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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 minute ago, Diana Blanche said:

I second that. Even he mentioned it in an interview or he was asked in a show (if I'm not mistaken was in 2009-2010, sorry I don't remember exactly), that he is afraid of the knife of a plastic surgeon :)

Yeah. I saw a video of LJG. They showed his pictures from baby until his teenage years. He looks the same as he is today except he was slighty chubby. Be apart from that, he looks the same especially his sharp nose.

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1 minute ago, Sharine Phinisia said:

Wook has become Gwangjong's next target anyway. His past affair with Soo only serve as another trigger for him to be exterminated. Sigh, what can I say, Wook has been a snake for the past few weeks..


I dont mind if Wook died. He deserve that.

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4 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

Can I just have a montage to King Taejo who ruled Goryeo for so many years but did not get loony right away.

He's alone, but still he didnt' end up like what his sons did. 

I was thinking the same! Taejo was not a perfect man...but he was in his right mind. 

Who cursed the throne after Taejo's death??? Hahaha. Why they haven't exorcized the throne seat yet? 

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well i did watch the Cversion and know this is all going to happen but seeing how OTP loved is played through this drama the pain is double when i watch the BBJX.. the hurt and pain in both of So and Soo eyes is just really hard to handle and for me maybe JM is right.. nothing can be changed and not even the ruthless KG will changed but Soo being there to make So as a king and that's it.. nothing more and nothing less..

they just can't loved in this era because of many thing but most of all thing that Soo is not design to lived in palace where people can't trust each other and you are alone like So said in ep 7.. she will always be GHJ that will save the boy who drowned , accepting that her bff and bf were together just like that.. her heart is always going to get hurt because she will believe in people just like that.. she is the epitome of female lead that taking care everything except herself...

i just want Soo to go out from palace and just lived peacefully with Jung until she dies.. the palace been torturing her for many years and i don't blame KG at all.. he have to do what he must to secure the throne.. power will always come first then feeling.. Taejo is the perfect example even if So want to change that he can't...

both of you just should see each other 1000 years later when scar is not a big problem , having ex bf is not a big deal and just loved each other to death... 

i'm mad at first seeing this episode but later on i realize that is not they hate each other but they loved each other so much that they end up suffocate each other... the time and fate is not with them so the best is letting go... to So i just hope that he will realize how much Soo loves him and be with her in her dying day.. at least give them that much...

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This episode at least consoled me by these fact:

1. WS never thought of marrying YH for even a second, even when facing numerous threats. He only marries YH because HS asked him to do that.

2. He left YH on their wedding night, practically ask her to do her act as a queen and never to cross the line ever again. I think he meant, going near HS and talking about how HS will never be a queen on his concubine. WS has gotten smarter, knowing YH is the one telling HS about her scar being the obstacle to their marriage. He is so cruellll to YH and I was SO happy about it!!

3. He pushed YH away, knowing she's not HS just by her snake smell. And when YH thought she can convince him on baby-making scheme, he gave her another cruel option. To throw away Wook and her family. I must be a pyscho, cause I love it!! I love it every time WS threw cruel words at her and she looks like she's going to lose it! YES!!

What I hate:

1. HS is so adamant about CR's punishment is too cruel. Yes, CR is like a sister to her, but remember when she said Wang Mu is like a brother to her? CR killed Wang Mu! And Wang Mu is WS's beloved brother (other than BA).

2. Just one incidence of CR's death and now you wanna leave WS?? Where's your promise to stay by him forever? At least RX is leaving the palace because 4th prince was so angry with her and never visit her again.

I hope HS has better reason to leave the palace. Like she did not want WS to know she's dying.

Where I cried :

The part when WS marries YH and HS wearing her own wedding gown, alone and thinking of WS. That's so choking sad...


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Guys I want to clarify something.In the preview,did WangSo say that Wook PROPOSE or Wook PROPOSED?

Maybe so called marrying Wook is a way for HaeSoo to escape and it is Jung's idea since he can't enter the palace?WangSo....no I mean Gwangjong want the throne and HaeSoo so maybe with the help of YeonHwa he staged the dead bird?Then HaeSoo can't escape and marry him?

Omg my head and heart hurting from all these.Just let HaeSoo die and return to 21st Century please!!!

BTW,I also realised WooHee and BaekAh kissed at the same place EunDuk did before they died...foreshadowing you guys.I think WooHee will die next episode.

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22 minutes ago, caramelovers07 said:

Calm down, guys. This is solely my opinion (if i were HS) about why HS decide to leave WS, although of course I also think it was too soon (Correct me if i wrong). I think you must diferrentiate HS and RX in this case. In this Korea version, HS is someone who righteous, she doesn't like injustice or polygamy (in chinese version, i think RX doesn't emphasize this character, as we know 4th prince has many wives). When she must deal with WS marriage (2 times) with someone else and keep accompany him, she was already broke her own principle because she understand the situation and because she knows that she doesn't have any power to support her beloved ones as a king. Even, she tried to console herself that she is okay with it repeatedly on wishing tower. She knows when it comes to love she want to be an egoist one, she want to have him fully for herself (like her conversation with Ji Mong), but in other side, of course she knows that WS can't let the throne away. So, she give up her principal about that polygamy, and tried to endure as much as she can. Second reason was when WS expelled Jung from the palace, because he want to possesed her mother love himself. I know that he desperate with it, but again if i see it from HS perspective, it was not the right thing to do. He is so possesive, even doesn't let his own brother to see his "last-breath" mother. Even the last wish of his mother to see Jung, he doesn't granted it. He knows that her time wouldn't be so long, but he keep being stubborn and becomes so possesive & egoistic when it comes to his mother love and don't think logically. HS really hates injustice, but of course she knows really well why WS acts like that. He was so thirst of his mother love, but what would you get with that egoistic behavior? WS didn't receive her mother love, nor makes her mother a bit happy with let Jung see her for her "last-breath". So, she break her own principle again and keep endure it to accompany him. The last issue (and the top of it) was CR death. She was so mad with it, i know we must be a rationaliatic that she had supported Won & Wook's plan to kill Mu and Eun. But CR was the precious person she had other than Lady Hae, HS knew from CR last letter, that she did that because of her love to Won and she doesn't regret it. And she let HS to decide if it was the right thing to do or not. CR did that not because she HATES WS or HS but because she LOVES Won. I think she is just a fool of love, although she knows that she was just a puppet she was sincerely love Won. I think her biggest ever mistakes that she did was falling in love with Won. And HS knew that, she understand that because she, herself do the same thing when she lied to make WS become the king. She couldn't be herself when she was in the palace, in that violent political position, she keeps break her own principles and not being herself. I know she promises to be with WS, but I thought she does have her own struggle with her. She couldn't bear with this sly and unfair strategies to ruim each other. Enough with Lady Oh death, and now CR? And who was behind CR? Her lover, WS... I mean, CR doesn't have intention to make WS fall! She was just a puppet to this game! She was being promised to married with Won, her true love (at least for her). I think her decision to leave the palace was reasonable (although, i do also think it was too soon), and remember that she doesn't know with what "way" that Jung suggested to let her leave the palace....

I don't think righteous is the correct word chingu. We cant forget that HS fell in love with Wook while he was married to someone she thought of as a sister. If she held her 21st century values so high this might not have happened. Not just the fact that he was he sister's husband, but the fact that he already had a wife. Of course it wasn't until the death of her sister that they actually started dating but her values are really debatable. 

In C-Version, RX hated the fact that 4th spent time with his wives, even the empress who was a sweetheart. She had requested that he make her Empress and not see them. 

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2 hours ago, LyraYoo said:

I will recap both

Hopefully SBS will cooperate. Let's see if there will be two versions tonight 

thank you so much and i read your recap while watching s one tv. wow you are amazing watch 2 version and live recap it at the same time :wub:

what i can say is : i hate this episode... i hate you writer nim :bawling: i'm not ready for this kind of torture.. 

i even cried a bucket for the carnival proposal 

but i dissappointed at haesoo.. she doesn't love him enough to be loyal and true only to wangso. she know for sure that if she did what wangso told her to do, all his brother will be safe. if she love him enough she will understand why wangso did what he did to jung and his mother. and if she love him enough, she will understand wangso's explanation about why chaeryung being punished. and if she love him enough, she won't give up what all they have been through because of chaeryung. yes the palace life is suffocated her. but, it's her choice to stay with him and it's not just a year or two she live in the palace. she should know how the palace rule and everything. 

i hate you writer nim to turn haesoo like this. wangso needs a devoted haesoo. all that wangso did for haesoo need a devoted haesoo. and those lovey dovey moments was too sweets to turn the story into a richard simmons like this. those sweet moments between haesoo and wangso deserve a happy ending. i don't think i can watch eps 19 alone, i will need two episode back to back to cure this heart breaking... :bawling:

but i can't blame wangso for what he become. like i said on my previous post, king gwangjong is the real wangso. he just try to hold his anger because of haesoo by his side. with haesoo attitude not to obey him about jung and with no people around him to stand for him, what can he does but become the old wangso. and with all the worse things that will happen next, we won't be surprise to find the wolf side of him. 

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56 minutes ago, outofspace said:

Well...it's really nice that Baek Ah and Woohee make plans to get married BUT she's probably going to die in the next episode, so...*clutches heart and tries not to die over it*. Poor beautiful, innocent cinnamon roll Baek Ah, who has been a total SWEETHEART the whole time, is going to get his heart ripped out in the next episode, I am NOT READY.

As for Soo, her leaving the palace has been a long time coming...a REALLY long time coming. It's only gotten delayed because of So, but now that he's entertaining Yeonhwa and allowing his vicious side to re-surface, well, I can't say he's 100% worth staying for anymore. I'm not too familiar with the C-version, but if I'm not mistaken, the 4th prince already had a wife/wives before Ruoxi came along, right? It's a pretty different case here where Soo truly has to step aside and see So get married to evil Yeonhwa who then gloats in her face at every turn. It's a pretty humiliating situation for her. When it comes to Chaeryung, yes, the girl did bad things and she deserves her punishment for that, but it doesn't mean that Soo would want to see the girl get killed in such a brutish manner. It's not easy to kill people or even just see people get killed, the people who conduct executions - the people who could easily be the ones considered as "desensitized" to seeing people die, get mental trauma. How much for Hae Soo? I totally understand her need to get out. She needs to go back to the 21st century, where at least there's internet and chocolate, lol. 

Although the pacing has been rushed, at least it looks like Soo will be leaving the palace by episode 19, and then she will probably die early in episode 20? I hope the scenes in the future can heal our scarred hearts. T_T

Everyone dies in Goryeo. Next will be Wook and Won. Goryeo is a horrible place to live. Let HS die quickly and return to present Seoul. No more torture and heart disease.

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Also, was it just me or was anyone else bothered they chose to play the Death Song during Queen Yoo's death scene... I'm sorry, that song is reserved for good people who don't deserve to die. You should have gotten an out of tune bagpipe playing over your death or something (though that would ruin WS's tearful revenge scene and that was beautiful). 

Like seriously, Lady Hae, Court Lady Oh, Eun and Seon Deok, .....and Evil Queen?! *sigh*

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31 minutes ago, MoOnLoVeRz said:

such an angsty episode

thank goodness this calmed me down a bit!




Need to calm down... give my heart a break

I need the healing tape right now... :wub:

Edited by LyraYoo
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22 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

HS is still around in the preview of ep 19 so I guess it took some time for BA to deliver the hairpin to Jung. I want to see HS now trying to convince KG that he is her one true love. The sadistic side of me wishes that KG orders HS to marry WW, better late than never, and while WW is in prison for his crimes, HS will be home making soap.

Sorry for the rant.

Don't be I even thought of that for a sec. I mean as a punishment for HS.. ok this is the man you've been so wacko before.. now live with him and all but this is what he did.. this and that he was to blame for someone's death.. Now go make soap with him and freaking go on a date in the snow and dig up the fcking tunnel again and have your candle light date.. As she witness Wang So not in love with YH but still YH is the person right beside him..when that's all she ever wanted. ugg~ geez the feels. 

With this, YES I WANT HAE SOO to richard simmons know about everything Wook have done. Especially when she got framed from the poisoned tea incident.


Again I don't resent Hae Soo. it's just that everyone needs that fair beating..blacko-emoticon-02.gif

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Ohhhh what a depressing episode . I don't think I could bear to watch it :( even reading the update made me want to tear my hair out :tears:. Am definitely going to be lurking around on the forum till the very end but my poor little heart just can't take all the stress . Pls add me @MadraRua for the roll call . And to all the updaters @qwenli . @trizha1 And others please carry on with the brave and noble task of  giving us updates . I can totally understand how painful this must be for u . Thank u so much chingus

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3 minutes ago, ilovecoffeeandbooks said:

Also, was it just me or was anyone else bothered they chose to play the Death Song during Queen Yoo's death scene... I'm sorry, that song is reserved for good people who don't deserve to die. You should have gotten an out of tune bagpipe playing over your death or something (though that would ruin WS's tearful revenge scene and that was beautiful). 

Like seriously, Lady Hae, Court Lady Oh, Eun and Seon Deok, .....and Evil Queen?! *sigh*

Yes!!! I thought the same ! :tears: She doesn't deserve that beautiful song

So I decide to think that the song is for Gwang Jong that was mourning so desperately for her... It's better be for Gwang Jong :lol: lol

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4 minutes ago, lovedrama11 said:

Ohhhh what a depressing episode . I don't think I could bear to watch it :( even reading the update made me want to tear my hair out :tears:. Am definitely going to be lurking around on the forum till the very end but my poor little heart just can't take all the stress . Pls add me @MadraRua for the roll call . And to all the updaters @qwenli . @trizha1 And others please carry on with the brave and noble task of  giving us updates . I can totally understand how painful this must be for u . Thank u so much chingus

I normally watch the repeat episode the next day and weekend in OneTVASia. But for the last week episode, I couldnt bring myself to rewatch episode 16. Sames goes to Episode 17 and 18. Too much for my heart and mental state to handle. I just wait until next week.

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First time jotting down my thoughts as I watch the episode.  A very intense episode that kept me on the edge of my seat. My heart goes out to So alone in this episode. It is indeed lonely being a top dog.

Poor So. Being bombarded left and right about marriage to YH. Everybody conspired to make him marry YH. Gah!! But I'm glad that HS was understanding and gave him the green light to marry. I couldn’t smile at all when they were enjoying themselves at the lantern festival. Then I cried rivers when they had their conversation by the praying stones.

But So is really something. My heart breaks for him. How could he still be craving for the love of his evil mother so much??

For me, CR’s punishment is as cruel as the c-version, but somehow I felt more deserving, because she did cause the death of Mu, whereas in the c-version, nobody died because of the spying, right? (sorry I haven’t watched) Then that stupid letter from CR. She has no regrets? I’m boiling mad. And it has to be written in blood? Sorry, no brownie points for her at all. I do love how So disclosed everything to her.

So entering his chamber drunk had me really worried when we know who was sitting on his bed. He was smart n alert enough though. Except we won't know until next week how that scene actually ended. Knowing YH, she'll take the deal that So offered. In this aspect, I really hope the writer followed history. No kid until 6 years later please. Wait, I mean no consummation until 6 years later please.  Arrrgh!! At this point, I can only scream to HS "Yeah, go ahead. Get out of there. Get your ticket and get out of there"

We’re indeed entering the darker phase of the drama. I have to say that this is a fully packed intense episode. Yes, we’re so lacking in the lovey-dovey department, but that is not unexpected, is it? I did guess in a post much earlier that the lantern festival would be the last sweet moment of SoSoo... I really don’t mind to be proven wrong on this.

I have to admit that I can’t wait for this drama to end. Mostly to get my sanity and my life back…

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