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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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3 minutes ago, notintoyou said:

From the premier episode it only got 7% ratings. IU and Baekhyun are liked in Korea (just because online commenters bash them, doesn't mean 50 million Koreans feel the same way they do, or care about idols in general) their likability has no effect in the ratings because they didn't even check it out, they just went for different drama. 


I don't know  who to @ this ... as for Hae Soo running into the forest, they added a flashback scene of her taking the hair pin Wang So left behind



I totally agree with you..thanks for that..anyway that other drama? is it MDBC? I think not many people knew that one of the scene in ep4 is almost similar with the scene in the original Scarlet Heart ep17.. :P just want to point it out though..coz the scene is really heart wrenching..and I wonder if the production team of MLSHR will use that scene too..coz in one of the trailer I can see that they use the boat scene..(Omoo!! sorry if this sound like a spoiler) Lol

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I haven't seen the re-edited ep 2&3 but the added scenes of the hairpin and at the prayer temple makes more sense now to the storyline, crucial to showing why she ran after WS into the forest and why he was brooding over a hard decision to make. I will try and watch the new version before they disappear. Thanks everyone for all the pics, scenes and links. Look forward to comparing notes after ep 4&5

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I just thought of something....the scene where HS was kicking WE's behind and she end up sitting on top of him to hold him down.

lol the head bu** lol

I keep on thinking that WS got a little Uber jealous and pulled her off of him, because before, he didn't care that she was kicking WE b***.

very swoon worthy........:blush::wub:

I can't stop replaying that scene....!

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1 hour ago, MoOnLoVeRz said:

연속 방송·감독판..'달의 연인', '구르미' 따라잡을 준비완료

MOD EDIT: Do not quote images

Basically this article says that Moon Lovers will catch up in ratings!0ILqL-1.gif

source: http://star.mt.co.kr/view/stview.php?no=2016090216570364114&type=1&outlink=1


I think so too! storywise and all, but don't get me wrong MDBC is also good, I do watched it too, but then I've seen dramas like that before and if I had to choose between these 2, I will definitely pick MLSHR. :blush:

Edited by akinahana89
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20 hours ago, akinahana89 said:


Wow. What an amazing (and too short) FMV for WW/HS. I love the way the lines were compiled and the scenes they used in conjunction with it. I got chills from watching it!

(Just like in the C-version, I am happily shipping her with 8th until things with 4th start progressing. lol.  Where SH is concerned, there's no shame in jumping ship, in my opinion. Haha.)


I'm shipping HS/WW for now as well until WS/HS starts making my heart flutter. Seriously, WW is it for me, for now. The Prince Charming that can make a woman's heart flutter. Of course WS/HS will be on a whole lot different level though. :bawling:  I even liked that part in the 6min Highlight Teaser where WW shouted Hae Soo-ya. The feels.

On 9/3/2016 at 8:19 AM, irilight said:

@Niki Azia, or anyone else who knows, Can you please PM me the link where to watch the director cut version?

There is an interesting comment on Dramabeans today:

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Something very strange is up with the graphics in this drama. I was so confused when girlfriday complained that this show looked cheap and visually terrible, because I thought it was lush and visually breathtaking. But after some testing, we figured out that on television screens, this show looks like it’s shot on video using palace sets from the ’90s… and on computer screens, it’s a whole different drama, all sumptuous and breathtaking. What the hell? This is the only show that does this, and I’m scratching my head over it.

If you go down the page, you will also see Javabeans response to one of the comments.

I find this insight rather shocking.

With this huge budget and amazing cinematographer they could not make it look beautiful and lush on TV? Is that why ratings are low in Korea?

Source: Dramabeans



That is really unusual, I watched it both on my phone, laptop and tablet but the same result(with only little difference). I haven't watched it on a TV yet, but I guess I have to fix something on the current settings of my TV to achieve the same result. Anyone else who've experienced the same when watching it on TV? Cause I really thought it looked so amazing in terms of cinematography that it makes my heart flutter and appreciate the drama even more. Everything looked HQ/HD to me.

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I don't know where to watch the Director's cut, but thank you anyway for sharing the newly added scenes here.

I'm here thinking the person who did the first editing probably got scolded hard by the Director for forgetting those crucial scenes? LOL

One more day to go, but seems like so far away... because I have to go through a lot on my plate before I can reach Monday evening. And I will then have to wait for subs too...

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3 hours ago, evok said:

guys maybe you remember I said maybe they would finish the drama with HaeSoo returning back to modern era and suddenly meeting with Wong So (or someone who resembles him)...

I read the end of the original Novel and guess what is happening? (this is spoiler!! don't read ıf you don't want to know)

at last scene she is seeing someone who looks like 4th prince, he pass by and her tears starts to fall..:blink: the end.

When I think about ending exactly this kind of ending comes to my mind, but It's too cliched and we've seen it in many dramas. I don't like at the end all of it be only a dream too. I really really hope director and writer used some creativity for ending.

something else I wanted to say, we all were super surprised and excited that SBS aired 3 episodes in first week, this way they might air 3 episodes in last week. I hope this won't happen because It will effect on rating and we should say goodbye earlier.  And like the beginning that they did sth new, they air the last episode in 1 week.



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20 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I don't know where to watch the Director's cut, but thank you anyway for sharing the newly added scenes here.


Someone suggested an SBS VOD link and about free registration to watch the director's cut. :) I tried finding the post but couldn't due to slow data connection. :bawling:



I noticed that exchange between HS and WW in the library.. I think the original HS liked WW. There was something fishy about their conversation. I just can't exactly pinpoint as to what. I don't think WW liked original HS but probably she liked him? LOLs. I don't know, it just sounded fishy, really.

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1 hour ago, violet90 said:

@ruizaio agreed!!! the director cut make more sense and the flow of the plot is more solid and not all over the place like before.. it highlight the most thing properly..

1. before Haesoo chase Wangsoo into the wood she flashback the part where he left the hairpin and she want to return it.. before we as viewer wondering why she chase.. she not busybody or anything she just want to return the hairpin..

2.about Wangso confronting Haesoo about mom and all the stuff it actually laid a foundation in Haesoo mind what Wangso been experiencing in his life.. that's why when she see Wangso sitting alone she want to go talk to him but gave up the idea.. its a crucial scene but get cut...?? 


I haven't manage to view the Director's cut so would very much appreciate if someone can share the improvement made in this version.

I initially also thought that she chased him into the forest because she was being nosy only to know that it was because of the hairpin which Haesoo mentioned to 8th when she was wailing in the forest. Even then, i think this reason is pretty silly since that would make Haesoo legitimately stupid for chasing after a man with his sword covered in blood just to return a hairpin which she could choose to do at more appropriate time. This is the first lacking of the screenwriter for being illogical which angered me. I would rather that she chose to chase him because she was being nosy and didn't realized her instant attraction to Wang So.

And finally, if the director's cut is giving justice to the introductory episodes, then i am mad as hell that he didn't get this one right in the first place and screwing it big time. Dear PD, what have you been doing?

Now the damaged has been done and I wonder how impactful is the director's cut to salvage the situation. I think it would be good for them to spend some money to generate positive comments with regard to the director's cut on social media page like naver and daum so that this will create some interest for audience to give this drama a second chance. Could they possibly do that?

Hoping that the rating will increase and break the two digits.

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Wangwook is the type that calm and maintain his composure its just that Haesoo bring out the alpha thing from him.. his sense to protect and love this girl is too strong for him to fight it.. just see his face when Wangso claim Haesoo and when he walk to beat the bad guy.. that face is pure angry.. i pretty sure that Wangwook also will feel jealous for Wangso later even if Haesoo with him cause she not the type that will leave her friend no matter what and Wangso is someone that Haesoo will feel responsible cause she understand him..

but i feel bad that relationship Wangso and Wangwook will seriously take a wrong turn after learning each other loving the same person.. Wangwook and BaekAh are the only one who at least regard him as their brother..

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@sukbin I think using the word "damage" is too harsh. The original version was fine with me, the edited version can be deemed as an improved version. It wasn't like the original version was that bad, it was just that after feedback, they took out the less popular scenes and characters.


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Hello everyone.....

I'm new here....but I've read comments inside this thread since the first episode....

Actually I just want to be silent reader...but these recent days many negative comments about IU's acting capasity and also rating issues make me want to write here....

I agree with many people here that IU's acting is not perfect yet....especially compared to Ljk's but....to say that she cannot act as Haesoo is an unfair judgement....

If people out there say HJE or other actress would be perfect for this drama.....I don't believe it either...

It's not that I dislike HJE....I really love her...I watch her previous drama.... Secret....Kill me heal me....She was pretty...

She is indeed a great actress...and I believe can play various character...but as haesoo....she will be too mature

So....to choose IU is a good decision...I'm not her fan before...but I think she is perfect for her role....she appears to be young....bright...modern....lovable....

i don't know why Korean doesn't like this drama...I think it's a great drama....beautiful story line well acted well prepared well made....

I'm happy there are so many people here support them....and glad to hear overseas response toward MLSH is really great....




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And one more thing....

About the ending...I will be very happy if it will show happy ending....not years later to be someone else as reincarnation like the ending of Rooftop Prince but really both Haesoo ans Wangso themselves....

There were many time travellers love story that ended well...like Faith or He who came from Star....

In FAITH...the modern girl choose to stay for her love....I do hope it will end like this



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9 hours ago, stargazer187 said:

As I remember long ago, one of soompi friends here ever suggest me to a drama bu bu jin xing, if I'm not wrong it was u @delfin during SWP era... haha... so, that is the original of this moon lovers. I havent watched that one yet, since I was told it exceeded 30 episodes more.

But after I watched 3 episodes of this remake, well, I like the story... but I think I'm suffered from SLS now, I want HGJ/HS ends up with 8th prince, wook prince. Well, for some reasons everytie the two are on screen together, I can't take my eyes off from watching them earnestly. lol

So, since I dont watch the original, is the ending tragically ended or happy ending, please don't spill the spoilers too much, just a hint juseyoooo.... :D

I actually tried to watch the C-Drama version but drop it in the middle as it feels like it's being dragged. Rouxi's feelings especially to the 8th is complicated that sometimes I'm like "their feelings are mutual? O_O". The scenes for 4th prince are cute and spot on though but the first kissing scene feels like out of place. I drop it because the Kversion trailer is so intense and I think I'll like it more(and I'm right! xD ) The Kversion is more like inspired than adaptation of the Cversion. Cversion=chinese history, Kversion=korean history. Characters are interpreted differently especially the 4th and the 8th. But then and again, this is my opinion. I think IU is doing a good job though and fits the role well and has chemistry with the princes. I can't think of any other actresses who might fits hae soo's role. I'm confuse how korean fans critisize this drama when it's so intense from 1st episode and it's beautifully done. SoSoo <3

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