. wakakkakaa .. muahahha muahaha

reading your post and visualize everything .. up to the they sprinkle the fertilizer dust bit .. wahahahhaha muahhahaha 


I guess you are must worst then me .. I was just expecting to see some butterflies .. about to mate .. then screen faded .. dayemmmmmmmm

I get all work up for nothinggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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19 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


Last night I watched raw … frankly speaking I was a little bit disappointed .. err I lied .. I was really really disappointed. What more with no sub .. It’s frustrating playing guessing game – what-did-he-say … so with all that .. I went to bed unsatisfied, feeling betrayed and feeling foolish …


I blame the preview and my baeyotaeness … They were obviously trolling us –  The rain, wet hanbok, the look … the whole setup was a trap .. dayemmmmmmmmmmmm .. I gullibly believed them ..


Because of my disappointment I failed to appreciate everything in eps 12 until I watch it again just now with sub … :D .. a good night sleep managed to cool me off .. I am level headed now ..


After watching with sub (and a good night sleep) .. eps 12 is another DAEBAK episode (it would be twice the Daebak if they did not troll us, I believe this time the trolling is too much – PD NIM  .. stop playing us ..)


My personal best moment – would be the bro over hoe moment …  


THE BEST !!!! … the satisfaction of seeing YS jumping into the scene and back-to-back with CP killing the enemy – cannot describe with words … Ah that I scratch your back you scratch my back situation is sooo swoon worthy … both are so so cool…. JY – like I said before – he is not just another idol turn actor … he has future as an actor .. he is a natural. I was waiting for more meaningful scene – and last nite is his best moment ..


CP? Ahhh … he always amazed me … He did not look stupid using the sword case as weapon .. wahahaha… and he slay them not with sword but with the casing .. kekekeke.. HOW COOL IS THAT???


Then – BY came storming into the room and join the party – his – I am sorry I am too late – I was literally screaming – better late than never dude .. thank god you are here …


The best feel when you see 3 brothers hand in hand putting their life at stake for each other ..  


You scratch my back and I scratch your back …


Wonderful feeling ..


I love you BY for being loyal, I love you YS …. I love you PD – Not … because I am still angry  .. you made me a fool ..


I swear I won’t ever fall into your trap ever ever ever again ..


Anyway when CP mistook that evil guy for BY – I was like huh! .. are you blind .. you don’t recognize you own buddy? That was an old man behind the mask ..  (heeee than I realize – all this was suppose to happen in split second .. what I was seeing was all the slow mow and freeze scene hehehhehe .. 



Mei lee - Wakakaka.. I think no way my 'letter' can be translate into Korean .. everything will be lost in the translation .. all they’ll see is some pervert ajumma .. and a really crazy ones ..


Jillia  - wahahhaha .. miss the thread I was busy these few days missed all the fun ..


Febz – I was LMAO at my own joke – waakakaka .. I should known better to fall for such cheap trick .. I eill neva eva after this ..


Mujay – the PD is playing with fire – frustrated beayontae ajumma may just resort to killing spree .. super duper upsettttttt!!! .. I want to kill PD nim (not because of no bedscene – I yem cheap but not that cheap – I want to kill them for trolling me)


Minhye 1822 – wakakaka..  seriously – he has to come to the crown prince as Un-virgin .. wakkakaka,,, Oh my the mod may hunt me down for the word ‘virgin’ … shouldn’t be use in soompi at all .. wakakakkaawakakakakaka. This is family oriented thread – I keep reminding myself … minor .. minorin the thread .. :D


Ahhh moodypie – lets touch everything from wood, iron, aluminium, plastic, tin, silverm, gold, glass, ceramic to melamine,  PLEASE DON’T LET MY CP OR RO DIE …


Good to hear from you again. Thought you went hiding after the we-see-no-bedscene! haha. By the way, I just want to say that your post always gives out an energetic feel. Do you do taichi before you post? By the way...... I want to scratch their backs!!! 

(I wanted to delete some parts of your post so I am not quoting long post...but I don't know where I should delete...so I will let it be) :) 

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happy 700 pages chingus!! Very impressed by the last eps, great acting by everyone. Yoon Sung was amazing! Hope after that their friendship will be revived. Crying my eyes out at mother daughter reunion. KYJ ah, your acting is really deabak and deserves our praise

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51 minutes ago, pyoyong said:

somewhere in Soompi Bar drinking with DramaGod


*hiccup* hey DramaGod don't keep hoggin my beer..... BARTENDER 3 pitcher of beer table 4!

May I call you DG? I'll just call you that ok, I'm too drunk to remember my status, lets just be buddy buddy for now

About yesterday, I mean what is up with that DG my man?? You know how much I want this rite? Rite?? I've been begging for skinskhip since I'm 10 days old in this thread! Now that's is a longgg time ago mannnn. This is not our deal dude! You provide me with Skinship, I'll worship you day and night! Geezzz....*burp*.. excuse me.....lemme start with the Rain Scene ok. It's uber romantic, I like everything about it plus you get to hold hand underneath the rain like it was bright sunny day, rainbow popping up in the sky all that jazz. You didn't even forget to add a love shack behind them, good gooood!! Actually it was a rather nice house if I look at it, luxurious for that era, Ritz-Carlton'ish, which is beyond my expectation. I thought you're gonna go with more raggedy shack style.

Now judging from the size of that love shack it is more then enough to deploy 10 to 20 of your Erotic Cupids to create da mood. Using the Divide and Conquer strategy for those Cupids such as 10 of them flying around with their harp singing I wanna sex you up from Color Me Badd

Now let's pour a glass of wine 'cause now we're all alone.
I've been waiting all night so just let me hold you close to me,
'Cause I've been dyin' for you girl and make love to me.

I wanna sex you up! Allllllllll nightttttt....o yeaaaaa

While the rest of the other 10 cupids dim the surrounding light, spray that fertility powder, sprinkle some stamina powder then guard the entrance with invisible shield so NO ONE can enter to bug the OTP doin their stuff. Now I don't need to actually watch them doin the whole thing ok, just a gliimmpsss of some hair bun fall down, luscious hair covering her naked body, I mean her shoulder, CP six pack figure..alright alright... that's it! You can cut me out and close the door after that, I'm fine with it, very SATISFY already!

So my hope was SKY ROCKETING at that very point!  Alone ----> Rain -----> Wet Clothes --------> Holding Hand ----> Walking Slowly to Nearest Love Shack ----> All Cupids Ready to Go, check check check check check CHECK!

Just so you know people from Alone till Walking slowly to the nearest shack, I'm not breathing while my eyes are wide open making sure I don't miss anything even 0,0001!

Then they start running, OMO! That eager???? OMG OMG OMG! This old heart start pumpin blood to my vein with the speed of light!  Then Byung show up............, ok, I forgive you, he's cool, just so I can breath again anyway.  I nearly forgot about that. I do have to remind you though, where is that horse you gave them?? No need to bloody run, just gallop away to that nearest shack will be muuchhhhh faster. I nearly die you know, that's like 2 minutes full with NO AIR coming in to my lung geezzz!

So instead of that Love Shack you put them in CP's room, so I'm like, hmm...this is even better! At that very moment without even thinking I whistle loud and clear calling back all those Erotic Cupids back at that shack. Apparently they still singing the song up till the 3rd paragraph. EVERYBODY MOVE OUT! CP's room to Love Shack, retreat to CP'S room that's AN ORDER! Nowww people!! We need to paliii before show is over!!!

Hosh hosh hosh..that was quite a panic from me as The Skinship Event Organizer, this is my first big job after all! Spread around Cupids! NOOOOWW! Omo their distance is perfect! Pretty hand wiping that face! ATTENTION Cupids at the back, LOCK THAT BLOODY DOOR! Sprinkle buttload of Horny dust in the air, nowww!


OH MY FREAKIN GUT! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! Don't panic, don't panic!! I need to focus, pyoyong you need to stay alive!! I need NOT TO FAINT not at this very moment, gossh where is all that AIR when I need some! Let's go, Let's GO CUPIDS! Play the song!! Wait change it to Boys II Men song I'll make love to you! That one, NOOOWW!

Close your eyes, make a wish
And blow out the candlelight
For tonight is just your night
We're gonna celebrate, all thru the night


OOH!! I forgot, CUPIDS 7 8 9 10 you there next the windows, enchant Kamasutra verse 6 chapter 9, Lap Style!! Now!!! CUPIDS 3 4 above OTP, springkle some Anti Cold so they don't get pneumonia! Now now! Nononono, not too much hoeyy! We don't want that horny dust to fade away! Songg songg!! Blast that harps like there is no tomorrow!!

  I'll make love to you
Like you want me to
And I'll hold you tight
Baby all through the night
I'll make love to you
When you want me to
And I will not let go
'Till you tell me to


Cupid 1.....call ambulance now....... no no..not for CP ...for me! Severe nose bleed here......*blurry vision*  nvm, I can't let the ambulance siren ruin the mood. Chargeeeeeee!! Cupid 1, u need to hold me, the rest, where's the beddd beedddd!!


I'mmm in heaven, I'm in heaven, heaven, oooo heavenn, you are soooo beautifullllll..........oh heavennn, in heaven literally...yeaaaa.....I'm in heaven la la la la la la about 200 seconds or so.....pause..pause..pause.....pause....


Now at this point, I have NO EXPLANATION NEEDED where I am. And that catfish who sound like a dying Darth Vader is NOT HELPING whatsoever! Just lemme give you some description on my surrounding... All I see is corpses that resemble small toddlers lying scattered all over the place... Until I need to triple check myself!! My Loan Cupids are ALL DEAD! That's how horrifying my mental state.  pyoyong is no more ladies and gentlemen. That's why I'm at Soompi Heaven Bar talkin to the dude who's responsible for my death.

*glup glup glup glup* just drown me with all this beer!!  Hang on DG man..I'm going to the toilet to MOURN all the dead Cupids! HAPPY NOW????   




hahahahahahahha, i think most of the viewers felt the same like you did yesterday. I finally feel the man when the mood is up and everything else is ready but not the YES from the lady and need to suppress the desire and the mind went blank. Pd and writer-nim please stop toying us. If you can't give anything more than the intense stares please separate the love birds now and let the our tears break out like tsunami. 

To the crown prince, even though i am would love to get punishment from you to disobey your order but i will still not change the channel and be with you till the end irregardless of happy or sad ending. 

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Wow 700 page already

This drama is getting better and better, so far every episode ending was happy ending, giving me wonderful feeling

Two thumbs up for pd nim, writer nim, can deliver how our OTP lovey dovey even without a kiss, every stare, every touch speaks louder than a kiss

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emotional scene




Park Bo-gum, Kwak Dong-yeon share photos

Updated : September 28 2016




Actor Park Bo-gum and Kwak Dong-yeon recently shared on Instagram photos taken together. 

The first photo, uploaded by Park, is a candid selfie with Kwak, showing their heads leaning toward each other. Park has his hand on Kwak’s hair, holding it out of the way. 



The second photo shows both of them leaning back for a selfie. The photo appears normal at first glance, but if you take a closer look, you will notice that they swapped faces. 

Fans left comments praising the actors’ good looks as well as their friendship and chemistry on and off-screen.

By Lee Sang-won (sangdoze@heraldcorp.com)

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