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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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All, Hello to all! I'm watching this 10 ep at a time as it is subbed! I have so many things to say and don't know where to begin. First of all, I'm ecstatic that someone is subbing this lightening fast! Finally, a daily drama watcher is translating accurately. I'm so upset with TJ right now, I cannot begin to express; however, someone above said it correctly, the man doesn't know what real love is. One thing for sure, I hope this drama remains 100 ep! I don't want the story to get muddled with extensions that really mess up the drama! My biggest surprise was reading that the guy dating YN's sister is possibly conning her too! I'm hoping for a double gold-digger situation there!! That's all for now, I'm only on ep 15!!

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Guest my2centsworth
8 hours ago, MadraRua said:


You mean none of those punches was for abandoning Yeon Ha and her daughter?? :blink: Well there goes any sympathy I had for his character. I thought he was pretty decent in the beginning, what with bringing her home after the mother died, but I guess he's been nosediving pretty severely since then. 

Doesn't it occur to him that this is a testament to the character of Tae Joon? Isn't he worried he may do the same thing to Se Jin down the line? I guess not otherwise he wouldn't still be fostering their marital hopes. If it was my daughter and I found out the type of person she was marrying had less than stellar credentials I wouldn't put up with it. 

What's he going to do now? Offer Yeon Ha money to quietly disappear? I hope she tells him where he can stick his money. Her daughter deserves a father even if the parents aren't together. It's not such a leap in this day and age to expect as much. I wonder what Se Jin will make of the little girl?..... would she be willing to let him be a father to her? Not likely if her mother's behaviour is anything to go by. She was adamantly against Yeon Ha being around her husband,

So many selfish characters. I'm glad Yeon Ha has woken up and is not paying the rent anymore for Tae Joon's mother. About time. I can't believe she has supported her all these years as well as raised her daughter. Somehow I can't see Se Jin being as filial. 

Thanks @my2centsworth for today's recap. 

Edit: And what's this about a step brother? At least we can be thankful he hasn't been sponging off Yeon Ha for the last five years either. I wonder if it's the 'hustler'?

You're welcome....but I don't think I am very good at this since I don't understand Korean.......lol  And I won't be sitting up till the wee hours in the morning ro do it again unless I have another sleepless night.......lo  But it was fun watching it like that.

I just found out that the driver that has been driving DH around is really TJ's half brother. Think they share the same mother. I called his a hustler because he is a driver for a rich family and in his spare time looking for a rich girl to marry.  I also called TJ as hustler too. Maybe con artist would be a better word. Anyway, the half brother is working while pretending to be something her is not.....while TJ uses others like YN to get ahead in the world.

As far as I am concerned.....JKW, SJ's father is no better that TJ.  He may now have known that YN's mother was pregnant when he left her, but he did leave her to marry into a rich family. Now he is making TJ do the same thing and of course TJ is ready and willing. He is dumping YN and SB to marry into a rich family. JKW wants his daughter, SJ to have whatever she wants and she wants TJ......so daddy dearest is ready, willing and able to get her what she wants. JKW and TJ are so much alike you would think the are father and son.....not father-in-law and son-in-law. They both are slime bags. Just my point of view.

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Guest my2centsworth
5 hours ago, Kfan7172 said:

@mdj101 & @booho Your recent discussion/posts on Nature vs Nurture  @mdj101  @booha

At this  point (EP 1-17 eng sub) I am seeing a very basic/core characteristics shared by TJ, HSG (TJ step brother) and OMJ (their mother).

-To get ahead in the world they share the common goal of finding a more successful partner whom they can manipulate for an easier life path, rather then stand/depend on their own efforts.  Easy way, is better way, seems to be their shared thinking.

TJ - At this point, very successful in reaching that goal by using his looks and intelligence.

HSG - Still in search mode --is currently going off track, has picked the wrong target.  He uses his looks, smooth words, acting skills to be successful in reaching his goal.

OMJ - In her youth, used her looks and was very unsuccessful in picking and keeping the right partner.  Older, perhaps a little wiser, Has basically given up this method and thanks to the fortune teller, is now counting on her son to be her path to wealth and a life of ease.  NOTE- Fortune Teller told her "son" only, no name - we now see there are at least, two sons-- I will not be surprised, if at the end of this drama, she discovers she picked the wrong son to grab onto.

I agree with you. Great analogy.

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Guest my2centsworth
5 hours ago, lindab12 said:

They have good cast . How is stepbrother who NY younger  sister related to TJ. Did TJ mom married to rich guy who is abuse  or dad. Could someone help me out.

This is getting interested 

HSK the driver for DH's family is TJ's half brother. They have the same mother. The sister of YN who is pretending to rich and at the same time HSK is pretending to be rich.....well they both are after marrying into a rich family when both of them come from a poorer family. Don't think TJ's mom married a rich man....EVER ! ! !....lol   Don't think a rich man would ever even look in her direction....lol  HSK's father, I don't know any information about him. We may see him later on in the drama.

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42 minutes ago, valsava said:

OK I'm in where can I watch the sub version I need to get caught up happy to see LYR back 

I messaged you! I don't want it to disappear!!


So DH was raised in a rich family and hates rich folks! I cannot wait for her character! NY is super weak!! But though I like the actor, Not sure Seo Jun Yeong was right. I'm hoping to see him get better in acting out such a hateful man! But when he chuckles at the moments when he shouldn't is when he is the best and I have hope!

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Guest my2centsworth
1 hour ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

All, Hello to all! I'm watching this 10 ep at a time as it is subbed! I have so many things to say and don't know where to begin. First of all, I'm ecstatic that someone is subbing this lightening fast! Finally, a daily drama watcher is translating accurately. I'm so upset with TJ right now, I cannot begin to express; however, someone above said it correctly, the man doesn't know what real love is. One thing for sure, I hope this drama remains 100 ep! I don't want the story to get muddled with extensions that really mess up the drama! My biggest surprise was reading that the guy dating YN's sister is possibly conning her too! I'm hoping for a double gold-digger situation there!! That's all for now, I'm only on ep 15!!

Welcome. I am fairly new at this too.......just jump in anywhere. I am up to esp 17 with subs and esp 21 without subs. This is turning out to be a great drama. I am really enjoying it. Everyone seems to be guessing which twin will die and how they will die........give us your thoughts.

48 minutes ago, valsava said:

OK I'm in where can I watch the sub version I need to get caught up happy to see LYR back 

ITtwas suggested to me to go to OnDemandKorea. It's a good place. They are up to esp 17 with subs and esp 21 without. Great drama.

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No worries @my2centsworth It was still a good summary with just the visuals aids. It's funny - it's the wee hours of the morning for you but it plays during my afternoon! I'll try and recap the next one bee-smiley.gif

I'm just up to episode 17 subbed now. It's amazing how much you miss without the subs. 

I'm not sure either way if Tae Joon really likes Se Jin or if he's just using her. He said to Na Yeon that he tried to resist temptation but he just couldn't do it. And once he had a taste of the good life it was hard going back to where he was. So it sounds like he's using her yet the passcode to his apartment is Se Jin's birthday. None of the important dates Na Yeon tried actually worked. Guess he's moving on.


He's really dumping on her huh? I too can't wait for the father-daughter reveal. I wonder how far the writers will have him go in Na Yeon estimation before that happens. It looked like he found out in the end of the last episode who she is, but I don't think that's gonna mean frig all to him in the end. He'll always put Se Jin first until he knows better and that won't be for a while yet. 

Her reporter sister (her step sister not the twin) now also has an inkling that Se Jin is pregnant...... oooohhhh can't wait for that bomb to drop. Na Yeon will back off completely when it does. She's better off without him, Sae Byul's dad or not.

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Guest my2centsworth
13 minutes ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

@my2centsworth.....Everyone seems to be guessing which twin will die and how they will die...

There is a poster in dramawiki if the couples. NY/DH in tht picture, dressed up elegantly however her hair is straight and face looks plain like NY's?

Thanks....will check it out.

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Feb. 29, 2016 ---Afternoon.

Thank you, @my2centsworth, for that early morning recap. I tried guessing what was happening only to be a little "off center" with IHAL ---Couldn't stand waiting to see who did what.  At least we have the big picture, right?

@Kfan7172 --- I really like your way of looking more closely at TJ's stepbrother!  Just the kind of twist in the story that would turn the screws even tighter on Tae Joon later. Maybe the Na Yeon's step-sister  (works in a dress shop now) will become a very popular model or something in the media ---TV or Films. 

And I don't think TJ knows he has a step-brother at al.  Has his mother lost track of this second son?  And what a turn of events if HE is the son the Shaman really "saw" in the future?

By the way, If JKW now knows that Na Yeon is HIS daughter?  I think she is in even more danger!  JKW will never let his wife know about this!

I think Na Yeon's  adoptive family will benefit greatly when the twins identity becomes switched --- now that someone brought them up.  Mother specializes in food prep and already has 1 successful restaurant.  Eun Bong (sp?), a reporter, will surely be helped in her career by Do Hee twin, who is also on very friendly terms with her driver/rich-guy-wannabe.   I'll bet Do Hee's magazine would be helpful if the other adoptive sister enters show biz.

COMMENT: --- Name & initials are driving me nuts.  I wish key characters had strikingly different names!   Generally, I start writing full names, when I can't easily sort them out.  But I'll make my first exception for Se-Jin's father --- JKW is his name now! 

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@my2centsworth I'm old hack! I usually come in late to the game though I miss my fellow daily watchers a lot! But now that so many are getting subbed, I've been waiting and watching!

But NY, I was so disappointed she took SB to his house like that, not knowing what was waiting for them. I'm really afraid that SB will feel it is her fault because 'she didn't sing for her father'. Poor baby! As far as which twin dies, I really want the strong one to survive! Right now, DH is the fierce one and she is the one I want in the driver's seat! She will be familiar with the rich folks' games and know how to handle them! I'm really glad this is getting subbed steadily!! And LYR? She really makes these twins look like separate people!!kZPBugJqVV0x9a6OxIXHPU1kzoqzY0SXcOel24v0

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The ending of ep 20 made me happy! We will call that twin awareness! They saw each other and DH was smiling talking about whether she has a twin somewhere? I also loved DH's blind date with HK! She is definitely showing that she likes him! I'm very happy with the last 2 week of episodes! Looking forward to the this week!!

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Guest my2centsworth
On 2/29/2016 at 7:40 PM, NewKDramaAddict said:

@my2centsworth I'm old hack! I usually come in late to the game though I miss my fellow daily watchers a lot! But now that so many are getting subbed, I've been waiting and watching!

But NY, I was so disappointed she took SB to his house like that, not knowing what was waiting for them. I'm really afraid that SB will feel it is her fault because 'she didn't sing for her father'. Poor baby! As far as which twin dies, I really want the strong one to survive! Right now, DH is the fierce one and she is the one I want in the driver's seat! She will be familiar with the rich folks' games and know how to handle them! I'm really glad this is getting subbed steadily!! And LYR? She really makes these twins look like separate people!!


They have the same blood.......yes DH  is the strong one, but I think NY has it in her too. And we are going to see that. She is going to get Tj and that entire Jang family and I have a front row seat.....lol

Don't quote images, gifs, videos

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Guest my2centsworth

WOW ! ! !  esps  18, 19 and 20 have subs.  Just watched them. Going to watch again....so much to absorb. 

Had a wild thought......DH is wondering is she is indeed a twin after her blind date with WK and he said something about it. The wedding date has been set for TJ and SJ. In one month. Let's say.....now this is just my crazy mind running wild when I say this.....,,,suppose DH's death happens soon and NY takes over her life, then at the wedding of TJ and SJ , WK and the new DH come to the wedding. There will be of course TJ and SJ, but both of her parents. Then all of a sudden the see DH who looks just like NY who is supposed to be dead.  SHOCKER WEDDING ! ! !  That should really shake up TJ and the person who that is responsible for NY's death.  This message will self destruct in 2 minutes.....lol........just a wild thought ! :blink:

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TJ mother have no shame. it was her who told NY to not tell TJ about the baby. yet she telling NY to leave TJ. i hope karma
will get her and TJ for treating NY so bad.

i really hope the writer dont kill SB off like lot of drama do.

i cant wait till the two sister meet each other.

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After the subs from episode 18-20 I'm glad and a bit proud of myself for being on point with the conversations and happenings of the drama. No new information was revealed but in Episode 20 when TJ meets with KW and he tells him about SB and NY, to see that he says he needs more time and he has to be responsible for the child, I really felt his sincerity and love for NY at the time and so did GW. So he punches him once for not ending things 5 years go and then he punches him a second time for showing more concern for NY instead of SJ and at the end he pours him a drink saying he made the right choice in choosing him as if "his afraid to fail" it doesn't bother him at all that TJ loves NY more then SJ. To me GW is worse then YK because at least YK shows her conniving ways and doesn't try to sugar coat thing but KW is like a damn snake hiding waiting for his prey. He is all lovey dovey and quiet to your face but he moves mountains behind your back. President Park has definitely underestimated him, I hope HK see's right through him. NY telling TJ he did not have to be with her but by god he would be a father to SB had me clapping for her. I see that NY might be a doormat at times but mess with her baby and she's like a damn tiger. Which is why the probability of something happening to SB is strong for me now, it might be NY's ultimate trigger to revenge.

Episode 21...NY meets with KW and she reveals they are not strangers, he now knows without a doubt she the NY he knew back in the day, so what will he do now?... Well don't hold your breath because he won't change a damn thing, KW will still try to pay off NY of course this time he will probably be more gentle and try to convince her its for her own good and blah blah blah. But, at the end of the day KW's plans and what he wants to accomplish with TJ and his take over of BD foods is a lot bigger then any obligation and sense of duty he feels towards NY and her dead mother. This is KW complete turn to the dark side and his inability to return and how his ultimately included in the revenge plot.

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Guest my2centsworth
4 minutes ago, ObsessiveCompulsive said:

After the subs from episode 18-20 I'm glad and a bit proud of myself for being on point with the conversations and happenings of the drama. No new information was revealed but in Episode 20 when TJ meets with KW and he tells him about SB and NY, to see that he says he needs more time and he has to be responsible for the child, I really felt his sincerity and love for NY at the time and so did GW. So he punches him once for not ending things 5 years go and then he punches him a second time for showing more concern for NY instead of SJ and at the end he pours him a drink saying he made the right choice in choosing him as if "his afraid to fail". To me GW is worse then YK because at least YK shows her conniving ways and doesn't try to sugar coat thing but KW is like a damn snake hiding waiting for his prey. He is all lovey dovey and quiet to your face but he moves mountains behind your back. President Park as def. underestimated him, I hope HW see's right through him. NY telling TJ he did not have to be with her but by god he would be a father to SB had me clapping for her. I see that NY might be a doormat at times but mess with her baby and she's like a damn tiger. Which is why the probability of something happening to SB is strong for me now, it might be NY ultimate trigger to revenge.

Episode 21...NY meets with KW and she reveals they are not strangers, he now knows without a doubt she the NY he knew back in the day, so what will he do now?... Well don't hold your breath because he won't change a damn thing, KW will still try to pay off NY of course this time he will probably be more gentle and try to convince her its for her own good and blah blah blah. But, at the end of the day KW's plans and what he wants to accomplish with TJ and his take over of BD foods is a lot bigger then any obligation and sense of duty he feels towards NY and her dead mother. This is KW complete turn to the dark side and his inability to return and how his ultimately included in the revenge plot.

I saw the look on KW's face when what I thought was said that YN told him who she was. You are right....KW is a snake in the grass. He will still try to buy YN off.

I thought that  TJ said to sell AP Foods.   And I was thinking  that is want they will try to  but WK will stop it.   He really is first hand experiencing  what  the employees think about Beakdo Company.   Someone else said this ( can't remember who ) but they thought that DH aka YN will help him since her knowledge of cooking food that is not only delicious but looks so wonderful too. If I not mistaken, the Chairman ( WK's father ) doesn't want to sell AP Foods and that is why he put his son there to learn the ropes and find out why it's losing money. 

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