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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Finally caught up with all back-reading. Also because the thread actually slowed down a bit for a couple of hours this morning. It's so time consuming, but, I wouldn't want to miss any of your great comments and posts. Yes, I actually read through all the pages! Was so left behind because my internet was out for almost a day.

Less than 12 hours to go for the much awaited ep.10, but sadly, I won't be able to live-stream due to a commitment every Monday evenings. I can only hope as soon as I reach home, I'll be able to download a subbed episode (int'l vers) without any problem. Will definitely get left behind again with this thread by then, as I will be away for 5-6 hours not being able to check the thread at all. (I really, really need to learn speed reading, alongside with Korean language)

And since I'm caught-up, I can finally post a comment.... There were many I wanted to reply/comment on, but as I read on, a lot have shared similar thoughts, so I refrained from repeating. I wish I could participate more in this thread, but my RL situation now is taking a lot of my time that I can barely just make it reading through other posts and comments. Wanted to stop clicking the "like" button so I can move through the pages faster, but I really appreciate your sharing of gifs, pics, and videos, as well as analysis and comments, I just had to take the time to click "like".

So, I really wonder how the writer will play out the WS-getting-married-with-YH part. Since in the novel or C-version, 4th already married and has a lot of concubines. In our K-version, HS is WS's first love. It'll be so hard on him or her to go through this event after acknowledging their deep love for each other. As many have mentioned, I too have learned to accept that the marriage scene is inevitable in this drama, but yeah, please don't need to show us any bedroom scene of them, or even any physical contact, please.

I never watch the C-version because I've heard how angsty it got towards the end and how so many viewers needed days/weeks to recover from the ending despite still holding the drama closely to their heart. Just not ready and cannot afford to do so at this point of my life (maybe I'll try watching it when I'm at retired age, LOL). I seriously hope K-version will be a bit different, because I'm too invested now to pull out of this drama. In the beginning I told myself, if it becomes too much to bear, just pull out and ditch the show. But nope, after the end of ep.9, I just have to know what will happen to HS and WS and how their love story will develop and become.

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9 hours ago, jerboa83 said:

I found this analysis of the differences between the original and the edited version of the first 3 episodes:


I think it's one of our members here in thread who wrote that. is that you @akinahana89? :) we're still looking fwd to the the follow ups writing btw :D

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2 hours ago, luvkstyle said:


Yes the kiss was heartachingly raw, passionate, intense - we 'felt' it. It reminded me of Lee Joon's Gi's comment on Healing Camp where he talked about practicing to  try to make his kisses 'look pretty'.  Perhaps because he didn't have to worry about this he was able to execute the most realistic kiss I have seen in any of his dramas :D

Actually he has one other kiss scene that looks wilder n more powerful....his forced kiss scene in Time between dog n wolves....you must see it so you can feel it:P

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17 hours ago, qwenli said:


I am hoping someone like @40somethingahjumma or @bebebisous33 can write about it, with a title perhaps in the line of 1) A Galloping  Love or 2)Trotting about us.:D:D

I haven't checked the bio of the writer, but she clearly knows something about horses and getting together.hahaa

When @qwenli summons, this ajumma can only obey. ;) (Although I had been doing my best trying to avoid posting on Soompi today)

In some ways this post is probably premature but hey, why not?

I'm not a horsey sort of person but I LOVE horse movies... I don't know why... Man from Snowy River, Black Beauty, Seabiscuit and even War Horse. Maybe it's what horses represent to me... wildness, freedom and raw unbridled power that when properly harnessed can be a force for good... Sound familiar? :P That early scene with So and his entourage galloping across the plains must be one of the most beautiful, riveting scenes I've ever seen anywhere. The roar of the hooves and the sheer awesomeness of raw masculinity and nature in symbiosis is just breathtaking.

Lest I get carried away... you were asking about Su and So on a horse. :D

Apart from buying his mother a hairpin, the first thing So does when he enters Songak is to slash the horse he's been riding. (Okay kids... don't do it at home even with adult supervision) He is adamant that he's not returning Sinju although the gesture is merely symbolic because they could quite easily find him another horse. But it is an important gesture for self-determination and it parallels with Su slashing herself to achieve the same ability to determine her own fate or destiny or whatever you want to call it. For So, it is a one-way ticket to freedom.

For me at least, horses seem to represent a kind of wild freedom... a vehicle for freedom at the very least. For those who can wield such power they can go anywhere at anytime. For the rest of us who are terrified of the beasties, we can only sit and watch in admiration, hoping we don't fall off our chairs when we watch someone else dismounting.

One thing that the OTP have in common is their desire for self-determination and perhaps the horse is the only avenue by which that can be expressed. Deciding who they can love and how that can be shown. There's intimacy too. Being so close where you can hear one another's heartbeat and rhythms as you share in the sights all around you. And to gaze at the world from the same height.

(Dang it, you are really tempting me to write a fanfic. Nooooooooo)

Maybe I'm just overanalyzing as usual... and taking a girl with you on a horse is just a 10th century courtship ritual to impress a girl when your rich father can't get you a Ferrari, Porsche or Mustang. ;) 

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Okay..first..thank you all for the gifs,pics,analyze' etc...second..I am truly sorry if this post will offend anyone..really I didn't meant to *take a deep bow*

So, I was rewatch ep 5 to 7 again last night (for the th times..I don't remember..hehe)..okay..so it's a video..I can't copy it here..will point it out at the times..at ep 7 timing 00.24.31 where HS trembling down beside Yo..I don't think she spills the tea..and I couldn't see Yo spilled the tea cup too...I only saw HS put down the cake bowl (???) at Yo's desk and got trembling almost made her fall..and Yo didn't pour his tea yet..he only picked up the tea cup halfway..so..ehmm..I didn't see water? I love the myths,of course,undoubtly..but..maybe I'm wrong??? :sweatingbullets: I just couldn't keep my curiousity..

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Episode 10, Text Preview

황궁을 탈출하고 해수를 바닷가로 데려간 왕소. 왕소는 해수에게 자신의 속마음을 고백하며 머리 꽂이를 선물로 준다. 한편, 해수와 혼인을 결심한 왕욱은 해수에게 프러포즈를 하지만 해수는 대답을 망설이는데...

Can anyone please translate? I'm particularly interested in the last part, where HS hesitates (??) to answer 8th's marriage proposal.

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18 minutes ago, flower4junsu said:

Actually he has one other kiss scene that looks wilder n more powerful....his forced kiss scene in Time between dog n wolves....you must see it so you can feel it:P

Yes I have seen that scene but I "felt" this kiss more - maybe because of the circumstances surrounding it haha.  I remember the other kiss as being a bit more awkward but this one definitely "moved" me phew :sweatingbullets:  Of course this is just how I reacted to it :rolleyes:

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@ruizaio Thank you very much for translating KHN's Q&A too! Truly very much appreciated.

I love his insights into Wook's character:

 My utmost focus while acting as Wang Wook was 'reason.' Of course, reason would be important for any character, but for Wang Wook, rationality/reason was the core of his character and the cause of the changes in the character as well as the theme of the character of Wang Wook himself. My take of Wang Wook was that he was a person that was composed of countless inner conflicts from his surroundings due to his position and status that accumulated over time and wore him out. The reason for his arranged marriage, the reason for him to feel affections for Hae Soo, and the reason for his character's change later on. He's really an unfortunate character. 

It is gratifying that my impressions of Wook were validated by the actor himself. Wook is indeed one who is trapped due to who he is, what he is, and the weight of an entire household, a family's expectations, hopes and survival pinned on his shoulders. He is one whose life is no longer his own, and does not have the luxury to live based on what he wants, but what he has/needs to do - in response to that responsibility. So while frustrating as a lover and not condoning his reassuring but ultimately ineffectual promises, I empathise and sympathise even, with Wook, because I relate to it in many ways, coming from the perspective of a sole caregiver in terms of the inability to just freely make decisions without considering every single aspect and every single person who is dependent on me and me alone.

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36 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

I'm supposed to be sleeping, but I can't... so I ended up translating KHN's QnA as well:

Oh! Thank you so much for your translation of KHN interview!!! :blush:

My favorite part:


A. LJG is an actor I have liked since I was little. Just being in the same show itself was awesome^^ I wanted to contact him even before we got to meet for the first time. I didn't have his phone number, but I managed to get the number of one of the directors of his management agency, so I asked for his number in a most polite and sincere manner, and ended up calling him. He was very pleased when I called him after stealing (?) his number. I think that helped us stay in good mood throughout filming for this show.

KHN is such a cutie, he has liked LJG since little and "stole" his number. :lol: Hahaha


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11 minutes ago, violet90 said:

i think what goes around come around for HS in term of her relationship with WS.... she innocently the one who teach him how to care for other people , laugh and be himself and now even if she want to pull away right now she can't.. WS already establish in his heart that HS belong to him and there is no turning back from that.. i think even WS knew she in relationship with WW its not going to change anything right now..

what Lady Oh said make a lot of sense now...

'be careful of Wang So'

'you tried to care for him and now he learned how to care from you'

I'm really interested to know where you got your subs from. That quote from Lady O.

The C-subs say: 他本是极其缺爱之人, 却在你这里学会了情为何意 ("He was a person who lacked love, but has now learned to love through you.)

Such an interesting discrepancy. Wonder why that is.

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:w00t:WaaaahhhhhhHhhHhHhH...!!! :w00t:  Oh.My. Gaaaawwd.!!  hurry already time! 

10 minutes ago, wordsmyth0253 said:


Wang So escapes from the palace and takes Hae Su to the beach. While confessing his inner heart to Hae Su, Wang So gives her a hairpin as a present. Meanwhile,  Wang Wook, who has decided to wed Hae Su, proposes to her, but Hae Su wavers in her reply...


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