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The historical background to help understand Ep. 13~14



Bang-Won's North Korean Dialect

Yi Bang-Won told Jung Do-Jeon "As a man to man, can you promise me?"  In this scene, Yi Bang-Won spoke in North Korean dialect for the first time since ep 3. (He corrected his dialect after entering Sungkyunkwan.) That's why Jung Do-Jeon realized that this Yi Bang-Won was the same person as the country bumpkin boy who helped release him in Ep. 2. The fine nuance must be lost in translation.



Commoner's name

Boon-Yi says that she hates Yi Bang-Won's name itself because she can't have any sir name. In those days, commoners like Boon-Yi and Tang-Sae as well as the lowest class like slaves couldn't have any sir name. Only noble class can.

In Episode 15 preview, General Yi Seong-Gye gives Tang-Sae a new name Yi Bang-Ji (이방지, 李方地), saying "I will treat you like my own son".

Yi (李) is the general's sir name, Bang is the common syllable in the names of his son's generation in his family. The final syllable Ji (地) means 'earth, land' in Chinese characters. Oh, Tang-Sae (땅새) means 'earth, land' in native Korean language.



Lady Min

Queen Wongyeong (Lady Min) is one of the most politically influential queens in the Korean history.

In the first strife of princes in 1398, she secretly prepared all the weapons and soldiers for her husband. In the second strife of princes in 1400, she was courageous enough to almost run to the battlefield after hearing the rumor of her husband's death. Yi Bang-Won (King Taejong) respected her as his political partner, but also was afraid of her clan. She was a Joseon version of Lady Macbeth (or Hillary Clinton?)

  • King Taejong's wife, Queen Wongyeong (King Sejong's mother)
  • King Sukjong's wife, Queen Inhyeon (Jang Ok-jung's rival)
  • King Gojong's wife, Empress Myeongseong (the last queen of Joseon)

All of them came from the same Min clan.


Haedong Gapjok (해동갑족, 海東甲族)

I explained about Haedong Gapjok in the previous post. Check it out.

Among the top 10 Haedong Gapjok (noble clans) in Goryeo, only Hwangryeo Min clan (황려 민씨, 黃驪閔氏) and Pyeongan Jo clan (평안 조씨, 平安趙氏) are mentioned on the official SBS homepage. The rest 8 clans are unidentified.

'Hwangryeo (황려, 黃驪)' or 'Pyeongan (평안, 平安)' refers to the place where the noble family originated. It is usually called Bon-gwan (본관, 本貫), the hometown of your ancestors.

For example, Yi Bang-Won belongs to Jeonju Yi clan (전주 이씨, 全州李氏) because his old ancestors originated from Jeonju (전주, 全州), the Southwestern city of Korean peninsula, although his family's current territory is located in Hamju (함주, 咸州), the Northeastern region.

Therefore, in Ep. 14, Yi Bang-Won introduced himself to Lady Min "I'm the fifth son of Yi Seong-Gye, from Jeonju Yi clan." Likewise, Lady Min introduced herself "the daughter of Min Je from Hwangryeo Min clan".

Lady Min's father is Eoeun (어은, 漁隱) Min-Je (閔霽) of Hwangryeo Min clan. He seems to be the current leader of top 10 Haedong Gapjok. He also mentioned about their previous leader 'Teacher Yuksan (육산 선생, 六山先生)' of Pyeongan Jo clan in his first dialogue. I guess Teacher Yuksan will show up in the later episodes.

Anyways, Eoeun (어은, 漁隱) and Yuksan (육산, 六山) is their pen names, like Sambong (삼봉, 三峰) and Poeun (포은, 圃隱).



Yi Clan's Status

General Yi Seong-Gye is the people's war hero, but his family has been regarded as country bumpkins by the sophisticated, prestigious 700-year-old nobles. As you can see, the general's family consists of clumsy warriors. Most of them are far from the educated upper class.

Historically, Yi Bang-Won was the general's one and only son who passed the civil service exam, which made him cry for joy because it helped throw off his family's inferiority complex about elite noble class.



The courtesy in aristocratic marriage

The arranged marriages for noble class were an alliance between families. It was entirely determined by parents. The subjective opinions of bride/groom were mostly ignored.

First, A matchmaker tries to find out each families' intention. This matchmaker can be father's friend, mother's aunt, and close relatives, ect. 

Second, if the two families agree to marry, the groom's family sends his Saju (사 주, 四柱) letter to the bride's family. The content of the Saju letter is the groom's birth date and his parents' title. The birth date was used for a fortune-teller to predict the couple's marital compatibility.

Third, if the result is good, they will send the bride's Saju letter to the groom's family and set a wedding date. If it's not good, the bride's family won't reply and the marriage will be cancelled.

The best age to marry during Goryeo and Joseon period was 14~18. In the history, Yi Bang-Won was 15 and Lady Min was 17 when they got married.



It goes against etiquette for Bang-Won to propose to Lady Min directly. It should be through parents or a matchmaker. So, it is natural for Lady Min to be shocked by his proposal.

In addition, free love without parents' permission was a kind of taboo. It was regarded as vulgar behavior and disgrace to their family.

Love how Lady Min has beautiful, piercing, amber eyes.  

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I love me my Myu Hyul. He is just so divinely cute and funny. "don't speak to young master that way, but you can speak to me anyway you like", and "I am going to get this viper to earn some points to my name". Th "viper" was looking at him thinking, who is this blockhead? MY's face when BW shouted that the viper was BY's brother was so precious... and funny. 'Deh?" I think though that listening to the convo of BW and DS has made him aware that that there is something more noble or a calling that he is destined for other than collecting souvenirs for his warrior belt. He will find out soon what that calling is.

As for  BY and BW, I felt some tugging of sadness, it is bitter sweet and I felt sorrow for BY. Guilt is a mindset killer for anyone because it kills one's humanity and preciousness. For all of her life blaming herself for something she had no control over and suffer unnecessarily. I understand her pain she should not have to deny herself some happiness because of it. but I laughed at the same time. They are just too cute together. I laugh so much at BW's reactions to BY's rejections. He is just too in love and too dense to pay attention to what BY is saying. But I love his declarations, "I knew it is her and she is mine,' and "I am going crazy, I will love you until the day I die". He might hang out with the ragamuffins and think himself different but you can't take the bourgeois out the noble kid. He asked "are you rejecting me" and BY tells him yes and why and bye. He comes back with a proposal indirectly implying that he wants to be his lover and family for the moment (no marriage) and demands for her to answer him and when she says she does not like i, he leaves in a huff. She did not say she does not like you just not like what you proposed. Then the third time about his being mad because he thinks there was another reason she rejected him and he knows she likes him, she says I love you, I do love you and he does not know how to take that. He tells her he will love her till the day he dies then leaves again with a headache. I laugh at BW's reactions but I also understand his frustrations and I understand BY's positions. However, I think that the proximity of working together will throw them closer together. BY has street smarts, she is assigned to write messages and deliver them and now is in charge of the people in the market place. That is what the dead Eun Chun was doing. Very dangerous mission. I don't know how BW will manage to stay away from BY when he gets married. She will be in danger every moment. The battle for the new Joseon is on.

I am glad the the queen to be is also smart. Her father even listens to her. It seems she does not have a mother.

As for DS and YH, they lived a life not of their own but hiding behind and facade. She became a double spy was called by another name and he a storyteller named viper the warrior. They lived a double life to forget who they were but it does not disappear unless they both have the courage to face it together. The fact that they talked about it even if in accusatory way is progress in a way. I hope that even if they yell and cry, that their dialogue about what happened continues. That is the only way they can forgive each other and themselves. They should not be blaming each .other but the people who committed the crime against them.

I lke Gap Boon it was also sad when she sang the song and his voice in the background. I hope Halmoni and Gap Boon will have join in the fight too. Boon Yi and Gap Boon, Bon Yi an Unnie YH need a girl's night out and take MH halmoni with them.

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Hi everybody, Im a silent reader, I really thankful to you guys for comments. It made me understand history clearly.

When I was be in dramawiki, I found out this picture, it also describes relationship among characters in this drama. You guys can see this picture described relationship between Lady Min and BY is jealous. Although I ship BW and BY so much, I don't want BY become BW's concubine, she would have many difficulties from Lady Min, may be I guest. Her life wasn't good and happy, I hope when Joseon was found, she'll live simple and smile everyday. I like BW&BY but as BY said in ep 13, she don't like be concubine and me too. BW is changing by slowly. When ep 13,14 didn't broadcast, I think he was forced to marry Lady Min by JDJ or YSG but he make me disappointed. He want to do that, not anyone else. Ep 14, BY told him that he want to be her family but he made her a ridiculous by his marriage. I think he love power more than BY and his choice was Lady Min completely right. I as well as BY also support him to become King :) but I'll not ship BY&BW, I just ship SSK & YAI :))


Cre: Dramawiki

Edited by mimi19
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Guest smokegetsinyoureyes

Boon-Yi and Bang Won are like Jedi Knights who care for each other deeply, but have bigger missions to fulfill in life; they know that they shouldn't let their feelings get in the way. Boon-Yi knew this from the start. Shin Se Kyung has this calm dignity about her; she acts mostly through her eyes. She reminds me of a younger Maggie Cheung.

I like Bang Won's determination and passion, while I admire Boon-Yi's quiet and firm resolve. Both are pragmatic. We know that part of history that was already written, but I look forward to what the writers have in store for them/for us. How they said 'i love you' to each other in a non-gushy way in Ep 14 killed me. It made me root for them even more. 

Sambong is like everyone's Master Yoda. Would probably break my heart to see Bang Won defying him in the future.



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This drama is so good and well written as you can expect from the writer from Tree With Deep Roots (One of my fave kdrama all time). I have not seen the latest episodes yet but after seeing all the post and pics here, I'm excited to see what's gonna happen to LBW as he will enter marriage life with Lady Min. I hope there will be more scenes between them arguing or making plans together since I read her character is a smart, ambitious and powerful. As for LBW-BY ship, maybe I'm the minority here, I still don't buy the chemistry between YAI-SSK or LBW-BY, so I don't really care what will happen to them. I'm trying to ship them since ep.1 but still I don't get the vibe, I think SSK is miscast here I prefer JYM's YH better, I just feel she's not 'really' there but I will still support Boon Yi as one of dragons. that's all.

Edited by meiazza
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Guest caramelcake


I like Bang Won's determination and passion, while I admire Boon-Yi's quiet and firm resolve. Both are pragmatic. We know that part of history that was already written, but I look forward to what the writers have in store for them/for us. How they said 'i love you' to each other in a non-gushy way in Ep 14 killed me. It made me root for them even more. 

LMAO, that one really killed me too! It isn't cheesy at all. It's cute but it doesn't change the true color of this drama which is full of political intrigue or the bloody war. It just fits right in the situation they're currently stay at. Their story together, actualy, becomes more interesting for me, despite all the brilliant twists that this show has delivered. I too root for them even more. 

Anyway, I've just realized that LIG is scarily smart. His intelegence gets sharpen along the time he has been living. But, I was a bit surprised when I saw him stepping down from his long-term position quite fast..

This is my first time following a drama with a lot of spoilers here and there but I still enjoy watching it immensely. 

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Boon-Yi and Bang Won are like Jedi Knights who care for each other deeply, but have bigger missions to fulfill in life; they know that they shouldn't let their feelings get in the way. Boon-Yi knew this from the start. Shin Se Kyung has this calm dignity about her; she acts mostly through her eyes. She reminds me of a younger Maggie Cheung.

I like Bang Won's determination and passion, while I admire Boon-Yi's quiet and firm resolve. Both are pragmatic. We know that part of history that was already written, but I look forward to what the writers have in store for them/for us. How they said 'i love you' to each other in a non-gushy way in Ep 14 killed me. It made me root for them even more. 

Sambong is like everyone's Master Yoda. Would probably break my heart to see Bang Won defying him in the future

It killed me too. Their honesty with each other and the courage to be true to themselves. I love them. They make me laugh and ache for them at the same time and yes it made me root for them even more. But I keep replaying their encounters. I can't get enough of them.

Edited by zenya22
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What I love about this drama are the dialogues, from the wizened oldies such as YIG and General Choi, the convo between BW and JDJ when BW just got out of prison, the conversation between father and son and yes between BY and BW and Lady Min and BW. It seems that the only one who gets played is HIB who ever results to violence. YIG threw in HIB's face how he was fooled and not qualified to lead the Do DAng. LOL and that of BW and DS who said to BW that the one who will suffer most die for the change are the commoners for the sake of the nobles fight for power. He has a point.

Edited by zenya22
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I like Bang Won's determination and passion, while I admire Boon-Yi's quiet and firm resolve. Both are pragmatic. We know that part of history that was already written, but I look forward to what the writers have in store for them/for us. How they said 'i love you' to each other in a non-gushy way in Ep 14 killed me. It made me root for them even more. 

LMAO, that one really killed me too! It isn't cheesy at all. It's cute but it doesn't change the true color of this drama which is full of political intrigue or the bloody war. It just fits right in the situation they're currently stay at. Their story together, actualy, becomes more interesting for me, despite all the brilliant twists that this show has delivered. I too root for them even more. 

Anyway, I've just realized that LIG is scarily smart. His intelegence gets sharpen along the time he has been living. But, I was a bit surprised when I saw him stepping down from his long-term position quite fast..

This is my first time following a drama with a lot of spoilers here and there but I still enjoy watching it immensely.

That confession, for me, was the best love confession in drama land!!!!! Ugh!! it was so jjang!!!! So anti-climactic yet so romantic!!! lol I am so loving this drama!!!!

Edited by jeenee
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@zenya22 soon as i saw your fist line about MH i was squeaking subs are out went and so them

and BY i was in tears every time i see her eyes i cry

and I felt YH pain as she described her pain and how a child and a woman has no power and she is following JDJ to change that 

i think its true that they should cry and shout and blame their guilt away and that is also true for DS & BY 

in the confrontation with BW & DS BW repeatedly  say you dont know BY you dont know your own sister 

for them to get past this they also need such confrontation as DS YH

* just as i watch ep 13 again did anyone noticed that BW was biting BY shoulder at the doctor clinic? ah, sweet revenge 

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Six Flying Dragons: Episode 13

by HeadsNo2 (dramabeans)
Are you there, Bang-ji? It’s a little hard to tell, but maybe all the darkness is symbolic of the dark and turbulent times these characters are living in. Alternatively, it could be an unfortunate byproduct of shrouding so many characters in mystery and their dealings in secrecy, since daylight isn’t necessarily conducive to underground revolutions. Nor is it ideal for showcasing repressed romantic feelings, of which there are plenty to go around—poor Bang-won’s having a tough go when it comes to rejection lately, isn’t he?
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Guest smokegetsinyoureyes

What I love about this drama are the dialogues, from the wizened oldies such as YIG and General Choi, the convo between BW and JDJ when BW just got out of prison, the conversation between father and son and yes between BY and BW and Lady Min and BW. It seems that the only one who gets played is HIB who ever results to violence. YIG threw in HIB's face how he was fooled and not qualified to lead the Do DAng. LOL and that of BW and DS who said to BW that the one who will suffer most die for the change are the commoners for the sake of the nobles fight for power. He has a point.


Ditto about the lines. And I appreciate how keen the characters are in this drama (including the ones from the other side - LIG, HIB). I love watching them outsmart each other.  And then we have MH who provides comic relief. lol

@caramelcake re: LIG, i know what you mean. Let's see what he has up on his sleeve. But he was right, it was really the shadow (JDJ) who defeated him in that round and not HIB. Very sharp.

So brother and sister will finally meet soon. Knowing that Ddang-sae is alive, I wonder how this would affect Boon-yi's relation with Bang-won and her mindset (will she finally forgive herself?).


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