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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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 from the very beginning, i realized that all taek-sun scenes are cut/shorted very unusually, it makes me feel a little strange more than other reply series before, that's writer's aim to push on its into the last 4 episodes as flashbacks, isn't it? i doubt that we have no much time. 

even some scenes have flashbacks in same eps, it's not detail enough to describe the scene totally and perfectly, it's not satisfied me and my feelings. For example, first movie take-sun time, we have a flashback that uri taekie got a sleep against sun's shoulder, but how about before that time? how about taek's feelings? that's flashback based on sun's memory, not taek's. i am wondering if PD nim will make another flashback for this scene, if so, it's repeated unnecessarily.

another scene, when sun found out taek's smoking habit, it's cut again,did she say something? did she just keep silent and treating him as usual? we have to image it or there's another flashback again? if so, it's repeated with the same situation unreasonably. 

hi guys, do u feel the same? 


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Taek's room so quiet lately lol  Well one last post before I head back to work and toil tmr! 

Ep16 where DS and Taekie are talking as she delivered him the fish bread.... Does it strike anyone else that they sound very teasing, almost like they are flirting?? LOL 

Taekie: "Don't worry..."

DS: " Why should I worry about you? " 


*see you all soon when its Friday!* 

16 minutes ago, rembrandtz_5e20 said:

I thought the production team was really clever to take a break and put out the bts after the pivotal EP 16.

Watching the BTS of the shoe lace scene actually put into perspective the theme of friendship between JH and TK. I know a lot of us are screaming noble idiocy at both boys, but the story of the JH-TK-DS is way deeper than just love, it is also a lot about friendship.

I didnt think much about the shoe lace scene, until the bts came out and RJY was explaining why both he and PBG were crying even though the scene didnt call for it. From their understanding of the script, it must have felt deeply painful to think that they have to make a choice that will hurt the other deeply.

It hurt so bad to watch TK at the end of EP16, but I have now accepted that backing out is necessary for the development of DS's relationship with TK, and for JH and TK's friendship. I want DS to grow to love TK as her special one, not because he loved her first, and certainly not out of fear of hurting him, but because she loves the man that he is. 


OH YEAH YEAH!! Thats is exactly so well put! ♥ 

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12 minutes ago, rembrandtz_5e20 said:

It hurt so bad to watch TK at the end of EP16, but I have now accepted that backing out is necessary for the development of DS's relationship with TK, and for JH and TK's friendship. I want DS to grow to love TK as her special one, not because he loved her first, and certainly not out of fear of hurting him, but because she loves the man that he is. 



I think we're at the point where we already acknowledge how much each of TK's and JH's feeling towards DS, and both of them is a pretty valid option for the end game. What matters most now, is DS own feelings. Until now, we've seen DS had interest on SW and JH, but that's mainly an effect of her friends telling her that those boys like her. We never really know what DS really feel outside of that. After the pep talk with DR on EP14, i feel like DS can now start to develop her own feelings.

The choices are, either she actually really likes JH (which grows after her girly crush on him), or that she actually always likes Taek that she just didn't realize it until later. Both options are pretty valid, it really depends on the writer's choice in the end. I really hope it's the latter, but i can understand too if the writer choose the first option. :)

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@sellachun6002 I am not sure if you feel that the flashbacks were too short... but for me it was enough... :) The movie scene, Taek looked uneasy probably becos he meant to confess after the movie, but as fate ( or the writer planned), he fell asleep instead due to fatigue ... He won't have any flashbacks from that, since he was in dreamland... As for his smoking habit, there is nothing much to say... Her dad etc all smokes... Its not like she can ask him to stop right? She asked him to cut back on his medication though...

I did feel that the limited skinship scenes like he putting his head on her shoulder shots were too short...lol makes editing extremely difficult since there is nothing much left for fading out with.... XD

I hope :

Ep17 : DS Angst for Taekie

Ep18: Time Jump - After graduation from their schools and entering working life.... Reunion at TK appa and Sunwoo omma wedding? ( dun ask me why it will take the old folks 5 years to decide if they want to get hitched or not XD I am just making up a reason for everyone to gather together again ) 

Ep19 and 20 : Hubby reveal and ALOT of smoochy skinship to make up for all the lost time and suffering we had....  ahem... provided its our ship that sails into the sunset and not onto an iceberg... :wub:

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4 hours ago, Charmee Gregory said:

@sarsu i agree with you, because in Dream High KSH was introduced at the 2nd Episode, he was literally not part of episode 1 and at the end he got the girl and was K because his character is the most developed character in that series;) At least for Taek he was introduced at Ep 1 - the idiot Baduk genius! hahahaha

and how great is it that PBG is such a nice fellow, he is such a kind soul and suuuuper polite based from the BTS! how can they not make him the leadddd?????

Team Taek all the way!:heart:


@Charmee Gregory

I was thinking about dream high too but quickly remove the thoughts to stop any further expectations.  :'(

ANyway, i love both ksh and taecyeon in dream high but didnt expect ksh to get the girl. 

I will be very happy if the same thing happens for AM88. XD


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8 minutes ago, yeonana said:

Hi Chingus... hope you don't mind me bunking here in Taek's room as well :) 

I adore the family and friendship bonding between all characters in the Sangmundong neighbourhood (the adult, the kids and their siblings) and will greatly miss the times that they spent together when the kids move on to grow up :mellow:

I feel that there is an equal chance that TK might be the end game. Us viewers know how JH and TK feel about DS, but DS's feelings will be the key to unlock the mystery husband. As many insights have already been shared by our Chingus here, I would like to just add on a few... and sorry if it sounds repetitive:

1. The sweet scenes between JH and DS since EP.3 kinda slowly fizzled from EP.11 onwards... by EP.14 (after the pink shirt misunderstanding) the interaction between JH and DS sort of turned platonic. Of course things could also play out having Mi Ok clear the misunderstanding and everything between JH and DS falls back in place.

2. DS is loud and acted like she was going to spill on them whenever the boys drink alcohol or watch R-rated movies (aka Special Unit), but she was silent when she found out that TK was smoking, and afterwards he didn't even hide the fact from her anymore. It's not uncommon for Korean men to smoke, but 18 years old is still legally underage. This may have been the start of something different - first realisation that there's a different side to TK (to both us viewers & DS).

3. When DS sent clams over to TK's house, and saw him knocked out and then tucked him in bed... this scene looked like a parallel to JH tucking TK into bed. JH realised that he just couldn't be angry or dislike TK (unlike how he reacted to SW)... those kids love each other like brothers. When it came to DS... the look on her face looks unsettled... sad? from his earlier confession that she doesn't know him at all and that he has someone he likes? worried? that he's taking too much medicine again and over worked?

4. Buying him the snack just before his final match. Why only for TK? Was it an excuse to remind him of their date on Saturday? Was it to check on whether his instructor and manager were going with him so that someone will take care of his need? Or was it to see him before he went off? Or was it just because?

The earlier future husband scenes which seems like only JH would know, I think it may play out to be TK too:

1. TK was there when she asked SW to confess to his crush on the day of the first snowfall (we didn't get to see his reaction). Maybe TK observed that DS is crushing on SW (he's quiet and a keen observer) or this was what prompt him to make his first move (asking her for a movie).

2. On the day of the first snowfall, the radio broadcasted Sunny from Sangmundong's postcard. Maybe he heard the broadcast and knew that she sent postcards to the radio station.

3. He knew SW's relationship with Bora noona, and if he knew DS had a crush on SW... it wouldn't take a genius to know that things didn't work out for DS and SW on that snowy day.

Anyways, regardless of the end game, will stick around and be watching with 88'ers here till the end :D

i totally agree with you all above points! :blush:

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@sellachun6002 its true they cut some scenes but I believe the writer has a reason for doing so, either he/she wants us to imagine the next scenario or for the same of future dialogues where it can be brought up. So, don't fret :).

@st4rdust Tk room can be quiet sometimes lol. But I think some are busy OR sleeping(check the timezones). 

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9 minutes ago, st4rdust said:

@sellachun6002 I am not sure if you feel that the flashbacks were too short... but for me it was enough... :) The movie scene, Taek looked uneasy probably becos he meant to confess after the movie, but as fate ( or the writer planned), he fell asleep instead due to fatigue ... He won't have any flashbacks from that, since he was in dreamland... As for his smoking habit, there is nothing much to say... Her dad etc all smokes... Its not like she can ask him to stop right? She asked him to cut back on his medication though...

I did feel that the limited skinship scenes like he putting his head on her shoulder shots were too short...lol makes editing extremely difficult since there is nothing much left for fading out with.... XD

I hope :

Ep17 : DS Angst for Taekie

Ep18: Time Jump - After graduation from their schools and entering working life.... Reunion at TK appa and Sunwoo omma wedding? ( dun ask me why it will take the old folks 5 years to decide if they want to get hitched or not XD I am just making up a reason for everyone to gather together again ) 

Ep19 and 20 : Hubby reveal and ALOT of smoochy skinship to make up for all the lost time and suffering we had....  ahem... provided its our ship that sails into the sunset and not onto an iceberg... :wub:

i like your idea that maybe he was in dreamland...it's interesting. i dont want sun to ask him to stop but just think that she can ask him when he started to smoke or how many cigarettes he smoke everyday or something like that...just a way to show her care... :)

i have a thought that taek will go to university in future like normal students, i think he's smart enough to catch his friend school's knowledge, of course, he certainly pursue his baduk career if he wants but i hope that he wl have normal memory as students life, it's priceless. i love him and i do want him to enjoy all happiness of life.

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12 minutes ago, mellinadear said:

@sellachun6002 its true they cut some scenes but I believe the writer has a reason for doing so, either he/she wants us to imagine the next scenario or for the same of future dialogues where it can be brought up. So, don't fret :).

@st4rdust Tk room can be quiet sometimes lol. But I think some are busy OR sleeping(check the timezones). 

yeah, take it easy, right? but the writer cut too much, so if she does not make our taek "happy",she will have a serious problem! =))

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Yep Taek future is a big question mark. He cant play baduk forever. Erm do you guys have a thought about Bora's husband? His career? And I find it weird how soft she spoke to her husband unlike how she speak to SW. Maybe she marry someone else? and it looks like the husband was working far away...(sorry if someone has discuss about this im just curious)

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26 minutes ago, sellachun6002 said:

yeah, take it easy, right? but the writer cut too much, so if she does not make our taek "happy",she will have a serious problem! =))

Hahaha..we will match over to Korea and protest. 

By the way, your avatar is to die for :).

@hermess-san BR is studying for her bar exam, so we can assume she becomes a lawyer/judge in the future. Right now, we are unsure of what SW will become in the future(assuming he's the husband).

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8 minutes ago, sartikam said:

Anyone observation about secret santa? If taeki need to give ds, GiFT. JH give taeki gift. And ds must giving gift to JH. ????hmmm.

I read some posts on jh's page and member there assumes that the duksun' reply to jh at the end will be the biggest gift to him, really hate this thought! :(


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42 minutes ago, sellachun6002 said:

I read some posts on jh's page and member there assumes that the duksun' reply to jh at the end will be the biggest gift to him, really hate this thought! :(


Hahaha I went to that page sometimes. It really hurt sometimes reading there. Their confidence is too high when most of the future clues implies TK(with proof) in the drama. I dont know where they get proof for being lefthanded, smoking, coffee thing, alibi, noeul informality. If they said it might change later, its still uncertain mode. The future should be the biggest clue and if with proof it cant be any wrong or change later. *Immerse being sherlock looking dear future husband 

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@anishaym  I really enjoyed your FMV , hope you continue making them:)

I really liked BTS, how can he be so handsome?:wub:I like him to change his hair style after the time jump , he becomes more handsome & manly :wub:                                                          

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something I found to brighten up our room.. we are so quiet lately... such a cute video..


cr: wann tass

PS: @bunnyqueens17 you made me cry after reading THAT Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind SunTaek version.. Thank you fro sharing :-)

something I found to brighten up our room.. we are so quiet lately... such a cute video..

cr: wann tass

PS: @bunnyqueens17 you made me cry after reading THAT Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind SunTaek version.. Thank you fro sharing :-)

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