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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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haven't gotten around to seeing the latest episodes but was stuck by this weird thought and would be interested in hearing others views. it struck me that JE was absolutely and completely oblivious to SR's interest in him and was more interested in wallowing in his pain. so if HK hadn't brought it up, would he have still noticed SR? if HK hadn't brought it up, would SR still confess to JE or would she have remained silent and moved on? if HK had remained silent and pretended not to know, would it have simply moved on as a simple crush that fizzled out as opposed to full blown affair?

Interesting thought. I think in order for someone to move on with an affair and quickly at that, something was already there for JE to move that quickly. Just because someone bring to your attention that someone likes you, it means nothing unless you have an interest in that person too.  I just have to wonder if JE decided to pursue it in an effort to get back at HK in some way.

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haven't gotten around to seeing the latest episodes but was stuck by this weird thought and would be interested in hearing others views. it struck me that JE was absolutely and completely oblivious to SR's interest in him and was more interested in wallowing in his pain. so if HK hadn't brought it up, would he have still noticed SR? if HK hadn't brought it up, would SR still confess to JE or would she have remained silent and moved on? if HK had remained silent and pretended not to know, would it have simply moved on as a simple crush that fizzled out as opposed to full blown affair?

@lmangla, No there was already intent planted on the minds of those 2. Between couples situations arise where there is flirting or attraction to someone else and there is confrontation and jealousies but it never amounts to anything it was just a momentary flirting. Even when couples are in a committed relationship human beings are just that human and can be attracted to another.  Couples even fight about it but nothing ever really happens because the intention to cheat has never occurred in the mind. The couple can even make a joke about it and laugh about it many years later. Even if HK did not mention it, something was already occurring. When JE put the shoes on SR, she was gonner, she would not even remove the shoes even if it was too big and uncomfortable for her. Maybe when SR did tell him about her feelings that was when JE noticed, but the intent to cheat still was his decision.


Edited by zenya22
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haven't gotten around to seeing the latest episodes but was stuck by this weird thought and would be interested in hearing others views. it struck me that JE was absolutely and completely oblivious to SR's interest in him and was more interested in wallowing in his pain. so if HK hadn't brought it up, would he have still noticed SR? if HK hadn't brought it up, would SR still confess to JE or would she have remained silent and moved on? if HK had remained silent and pretended not to know, would it have simply moved on as a simple crush that fizzled out as opposed to full blown affair?

I think your actually correct. I think the only reason JE went ahead with the affair more forcefully to say the least was to absolutely hurt his wife, if she hadn't said something I don't think it would've started. JE finally had a reaction from his wife something his been struggling to get for years or so it seems, so it was his perfect chance to hurt her and in the worst way possible. Of course now his dug a grave so deep there is no going back, and of course from the synopsis this will be his downfall and all SR will get a mean, non attentive bastard of a husband who will eventually fall back in love with his wife (HK). 

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this  is a  very  intense  drama.  i  stayed  till  1am  because  i  can't  help  but watch  the  latest  ep(ep6).  this  so ri if  she  is a  decent  woman  should  have not  taken  advantage  of  the  rough  patch  the  couple  are  undergoing.  shouldn't  she  have  waited  tilll they  have  resolved  and  sorted  their  issues.  right  now  she is  the other  woman,  an interloper  in a  legal  relationship  and a  mistress.  hk  is  right,  she  shouldn't  give  them a  divorce just  to  make  their  relationship  some  form  of  credibility.  i  can't  wait  for  the  succeeding  episodes  and  how  it  will  play  out. so  ri  is  obviously  just  infatuated  with  ji  eon.  also,  can anybody  illuminate  me  on  how  they  lsot  their  child  (which  seemed  to  be  the  reason  why  there  is a  chasm  in  their  marriage)  and  how  the  twins  were  separated.

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haven't gotten around to seeing the latest episodes but was stuck by this weird thought and would be interested in hearing others views. it struck me that JE was absolutely and completely oblivious to SR's interest in him and was more interested in wallowing in his pain. so if HK hadn't brought it up, would he have still noticed SR? if HK hadn't brought it up, would SR still confess to JE or would she have remained silent and moved on? if HK had remained silent and pretended not to know, would it have simply moved on as a simple crush that fizzled out as opposed to full blown affair?


Ooohhh chingu, interesting question and I see interesting insights too. 

I think this is quite a minefield to step on... I feel it's good to want to focus on what went wrong and the cause and effect of it, and somewhat precarious having the lens fixated on the wifey(victim) as having started off on the wrong foot FIRST. But it is still nevertheless an exploration of what if...

I must admit that at first watch, this thought of 'if HK had not made it known to JE that SR has a crush on him' then things wouldn't have escalated. But I shook it off immediately. When I think of my circle who has gone through similar incidents, I see more clearly that it bares down to the basics. If there's no intention, if the moral value is held up, if one is conscious and constantly reminding oneself of one's place in life and what one holds as important (marriage, kids, family values, etc.), then no matter how one is seduced or tempted, there should be, ought to be, a way to fend off, to get away and to avoid. Or at the very least, to repent. JE didn't, in fact, he doubles down on it. Same with SR who pulls harder despite wifey HK kneeling, crying and begging her to let go.  

For sure, everyone will be attracted to someone or someones other than your Sig Other, no matter the marital status. For sure, there are temptations all around us. For sure, that one can feel at one time or another, attraction/admiration for another at the workplace. The crux is knowing one's place, knowing what is right vs wrong, respecting the sanctity of marriage, and being able to exercise restraint or reasonable (societally conforming) judgement. Otherwise, what difference do homo sapiens have that can distinguish it from animals? None.

(no wonder why adulterous couples are interestingly, linguistically, known as 'dog man and woman'(狗男女) in chinese...keke).

... also,  can anybody  illuminate  me  on  how  they  lsot  their  child  (which  seemed  to  be  the  reason  why  there  is a  chasm  in  their  marriage)  and  how  the  twins  were  separated.

Those haven't been shown yet. We are also dying to find out...this week's eps seem to have some flashbacks for us. Perhaps we'll know soon.

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@kiefshi1056                              Welcome to the thread.   :)

I agree with you and @LHRCN - Kim Hyun-Joo is fabulous in this double role.


started ...Seol-Ri  touched JE to check her temperature...HK and her mom arrived and saw the 2 of them...Hk entered in house and her mom started to interogate them...uncomfortable moments ...HK also checks her husband temperature...he needs to rest Hk said and takes JE in their room...Hk tells him her mom will stay with them...HK mom realised something is not ok ...has a talk with that shameless girl...she saved SR number in her phone...

Hello Lovers

@andy78,  Thanks for the recap.

HK is better then me because 'll be whopping SR but..  First off I don't care how much of a crush she has on my husband but she cross the line coming to m home.. 

@andy78   @valsava,         Thank you for recaps !

@valsava    oh... she definately  crossed the line coming to their home....  And even banging on the door over and over again, as if she had a right to be there...   Even Jin-Eon was angry at her for coming there..   It feels like this kid has no sense of right and wrong.

@ObessiveComplusive   @jadecloud  I also loved it, yet it pained me too when Hae-Gang pleaded with Seol-Ri to stop and let them be, and let them work their own problems, because I could sense her sincerity.  I wish she had now shown that side of her to Jin-Eon, because right now he only sees the cold and angry aspects to her. He cannot connect with her, because he cannot sense her warmth, love, pain. If she had pleaded with him, the way she had pleaded with SR, maybe she would have gotten through to him.

@lclarakl   The preview of Hae-Kang jumping into the river, was also important in showing Jin-Eon's reaction - How he seems so desperate to save her.

finally got around to catching up to ep 4 and really disliking the character of Seol Ri, especially because she acts so fake innocent. ugh! so it will be fun to see her downfall later.. both HK and JE are tearing each other apart and don't know how to deal with the grief.. it is funny that we see HK as cold because she is so logical but we can see the effort that it takes to rein her emotions in whereas Seol Ri seems so flippant that she cleans out crime scenes etc and seems more like a narcissist who is all about themselves. Seol Ri seems like the really cold scary fish actually and it will be interesting to see how JE reacts once he realizes that he just switched one warm fridge fish to a really really really scary cold frozen freezer fish...  it almost feels like she was fishing and he was perfect for picking because he was so miserable -- anyone could have shown him some sympathy, made him smile a little and he would have probably gone running towards them. so it will be interesting to see Seol Ri's reaction once she realizes that she wasn't someone special that he picked...won't be surprised if Seol Ri turns into some murdering psycho later on in the series....

@Lmangla Thank you, thank you. thank you!! You said it better than me. That is what I have been saying all along about Seol RI !!!! There is something unhinged in her noggin. A very normal young woman who is offered a scholarship at Stanford U will jump at the chance of a lifetime. Not only for the scholarship but the adventure of being abroad, seeing the world new experience even if they had a crush on their professor. They would think twice about throwing their life away for an older married man. And any normal man with a dose of common sense or woman for that matter will think twice about anyone who says  " I will stay with you even when you are in hell". Warning sign!!!! fatal attraction coming up..... run!!!! Unless of course it is JE who himself is in the dumps and needs a"comforter." Like I said two needy people. Wait until she wants more and more because her needs are like a bottomless pit which she has not dealt with herself. She thinks someone else should fill that void. No honey, it does not work that way.

@Lmangla   @zenya22  

 I actually see all 3 main characters as damaged emotionally - either because of their upbringing, or because of the shock of current events (i.e - death of a child) or both.  None of them are "flawless," even as some of us sympathize more with one or the other.

And I am guessing that this is what the writer-nim wanted - to show us a drama that starts with characters who are full of flaws, and will come into their own later in the drama.

Just as I agree with @Lmangla   about SR's reactions or lack of - are bordering on "psycho" - I think HK's anger tantrums are also psychotic. Frankly, if I were Jin-Eon, I would also run away from a home with angry Hae-Kang throwing books and furniture and everything they own down to destruction. That woman (HK) scares me so much, I could not stand to be around her for 10 minutes. I'd be out the door so fast.

In a strange way - Yong-Gi, who has every reason to fall apart as well, with the death/possible murder of her lover and father of her baby - is still very strong, and thinking straight. And if indeed, as we are told - HK used to be like YG - I can understand why JE fell in love with her.   oh God.... Dare I hope that Min Tae-Sook actually took her to a hospital, rather than harm her?

@jadecloud  I too, found this justification by SR pretty revealing about her state of mind and where she is at. Thank you for quoting it.           Thank you also for translating the preview for us.

SR: Theft? If stealing another's heart is theft, then the one who allows the theft is bad too. But the one who allows his heart to be stolen is much more bad, no? If the person is precious, should then protect it properly. I feel that once you know you've lost it, and still claim all ownership of it, that's selfishness. Just without the use of a knife. But it's still the same - stealing the life of another.


yeah i also think their dad  owns the company. In one of the file it states that a business man, whose lastname is Dok Go owns the company in 1982 or something, I heard Beak Soek mentioned it while asking that employer. Is grandma YG's grandma? So HK's lastname is not Do but Dokgo as well?? does her mom know something about their dad's background?? HK is going to revenge for sure, I think later of the drama we would to see more revenge of HK for YG and revenge for her dad, take over of the company.


@andy78      @LHRCN    I hope the twins find each other so they can take their revenge for their dad, and his stolen company/patents.

     @quockhanh45       Thank you for ratings info.....

@ororomunroe         Thank you for Netizen reactions.

More later, as I catch up on the thread.....



Edited by irilight
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According to Wikipedia:: "Adultery (anglicised from Latin adulterium) is extramarital sex that is considered objectionable on social, religious, moral or legal grounds. Though what sexual activities constitute adultery varies, as well as the social, religious and legal consequences, the concept exists in many cultures and is similar in IslamChristianity and Judaism".

Adultery has no justification, even though everyone tries to find reasons ....

Jin Uhn, besides adultery is a cruel and heartless person. This character makes me nauseous, why I think writers, director and actor are doing a good job.

On the other hand if Kang Hae at the end of the drama and magic of the writers she stays with her husband, I'll be very disappointed, and would be a waste of drama.

And now I remember, Ji Jin Hee has already represented a husband adulterer in another drama (one warm word) seems to be an expert in such matters :)

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I also think another thing that JE needs is to feel needed. He's married to a strong, independant woman and he can't handle it. So he goes after this young girl who has a crush on him that he can lead around.  According to the synopsis that I read, JE was attracted to SR because she reminded him of HK when she was that age.  I have to wonder if he's really attracted to SR or attracted to fantasy of trying to recapture yesteryear. 

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@lmangla  i agree with you as regards to the fact that HK inadvertently  pushed the' crushing' into a full blown affair. I cannot blame HK for this though, because she simply reacted how a wife would and she did it with dignity. How would she have known that the end result would be the complete opposite of what she was aiming for. She was trying to prevent  it in the first place. What is not forgivable is the husband who in coming to realize that there exists a girl who likes him, took advantage of the situation by responding to the girl. As what has been commented here the husband is a grown man, an adult who is many years older than the girl, so he should know better. Even if  he is subconsciously  or intentionally doing this to spite his wife it is still not acceptable behavior because in the end all of them get hurt.  

Another issue I find unthinkable is the fact that in the plot summary, HK falls in love again with the husband. I am thinking who in his right mind would even fantasize falling in love again with your  cheating husband/wife even in an amnesiac state?. It would be okay if their relationship was very good even before the amnesia but to use amnesia for a person to fall in love again with someone who has caused you so much pain  and upon regaining your memory back all these hurt and cheating comes back to mind and knowing that you fall in love with the immoral jerk during your amnesia how sad and painful can that be.? wow I cannot imagine how on earth anyone will want that situation. More pain coming.....

I really really want HK to have kids of her own and not end up taking care of someone else s' child even if  it is her own niece.

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SR: Theft? If stealing another's heart is theft, then the one who allows the theft is bad too. But the one who allows his heart to be stolen is much more bad, no? If the person is precious, should then protect it properly. I feel that once you know you've lost it, and still claim all ownership of it, that's selfishness. Just without the use of a knife. But it's still the same - stealing the life of another.


@irilight I have the feeling that someday  Hk will use the same words against her!!!When she will remember everything will go after them!!!I can't wait...i really hope the writer will choose the version that said amnesic HK is inlove with BS...I REALLY CAN'T STAND FOR HER TO GO BACK TO  HER EX AND LOVE HIM AGAIN!!!That would be too much!!!

Edited by andy78
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According to Wikipedia:: "Adultery (anglicised from Latin adulterium) is extramarital sex that is considered objectionable on social, religious, moral or legal grounds. Though what sexual activities constitute adultery varies, as well as the social, religious and legal consequences, the concept exists in many cultures and is similar in IslamChristianity and Judaism".

Adultery has no justification, even though everyone tries to find reasons ....

Jin Uhn, besides adultery is a cruel and heartless person. This character makes me nauseous, why I think writers, director and actor are doing a good job.

On the other hand if Kang Hae at the end of the drama and magic of the writers she stays with her husband, I'll be very disappointed, and would be a waste of drama.

And now I remember, Ji Jin Hee has already represented a husband adulterer in another drama (one warm word) seems to be an expert in such matters :)

Ji Jin-hee is known to be a loyal husband, so I don't think he may be an expert in cheating matters.

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@lmangla  i agree with you as regards to the fact that HK inadvertently  pushed the' crushing' into a full blown affair. I cannot blame HK for this though, because she simply reacted how a wife would and she did it with dignity. How would she have known that the ending result would be the complete opposite of what she was aiming for. She was trying to prevent  it in the first place. What is not forgivable is the husband who in coming to realize that there exists a girl who likes him, took advantage of the situation by responding to the girl. As what has been commented here the husband is a grown man, an adult who is many years older than the girl, so he should know better. Even if  he is subconsciously  or intentionally doing this to spite his wife it is still not acceptable behavior because in the end all of them get hurt.  

Another issue I find unthinkable is the fact that in the plot summary, HK falls in love again with the husband. I am thinking who in his right mind would even fantasize falling in love again with your  cheating husband/wife even in an amnesiac state?. It would be okay if their relationship was very good even before the amnesia but to use amnesia for a person to fall in love again with someone who has caused you so much pain  and upon regaining your memory back all these hurt and cheating comes back to mind and knowing that you fall in love with the immoral jerk during your amnesia how sad and painful can that be.? wow I cannot imagine how on earth anyone will want that situation. More pain coming.....

I really really want HK to have kids of her own and not end up taking care of someone else s' child even if  it is her own niece.

If the fact that HK told him that SR has a crush on him caused him to start looking at another woman, then she should never go back to this man and SR should forever need to be on guard. Just because you find out someone has a crush on you and you think that is a reason to pursue that person because you are unhappy, is an extremely weak person and it means he was ready to look for love some where else.  Husbands and wives who have a strong bond of trust or moral ethics, just don't start wanting to be with another woman because your spouse tells you that someone has a crush on you or if they pointed out the beauty of another woman--intent has to be there first. I can't help but think the motivating factor in his pursuit of SR was the fact HK brought it to his attention and he did it to get back at HK. I think of how he is so in his wife's face with the affair. He knew that she had observed SR's crush on him, wouldn't she also be able to see the two of them starting an affair? I think he's probably also caught in his own tangled web.

I agree with you 100% in regards to the amnesiac HK falling for SE again. I'm not sure what qualities she will see in him that will make him worth falling in love with again.  I don't see what SR sees in him other than what most of us went through at some stage in high school and college, a crush on our teacher--the cute, authority figure and that fades away. I also have to wonder, where will SR be during this rekindle of feelings for her husband. 

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SR: Theft? If stealing another's heart is theft, then the one who allows the theft is bad too. But the one who allows his heart to be stolen is much more bad, no? If the person is precious, should then protect it properly. I feel that once you know you've lost it, and still claim all ownership of it, that's selfishness. Just without the use of a knife. But it's still the same - stealing the life of another.


@irilight I have the feeling that someday  Hk will use the same words against her!!!When she will remember everything will go after them!!!I can't wait...i really hope the writer will choose the version that said amnesic HK is inlove with BS...I REALLY CAN'T STAND FOR HER TO GO BACK TO  HER EX AND LOVE HIM AGAIN!!!That would be too much!!!

That would be just reward if HK were able to throw those words back into SR's face. For her to also see how arrogant and selfish she was in the face of this man's wife. Then I would like HK to kick him to the curb.  There has only been 4 dramas where I never wanted the main leads to get back together and now this one makes a 5th. I didn't want it in Ohlala Couple, Temptation, The Fierce Wife, Valid Love and now this drama. It was the attitude of the cheating spouse and the level they carried on their affair.  I hope the writer gives her someone who can appreciate her as a strong woman and not try to change her into somebody she was back in college to appeal to SE. Once you leave college and enter the real world, you adjust to leaving in the real world, it's called maturity.

I know this is petty, but I have to admit that seeing him wear his backpack the way he does looks silly and a little old fashion for a man his age. For someone like Tae Hyun in Yong Pal it looks very attractive........... I said it was petty

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thanks for your responses -- @10192123sangre  @lclarakl @jadecloud @zenya22 @obsessivecompulsive (why doesn't soompi let me tag??) -- it was fun reading your insights on whether the intent to cheat was already there.. agree with you @obsessivecompulsive that he finally is getting a reaction from his wife which makes me wonder if he is even in love with SR in the first place. is it just revenge? he has been wanting a divorce but HK has been pushing for a reconciliation. is his affair with SR his way of getting HK to let him go?; a mistake that cannot be undone so that finally he can be free? what do folks think? is JE using SR to break free?

@irilight ~ HK's actions are also extreme and wouldn't want to know her in real life but she still feels like a normal person. even her meltdowns seem natural -- if you are holding in your emotions, then the outbursts are that much stronger. really enjoy makjang dramas which means that there is always this mistress character. while I may not like them, they always come across as still human. whereas there is something very odd about SR. she seems to be playacting her cuteness, her helplessness etc to try get others sympathy but she herself has no genuine feelings towards others -- she comes across as really psychotic like characters from any detective series.. so here's another question and would be interested in hearing others views. is SR actually in love with JE or does he represent something she wanted as a child -- security, warmth, family etc? is she in love with the human being JE or is it some sort of ideal she is trying to possess like one acquires a thing?

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