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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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On 1/25/2016 at 10:23 PM, gerrytan8063 said:

JE: I am some consideration on how to "punish" my father & also in the consideration on how I should punished myself

HK: That matter is the matter between your father & I, there is no need for you to interfere...just pretend that you have no knowledge...this is not a matter for you to be too concern about...I plead with you, Choi Jin Eon...do not do a thing...do you understand?.....answer me!...do you understand!...I will do that...I had said let me do it, Choi Jin Eon...I will never forgive your father...I definitely need to punished your father...therefore don't interfere...& stay out of this...I beg you not to interfere & stay out of this....Hmmmm......if you are to get "drown" in this dirt.....this is really going to driven me crazy

on this conversation of JE and DHK....


did writer BAE hinting us that MH killed DGJH...or she just trolling on us...

MH need to divulge now what really happen on that day of the accident to clear the suspicion of JE and DHK.

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@irilight i'm suspecting that maybe HK's father was sick, he wanted to commit suicide and MH decided to help him to make it look as an accident. I'm having doubts that MH kill him because when he talked about the hiking movie he did not have a guilty look. He looked more nostalgic. However when he was talking with HK, he was shaking. So maybe as you said there is something that he needs to hide from her, but it's not exactly a murder.

@trust71 @sunshinefate I was also pleasantly surprised by JR's straightforwardness. I liked that she pointed out SR's jealousy and the fact the she can't be perceived as a victim because she is two-faced.   

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EP 39 -- MH (the spider) King of rationalizing-- Basically he Tells JE he returned to HK what was hers from her father-- NO - HK Ruthless, cold Corporate Lawyer executioner, earned (for lack of a better word) what he has given her(stocks) as long as she continues to perform as his hunting dog and once again married JE so company remains in family name.

MH HK YK father death -- murder or accident- still wide open await future episodes.  BUT if it was suicide by HK YK father and nice guy MH is covering for that I will be surprised -- as this really does not make HK YK father look like a smart or decent father -- to have left YK alone and subject to being an orphan with non bio Grandmother, without first having gone back to GN and put YK in her care.  

BUT of course with this writer it could be that he did write a will asking MH to return YK to GN - if this is the case it makes MH actions just as despicable.  Look forward to seeing how writer takes this issue forward.

But also, do not see this, no matter how it turns out -- to be a "show stopper" in the writers continued movement towards an HK JE ending.

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4 hours ago, Lmangla said:

so if she is not asking for forgiveness, the question is what is she wrong for? the way she handled the issue? the way she didn't talk to JE? what do folks think?

Yes. IMO, exactly what HK spelled out (refer to @deandraluv's outline below) :P 


4 hours ago, myonenonly said:

My first reaction when HG apologized to SR was....wwwwhhhaat? is she saying!:w00t: But HG wants to put sense into SR's mind. By being kind & apologetic makes a difference. She knew that hateful words will have hateful response. For HG, it's time to call a truce. At least she made her peace with SR. If you want to change for the better, you have to start somewhere. 


LOL me too. Exact same reaction. That was before the subs were available. And many folks had the wrong impression. Only because the physical performance, minus understanding the conversation, does naturally make peeps draw the wrong conclusion.  


3 hours ago, deandraluv said:

So true!! That is what I meant.  I like your example.

"I shouldn't have seek you out at the cafe moreover I should had talk matters with my husband (nampyeon. 남편)...shouldn't have knelt down begging before you, moreover that I should have done that to my husband...to tell him that I was wronged & to asked for his forgiveness.....moreover most probably I should have said to him that I love him...it is not because of what you did with my husband, moreover it is because of what I had done to my husband that had left me always feeling restive & fearful" (trans @gerrytan8063)

Yes, I think she said she was wrong at the way she handled the issue (according to her):

-She should not have despised SR at the cafe (SR also said to JE how she felt insulted and offended by her and went all the way with JE. At first, she wanted to keep her one sided love to herself, but after what HG did to her,  she was determined and flirted with JE to win him over.)

-She should have talked matters with JE.

-She should have knelt down begging before JE instead of SR and told him that she was wrong and asked for his forgiveness.

-She should have told him she loved him

HG acknowledged that it was not what SR did with JE, but what she did to JE made him want to leave her.


Later, when the subs were done. It all made sense. Better sense. In fact, it made me see HK a lot more differently than before, when I already adore HK. This side of HK showed a bigger person, a kinder woman, and an advisory unnie trying to reel a spoilt brat SR in before she goes too far and makes more irreversible, or worse, criminal mistakes. 

I agree with both your takes @deandraluv @myonenonly. For SR now, she should wake up already! There's no excuse whatsoever to like a married man in a woman-man way. Admiration - of looks or smarts - that is different.  And worse is when you covet another woman's spouse(and vice versa). Rock bottom evil when you break up a marriage/family which is struggling to survive. SR pretty much covered all the scenarios. Yet blamed the spouse HK for what? making her covet? making her look pathetic? making her look/feel despised? Those are reasons SR gave herself to substantiate her own intention from the beginning. From the outset, I believed that even if HK didn't 'step on SR', she would still have gone further than mere one-sided crush, esp right after SR caught a glimpse of JE's intention to divorce doc. 

SR has to beg HK for forgiveness, to truly feel remorse for what she has done. Only then can she begin her walk on the road to redemption. I hope SR will do that soon, rather than continue on the path towards darkness, towards jail time. Btw, this focus on SR doesn't make JE any less wrong. In my mind, JE is still the bigger wrong, i.e. if we were to weigh their guilt. The big differentiator being - JE was a married man when he crossed the line and cheated on wifey.

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4 hours ago, sunshinefate said:

That would be really embarassing for veteran and popular actors like kim hyun joo and ji jin hee who have been known as top stars in Korea.

Why should it be embarrassing to them? Rather, I'd say it's inequitable. The ratings mechanism for both AGB and TnMS as of now is only taking the preference of about 2000 households, and ONLY based on traditional (and outdated set-top box measurement of) TV viewing patterns. Also, IHAL is not the anomaly. It happens often, and to good kdramas and excellent performers too. 

On the other hand, the inadequacy of the ratings mechanism as of now has been proven to be inadequate. That's why:

  • a revamp is in the works.
  • the K-media has reported IHAL as having a 'fandom phenomenon'.
  • Kim Hyun Joo has won the Netizen Popularity Award.
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8 hours ago, jadecloud said:

Why should it be embarrassing to them? Rather, I'd say it's inequitable. The ratings mechanism for both AGB and TnMS as of now is only taking the preference of about 2000 households, and ONLY based on traditional (and outdated set-top box measurement of) TV viewing patterns. Also, IHAL is not the anomaly. It happens often, and to good kdramas and excellent performers too. 

On the other hand, the inadequacy of the ratings mechanism as of now has been proven to be inadequate. That's why:

  • a revamp is in the works.
  • the K-media has reported IHAL as having a 'fandom phenomenon'.
  • Kim Hyun Joo has won the Netizen Popularity Award.

What I meant with the embarassing part was if it was cut off before the original ending date not because of other reasons. I just realized that I didn't write it completely therefore you misunderstood the meaning of my post. I hope this will clear up your misunderstanding towards my post. Once again I want to clarify my previous post about the embarassing part is "if this drama were to cut off before their original ending date". I hope no one would misunderstand my post. I love this drama. I'm proud to be a fan of this drama :)  

9 hours ago, mtm89 said:

@irilight i'm suspecting that maybe HK's father was sick, he wanted to commit suicide and MH decided to help him to make it look as an accident. I'm having doubts that MH kill him because when he talked about the hiking movie he did not have a guilty look. He looked more nostalgic. However when he was talking with HK, he was shaking. So maybe as you said there is something that he needs to hide from her, but it's not exactly a murder.

@trust71 @sunshinefate I was also pleasantly surprised by JR's straightforwardness. I liked that she pointed out SR's jealousy and the fact the she can't be perceived as a victim because she is two-faced.   

I do think that JinRi somehow is not that evil. She just feels that she is not loved since she was a child. Her mother did when she was young and made her think that it was all because of JinEon and his mother. That's why I've never hated JinRi the way I hate SeolRi as a character lol

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3 hours ago, Kfan7172 said:

@Lmangla your post page 608 ending part about SR and photo taking of JE when she was still his JUNIOR at UNI research department. @Lmangla

SR is clearly portrayed as evil and had gotten even more evil as the episodes have gone on -- Writer now seems to be entering the redeeming period for SR.

So I will also put forth my counter view of SR from the early episodes As Regards to her taking of photos and stalking like actions of JE -- That is the JE who is her SENIOR at UNIVERSITY research department, could even be seen as her mentor-- the JE who himself basically has acknowledged to HK that he USED his junior, beautiful, YOUNG, intelligent, SR as a means to inflict hurt and pain against her.

IMO the photo taking SR of early episodes  -- comes across as a immature, young woman who has spent all her time studying, little to none dating experience - who could be likened to the young teenage idol fans who so wish to see their idols and collect photos of them to dream of how wonderful it could be to have their love.  Those teenagers in time mature and move on,  SR for all the wrong reasons saw and acted upon a chance to actually capture that love -- JE gave her that opening and for a period of time accepted her feelings -It takes two to have an affair.

End of counter view -- Back to accepting HK POV on her love for JE.  My postings have fallen off, as I have accepted Writers goal and really do not wish to "rain on" the story -- YET once again here I am, I do try though.  Thanks for the mention in your posting -- I did add on to the protective discussion, but also can not recall who first bought it up.  

Still awaiting full subs for both episodes to get a more updated understanding.


what a counter view @Kfan7172 !! :D immediately thought of JE as a rockstar professor! hahahah..... and you are right, such fangirling behaviour for a celeb is accepted, tolerated and even if he does not like it, it is expected/demanded to be tolerated...but is such behaviour acceptable within academia? if she had been 18 or 19, it would have made sense. but she was 25 and at that age, many of us are already on to our first job and learning life. she was already working several part-time jobs and so would have known what was acceptable behaviour right? it still comes across as a bit stalkerish.....

if SR was sending him group photos or just interacted with him in a professional manner, we could still buy the argument that HK jumped and pushed her buttons... but here, SR was sending him a stream of photos which she had taken in secret and gushing with emoticons. he was oblivious but if he had not been, wasn't it kind of shy way of asking him out? but then again, maybe he was subconsciously aware of it because he was very relaxed around her and did not keep a formal distance.... it is perplexing because on one hand, you have JR making sarcastic biting comments which echo what we viewers feel and then you have this "she is innocent" vibe that we are supposed to bite. what exactly is the writer's intent?

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10 hours ago, jadecloud said:



@a15t3  Sorry chingu, can you clarify pls? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'hot topic'(pg 605)

@jadecloud chingu, I can remember which page it is.  You pointed out how to email hot topic thread such as this IHAL.  As of now if we can't see IHAL as hot topic, how do we point IHAL threads to be sent via email to us, as the record purpose?

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@mtm89, I really pray that is the case.... about MH and HK/YK's father. That there was a reason for what happened there, and that MH is not a killer.


On 1/24/2016 at 7:51 AM, Lmangla said:

just another suggestion -- am thinking some might feel like I do; am kind of shy about putting my username and location on a letter. don't ask me why. am one of those happy back benchers and like staying that way... so for those who want to include their names but for others, can we simply say something like "rest of soompi forum" or something?


@Lmangla, how about putting just the location without the user name? i.e. fan of IHAL from country x.  ?

I think this way they can see the global appreciation of IHAL.


On 1/24/2016 at 8:04 AM, jadecloud said:

@iamtaken ok I will get in touch with them. 

Btw, my suggestion for your awesome letter...for now, just one - under Dir Choi's section, please add in PHB. She's one of the main 4 and the fact that many loathe her proves that she's good in her portrayal of SR. Besides, she did win an award for IHAL role. 

@jadecloud, yes, I fully agree.   After receiving all the hate for the character she portrays, lets let her know we appreciate how well she did portray this character.

17 hours ago, viktoria said:

i wonder if this fb account "https://www.facebook.com/sbsAeinitseoyo/" of IHAL is the official one. If it is,  then we can ask the administrator if we can post or send the letter to her/him and he/she can show it to the IHAL cast members and production crews.

@viktoria, I may be wrong, but I do not think it is an official page that is connected to the production and SBS.  I see pages like this for almost every Kdrama on FB.  Maybe we need to ask them, if it is official or organized by fan.

@deandraluv, I agree with you about the chauffeur will shed light on the incident. And I think you suggestion of what might have happen plausible. I prefer that to murder.

We still need to understand also why there was so much blood on MH, but none on DGJH. I keep thinking there must be something about that.

@MrsSoJiSub, glad to see you here....  I think many of us hope that the writer will clear some of these red herrings.

@gerrytan8063, Thank you much for explaining what was going on with the stock market in the latest episode. I am pleased that HK is acting smartly and outwits MTS!    Thank you also for translating HK's conversation with SR. I agree, it is beautiful. I hope it touches SR, enough for her to reflect on herself. Maybe that is the road to her redemption.

@viktoria, Me too. the thought had crossed my mind also, and I too hope that this person working for HK will not betray her for MTS. She had put everything she had into this transaction, and also offered him a very generous bonus.


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So now that I've had a little time to digest episodes 39 and 40, I'm not sure how I feel about where this drama is going.  It certainly has been a lot of ups and downs.  In the beginning, it was all just pure rage as I saw everything from HK's perspective.  Then the drama became really addicting as we see Amnesia HK with a different perspective on life and JE making a fool of himself as he starts to pursue her.  But now, with all different plots going on, I don't know how I feel.  Honestly, I've always viewed this drama as being about a married couple that went through an incredibly rough patch and now trying to put their life back together.  But now, there's the whole Did-MH-kill-HK's father subplot and I'm just not that interested.  I'm not sure what purpose it serves other than to give MTS another weapon.  For all that I don't like MTS and think he's stupid, he has a pretty good strategy of divide and conquer.  He breaks up any alliances that he sees and bribes or blackmails people into his corner.

But quite honestly, if it weren't for the JE's dad maybe killed HK's dad subplot, can we agree that JE and HK would be completely back together by now?  Sure, HK and JE both have a ways to go in their quest for redemption, but it wouldn't be such a big deal.  Instead, this subplot is there just to keep things going through Episode 50.  This is one of the things that I hate about Kdramas--the unnecessary filler subplots that serve only to drag out a series.  Honestly, I would rather reach the conclusion earlier and have the writer create new plots, such as how they continue to live in their happily ever after.

My take on whether or not MH killed his friend is that he did.  Otherwise, why all the cover up?  And, when JE confronted him, he didn't deny it, which is what he should have done if he's innocent.  Instead, he rationalized his actions trying to excuse his murder.  Look at what I was able to do with the Ssanghwatang (or whatever it's called).  I created a company and lots of jobs and made myself rich.  My friend would have just lost it and all his money.  If he is reminiscent, it's because he's spent over 30 years excusing and rationalizing his behavior that he now probably really believes it and only remembers the good times with his friend.

HK vs SR.  Big sigh.  OK.  So I understand why HK did what she did and how it showed how much of a bigger person HK is.  However, I don't know that I completely agree with her sentiment.  Yes, she should have discussed her issues with her cheating husband.  But, that seems to almost absolve SR's guilt and buys into SR's excuse of I'm-only-a-victim/pawn-in-this-sick-game-that-you-and-your-husband-are-playing.  Seriously.  SR makes out like HK and JE are the Marquise de Merteuil and the Vicomte de Valmont from Dangerous Liaisons and they purposely drew SR into a game.  What I do find interesting is that SR and HK really do parallel each other in some ways.  Pre-JE (including his family), both are bright people focused on their own futures.  Once they meet JE and become embroiled in his family's politics, they change into cold, calculating people.  Hope SR gets the message, accepts her own blame in a lot of things, and gets down on her knees to beg HK's forgiveness (which she never did.  Her asking Amnesiac HK to invite JE to the engagement dinner was not nearly self-effacing enough to compare to HK getting down on her knees and begging SR to leave her husband alone).

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Monday --- Jan.25,2016 ---Afternoon.

@tambui --- Is it possible for you to post the  "milestone in HK & JH life, as summed up by DC" in some  other format, please?  I do not know why, but I am never able to open the format you used this time on p.609 ---but am so curious to see it.   Thank you. It's OK if it can't be done.

@Kfan7172 --- Hello!  Thank you, I did remember that the issue of JE's  "strong protective drive" was discussed by two people, but never realized I would regret not making a note of which people made comments that left such a strong impression with me. Nice to see you here again!

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17 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:


"What happened with the stock market?HK looked so worried...Did she canceled the transaction?Why?WHO can tell us more?"

The Cheon Nyeon Pharm shares on the stock market have taken 1.13% drop in price (high is 743.200, low 734.200, selling at market is 743.100) & HK had asked her "remisier" to buy the share at the current pricing

Her judgment is buying the share at the current market is that the 52 week high/low (stock that was traded in previous year) was high at 752.800 while the low was 728.500, the previous 50 days performance of the share remain unchanged at 743.200

Of course as all "remisier" who is looking at the board said that the price will drop further to its low to buy...but HK tells him that she is not buying the shares for profits...HK will not wait for the price to drop...as she is sure that MTS is also buying up the same pool of shares....investors will most probably throw in the share into the market to reap profits gain......HK is relieve when the share in market is bought up

MTS is on the phone angrily looking at the board seeing the share to buy dwindling as MTS instructed that they will have to buy up whatever share at whatever cost. 

thanks so much!!!Hk is really smart.. i hope her plans will work...one more thing MH asked his wife to  call for the driver...they talk behind the door...i bet they wanted to make sure the driver will confirm his version...i don't trust MH...HG won't be fooled...she knows her  monster in law  very well...

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I have a question. Anyone know who is Hae Gang dialing (#2)on that little old phone? at 1:05:01 mins., near the very end of Episode 40?

I tried to read the Hangul ---- Not very good at it! And wouldn't know what it means anyway!    :rolleyes:

How about this?    Don't laugh too hard now!     :P    "uhm seong mo ham" ---- Doesn't come close to any name or place I recognize from this drama!   I had hoped there would be something in the "sound" or the "look" that would give me a clue.  NOPE!

I'm relying on all of you!

EDIT: --- Thank you @gerrytan8063 --- Your info. about HK's order to her remisier makes it much clearer to me what is happening & what her plan is.  Thanks to people like youself, who explained what the intricate financial moves in one of my best loved dramas, I could respect the intelligence and strategic moves of the leads in "Empire of Gold" (SBS, 2013). But I still didn't really understand, of course.  And I looked up "remisier" --- Loved the sound of it --- Like Gomez, in the old show, "The Adams Family"!


   1) Gomez, "When you speak French, it drives me wild, Cara Mia!" ---- http://www.screeninsults.com/addams-family-the.php

   2) "Remisier" --- A dying profession --- --- http://www.thesundaily.my/news/564521

      and also see:     http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/cpteh/57618.jsp


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54 minutes ago, mdj101 said:

I have a question. Anyone know who is Hae Gang dialing (#2)on that little old phone? at 1:05:01 mins., near the very end of Episode 40?

As I watched ep 40 partly subbed, HG was not dialing anybody, it was a voice memo, the sub said.  She had an evidence to MH's involvement. She is going to bring him down.

Before that, HG got a call from the prosecutor's office. Could it be that the prosecutor Kim Sun Woo (?) was the chauffer's son since he mentioned his son was a lawyer?  We will find out later.

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And the good new from Episode 40? --- The plan is that Baek Seok is to be FIRED by  the family, who will hire a fresh, new lawyer to continue the Podoxin lawsuit!  And Baek Seok will be the "joint lawyer" and appear in court on the first day of the Trial. 

:o    OH, WOW!... I wasn't surprised either!   :rolleyes: Let's see now?   Will she be a Dokgo On Gi "clone"? Or maybe a brilliant but sweet, charming, and adorable  "princess", right out of the fairy tale dreams from his youth?

Writer Bae. NOT another handsome, idol type young man!  Really!        :heart: 

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4 hours ago, jechoi1 said:

So now that I've had a little time to digest episodes 39 and 40, I'm not sure how I feel about where this drama is going.  It certainly has been a lot of ups and downs.  In the beginning, it was all just pure rage as I saw everything from HK's perspective.  Then the drama became really addicting as we see Amnesia HK with a different perspective on life and JE making a fool of himself as he starts to pursue her.  But now, with all different plots going on, I don't know how I feel.  Honestly, I've always viewed this drama as being about a married couple that went through an incredibly rough patch and now trying to put their life back together.  But now, there's the whole Did-MH-kill-HK's father subplot and I'm just not that interested.  I'm not sure what purpose it serves other than to give MTS another weapon.  For all that I don't like MTS and think he's stupid, he has a pretty good strategy of divide and conquer.  He breaks up any alliances that he sees and bribes or blackmails people into his corner.

But quite honestly, if it weren't for the JE's dad maybe killed HK's dad subplot, can we agree that JE and HK would be completely back together by now?  Sure, HK and JE both have a ways to go in their quest for redemption, but it wouldn't be such a big deal.  Instead, this subplot is there just to keep things going through Episode 50.  This is one of the things that I hate about Kdramas--the unnecessary filler subplots that serve only to drag out a series.  Honestly, I would rather reach the conclusion earlier and have the writer create new plots, such as how they continue to live in their happily ever after.

My take on whether or not MH killed his friend is that he did.  Otherwise, why all the cover up?  And, when JE confronted him, he didn't deny it, which is what he should have done if he's innocent.  Instead, he rationalized his actions trying to excuse his murder.  Look at what I was able to do with the Ssanghwatang (or whatever it's called).  I created a company and lots of jobs and made myself rich.  My friend would have just lost it and all his money.  If he is reminiscent, it's because he's spent over 30 years excusing and rationalizing his behavior that he now probably really believes it and only remembers the good times with his friend.

HK vs SR.  Big sigh.  OK.  So I understand why HK did what she did and how it showed how much of a bigger person HK is.  However, I don't know that I completely agree with her sentiment.  Yes, she should have discussed her issues with her cheating husband.  But, that seems to almost absolve SR's guilt and buys into SR's excuse of I'm-only-a-victim/pawn-in-this-sick-game-that-you-and-your-husband-are-playing.  Seriously.  SR makes out like HK and JE are the Marquise de Merteuil and the Vicomte de Valmont from Dangerous Liaisons and they purposely drew SR into a game.  What I do find interesting is that SR and HK really do parallel each other in some ways.  Pre-JE (including his family), both are bright people focused on their own futures.  Once they meet JE and become embroiled in his family's politics, they change into cold, calculating people.  Hope SR gets the message, accepts her own blame in a lot of things, and gets down on her knees to beg HK's forgiveness (which she never did.  Her asking Amnesiac HK to invite JE to the engagement dinner was not nearly self-effacing enough to compare to HK getting down on her knees and begging SR to leave her husband alone).


BRAVO!!!!!  I know we don't have the same view of this drama, but your post highlights the problem I've had with this drama for several episodes---it lost it's way and it never delve into the emotional aspect of the characters. In the beginning, there were the side stories, but the center of the drama was JE and HK and their marital issues.  From there, it's been all over the place and the "mystery" is center stage with a lot of silly (I do mean silly) going back and forth between JE and HK due to their all conquering love for each other----:mellow: .  I've always felt the writer had the characters say things that really doesn't amount to anything. They are just lines they spout to help take up time to fill an hour slot, then they will contradict themselves. That has been demonstrated throughout this entire drama.  After the first 9 episodes, anything the characters said after that point, you could bet with confidence they were going to contradict their words within the same, if not the next episode.  With that in mind, there is no doubt in my mind that JE and HK will be together by the end of this drama or it will be one of those endings where you know they will get back together eventually. 

I know the writer is making this a forgiveness/redemption drama, and that's nice...mostly all dramas are usually written that way; however, there is no exploration into the struggles that a person is going through mentally or emotionally to show how they made peace within themselves.  You have to come to some sort of peace within yourself in order to calm your own anger, feeling of being wronged, etc.  Is HK so overwhelmed with guilt over her actions towards Shin, YK's fiancé and other misdeeds, that she doesn't feel anger towards JE for his affair or the hateful things he said to her? Yes, she didn't tell him she loved him, but her actions were always loving towards him. When her daughter died, she didn't grieve the way JE wanted her to grieve--does that give him the right to cheat and be hateful towards her?  JE was confident that HK loved him and she showed it in other ways; there are a lot of people who are raised in a household where they don't say "I love you", but that love is deeply understood and shown. There are other households that say "I love you" all the time and the words mean nothing which is demonstrated by their actions. HK's coldness towards JE after the death of their child was never shown in this drama; we only saw a woman who was trying to hold on emotionally and a verbally cruel and hateful JE who wasn't willing to communicate with HK; he was angry because she didn't cry and was quick to believe the worst of her. Now she's saying she should have talked to JE.......I thought that's what she had tried to do several times and he refused.

Is HK so overwhelmed with guilt towards others that she doesn't feel anger towards SR for leaving her to die in the streets or no anger for her having an affair with her husband? Do I even mention the things SR did to HK while she still had amnesia?  HK flooded SR's apartment, however, some wives would have done a lot more after warning a woman off of their husband. SR decided to go after a married man, then whatever HK did to her were due to her own callous actions. Why is HK feeling all this guilt towards SR? When did HK develop this deep caring for the woman who mouthed off to her about loving her husband? Is the writer saying that HK's confidence in JE's love is so strong that she can be generous with the other woman and just tell her everything about her conversation with JE and his 'love' for SR? When did a woman whose husband cheated on her and lived out of country with another woman for 4 years gain that kind of confidence? Didn't HK have this type of confidence before in JE and he proved her wrong? HK's not gun-shy like most deceived spouses are who try to rebuild trust.

From the very beginning, there is a control that HK has over her emotions when it comes to JE's affair that I have yet to understand. I don't care that she blames herself for not showing JE affection the way he showed his, she was still a faithful wife who was betrayed by her husband. Even HK with amnesia who hated cheaters showed a lack of emotions and easily overlooked the fact that JE cheated on his wife.....she wanted SR's boyfriend..........how deep is her love for him?

Yes, HK needs to right her wrongs to Shin, the family of the woman who committed suicide, and others if possible, but doesn't SR, MH and JE need to right their wrongs towards her? Shin has legally paid for his crime in killing ES, but mentally, he's still paying for that crime.  Is she the only one that has to be generous to those that wronged her?  When HK begged JE for time for their marriage, he refused to give her that time. However, HK is willing to give JE the time he requested. Willing to beg SR again, this time not to be the type of person she became.  In my opinion, SR is in a whole other league from HK. HK's motivation is totally different than SR's motivation---motivated solely by revenge.  The only instance where I see the writer truly trying to depict forgiveness and redemption is between Shin and HK--both are emotionally scarred and having those angry, blunt conversations.  The thing about forgiveness is it doesn't mean you don't pay for your crimes just because you received forgiveness or have forgiven others.

I think the ratings for this drama would have picked up if the writer had made an attempt shortly after JE returned, made him suffer for several episodes for his infidelity and then gradually let him and HK come back together; showing their emotional struggles with forgiveness.  Despite what the writer is trying to say, JE NEVER gave any indication during those 4 years of feeling any remorse for his affair.  He went into a relationship with HK, who hated people who cheat, without any problems. To be honest, JE from 4 years ago is a different character from JE now--too different. Character development is lacking. People change as if a magic wand had been waved.

Then we have BS who is, as someone stated on Viki, a saint to the point of being absolutely unbelievable. Now he and JE are building a friendship? Maybe some think that's cute, but I find it fanciful and WTH?!  We have SR who is a mixed bag of sweetness and crazy-stupid-irrational-evilness.  We have BS' father who I think is just awesome-the type of father anyone would love to have. We have MH who is greedy and evil; he stole from his best friend and used his friend's daughter for his own misdeed. Now he tries to say he did it for HK...really? You have JE's mother who dementia disappeared (maybe it's back--I don't know).  Does HK not have any anger towards this woman for embracing SR and JE as a couple and pulling her into the family?  Hk's mother.....what can I say about her? Is she even aware of all the things YK has gone through? She seems clueless. The development between her and YK is lacking on many levels IMO.  I love the doctor, YK and WJ and enjoy seeing their screen time.

The thing that this drama has going for it is really good actors---they are the best.  I don't know what the synopsis for this drama is because nothing I've read truly matches the drama that is being shown.  


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Guest my2centsworth

Haven't watched the latest two esps. Waiting for complete subs. But I realized that both HK and YK are in similar situations. HK is scared that JE's father may have kill her father and if true she can never be with him. Then we take YK and Dr. Min. We know that it looks like TS ordered the death of YK's husband. So  how can she be with Dr. Min?  The writer need to find a way for both couples to  be happy together or just let HK and YK move on with their lives. 

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