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Wow, it looks like I'm going to need blood pressure meds for future episodes. There isn't enough chamomile tea in the world to help me deal with the rage I feel towards Sangtae's in-laws. So now, not only are they interfering with the Sangtae/Mijung OTP, they're going to get their slimy tentacles on the Sangtae/Yeontae couple too? Oooh.... somebody needs to smack their delusional a$$es and bring them back to reality! They are like freaking krakens, with their cold, disgusting, grasping ways. Gosh, I hate them more than Mijung's skanky ex bff and ex hubby.

I hope Sangmin won't end up having to indulge kraken in-laws. I want to see their smug faces shatter when they realize that Yeontae, the girl they dismissed as nothing next to their precious little brat Jinjoo, is the one meant for Sangmin. They deserve not only to explode with envy but to drown in misery for their selfish, abusive, manipulative ways. They need to get slapped with the fact that just because they have money to throw around doesn't mean they can have everything they demand! I despise the lot of them! Jinjoo should get dumped by Taemin while her parents get a dose of reality... then they can just cry me a river and drown! Ugh!

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Guest snowpanda

@stervamerzkaya0 @bebebisous33 I can imagine the mother not beeing happy aboout the whole woman with 3 kids deal, and beeing against them at first. they all want the best for their children and most moms (at least in korea) wouldn't see a divoced mom with 3 kids as a good catch.
though I am even more curious about her reaction when she learns that her second son and SoonYoung are together, since she is even telling her to call her mom and always saying that the guy she is meeting is not good enough for her. I have seen too many dramas, where the mother changes completely after learning that the man/woman that person loves is their child, and start to say that they aren't good enough. I would love if it is different this time and she would actually gladly accept SoonYoung as her sons partner. 

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Okay, I'm continuing my slow, savory pace of watching this drama and I'm now on episode 7.  All I can say is that MJ was married to a sorry excuse of a man.  The way he and his hypocritical wife have the nerve to put some of the blame for their affair on MJ. The fact that she has to care for their 3 children and her grandmother, he's withholding child support is shameful. I really hope the writer makes him and his "wife" pay a little more.

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I agree that the in laws are the worst. The ex bff is so ditzy that i just find her delusional mind so pitiful yet funny at the same time lmao...

she isn't the typical evil man stealer richard simmons. She accepts happily that she took MJ's leftover. As for the ex-husband, i see him wanting to get back with her.

the in laws are really not mentally stable. How can they think they can impose and control other people lives. It's even hard for ST own parents to meet him. 

I can't wait to see SM falling in love with YT and make those people jealous. The ending scene when ST got so giddy..he just can't stop thinking about MJ. He refers his in law as "manager ahn".. That is just super funny and cute at the same time.:wub:

this is the first time i watch So Yu Jin drama , she is really good with rom-com. Her expressions are spot on

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I'm still angry at Sangtae's in-laws. -_- I can imagine them resorting to outrageous stunts... like tell Sangmin that Jinjoo is a better catch because she's (now) the only child of a well-off family or coerce Yeontae to give up Sangmin for Jinjoo's sake--because while Yeontae can work her way through life, useless waste of space Jinjoo needs to marry to survive!

I would be highly disappointed if this ridiculous clowns don't get the reality check that they deserve.

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@snowpanda I believe too, when LST's mother discovers that AMJ is divorced and mother of three children, she'll be against it. However, I am expecting that she will hear from her in-laws first. Since she declared herself to them, she didn't want a divorced mother as daughter-in-law, I am expecting that they will use the mother as weapon against LST. Acting behind his back is more like them... Besides, they know, they have no right to stop LST.

The funny thing is that as soon as she has met AMJ and seen her son together with her, she'll change her mind.

I really laughed when KSM was listing the types of women he doesn't like:

- smart

- dumb

- beautiful

- ugly

- nice

- hot-tempered

Nevertheless, a cute woman wasn't on the list!!;) KTM declared, he must like the woman which KSM denied! I really like the deep bond between the brothers!!

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Sang Tae's mom not approving of AMJ.. again it brings me back to that wang's family watching the rerun.. when the mom did not approve of the guy for her college educated daughter.  In this drama..  She set up Sang Tae   with a professional. The mom does want  some degree (probably) a professional success without 'baggage'  ie divorce w/ 3 children.. but I agree as soon as she sees AMJ and how good she is tough and determined.. she'll accept her.  She wants her son not to be the 'living corpse'  and to find a woman and get married and  move out of the in-laws house. Uh,,  so we won't have a wedding... yet.. on the 23rd ep? ha ha ha :P

And this...

I really laughed when KSM was listing the types of women he doesn't like:

LOL It's sooooooo Kang Sang Min!.. cos he's just soooo good for that... hahaha :D

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Again I'm loving ST/MJ those two look so good together and MJ was just blushing her behind away, then having the nerve to go over and talk to ex hubby picture with family on it as well as kicking at him lol MJ is too much lol. But I get it MJ is feeling like she finally met the man of her dreams and is getting a second chance which including having 3 kids IMO.

I loved how KSM was describing what kind of woman he likes and want, while his brother KTM kept on saying (it's love) after SM mentioned to TM that he carried YT on his back and even stayed the night so TM definitely called it love :P I can't get enough of their bromance ;)

Now everyone was eating their dinner when ST got a text from MJ, why ST's woody wood pecker hairstyle father-in-law sees it and start thinking about who it maybe, that man is just too damn nosy for me and I can see it from miles away, that he's definitely is going to give ST a hard time when he finds out who ST likes. Wait and see as he already had in mind for ST to stay single then to be with a woman with 3 kids (Note It) 

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On 4/10/2016 at 9:00 AM, stervamerzkaya0 said:


I don't think she actually means it. It might take her a while to warm up to Mi Jung, but in my opinion she won't be against their relationship.

I thought when she met with the marriage arranger that she said she didn't mind a divorcee as long as she did not have three kids.

I just finished watching yesterday's episode and I really hope this stays sweet , cute and funny I don't want to see any nutty family issues. ST is older enough to decide for himself what kind of woman he wants, and with five kids between them they will have enough issue's without the parents and in-laws getting in the picture.

I think MJ should also tell the two girls the truth about their father as well,  the youngest one doesn't even remember him. Both MJ and ST are going to have to do some real adjustments if they want to be together, and the sooner the children know the sooner they can start working out any adjustment issues. I am assuming that with five kids they will not live with the adults, but MJ gma would be all on her own and I can't see ST mom being willing to see him live with his wife family again. They have really got their work cut out for themselves.

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Guest AlexMao

@IBELISI tend to agree the longer Mi Jung withholds the truth from her children the harder it's going to be for her to move on with her life. Children, at least as far as the series is concerned, are resilient and more understanding of adult matters than well the adults it seems. My issue will be her having to explain the "Why?" like she did to Woo Young or the fact that the family will never be like it was. I don't see Mi Jung leaving her grandmother on her own honestly she's a fixture of the house and a measure of strength for everyone so if anything she'll get her own little room at Casa LeeAhn [or Casa AhnLee].

I don't really have anything negative to say about episode 16 [probably a lie], still pretty much loathe the in-laws and their meddling. The more I watch Jin Joo & Tae Min the more they seem to work together. Jin Joo's flighty/scattered brained and Tae Min is level headed [still up for debate], so they'll balance each other out in the long run. Ho Tae is still pretty much a screw up (pardon the language) who screams look at me, talk to me, love me but luckily enough his father is like "How far would you like my foot up your backside?" The guy really needs to have focus and really figure out what he needs to do with his life before he can even begin to focus on Soon Young. Please tell me they don't take over the family restaurant. 

It goes without saying that a good portion of the episode focused on Mi Jung & Sang Tae's budding relationship (not that I'm complaining) but while I see the path they're on will not be an easy one for their families to understand/accept I think the biggest hurdle they will need to overcome is their own past. The preview was one such moment. The preview shows us the aftermath of their lunch date and Mi Jung's statement to her grandmother saying that Sang Tae came to her still wearing his wedding ring. You could probably read into that a bazillion different ways one of which, and I would imagine the one Mi Jung will fixate on, is Sang Tae not being able to forget or move on from his wife. I'll go back to a previous comment I made about Sang Tae's having a conversation with his wife which will, maybe not on the first chat/visit but a subsequent one, he will leave his ring behind at her mausoleum which will be when we see these two really step up their relationship. 

For no particular reason [well another lie, I like her expression in both scenes --- her eyes say so much]:


I swear if I had an ounce of artistic skill the second photo would be a gif of her with puppy ears and a wagging tail. 

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On April 11, 2016 at 0:52 AM, Millie said:

I'm still angry at Sangtae's in-laws. -_- I can imagine them resorting to outrageous stunts... like tell Sangmin that Jinjoo is a better catch because she's (now) the only child of a well-off family or coerce Yeontae to give up Sangmin for Jinjoo's sake--because while Yeontae can work her way through life, useless waste of space Jinjoo needs to marry to survive!

I would be highly disappointed if this ridiculous clowns don't get the reality check that they deserve.


I finally caught up with the thread. To tell the truth, I put off the last two episodes because I wanted to savor them....lol.  I love the vibe of this drama. I just hope it continues the comedy line and doesn't drift into a melo drama with a lot of chaos.  

Like you @Millie, I too think the in-laws will pose a problem for the two love birds. They keep saying that they see Sang Tae as their son, but they don't. If they did, they would want him to move on with his life and find happiness.  I'm also loving the budding romance between ST's sister and the golfer. I love seeing them together. 

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Guest AlexMao

@LavelyShai I would be more concerned about So Young when she realizes she's not the most important thing in In Chul's life. She's been devoting herself to In Chul since their affair and now that Mi Jung has relented enough, for now, to allow him to see his children we're going to see a shift in his priorities. As for Jum Sook honestly I'm not sure why she hasn't smothered So Young while she slept but that's for another sort of drama. I'd like to see Jum Sook cut off So Young not only financially but kick her out as well. It seems as if both So Young & In Chul are more problematic for the business than a blessing in disguise. 

As for the golfer couple it will be nice to see them interact ... well bicker but given the lack of screen time these two had the last two episodes we take what we can get. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of a reaction Tae Min has when he realizes that Yeon Tae and Sang Min are friends let alone and possibly in a budding relationship. We know of the one-sided crush and Sang Min's attempts to console her broken heart but at the same time, at least for me, I can't say Tae Min knew about Yeon Tae's feelings. I have to wonder if at that moment he'll start to see Yeon Tae as a woman. Given that I have to wonder if or what kind of fall out we're in for between both couples. 

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