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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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8 hours ago, Bambiina said:


I came up with a Checksheet for to be more accurate and sad to say the result still - NO.

The yellow column is those item that having significant weight to the theory .. so my formula say - NO



Thank you @Bambiina for your hard work for this great visual. 

first time ever l have seen this.:thumbsup:



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4 hours ago, iheartyoojung said:

@Earth2KatyD that was great analysis chingu, very thorough and I am in agreement, if there was no CP, I would choose YS for Raon. He would be the perfect man to take care of her and he had experience in the bedroom hahahaha, ahem, I mean to say it is always better for the guy to love you more :P


YS is indeed every ladies dream guy. 

He is so skillful capturing their heart with very little / no effort. 

Any ladies will melt just looking into YS eyes.  And yet he is such a gentleman by not "forcing" himself on them. 

Actually l felt RO dare not look into YS eyes; doing so would make her forgetting her lines. lol

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4 hours ago, NRGchick said:

LOL @Bambiina...my brain is boggled by the calculations. Whatever happened to 1+1 = 2?


it is really rare for a drama with so many potential couples.


Ha Yeon + CP (one-sided)

eunuch Jang + CP ("one-sided")

princess myung eun + Jung (really cute couple)


YS + kisaeng ladies

eunuch Ma Jong Ja + Wol Hee (king's "reserve" concubine)

etc etc

to sum up, 1 + 1 = ?????; particularly on CP and RO prospective partners B)

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5 hours ago, Earth2KatyD said:


The many ways Yoon Sung has proven himself to be the perfect guy for Ra On..



YS is physically fit..

(Even off his guard, YS easily caught RO with his strong arms and prevented her from falling.)




YS is always happy to see the one his heart loves, Ra On..

(I wonder if we'll ever hear him utter RO's name?)



YS knows how to keep a secret..

(..and he won't even question you why you're keeping such secret.)


YS is easy to talk to and he listens well..

(..it's because he cares and his heart is big. :))


YS is always ready to help..

(.. and he does not expect anything in return.)



YS is a good protector..

(.. and he is merciless to anyone who pose as a major threat to the ones he hold dear.)



YS is a very skilled fighter..

(Numbers do not scare him.. He'll fight them all!)




YS is a loyal and a trustworthy friend..

(He's willing to take a bullet for a friend, or in this case, a sword for a friend ^_^)



YS knows how to surprise his lady love with gifts..

(.. he'll get you the necessities you want; you don't even have to drop hints! ;)) 



YS is a very good artist..

(Can y'all just imagine his penetrating gaze looking at you and taking in every detail as he's painting you? :sweatingbullets: I'd model for you anytime, Yoon-sungie!:w00t:)



YS is respectful to his elders and those in authority..

(..even when they are undeserving of it.)



YS is not only good-looking but a real charmer, too!

(Think about how CUTE your offsprings will look like! :))




YS has good paternal instinct..

(Hang on, are those ovaries I hear exploding all over the place?! :P)


In Conclusion.. 

With all the points listed above,





Yoon Sung and Ra On would have made a wonderful couple! :wub:

.. IF ONLY Lee Yeong was out of the picture, that is. :P

Credit to BbeongBbeong for the GIFs


To all the Jin-young fans in the forum --

@lovehbhjw2013 @nonski @moodypie @NRGchick @ruuuuthpft @moodypie @Earth2KatyD @xiashenghan @looki @ricerascal67 @charliew @febz @tiendoank @bonuibonui @zee0123 @angelineong @syeramy @iheartyoojung @lavender2love @KateSG @_Nachan07 @JinyoungFox @ruka18

Hope you'll enjoy this post, ladies! :)





wow that just wow with your post! i love it and you've pointed out the very obvious :) i hate to say this but i think it would take a while for me to encounter a character as likeable as Yoon-sung in the future of kdramaland.  I hope Jinyoung would be given chances on bigger and better roles in the future because he is such a passionate actor. And may he write more beautiful songs such as Misty Road in the future.

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5 hours ago, ruka18 said:


almost everyone's waiting for "that scene" to happen but  it will be impossible to show since RO's still considered underage, so we'll definitely won't have it.:D however it's free to dream my friend and you're thoughts are you're own, pdnim can't dictate you what to think or to believe so you can let your imagination run wild.:lol: 



yes, there will be streets protest if RO reveal more skin because the fact that she is underage. :sweatingbullets:

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2 hours ago, Phuong Dinh said:

Btw, I'm back with another video. This time is my first ever FAKESUB Just for fun :D

Enjoy while waiting for Monday night, Moonlighters :blush:





OMG @Phuong Dinh I had so much fun watching this, it was so good!:lol:  I bet many YooBoo (I like this term better it sounds sweeter keke) shippers who'll see that video will squeal with giddiness while wishing it was real and some might take it as legit translation!:phew::lol:

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14 minutes ago, ruka18 said:

@Earth2KatyD hmm how do I propose we divide his time on each one of us?:phew: chingu that would be difficult since there are too many of us clamoring for YS's attention.:lol: 


premier Kim offered his grandson-YS many ladies but YS remains faithful to RO.

YS is really a gem.:star:

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25 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Please, not oraboni. That is the formal version of oppa and what seemed to be in use in the Joseon era, however, it strongly implies a biological brother rather than the way oppa is used in current times to sometimes indicate a bf or a guy that one likes as well. Oraboni, btw, is still used among older people as the formal form of oppa to indicate a brother.

How about "gudae"? It's a version of saying "you," but it implies a familiarity since it's so much more informal. Kind of like "dangshin" can be used in current times. All of these words are contextual and nuanced, so need to be in context to give it a proper meaning, though won't go into it now. Then again, if RO calls Yeong anything other than jeoha or seja jeoha, it would be considered shocking and intimate. It would be sweet to hear RO call Yeong by his given name. I think that would be the most loving thing ever. Just not when anyone else is in earshot or they can be overheard. Or giving Yeong a nickname of some kind would be safer in case there was anyone around who might overhear that level of familiarity. Perhaps tiger "ho-rang-ie"?



XD ahahah I can't imagine RO calling Yeong 'Orabani'. It's just... strange :P Orabani is still used nowadays, among older people :o? I never knew that. And thank you @stroppyse, thanks to you I've learned so many Korean words :P Before RO started calling Yeong Jeoha, I found it cute she always addressed him as Flower Scholar.

Could I have a question? You mentioned so I'm just curious, 'dangshin', is it a formal or informal word? I've seen in dramas where someone calls the other 'dangshin', either when they are close or they are not very familiar to each other. I'm just confused :P :sweatingbullets:


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4 minutes ago, _Nachan07 said:


XD ahahah I can't imagine RO calling Yeong 'Orabani'. It's just... strange :P Orabani is still used nowadays, among older people :o? I never knew that. And thank you @stroppyse, thanks to you I've learned so many Korean words :P Before RO started calling Yeong Jeoha, I found it cute she always addressed him as Flower Scholar.

Could I have a question? You mentioned so I'm just curious, 'dangshin', is it a formal or informal word? I've seen in dramas where someone calls the other 'dangshin', either when they are close or they are not very familiar to each other. I'm just confused :P :sweatingbullets:



if remember it correctly 'oraboni' was used frequently in Naeil's Cantabile drama - Park Bo Gum is in it.

it is used widely in Jeju island.

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3 hours ago, lavender2love said:





Pssttttttt..... let there not be an internal war but I guess everyone understands. BRAVO !!


Aww, thank you @lavender2love! :) It was a pleasure putting it all together, especially when all I could see right in front of me was this fine young man (if you could only see this huge smile on my face while I was gathering all the GIFs... It was time well-spent! :D). YS is a great catch! Too bad RO only has eyes for LY.... Actually, I have the perfect solution -- we can create an alternate reality for YS where he can get the girl and win her heart! That works, right? And so --

Calling all talented writers here in the forum (especially those who have a soft spot for YS), can you please start penning away and give uri YS a happy ending where he's the one fated to be with RO? If possible, could we just leave LY out of the story? I don't know how that's going to work though (possibly give the CP another name?) but it'd be difficult to see LY in the story and not be with RO.. I know, I'm being silly here and yet I don't want to be stuck in the position where I am to choose between two wonderful men (3 if you throw in BY :P) -- that's one excruciating dilemma I sure don't want to be in!  :crazy:


42 minutes ago, nonski said:

wow that just wow with your post! i love it and you've pointed out the very obvious :) i hate to say this but i think it would take a while for me to encounter a character as likeable as Yoon-sung in the future of kdramaland.  I hope Jinyoung would be given chances on bigger and better roles in the future because he is such a passionate actor. And may he write more beautiful songs such as Misty Road in the future.


I hope that a lot of projects will open up for JY after MDBC whether on the small screen, the big screen or his band's comeback in the music industry. Frankly, it would be lovely to see him take the main lead in a drama soon. Let's cross our fingers for him, chingu. :)


27 minutes ago, ruka18 said:

@Earth2KatyD hmm how do I propose we divide his time on each one of us?:phew: chingu that would be difficult since there are too many of us clamoring for YS's attention.:lol: 

We'll draw up a raffle on who gets him first? :lol:

1 hour ago, stroppyse said:


I realize that I'm late to squeeing about PBG's OST. I liked it when I heard it, but I didn't really think about it. However, I downloaded it and I was listening to it this morning on my headphones as I was doing some other things. I had to stop thought and really listen because I realized that what I was listening to was not a polished voice with great technique, but it was a voice completely in character. It was PBG in his Yeong persona singing with such emotion and longing for RO. By the time, the song is nearing the last stanza, there is a part where PBG's voice goes a bit falsetto as he sings about not letting go of her hand, then his voice breaks a little just as he sings about how as much as it hurts his heart. It just sent some shivers down my spine, thinking of how much Yeong loves and longs for RO, and it's conveyed in that little bit of rawness that works so much better than any polish would have.

I had read various posts where the musical director has advised PBG to stop thinking of singing the song, but just of conveying how he feels to RO. That was brilliant guidance. And, PBG is an amazing actor. I knew he was musical, in addition to co-hosting Music Bank and singing a couple of numbers on it for which he had a pleasant if unremarkable voice, I saw a clip of him playing the piano as accompaniment to a singer, and then there is his fabulous dancing, of course. However, I can see why he became an actor because he so totally inhabits that character. 

I noted when watching the clip of his acceptance in the tvN's Asian Star Award that it was remarkable how easily he slipped back into the Choi Taek role, despite being in his Crown Prince robes and having just taken a quick break from being Lee Yeong. I'm now even more amazed that he could take a modern song and infuse it with his character as he did. Totally amazing.

I've included a clip of the song, though it was just a random selection off YouTube. I can't believe anyone following this drama hasn't heard this song in its entirety yet, but just in case. 

Edit: Just realized that @kjesin just posted an FMV of this song. It has better visuals than the clip that I inserted into my post since I was more concerned with having something to listen to with lyrics than visuals to watch. :) 


I totally noticed his voice catch towards the end, and it was perfect! Undoubtedly, PBG sang from his heart and his song has resonated with all its listeners in such a profound way that's why he took the ALL KILL spot a few days back.. Indeed, that was a great call made by the musical director. :)

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