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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Yes he attended, presented, and even WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And of course, I'll be saving as I go along...but yes I'll be posting some pics/highlights! Oh and yeah he looked fineeee..as always!!!! :wub: :wink:

:star::thumbsup::heart:Congratulations Ryu Jun Yeol!!!!! Best New Actor for Movie Category!!!!!!:heart::thumbsup::star: 

Sky is the limit baby! Can't wait to see what's to come w/ your upcoming movies especially since now you scored your first lead in a movie [Money] and will begin filming this month!!!! So proud! Deserved!! Same goes for our sunshine!!! She too has scored a role in a movie [Strange Object/Water Monster] and she's beginning w/ a lead role!!! Started filming last month! So much luck, health (please stay strong and be careful) and success to them!!!!

Speaking of sunshine I can't help, but share this moment w/ her especially w/ being reminded of her supportive, encouraging words when at the VIP Premiere for said movie he won for...The King [Choi Doo-II]. So of course thanks love for your well wishes!!! He did it again!!! ^_^:D:wub:




Very cute, squishy fan service moment.


Presenting  category he won for last year....Best New Actor TV Category!!!

Cute moments w/ bff Kim Go Eun.


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How Junyeol won...4/7 judges' votes vs split votes w/ the rest of the nominees so was a clear winner!!!


Ok so wish I could post more, but it's really scattered and a lot. More like pics w/ friends, co stars, directors, etc...you can search twitter. So much there. Just search Ryu Jun Yeol Baeksang and you'll see it.

Now onto sunshine during Baeksang. Ok so she posted on her IG a pic of her and one of her co stars from her movie...CJes actor Park Sung Woong. 1st pic on this collage is the update. 


So as you can see this took place the very same day because he is wearing what he wore to Baeksang.

Hmmmm which brought suspicions for many. Was she at Baeksang? Was she near Baeksang? Was it before or after the event? However, clearly the pic was taken at a restaurant. And well what is being said is they had a dinner for the movie cast. So who knows? And you never know....^_^

On another note: Like I said he is from CJes....meaning beneficial for our guy. Now at times even if in the same agency may not be close. It was like that for him and HJE as well as LCA. LOL didn't even know they were from CJes until he was cast/worked w/ them in Lucky Romance. However, in this case....he def knows, is familiar and might even be close with him. You judge.  

PSW sits next to him in this gif. Hmmm do you think maybe at any point, he could have brought up either (since not sure of the timeline of that gathering) having lunch or how he was about to have dinner w/ his [JY's] ex co star? Well has she been brought up at any point? Or him to her? Hmmmmm....LOL

Here's a throwback and clearer gif of their admiration for each other.

But yeah great for our guy when wanting to support our girl for her movie! We shall see! :DB)

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Something I need to highlight because of our guy's humble/hardworking beginnings. So Baeksang held a special stage w/ 33 unknown actors w/ small roles in different productions and of course, our guy is seen being emotional because he def knows what it is like. He WAS them!!!! He also even posted about them as his recent IG update so thought I'd share that. 

So here's a fan cam of that very moment where you can see him w/ his eyes welling up, and is pensive. Also w/ a special fan edit of him talking a bit about what he has done to get where he is now. Bless! :bawling: :heart:


And because it couldn't have been said any better. Need to share this truth!!!


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Thanks for that, @tenilove97! Really appreciate your hard work compiling that! Great to see him again -- he looks well. Sometimes, it seems to me that he manages to exude both sincere masculine confidence and genuine humility in equal doses.

As for Hyeri and those pics with CJes actor Park Sung Woong in the same tux as the one he wore to the Baeksang awards that night, and the clip of him sitting next to RJY, and all the maybe's, what if's, and details....well, like you said....who knows?!? :wink::ph34r::wub:


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Awww sweet @Grey_Lady!:) Glad you enjoyed it and ICAM w/ your description of him! :wub: And yes...who knows? :D

One more thing I found that I'd like to share about Baeksang! A 31:16 minute vid focus of our guy w/ a bit of Park Sung Woong the first half and the rest my fave mom and son duo...Miran and JY (16:02). Most likely, before the award ceremony or throughout? Not sure.

On another note: I'll be back later to play my purely FANTASY random connect the dots game w/ our lovely pair. It has to do w/ a few things I noticed and wonder if they in fact have to do w/ the other.~kkkkkkkk 

For now will leave you w/ this vid.^_^


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Nice to see Miran and RJY together again. They sure do seem to get along well. :) Thank you for the vid.

Hey, speculations and ponderings always welcome! :D:ph34r: Look forward to reading them, when you have time to post 'em.


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7 hours ago, Grey_Lady said:

Hey, speculations and ponderings always welcome! :D:ph34r: Look forward to reading them, when you have time to post 'em.


Thank you for using those words because that's exactly what I'll be doing and repeating throughout. Fair warning for anyone who will be reading...I'm sorry if it gets annoying, but I'll be saying it over and over so that it is clear. That what I'll be posting is FICTION...just my FANTASIES! And the reason I'll be doing that is because things have been getting even more out of control lately in terms of shipping, fan wars, and even personal attacks against the very actors who are a part of those ships. Due to people feeling their ships are being threatened, no respect, crossing lines, etc...you name it! Yeah it's gotten even worse out there right now in terms of K-ent business. I for one just want to have FUN w/ this so please don't take it seriously or as fact!!!!! IT IS NOT! If you (any readers/lurkers) do....it's on you!!! I'm NO INSIDER!!! These are just OBSERVATIONS and SPECULATIONS due to it. Ok so let's have some fun since unfortunately there's no news or anything! So let me insert some hope! Again...shipping is risky!!! It could either go the way you want or may not!!! If it doesn't...not the end of the world. After all, It's their lives!!! We are just spectators who love what they "share" with us at times....chemistry, fan service, etc. We could only hope for the very best for them no matter what! As long as they are happy and still remain in each other's lives in some form...all good.


Ok time for some fun!!! Getting into the pink bubble because it's time to play connect the random dots!!!

Ex: First off, wanted to post a throwback of one that actually connected in an unexpected way. LOL That is bowling. It's so hilarious how one day a few of us from the fandom read one of his translated interviews after LR finished (he had a slew of interviews....about 100) . In which he mentioned playing bowling. On the other side, there was her v live that if I'm not mistaken came a day before...also mentioning bowling. So of course, came the suspicion....more like hope, what if they go bowling together? .So we giggled at the thought and that was that. NO expectation. Few months passed it was his b-day v live. He pretty much goes down the list of his R88 buddies...leaving them messages. Her turn...it seems he wanted to leave her last, but HA! forgot AJH so oops. But for her, he thought a bit..took him some time to come up w/ what to say to her. PINK BUBBLE talk: it's like he was in constant communication w/ her that he had no idea what to say. So then he finally let it out...we go bowling together, stop keeping score and I enjoyed ISAC (she was the MC hehehehehe). Also at the actual fm he said how he taught her how to bowl. Said they coincidentally bumped into e/o there once and that's how it started. Then came the weird IG chatter due to his fan boy moment being caught in London. That day LDH, Minji and her posted a comment. Hers was...."~kkkkkkkkkkkkk" Then he responded to the other 2 first and left her last. Said something like...."I finally lived out my dream here, let's go bowling." (That IMO is low key asking her out in public). She then responded oddly..we felt it was a sulky response......"I'm going bowling today! Why don't you go in London." Mind you she knew something we fans were having a hard time figuring out. That was the fact that she knew he was still staying in London. While we were under the impression he was on his way back. Finally came a pic of their autographs at KB Bowling. But yeah that's how it was for the bowling connection. 

Time to see a few others. Next post...new goodies. :wink:


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Again warning: Connections made are SPECULATION, FANTASY, and FAN FICTION (FF)!!!!!!!!!!

Alright so warmed you up w/ an oldie that turned out to be so. Time for some new ones.B)

Speculative Connection #1: Forgot to share the Nike event he attended in March. In which Crush, a few others sang live. And as you may recall, Hyeri in Ear Candy mentioned how she likes listening to Crush when on a drive w/ her boyfriend. If that’s not enough, the song that he sang was Oasis. Song that was played in the ep. So here’s where he comes in...he not only was seen singing and bopping a bit along to it..he was recording the performance. Not odd there, he is known for doing that.  However, as soon as the performance was over, he quickly started texting...as if needing to share the vid or even just the event as a whole w/ someone...fam, friends, chatroom, or…???


Speculative Connection #2:  Since I mentioned the Nike event might as well get into the IG posts coincidence. One already has been posted here. But as a reminder I’ll post it again. In that one it’s exactly a year a part...same date; hers 151027 and his 161027. What’s interesting about it is...one was in Paris, the other in London. Both not in Korea. Both in front of a building and both posing practically the same and are seemingly color coordinated. Moving onto the new one. A collage I posted just recently, but didn’t really get into detail about it. That is the “pretending to sleep” ones. Him on the Nike sign and her on a couch. For that one...exactly a month a part...again same date; his 170325 and hers 170425. Also same pose and what’s really peculiar about this one is she didn’t have to lay on that sign to create the same effect. Whoever took that pic, just by taking it at an angle managed that same effect. Interesting no? Plus yet again color coordinated.






Speculative Connection #3: This one will have 2 possible connections because it comes from a show she was just on recently called Life Bar. The premise of the show is basically taking a few shots (as in drinking) while opening up about whatever topic they ask you about. So of course, they asked about love. She admittedly said she isn’t dating! Doesn’t even have guys (apparently even friends) asking her out...she’s been asking them. That she wants to date. Just to be totally honest about it...wanted to put that out there for you guys because that is what she said. She also talked about some obsessive, controlling ex boyfriend. Which brought about this statement.


Which brings up the thought does that mean she might just expect the same from the man she is with? And well a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case pictures.

I will add I don't recall even his close friends w/ his phone and w/o permission too. IMO shows he trusts her.


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Speculative Connection #4: Life Bar Part 2- So it seems they (GsD) were asked about tips on secret dating?Here's her answer. 

A line she (OP) forgot to add that was said by her, but she added/replied it in the continuous tweet was..."like hair shop".

When some of us read this we were shocked, given what is known. That is the fact that JY and GsD go to the same salon. Now not sure if that continues to be the case...time has passed. But I have not heard anything about any of them changing anything so as it stands they still go to the same place. Visual proof is when JY popped up and was surprised by seeing Hyeri filming her vlive at the shop that time. 




Speculative Connection #5: Last, but not least Baeksang. So in that vid I posted earlier, you can see that JY is seen texting and looking at his phone a few times. At one point it seems he allows Miran to read from it! And if we compare it to last Baeksang, the only time we saw him w/ his phone is taking pics..possibly video but that's it. So again fam, friends, chat room, or....?

Ok so there you have it. It's been a long time since I've done long winded, observatory, speculative posts. But it's been a long drought so needed something to hold us over. Hope you enjoy! And remember these possible connections are....all FAN FICTION, SPECULATION, and FANTASY!!!!! We shall see if they are ever confirmed, but until then...NONE ARE TRUE!!!!!

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A bit more on Hyeri's philosophy on love.

This girl truly fight for hers...has a lot of heart! Bless her! Just hope that it leads her ultimately to true happiness!!!! :wub:

LOL Romeo n Juliet...more like Ryumeo n Hyeliet. ~kkkkkkkk


Also very, very late to post here, but will do so now.....

:star::thumbsup::heart:!!!Congrats to Girl's Day for their 2 Music Show Wins!!!:heart::thumbsup::star:



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Thank you for using those words because that's exactly what I'll be doing and repeating throughout. Fair warning for anyone who will be reading...I'm sorry if it gets annoying, but I'll be saying it over and over so that it is clear. That what I'll be posting is FICTION...just my FANTASIES! And the reason I'll be doing that is because things have been getting even more out of control lately in terms of shipping, fan wars, and even personal attacks against the very actors who are a part of those ships. Due to people feeling their ships are being threatened, no respect, crossing lines, etc...you name it! Yeah it's gotten even worse out there right now in terms of K-ent business. I for one just want to have FUN w/ this so please don't take it seriously or as fact!!!!! IT IS NOT! If you (any readers/lurkers) do....it's on you!!! I'm NO INSIDER!!! These are just OBSERVATIONS and SPECULATIONS due to it. Ok so let's have some fun since unfortunately there's no news or anything! So let me insert some hope! Again...shipping is risky!!! It could either go the way you want or may not!!! If it doesn't...not the end of the world. After all, It's their lives!!! We are just spectators who love what they "share" with us at times....chemistry, fan service, etc. We could only hope for the very best for them no matter what! As long as they are happy and still remain in each other's lives in some form...all good.


Hey, @tenilove97, enjoyed reading through your personal "Speculative Connections"! :wink: Lots of interesting details and "hmmm" moments. B) You just never know ! :tongue::heart:

As for what you said about shipping (which I "quoted") --- yup, yup, and yup again. Shipping is risky and shippers always have to be careful that they don't want something more than the people they're shipping do. I could be wrong, but I've long thought that when shipping, a strong dose of calm and cheer goes a long way to maintaining equilibrium and balance amongst shippers.

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