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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 hour ago, hell59 said:

Dear fellow Soompiers, for the ones who watched the Chinese version, did the poison episode also happen there? Are they following the Chinese version very closely? Thank you for your answer! BTW, I am loving this drama!


As i remember there was no poison happened, i think the princes tactics againts each other were more subtle and careful so Emperor Kang Xi (their father) wouldn't get suspected with them as the master mind, especially when the emperor was so doting with the crown prince and easily forgave him for almost every mistakes he had done. The emperor was very strict and harsh to them, he can punish them except the crown prince without blinking if he found out they schemes something.

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Omg I was literally tearing up at the last scene.And it's not even the part where WangSo coughs up blood,HaeSoo gets tortured or Oh Sanggong gets hanged yet...what is SHR doing to me?:tears:

I realised how Oh Sanggong stepped in a lot of times today and gave her loads of advice.It's gonna be heartbreaking tomorrow.It's as if the writer wanted to put more of her in this episode for her to say all her last words to HaeSoo before she dies.

There was also a lot of tension today.From the very beginning when Jung told Wook that HaeSoo and WangSo escaped the palace til WangSo walked out of that place with blood on his lips.To me,the most tension scene was when WangSo and HaeSoo met Wook and Jung on the way back.Omg I could feel the immense jealousy that Wook tried to control.And I was in glee when WangSo prevented Jung and Wook from taking HaeSoo away from him.Another obvious most tension scene was at the end.We all know how this scene is going to play out.Yet,I know many of us were watching this with bated breath.That was really painful to watch,especially when he looked at HaeSoo while drinking from the poisoned cup.My heart was aching for him.If HaeSoo doesn't fall for him after this,I really don't know what to think anymore.

OOOHHH...Look who displayed his dark side more prominently now.Wook definitely has something up his sleeves.I mean he missed the first few shots.But when Yo left,he shot the arrow perfectly in the middle of the board.To me this scene once again reiterates that Wook is not all that he seems to be.He may look weak,calm and kind on the outside.But when no one is looking,he attacks ACCURATELY-Just like the time he threw his knife directly into the middle of the assasin's forehead when wanted save HaeSoo in episode 2.

Speaking of displaying dark sides,we begin to see the 9th prince's Won's true nature now.I guess he's the kind to side whoever he thinks he can best gain benefit from.Definitely not a loyal and trustworthy person.

Til I can watch both versions with english subtitles,I don't think there's much else for me to say.Plus the live streaming lagged today so I'm sure I missed out several scenes.:)

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6 minutes ago, angelangie said:


almost but not yet :D

Hi angelangie!

Of course I have to take great care not to let my laptop come into damage. Or else I wouldn't be able to watch subbed Ryeo while it goes into repair, nor could I coem to this thread to spazz and discuss with you fellow Eclipses.... I was then in process of downloading the subbed episode actually :D

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I keep thinking that scene when Wang So drank poison. Yeon Hwa look uncomfortable. While his mom, Queen Yoo, I don't know how to describe her emotions. What did she felt when she saw her own son drinking poison he make for her enemy.

Is that look on her face is a shocking look bc it's out of her plan?  Or is it terrified look because she is deep down worried about her son?? I don't quite understand what she actually feel towards Wang So. Did he really means nothing to her if he can give her the throne? But she is a mother after all. And even tho Wang Jung won't give her the proud of a King's mother, she seems genuinely care for Jung more than her two other sons. 

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15 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

so if HS told him that she loves someone else... why is he taking away her choice from her?

If a girl tells you she values you as a friend and that she loves someone else.. and your response will be that I will kill that person??? .. totally goes over my head.. on one hand you are trying to respect her by saying you won't kiss without permission, you are willing to leave palace , do anything to save her... but on other hand you can't respect her decisions in her own life???

If one loves someone, one should be responsible for one's feelings. If you love her, love her.. you want to care for her, care for her, protect her.. but you can't have this condition that since i love you, you must love me back.. or less you also live a miserable life without any company..

I haven't really bothered with Wook till now.. in all 9 episodes (literally ff his scenes).. but this is too much..


WS has literally made HS incapable of pursuing her life and love.. she can't accept Wook and obviously.. why should Wook play nice if someone else is keen on snatching away his love from her..


How would you feel if Wook goes threatens IU that dare you be with WS.. 


this is ridiculous.. lazy writing.. they have no clear definition for WS character in love.. he is full of contradictions and his personality keeps fluctuating

We do need to bear in mind that 4th Prince is very possesive as in the original novel. And as I mentioned earlier, he pursued a girl only when he is confident that she is also interested, otherwise he won't waste his time on her. Only because he knows that she is interested that he made such statement. Problem here is either the writing or the acting which depicting their relationship as nothing beyond friends when by now, she is supposed to have some interest which 4th could already sense for him to act that way upon her. By saying this, does not mean I agree with his machismo way but I am speaking in the point of the plot of the original novel of BBJX.

Wook is quite a poor written character and therefore I love him hinting that he is capable of more than just being a nice guy. If love is what triggered him to aim for the throne and turn onto his dark side, then I will say....bring it on. Nobody watching this show to see him getting bullied. It is good that he could finally act on something rather than just waiting for the opportune times and endless promises. That is how he lost to Wang So. Wook is about words while So is about action.


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1 hour ago, car148 said:

Our problem right now isn't how we will survive till tomorrow. The problem would be how will we survive till next week. I am sooooo sure Ep 12-13 will be daebak for our OTP. Waiting for that is more cruel! :expressionless:



SOOOOO TRUEEE.. WS definitely look totally fine tomorrow. US? Ottoke? Ottoke? How are we going to survive for another 5 days! Pass me the poison.....

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@qwenli Chingu  thanks for that info Chingu. In all KDrama land I the girl always says  I love you back to their loved one.. WW said it to her but she did  not say the same thing back. When he said that to her and she only smiled. It kinda confused me chingu's. Her response looked like she was flattered  by Wang Wook's confession . 

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46 minutes ago, kriswu said:

Wang So be like: Woman, wake up. I didn't take that poison only for you to die eventually.

*lol sorry. let's all take a deep breath and rest and prepare ourselves for tomorrow's episode. fam, you all did good today:wub:*

:lol: Hahahaha!!!!! I can so imagine this. 

35 minutes ago, violet90 said:

there is no throne or other people in his mind.. his HOME is with HS no matter where she live.. for once i think i understand why WS said its only HS and BaekAh as his people and belong to him... they the only one that he care , love and willing to die for... 

@violet90 How could I forget those upcoming epi 11 scene's, thank you for highlighting them. I am sorry for cutting your post, but the line regarding WS's home being wherever HS is, I couldn't agree more. You are so right there is no throne in WS mind, his mind is preoccupied with HS and how people are accepting him to even ponder about being King. HS and BA are the two individuals who have always been kind towards WS and have not perceived him to be a monster, I believe WS will forever be loyal to HS and BA and this will be reciprocated. 

@SizzlerZ That is a lot of scene's to fit into one episode,  I'm just going to pray that we don't just see WS appear at the end during the rain scene. 




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43 minutes ago, trizha1 said:


This. I don't think CP gets as much love as he should on the forums. He really is a sweetheart, but not well suited to the game of thrones (intentional pun). He's too good and sweet. And eurgh YH how could you try to murder your teddy bear older brother??? :(

yeah he is indeed too good & sweet, he can be a monk/priest :wub: 

imagine people who wants to kill him, yeonhwa indeed evil queen to be

can't believe wang so end up marrying YH :vicx:

BTW, how is the chinese version going ? about the end of its drama, is it crown prince who become king or it will be continued until wang so - gwangjong become king ?

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2 hours ago, iliketoeatsoap said:

can WS just fast forward time jump and kill HS ex boyfriend who cheated on her instead of the princes lol

@iliketoeatsoap  Amen I feel you on this she has really suck up every word WW has told her and believe them, She's just to trusting Can't wait to see her bubble get busted..

2 hours ago, redfrommars said:
2 hours ago, Nymeria289 said:

Break up, break up, break up, break up, break up, break up for God's sake

Wook is beginning to get scary this episode. His expressions is dark...

@redfrommars  We all knew WW will go to the darkside but how much is he willing to do just to try and obtain this love and how much of HS is she willing to sacrifice herself for him.. To me I think she feels she has to be with him because of his wife and him took care of her like she owes him a debt of gratitude so marrying him will settle that..But yet she don't see he could have secured her future before any of this happens he thought all was well with her just being around for him to reach out to was enough.. I still don't think his true intentions is to marry her.. 

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I also really liked Jung and Soo's interaction today, chamchamcham was cute!  :w00t: 

Jung's character was done nicely this episode. He was aware of the changes in his mother and Yo after Wang So came to the palace. He was wistful for the good old times when the politics were minimal. Because of this, he dislikes Wang So. Not because Wang So has a scar, or because Wang So did anything to him in particular - Wang So just showed him how evil his mother and older brother Yo was. This is such a good exploration of Jung's character, and gave him so many additional layers, as the youngest and doted upon son in the evil queen's family. 


Another character that was done well today was Eun's wife. She asked him to be polite to Soo, as a prince. That was correcting his petty behaviour, as a wife. But at the same time, she was not exactly best pals with Soo, naturally, since she is envious that Eun liked Soo so much in the past. It was understandable when she told Soo off for stepping out of line and telling her what to do as Eun's wife. 

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36 minutes ago, privio said:

Hi! First time posting here in soompi, I usually only lurking around and read your intense forum here. :lol:

And for episode 10, is it just me that feel frustated with HS? I ship HS and WS really bad and it really frustated me to saw HS and WW scenes. I mean, I know WS and HS will be together at the end, but still....I need reassuring that my ship wil sail! :D

anyway, thank you so much for this forum, it help me to go through days before another monday and new episode of Scarlet Heart Ryeo! 


You're not alone :lol: I too was rolling my eyes when they were sitting in the cave. I don't hate Wook but I need OTP to sail soon or right now.  I think the next episode will soon see HaeSoo painfully letting go of Wook.  So that means, she will be in heartbreak/getting over him mode.  Wang So will be loyal puppy comforting her.  Waiting till she will eventually open up and accept and return his feelings. :wub: I think this near death experience for her and Wangso and the death of a dear friend/mentor will be the cause of the transition.

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