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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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On 9/30/2016 at 0:12 AM, riuenu said:

Omo this is so beautifully written, I been stopping myself for coming in..cause I already lurking too much platform for update..but this..make me wanted join you guys for the discussion already! Thanks @40somethingahjumma! I love essay actually =x
The essay make me sort out alot of my tot..and also, words from So to Su making more sense to me now....I believe that is why, So tell Soo in prison, she always creating trouble for him(that is what was translated on the sub I am watching, pardon me if I am wrong >.<)..I find that, it is in a sweet way of telling her...I will not abandon you even all the trouble you had created or I will be always by ur side no matter what u do, he is taking ownership of Su life as his own already

And Hi everyone, this is my first post here..will be busy backreading and saving picture...and waiting for Monday to come...(:

and oh ya, is cause I saw @LyraYoo tweet on the above Essay that bring me in, thanks for sharing this on twitter (:

Welcome to the thread chingu @riuenu

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4 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

(sorry to cut your wonderful post)

Now, I would like to comment on the expression "toxic" you used. For many days the topic poison had been on my mind, but I wanted to write about it later. Yet, your comment pushed me to do it now. In this drama, poison appears so often and in different kind of forms. We have the poisoned tea that Hae Soo served to Wang So and the one that lady Oh drank so that she had miscarriage. Both are represented by a liquid poison. Yet, poison appears in form of words, like lies, rumours or poisonous influence too. Third the palace itself like you mentioned it, can be considered as a poison, where people start suffering from that toxic place. Lady Oh suffers from cancer, Wang Mu has skin disease and Hwangbo suffers from migraine. all of them are victims of the toxic environnement. The palace kills people slowly, little by little. We all know that exposed daily with little dosis of poison can be dangerous and fatal. Finally, poison is also represented in symbols like sun or rain. 

Striking is that poison appears in the first episode for the first time. Wang Mu's breakfast had been poisoned so that a bird died. Its first appearance so early underlines the importance of the existence of poison in Goryeo's world. Then Wang Wook mentions it in the episode 7 related to a plant: 

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As we can see, this plant can either heal or kill. I did some research and found out that this plant is used for the heart. In order to become a poison, the quantity is the determinator. Too much of it can kill. The mentioning of this plant is interesting for many reasons:

1) It reminds us that the palace is a dangerous place because we can't help connecting it to the event in the episode 1, where Wang Mu's breakfast had been poisoned. 

2) Since the plant is connected to heart, it can be related to love and its negative impact. This could be considered as a clue for the future betrayal: Hae Soo will be devastated and heartbroken that Wang Wook abandoned her. This will definitely weaken her health too. 

3) Hae Soo hears for the first time about poison, unaware that she will become a victim of a poisoning. She doesn't realise the importance of poison in Goryeo.

Secondly, poison is connected with words. It is also used in the beginning. People are fearing Wang So due to rumours: he killed so many people in Shinju. This kind of rumours are the reason why Wang So is isolated and seen as a wolf dog. Many stories have been told about him, reality disformed so that Wang So has to live as an outcast. Even his own brothers don't know what is true and wrong. The result is that Wang So's isolation makes him suffer. He would like to get loved by his family, yet it is not possible. After Hae Soo met him, his relationship with his brothers change because since Hae Soo symbolises water, she can tamper the effect of the "poisonous" rumors. Baek Ah starts seeing Wang So's true personality. It is as if Hae Soo was diluating the poison as she represents water. But rumours are different from lies. Lies can be as dangerous as poison. One of the best examples is when Wang Won visit his brother Wang Mu in order to make him believe that Wang So knew about the corruption in Mu's family. Wang Won didn't lie just once, but the entire conversation only consisted of lies.

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The effect is immediate and effective like poison: Wang Mu's trust in Wang So is shaken. He starts doubting his brother who had once put his life for him. Then another kind of poison are words as such. They are distinctive from rumors and lies because the two latter are more based on fiction. Lies don't correspond to reality, rumours represent a mixture of reality and fiction and words can be a reflection of reality. I could use Yoo for example who is using her son to become the Queen Dowager. She is not lying to Yo as she doesn't need to do it. She really thinks that her son deserves to be King and Yo has internalised her way of thinking. Her obedient son is expecting from her love and devotion if he executes her orders. Yo believes every words she says. So she has a huge influence on him therefore he looks down on all the other princes. His mother's words and influence have such a negative impact that he is arrogant, cruel and coldhearted like his mother. As we can observe, words can be poisonous so that they affect relationships. The best scene where the viewers witness the poisonous effect of words is when Yeon Hwa is with her brother. We have two scenes for that. The first scene is when she meets her brother after the rain ritual. 

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She is reminding him that the seat should have been his. Wang Wook is not looking at her, but her words have such an impact on him. First he refuses to listen to her, but her poisonous thoughts are effective because we see his struggling since he is convincing himself that he shouldn't be greedy. He knows that this is not right. In the end, he succumbs to the temptation as he is asking himself where he should stand. 

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Yeon Hwa's words and influence have worked like a poison, He gives in to his greed and ambition. Actually, Yeon Hwa's actions and words remind me a lot of a snake and the Bible story of Adam and the snake. The best scene where we can associate her to the poisonous snake is when her secret is discovered. When she is caught, she almost immediately talks Wang Wook into not giving up the throne. She tries to convince him that he always wanted to become the king. She is like the real devil as if she had seen his inner thoughts and desire and this is not a coincidence.

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Now, we might wonder if Wang Wook's ambition and greed is the result of Yeon Hwa's influence. This makes ask ourselves if he has not been brainwashed by his sister, getting poisoned listening to her words that this seat should belong to him, just like Yo has been influenced by his own mother. In one of my earlier comments, I had written that Yeon Hwa was the Yoo in the making and here again, we see that both are working in a similar way. Using people's feelings in order to get what they want. In fact, it is Hyeon Hwa who is ambitious and greedy, but she is using her own brother to achieve her goal. Moreover, she would like to shine like a sun, exactly like Queen Yoo.

And we all know that sun can be dangerous as well. Too much sun can kill. And this is also represented by Wang So and Hae Soo. The latter will love Wang So so deeply that being close to him will make her suffer and weaken her health. At some point, Wang So will realise it therefore he will allow her to leave him. That's why I also noticed a difference between the episode 8 and 9. In the episode 8, Wang So was sure, he would never let her go, but in the episode 9, his determination is less stronger due to the afflicted pain. This time, he doesn't say, he will never let her, but So the possibility that he let her go is now a little higher.

Finally, the rain as poison can be observed when Hae Soo is begging for lady Oh's life. Hae Soo is already so weak, rain is making her even sicker. This explains why Hae Soo will be physically weaker in the future.

I am not sure if people will read all of this because this post is so long. writer pink mouseIf so, I hope, you enjoyed it.  cute-rabbit-emoticon-02.gif?1301940529


 @UnniSarah @solelylurking

@fathiayunia @dramu51ch0c10ve 

@syeramy @littleloony @Yongzura @valsava  @junee22 @evie7


I love reading your analogy / analysis regarding "poison" in the drama, especially that you pointed out Hae Soo, like her name implies, is like water and she dillutes all poisonous thing that some of the 'toxic' palace people. Now that we're halfway through the drama and Hae Soo's personality definitely has changed, is it safe to say that the  current Hae Soo is getting weaker because the toxic(s) are way stronger than one mere 'antidote' (Hae Soo) now? Heheheee...  

49 minutes ago, jayakris said:

From darksmurfsubs.com ... We have finished subbing the Ep 11.  Those of you who want soft subs srt files can download it there.  We may go back and tweak some song lyrics or add a few more lyrics lines later, but otherwise it is good to go.

Gosh, it wasn't easy to subtitle this episode.  It is tough to do when you are tearing up at some so many places.  The subbing colleague of mine crying her eyes out (so she says) and me, an older man who is not supposed to cry, pretty much choking up.

By the way, am I the only one impressed by the Princess Yeon Hwa actress?  She has been doing a terrific job.  I particularly noticed the scene at the beginning when Wang So walks off from the banquet and she gets up to ask for 3 cups.  She first looked at the evil queen who just looked away.  The expression on the princess' face was striking.  For a split second she showed disbelief at the mother being least bothered of the son who had just had poison, and also her own caring (which she has somewhere inside) for Wang So.  In a second it was a smile on her face, meant for the King.  Another scene that I liked was in Ep.10 when she walked into the evil queen's room to start the whole evil plot. She walked in even as the attendant ladies were announcing, with her head turned up.  Talk about style! ... I had never seen this actress before, but I'm impressed.

Thank you very much for the subs!! You guys seriously are awesome! :) 

You're not the only one, I too, am impressed with Yeon Hwa's actress. You should check out her other works like "Empire of Lust" (warning : 19+ rating), Kang Haneul was in it too. She did a great job as an ambitious girl looking for vengeance in there, pretty similar to Yeon Hwa, but Yeon Hwa is nastier in my opinion. And, well, this is a wishful thinking, but I reaaally hope to see her more in BTS since she always has this strong and serious face in the drama, she must have fooled around in the set too, but the camera rarely / didn't really focus on her, awww... :( 

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Just now, bebebisous33 said:

Secondly, poison is connected with words. It is also used in the beginning. People are fearing Wang So due to rumours: he killed so many people in Shinju. This kind of rumours are the reason why Wang So is isolated and seen as a wolf dog. Many stories have been told about him, reality disformed so that Wang So has to live as an outcast. Even his own brothers don't know what is true and wrong. The result is that Wang So's isolation makes him suffer. He would like to get loved by his family, yet it is not possible. After Hae Soo met him, his relationship with his brothers change because since Hae Soo symbolises water, she can tamper the effect of the "poisonous" rumors. Baek Ah starts seeing Wang So's true personality. It is as if Hae Soo was diluating the poison as she represents water.

Hi @bebebisous33 brilliant post on 'poison' :D you didn't leave out any sort used in the context of this drama and I loved reading it. And then as usual, I started thinking about it. I just quoted a part of your post to highlight the poisoning in connection to Wang So.

Poisonous words have built up an image of him that is ferocious and savage. So has been on the receiving end of such poison for years. He also has been much abused physically by circumstances and his adopted family in Shinju so that there is still another sort of poison he has been internalizing. In the recent timeline that we see him, direct words by Queen Yu, Wang Yo and even Jung have been used to cut up his emotions. Lastly he took the literal poison as the only way out from the checkmate situation Queen Yu put Hae Su and him in. While slow poisoning/ chronic poisoning (eg. Arsenic, Antimony etc) can kill you over time, on the other hand slow doses of poisoning can also make you immune to it and make you stronger.

In all the other characters we see inevitable signs of deterioration, be it health or the mind, but only in case of So do we see him come out stronger after each dose of poisoning. So he is the only one who has been surviving poisoning for so long and yet again he survived the literal poisoning. I think this foreshadows the fact that in the poisonous royal court of Goryeo the one who will always survive and become stronger is Wang So. The fact that he has been building up his immunity, quite inadvertently, will also help Hae S become  stronger in the long run because he will be there to help her overcome the poisonous atmosphere of the palace.

One other sort of poison- Love. Love as a poison can be clearly seen in case of Hae Su. The love of WW kept HS in an illusory world and didnt let her venture properly into the gruesome and offensive reality of life in Goryeo, dynamics of family, specially the royal family and the greed for power that it entails. And that love has cost her her mentor and mother-like figure. Sure Wook is not to be blamed for the whole poisoning incident but it is undeniable that his sister orchestrated it and had her love for Wook not held her back she and lady Oh may have left the palace by then and not be involved in any of it at all.

One other effect of poisoning- Paralysis- Can be seen in King Taejo. He is so bound by the words and actions of the clans and his love for Wang Mu that he is incapable of justified action. He is helming Goryeo in stall mode.....doing whatever he can to preserve balance in the nation and smoothen the path for Mu regardless of how his other sons may be at life risk (Wang So) and innocent bystanders may end up dead (Lady Oh + Hae Su).

I have 50+ pages to catch up so if this is a repeat of things already said then please bear with me everyone :)

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On 9/30/2016 at 1:00 AM, flower4junsu said:

The symptoms that proves you catch Moonlover virus....

1. Directly visit this thread right after getting up from your dream

2. Cannot concentrate at work or school

3. Search any new news related to bts...ost...otp...teaser...etc

4. Watching the previous episodes over and over

5. Everyday keep on thinking what will happen to ws and hs...what is the possible ending??


Omo Omo!!! I am suffering from all the symptoms... What i am going to dooo. I am having such great pains from not reading the post.. Struggling to concentrate has chincha chincha kept from catching up on the thread. So now I am at page 807  smh smh smh I am being treated by coworkers like this calm-down-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gifcalm-down-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif:tears::tears::tears:


@meahri_1.. I Totally agree with about unrequited love. The one doing the loving will always become resentful and will eventually leave them because that love actually becomes toxic. It hurts the one who cares the most especially when that person is much warmer to other people then they ever will be toward them. I think when they love that person they give so much of themselves and receive nothing from them is wrong.  I just can't wait for Hae Soo to realize her love for Wang So. Her love will change her perspective of Wang So. She will get to know him even better and understand what he is doing and why he is doing it.

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Bi 1004비 @junghyebi

The Princes saw hae soo?#MoonLovers #ScarletHeartRyeo

5:42 PM - 1 Oct 201


 How? Laundry maid dont get to go to the inner palace.

Anyway,  how come it's not monday yet?????

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25 minutes ago, uuugogirl said:



Wow eagle eyes :dizzy: it's Haesoo in her laundry maid uniform :dizzy: So she will witness So and Wook's fight scene :dizzy:

Definitely eagle eyes @MAROSA_JIN! Well done :) 

Probably not going to happen but in my dreams I will see her "YOU GO WANG SO HANGJANIM! HWAITING! KILL THAT B*STARD!" 

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1 hour ago, SizzlerZ said:


Whoaaa! I love your analysis! I think I've officially over used that statement on this forum... 

If things go as you say then I feel that from about half way through Wang Yo's reign to the end of Wang So's reign will be quite difficult and d hard for us viewers because that's when Wang So has to start making some tough decisionsas a political figure. I hope I am wrong but if that does happen by any chance then the ending that you've said will do more than just send me over the moon. I'm dying to see a happy ending for these too so fingers crossed things go as you say. 

Really loved reading your post :):)


Thanks thanks. You are too kind. Thanks for indulging me. Makes the weekend a lot more bearable. :D

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12 minutes ago, ratgirlina said:


Bi 1004비 @junghyebi

The Princes saw hae soo?#MoonLovers #ScarletHeartRyeo

5:42 PM - 1 Oct 201


 How? Laundry maid dont get to go to the inner palace.

Anyway,  how come it's not monday yet?????


Nice point. Laundry maid's wouldn't be allowed in the palace but it's certain that HS does enter the palace in a laundry maid's outfit. I've seen BTS footage of WW in white clothes (must be after the king's death) talking to HS (in her laundry maid outfit) within the palace. There must be some special reason she's in the palace... 

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15 minutes ago, ratgirlina said:


Bi 1004비 @junghyebi

The Princes saw hae soo?#MoonLovers #ScarletHeartRyeo

5:42 PM - 1 Oct 201


 How? Laundry maid dont get to go to the inner palace.

Anyway,  how come it's not monday yet?????

Laundry delivery?

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I'm not moderators...and I'm not a senior member on Soompi..but I'd really really really realllly want to say this..as a reminder

PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE IMAGES,PICS,GIFS,VIDEOS if you want to comment on someone and you don't know how to delete the images etc..just tag that person's name

PLEASE DO NOT POST UNRELATED TOPICS OF THE DRAMA  if you want to talk about unrelated topics just go to PM..or you can do that on PM group. If you want to talk about actors/actresses of the drama you can go to the actors/actresses thread on Soompi forum.

PLEASE READ SOOMPI RULES AND FAQ OF DRAMA THREAD I'm pretty sure mods already put this at the thread first page..you can go back to page 1 to read that

Thank you. Now can we go back to the drama discussion please?

PS : I don't mean to offend anyone..so please forgive me if I'm overreacted *bow*

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Hi, I have lurking around and I see some here talking /asking about Joon Gi if he is gay.

I have a good gay-dar,  and I have the confidence to say that he is not. I think many people already had that thought because of his role when he was just starting The King and the Clown and as we know LJG is a really good actor so he potrayed it really well then followed by the awful long hairstyle that he had even after the movie. I think that is why he was perceived that way. 

I have seen him bts, interview and on variety show and he more of vain, dorky, attention seeker type but not gay.  

Please don't hate me on this but the one that I am positive that is more likely gay are Jo Kwon, Heechul, you can already see it on the way they move. But the one that I got shocked was, Bogum. I never watch reply 1988 so I have no idea about it but I faithfully watch 1n2d and he was a guest recently, the way he moves was too obvious for me. Like I couldnt believe my eyes, while watching I even asked my mom and cousin who has no idea about korean dramas or kpop to drop by my room and tell me what they think about Bogum, and they said right away he is that....

I am sorry, I am not a Lee Joon Gi, park bogum, jo kwon, heechul Fan or Hater. I am a moon lover fan. I just posted what I have observed as a normal citizen of this earth. I could be wrong. Please don't hate me




Edited by LyraYoo
Offtopic-unrelated to drama
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