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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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35 minutes ago, krysyuy said:

Wait, So knows about her health now? If this is from the scene with the doctor, I actually didn't think the doctor told him, but I probably missed something. I watched without subs, and I just assumed from So's reaction that he still doesn't know. (I thought he was angry about not being told she collapsed right away.) I feel like he'd be more frantic if he knew about her health, but with the way the writing's been going...

That's what I gather, from the scene after Soo collapses due to CR's death. In both DF and C-subs, he berates the doctor for not telling him that she was so weak. Though you do have a point... perhaps the doctor did not say that she had not long to live, and it was only So who concluded she was weak. Gah. I dunno. Whatever knowledge So had about Soo's condition, it was not enough to stop him from pushing her away once he knows about her relationship with Wook. Ah well...

And I sound like a broken record, but in the original, Ruoxi kept the truth of her condition from 4th Prince as well, so it never occurred to him that she had not much longer to live, apart from the scare following her miscarriage when she pretty much gave up on life.

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12 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

When we get back to modern times in episode 20, I wonder if we'll see the redemption of Soo from breaking all of her "I'll never leave you" promises to So. Based on the leaked episode 20 stills, we see Soo approach So in a couple of scenes and he doesn't remember her. She'll promise to stick with him until he regains his previous memories, just like he stuck by her all those years in Goryeo.

Just a theory I'm working on. 

Wait up. Where have you seen the stills? 

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12 minutes ago, fuyukoneko said:


I didn't get why HS mentioned that she was a slave. Wook had freed CR from slavery so she could enter Damiwon. And, if CR had told HS the truth, wouldn't HS have helped her? She chooses to help Won and slowly kill MU and causing his insanity. I think slowly killing someone through repeated poisonings is way worse than if CR had just poisoned his tea or another method that would have resulted in a quick death.

Yes what CR did is definitely wrong, she choose to did all those things.. WW freed CR because he planned to put CR in damiwon to poison WM.. if she reject it, she cannot be freed or maybe her family is in danger.. and you're right, she can go to HS and tell everything but she's not smart and blind by her first love, she choose to trust Won, because she loved him. I won't defend CR in this matter because just like you, I hate what she did but hitting her just like an animal, it's not right.. especially in hae soo eyes.. 

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2 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

This drama has become strangely unpredictable even knowing the C-Version. 

I will prepare my heart just in case all those songs in the ost are lying about their ending in the future. :lol: 


Or if it is editor/director fault...

EDITOR/DIRECTOR: "Ooopss sorry I deleted those 10 minutes of happy ending in the future because we were running out of time to add some scenes of Jung, Wook and YeonHwa because they didn't appeared much in episode 19. :) But a sad ending is not that bad, isn't it memorable? It sticks to the original one. Kisses... See you in a next drama". 

ME (sitting in my Gwangjong's throne): :angry: KILL THEM ALL!!! DON'T LET ANYONE ALIVE!!! 



well if there is no future ending...

my take is So will know about Soo illness maybe from BA or WJ that finally have enough seeing how miserable and slowly dying Soo in front of him.. the only person that can make Soo happy is So and WJ know this.. So will be on Soo side taking care of her and i forgot did't the doctor said that Soo might not able to walk? there is no such plot in novel so maybe toward the end Soo can't walk and So taking care of her.. im tearing up writing this and lastly Soo confess that she not from there and if there such thing as reborn she want them to never have to said goodbye and So will said that no matter where you go i will find you... THE END......

this likely will happen if no modern ending cause in novel RX just dies and never woke up and its adapt from the novel if i'm right...

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Just got done watching the SBS version of episode 18, and my conclusion is that Hae Soo never loved Wang So. She was nice to everyone, and because Wang So had never received such affection before, he mistook it for love. That's where all the tragedy started. For Wang So, Hae Soo was the one and only special person that saw him for what he was. For Hae Soo, Wang So was just one of her many admirers that happened to be a little more persistent than the rest. Wang So was never special to her, even though he risked his life for her so many times.

In a similar fashion, many fans on the Korean DC fell for the epic 6-minute trailer and pre-released stills or OST covers, thinking that MLSHR was going to be an epic love story of a two star-crossed couple that transcends time and space. No. This was a poorly written and executed drama that only filled the pockets of a director whose past reputation only came from working with a seasoned writer. Before, I had thought MLSHR was like what a renowned French chef created with the best ingredients with the intention of orchestrating a full course meal with traditional Korean dishes. The food was edible because the ingredients were good, but the menu was horrible with a hot, substantial appetizer and cold, meager main dish. Now I think he was just a hired chef at a fast food franchise who thought he could start a gourmet restaurant and failed horribly. Yet he doesn't suffer any financial loss because he's already sold the restaurant to someone else. 

I'll still watch the finale next week and continue to promote the demand survey for a complete edition because I still want to see all the deleted scenes and what not, but I'm growing cold. Just as Wang So is finally distancing himself from Hae Soo (regardless of whether he's pretending or serious), I think this episode was a good wake up call for many fans who were sucked into this show after a mirage. The enchantment does wear off eventually.

37 minutes ago, liddi said:

@ruizaio The codeword Jung gave to Soo to indicate when she wants him to take her away from the palace - can you please clarify if it meant "I want it" (per Dramafever subs) or "I am willing" (per C-subs)? In the original, Ruoxi gave the message to 14th Prince, saying "我願意 I am willing" when she finally could stay no longer in the palace and wanted to leave. 

The Korean word is just the verb for "want" or "willing." So either works. 

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20 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

I can't remember exactly but someone shared here that the 5 kids are 3 daughters and 2 sons. With only 2 sons, it's probably not enough to ensure the security of the throne, since mortality rate was high during that period.


Not to mention, the more kids you have, the more ability you have to form political alliances through arranged marriages.  You also never know if you're children are going to keep up the same values as you (as KG 's son who took the throne after him did not) so you want to increase the chances of people supporting you.  

Interesting thing where marriage and children aren't for love but for politics and power!

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Looking at the GIFs that say "liar" on what actors say this drama brings "happiness and love". LOL so on the point!

Insert **Wang So hysterical laugh and cry** How!? For like 5 minutes each episode, the rest is misery and depression all the way. At this point I give up, unless the writer does something major, I don't know what MIRACLE there is for our OTP to stay strong.

How the heck does love rewrite history? ( Preview so misleading)  We mainly see WS' personality and character change and grow, but how is that changing history. History is the same, he marries his half-sister and has kids down the line. How does HS change history, unless she gets written down in history or marries someone, something has to happen to change. We got Yo being King but for a short while, but is that changing history majorly? I want the history to change for WS and HS.  All I see is Titanic sinking down the bottom less pit. No one can save it, sadly.  WS is changing so rapidly now that he is king. He is so scary and acting desperate, more than when he was in the beginning. Isn't he now the king that HS knew from history class. The king that spreads fear and kills. If so, I ask again "How is history being re-written?" Sure he learned love and acceptance from HS, but I don't that is enough. There has to be more...


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Maybe this is my modern mentality speaking, but when I saw in the preview of ep 19 the part where WS asks HS about her non existant marriage to Wook, and after that kicks her out, I was like WHO HAS 2 SPOUSES BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU! 

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Okay so HS conveniently forgets that ChaeRyungie is responsible for Moo's death, Eun and SunnyD's death and the death of her marriage?

Chinese version : I understand you, I can't hate you, but, why must you be so cruel?

Korean version: I don't understand you, let me find the quickest exit before you're fully aware how much I really don't understand you.

Even Cliff Notes wouldn't have left out so much for misinterpreting.

Did like the marriage sequence in the international version. This has 4th standing outside his own door (YH) and then deciding to leave. Makes more sense to me than SBS version. I was left thinking why 4th wouldn't go comfort HS if she were still awake after seeing her at prayer rocks. It couldn't be guilt for marrying since she agreed and clearly he would be showing nonconsummation by being with her instead. 

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I´m waiting the subs for ep 18 , I´m really anxious ,yesterday at the night I just watched ep 17 and I was so sad thinking about Wang So and Haesoo (I was crying silently after this episode while  my sister was sleeping beside me) I really hate Yeonhwa , she did many bad things , but still she get married with the king ??, EVIL WITCH .
 In any way that I see it ,  the only two man that Haesoo loved  failed her. Both say that  will marry with her,  but Wang So´s promises also will be empty promises  .. the only guy that will be keep his promise will be Jung and  take her away of the palace  I love SoSoo couple , and I feel so bad for HaeSoo , she really has bad luck . I think that I wouldn´t have any consolation for the next episodes .  :tears:

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7 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

This drama has become strangely unpredictable even knowing the C-Version. 

I will prepare my heart just in case all those songs in the ost are lying about their ending in the future. :lol: 


Or if it is editor/director fault...

EDITOR/DIRECTOR: "Ooopss sorry I deleted those 10 minutes of happy ending in the future because we were running out of time to add some scenes of Jung, Wook and YeonHwa because they didn't appeared much in episode 19. :) But a sad ending is not that bad, isn't it memorable? It sticks to the original one. Kisses... See you in a next drama". 

ME (sitting in my Gwangjong's throne): :angry: KILL THEM ALL!!! DON'T LET ANYONE ALIVE!!! 

In all this feeling blue mood today...i really had to laugh to this :D

It's just sad that even if all of them vanish if things end up badly bitter taste will stay for a long time in our mouth

Thats the risk of watching ongoing drama...to stay on the safe side its better to watch finished dramas and after you read a few comments so you'll know what to expect...i decided to do that many times in the past...but supose will never learn ;)

Seems my hope vanished tonight as well...please chingus someone bring it back!

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2 hours ago, Para12012 said:

I don't think righteous is the correct word chingu. We cant forget that HS fell in love with Wook while he was married to someone she thought of as a sister. If she held her 21st century values so high this might not have happened. Not just the fact that he was he sister's husband, but the fact that he already had a wife. Of course it wasn't until the death of her sister that they actually started dating but her values are really debatable. 

In C-Version, RX hated the fact that 4th spent time with his wives, even the empress who was a sweetheart. She had requested that he make her Empress and not see them. 

Well, actually I have that word "righteous" choice was initially because of this interview video, chingu:

In this interview, IU states that HS character is not exactly like RX character in BBJX original drama. As for HS (or Go Ha Jin to be more precisely), she described her as a righteous, warm hearted, nosy, tough spirit, and have a strong-willed. Maybe the righteous word that she choose have a meaning of justice, equality for everyone? (Correct me again if i wrong. I am just a mere viewer :bawling: ). As for C-version, forgive me, i don't know such a details since i didn't watch it. But in K-version, WS did clearly said that HS doesn't like polygamy (or something like that) after he decided to marry Mu's daughter, and confessed to HS, so I have conclusion that PD nim wants to emphasize that character of her since it was in WS dialogue.

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