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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Hi, all eclipses!

I've read not all, but many posts, and saw smth I can't agree with  -  an idea of that romance between HS and WS didn't even started.

I think, it started, but isn't shown the obvious usual "dorama's" way , isn't  much revealed

Things, why I do think so:

1. WS clearly knows his feelings to HS from the start (may  be seen in the scene him talking to CM of stars), and in many other scenes WS is enjoying his feelings , the freshness of them, he eis overall in it.

2.  There are reasons keeping WS  him from openly proposing to HS: one is WS isn't sure of his own status yet, just started living in the palace, has no home, no duties (and it might be a military career chosen by king for him too), he isn't sure of his future. Second reason is he wants to be loved by HS, but isn't aware of her feeling towards him.  They do not meet and interact often, someone always disturbs them, so he is seeking for more connections to her. Third reason  is - and very important - WS understands dangers of palace, of power, of people there, showing feelings in palace will be dangerous for him and for HS.

3. In every WS/HS scene there is tension between them, and no one else is able to stand between. For example: last scene of 06. ALL EYE CANDY ran towards HS, but where she shyly looks? At WS. She only sees him, his presence makes HS nervous. With any other prince she is comfortable, but not WS. WW may be jentleman of 100%, and you all know, thats not enough for love. With WW it is like he is an only close  person to lost girl in a world far from future, 

4. WS keeps interacting to HS tete-a-tete, and stays official in presence of other people. WS wouldn't share with anybody. Feelings are seen in his eyes, in his actions. He holds HS until the last, when caught  by guards the forest, holds until HS herself decides to go. He confronts the king, but doesen't talk of his feelings, suggesting just "another way  hae family be submitted".

5. What about HS? We can compare: her looking at WW, and her, looking at WS when they all saved her from one-armed man, pure delight.  And there are other scenes, too. Very private, their mutual crush - but it is shown.

I  think in the preview of 07, when WS takes HS by the hand and says he wouldn't forgive her if she hurts herself more - he waited for her to talk face to face in the same day, just hour (s) after the last scene of 06, 'cause he wouldn't share with brothers any moment of meeting and talking to HS, and 'cause her fragility at sight of her scar stunned him.

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1 hour ago, briseis said:

This drama has so many titles already- Moon Lovers, Scarlet Heart, Scarlet Heart: Ryeo… - , but believe it or not there is another one. The literal translation of the BBJX novel title is actually STARTLING WITH EACH STEP - iit was connected with RX’s knowledge of history and the fact that no matter how careful she was not to meddle with it, even the results of her inactions still managed to suprise her. For Hae Soo, the source of suprise will be the opposite considering how vague her knowledge of Goryeo history or lack thereof truly is. However, I feel that for the kdrama version that title gets a new dimension - it perfectly describes the OTP’s developing relationship and Wang So growing feelings to Hae Soo. Everytime they meet the experience is one way or another STARTLING and UNFORGETTABLE for him - be it her words about stars, justice or right to live or the way she treats him like her equal, not a prince or outcast. And as he is watching her leave, So is yet again STARTLED and UNSETTLED. 




It’s impossible not to compare this moment with their first meeting again - how roughly he threw her off his horse and So’ unbelievable gentleness and consideration now when he helps her down from his horse. It’s all so unrushed and tender and when she is about to walk away he stops her, offering her one last chance to escape, to escape with him - he doesn’t say it out loud, but he is again offering his help and protection to her.


Seriously, you have to admire his calm and guts when he pretty much publicly offers to commit high treason just to save her! I mean, he was almost pleading with her! And you also have to admire the courage it must have taken Soo to refuse him. It’s clear how tense he is after that and the immense strength of willpower he needed to respect her wishes and to let her go.


What broke my heart the most is the way how So never lets his eyes off her as if he’s waiting for a signal that she changed her mind; he keeps watching her even when the palaquin doors closed down on her like bars of her golden cell, and he doesn’t stop even when HS gets carried away because even then So’s eyes keep following the palaquin that is taking her away from him.


“What a fool.”

When he calls her a fool, it’s the final proof that he was really intending the whole time to fight for HS and escape with her, commiting high treason and all. He tries so hard to put as much disdain into it as he can, but he can’t completely hide his grudging respect for her selflessness nor the sheer hopelessness he feels. 




Lovely summary.

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ok, thanks to @kentangbakar I got to watch the k version. 

Firstly, I checked the duration. SBS One (international) version you will notice is just slightly over 59mins. K version is slightly over 1 hour. But when I verify the ending and opening. The k version has the preview at the back, so overall both versions are about 59mins - ie pretty much the same, fair enough, but I think if I count by secs, the k version seems longer.

For ep 6, someone has already highlighted the difference in scenes, so I looked out for them and checked the duration:

1) Evil Queen talking to the king is about 1 min 15 secs

2) The SO - YO conversation is about 2 and a half minute.

3) SO straggling JiMong is about 1 minute. Here I find it interesting that the CP is there too.

In total the difference is close to 5mins! 

as to what these 5mins were in the international version, I have to check later.

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Given Hae Soo's misgivings towards Gwang Jong, I think that what ultimately makes Wang So becomes isolated, paranoid and cruel in killing all those person could very well be her. In the chinese version, a major problem with the female lead Ruo Xi is that she relied too much on her knowledge of history and modern values and sensibilities, as a result she became very critical and judgmental about everything the 4th prince did after he became king and automatically assumes that he did wrong without really bothering to understand where he came from and the difficulties that he has as a king which led him to make such decisions. I can speculate that this will probably be the case for Hae Soo, since at such a  early stage, he is already worrying about the brothers.

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48 minutes ago, fangurling123 said:

I really liked that scene because it is building up to show So's true nature, his "scarlet heart."  He's always trying to help people, but in ways that people don't even know he is helping them.

As a quick summary of the scene, when So enters the room Yo again has a stab at him saying how even among brothers proper greetings and manners should be adhered to strictly. Yo says So still hasn't apologized for insulting him and their mother (i.e accusing them of the plot to kill the crown prince).  So then replies that if that is the case then he is the one who should be properly greeted first since Yo hasn't yet thanked him for saving his life (meaning what he did to hide the evidence on the attempt on the crown prince).  10th Prince arrives saying the emperor is bringing in all the south factions into the palace.  Wo says the emperor should embrace the factions.  Yo then says, true, a country can collapse in one split second (without careful political balancing).  Then Yo takes a stab at Baek by saying as an example, take a look at 13th Prince's maternal grandfather who was a grand Silla king but now is just a beggar relative who can't even enter the palace.  So subtly defends Baek by saying that the princes are really no different to beggars since they rely on the emperor for everything and can't get anything if not on his good side.   If you're going to live the life of a beggar, might as well go drinking.  He then says "Speaking of drinking, Baek, are you a strong drinker."  Back replies that is one of his specialties and both leave the room.  Baek then thanks So for coming to his defense.  So says no need to thank him, he just doesn't like the strong to pick on the weak.

<Edited to add:>  Baek then responds to So by saying that still, he would never have been able to speak up the way So did.


His thinking is definitely different from the other princes, he even perfectly know what is prince responsibilities too when he reprimand 14th. For someone who did not live in palace or taking formal classes like other princes, he is in different level. Impressive. hehehe.  

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I just watched the newest episode with my limited Korean and English...and personally I think either version of this episode is disappointing. There are obviously a lot of scenes that are cut to fit the time slot, no wonder some of us feels like the plot is moving too fast...and some parts do feel unrealistic. Personally I think there should be a lot more of bonding scenes between Hae Soo and the 13th (Baek Ah). The after funeral scene and drinking together scene didn't show off their bond enough, since it's pretty pivotal to their relationship. Moreover, it's being paraphrased by Baek Ah to Wang So, it's just...doesn't do their 'soulmate' relationship justice. As much as I like the scene where Wang Eun cheering Hae Soo up, I think that one scene should be cut...because we already know their dynamics.

Also, the scene where Hae Soo is giving and getting herself out of marriage should be longer in my opinion...it should show us that Hae Soo is thinking her moves carefully to achieve a result where no one gets hurt while knowing the consequences. And personally, I feel the music editor didn't do a good job editing it in this episode...the forest scene, where Hae Soo is giving herself up, I like the pre-preview on Naver better, the instrumental music is more fiiting than Taeyeon's OST. Also, the music in scenes where princes are saving her doesn't fit it in my opinion. It should be more thrilling, rather than 'almost-comedic'.

It could be a good episode...but the editing failed them.

Edit : I just want to add this, Royal Concubine Oh is gorgeous!

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4 hours ago, briseis said:

OMG! CAN THESE TWO BE ANY MORE SWOONWORTHY! Their scenes feel as if they were cut straight out of the most delicious romantic novel! There is a hidden intimacy in the way Hae Soo and Wang So ride together under the cover of fog; in the way he holds her so tightly. In the darkness of the forest they appear completely alone, with BA trailing way behind them.

@briseis Chingu , You write so well and totally on point. After watching the raw episode , I felt only SoSoo's scene were more intense unlike Wang Wook scene with our Hae Soo was just flat.  When the King arrived to consummate the marriage he found WW kneeling on the floor and Tae Jo " asked him why does he object to this wedding , he stuttered stuttered. OMG !! I was so mad at him for not speaking up. When I first saw him kneeling I was like crazy-monkey-emoticon-002.gif  crazy-monkey-emoticon-002.gifWS , your going to lose to WW. Even though I know that isn't possible but WW will get Some brownie points for trying. While he stutters and kept quiet. "  crazy-monkey-emoticon-021.gif crazy-monkey-emoticon-021.gif 

WS answered his father by giving him a different way to control the Hae Clan. The look on WW face when he saw WS was hilarious. I WAS YEAHHHH THAT IS THE WAY YOU SAVE YOUR GIRL.  crazy-monkey-emoticon-108.gif crazy-monkey-emoticon-108.gifcrazy-monkey-emoticon-108.gifBy not stuttering but by taking action to solve the problem. Help out th old man, help out that perverted man lol lol  crazy-monkey-emoticon-060.gifcrazy-monkey-emoticon-060.gif

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Watching the K Version right now .... but the one Part I wish to know is still not subbed... has anybody a Page where the Confrontation with So and Yo is subbed? Please PM me!

I haven´t noticed that before so clearly - but Yo is more and more on the loosing side. He starts strong and feels almighty when he talks with his Brother. But So easily wins. So stays calm and Yo gets angry... he keep losing the Word Battles.

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3 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:

Watching the K Version right now .... but the one Part I wish to know is still not subbed... has anybody a Page where the Confrontation with So and Yo is subbed? Please PM me!


From my prior post:

As a quick summary of the scene, when So enters the room Yo again has a stab at him saying how even among brothers proper greetings and manners should be adhered to strictly. Yo says So still hasn't apologized for insulting him and their mother (i.e accusing them of the plot to kill the crown prince).  So then replies that if that is the case then he is the one who should be properly greeted first since Yo hasn't yet thanked him for saving his life (meaning what he did to hide the evidence on the attempt on the crown prince).  10th Prince arrives saying the emperor is bringing in all the south factions into the palace.  Wo says the emperor should embrace the factions.  Yo then says, true, a country can collapse in one split second (without careful political balancing).  Then Yo takes a stab at Baek by saying as an example, take a look at 13th Prince's maternal grandfather who was a grand Silla king but now is just a beggar relative who can't even enter the palace.  So subtly defends Baek by saying that the princes are really no different to beggars since they rely on the emperor for everything and can't get anything if not on his good side.   If you're going to live the life of a beggar, might as well go drinking.  He then says "Speaking of drinking, Baek, are you a strong drinker."  Back replies that is one of his specialties and both leave the room.  Baek then thanks So for coming to his defense.  So says no need to thank him, he just doesn't like the strong to pick on the weak.

<Edited to add:>  Baek then responds to So by saying that still, he would never have been able to speak up the way So did.


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1 hour ago, qwenli said:

could you pm me the link to watch the korean version?

I dun know why I have to watch two versions for a drama, :tears:

the last time for  Empress ki, only the ending is different for overseas and local version. Now in between eps, its different.:sweatingbullets:

I have only download the sbs version, the one that I have now exactly the same with what I saw last night can someone PM me the link for the dramafever version?

thank you, and the sub still not up yet in subscene, I remember there was also had a long paused on episode 2 subs it take a whole day for me to wait the subs appear on subscene. Wish they can upload the sbs version and dramafever version soon. 

Its confusing to have 1 drama in different version, I hope this won't happen again in next episodes.

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so I just finished with the latest episode and I as a WW-HS shipper was very surprised that there wasn't alot of WS scenes, im not complaining but my God, the writers/director must want WangWook and Haesoo shipper to suffer in the end because their scenes were so intense in this episode! my second lead syndrome went through the roof today but i had to keep telling myself not to get too excited (my poor shipper heart) its so rare for me to ship the nice guy but Kang Ha Neul is doing a great job at tugging this poor fangirl heart FML 


i just want to say thank you to everyone for sharing your insight, whether your a WW/HS shipper or WS/HS shipper.


one thing i'd like to mention is that Nam Joo Hyuk is improving every episode. I really like his character!

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Sports Seoul - Naver: 'Moon Lovers' Lee Ji Eun enters the palace as a court lady...heart-wrenching romance with Kang Ha Neul

1. [+5,448, -396] Kang Ha Neul's tearful acting touched my heart..

2. [+4,636, -417] Hae Soo's hardships begin here... I hope Wang So consoles her a lot

3. [+3,957, -331] The look in Wang So's eyes, I love it ㅠㅠ He's a tsundere in the preview ♡ㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+3,189, -305] ㅠㅠㅠHer hardships beginㅠㅠㅠ

5. [+2,926, -354] Tomorrow seems like a heart-fluttering episode ㅠㅜ It was cut short because of the breaking news but great episode regardless

6. [+843, -92] Lee Jun Ki's crazy cool in the preview.. When he said "don't do it, because you could die"ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

7. [+779, -85] \^ㅁ^/♥\^0^/

8. [+832, -105] I love Kang Sky's acting. My second lead syndrome is kicking in again ㅠㅠ




Xports News - Naver: 'Moon Lovers', Lee Ji Eun's marriage partner was Jo Min Ki 'shocking' 
1. [+5,846, -249] Lee Jun Ki is the male lead but he feels like a minor role..He doesn't have enough screen time

2. [+3,396, -114] This seems wrongㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+3,281, -142] Yikes, but their huge age gap thoㅜWanggun, stop being greedy

4. [+2,508, -76] Father's greed ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+1,961, -88] Wth is this.. hahahahaha

6. [+860, -35] The men in this family are in love with only one womanㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ



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2 hours ago, LyraYoo said:

embeding of naver cast :

 @LyraYoo, thank you so much. Let me try. and see if I understood correctly.


Nope. did not work.


I assumed when you say to enter as a HTML code, to enter in those brackets.



but it did not work?


Vote for your Favorite Prince




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I dont rem who and which page asking for spoilers of C version of Scarlet Heart. You can read the plot and ending for it here


2 hours ago, MAROSA_JIN said:

Lee Joon Gi Shares Concerns On Wearing A Mask For “Scarlet Heart: Goryeo”


Lee Joon Gi recently talked about his experience on acting while wearing a mask for SBS’s “Scarlet Heart: Goryeo.” The actor plays the fourth prince Wang So, who covers his scarred face with a mask.


However, Lee Joon Gi’s was less concerned with his physical appearance and was more concerned in a different direction. “Wearing a mask while acting signifies the character’s drama within, so I was very interested and liked it. But when acting, it’s not easy to control my depth perception and there were times when I got dizzy. So I was deeply worried about what to do. Because that aspect intensifies during action scenes, I thought it was important to adjust as soon as possible,” he explained.

wow didnt know it was that hard filming with the mask and he has to adjust to the different types of mask too. But he didnt have to worry. He delivered his emotions perfectly whether its in the eyes, twitch on the face, slight lift of the lips plus the body language- so on point Lee Joong Gi.

13 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


Watching the K Version right now .... but the one Part I wish to know is still not subbed... has anybody a Page where the Confrontation with So and Yo is subbed? Please PM me!

I haven´t noticed that before so clearly - but Yo is more and more on the loosing side. He starts strong and feels almighty when he talks with his Brother. But So easily wins. So stays calm and Yo gets angry... he keep losing the Word Battles.

So true. WS has the makings of a king. Theres really nothin much going on with Yo, just that he dresses glamourous like his mother. And really he is as how his mother grooms him to be. Its also interesting to point out WS came up with a better excuse when pleading the case with the king to not marry HS compared to WW. WS even found out evidence that the Hae clan sold horses to the enemy. WW looked to him in surprise.

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