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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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@lelee you are officially the coolest person. Thanks for the translations.

@Love1403 I also understand why BR is being motivated to protest. 

But we shouldn't forget that it has its advantages and disadvantages. There can be protest for the greater good but we should also be reminded that there are loved ones who will get worried sick for our well being. I remember when I was in college,and we were protesting because of water scarcity. It was supposed to be a peaceful demonstration but the government sent military personnels over and boy...it was a bloodbath. I escaped but my baby brother who was a Freshman that year...oh well... To cut the story short, I found him,safe and cried my eyes out. As a big sister,I apologised to him. I lost a lot of friends that day and I swore never to participate in protest or demonstrations, no matter how good the causes are.

All I'm saying is this,at the end of the day,families can end up getting hurt as we saw with Bora's family especially her mum.

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I actually really like Bora's character too. At times, she seems like a spoiled daughter, but she is also someone who knows to fight for her beliefs and stands by it. And despite it all, she really loves her family. 

Everyone said that she would not let her pride get in the way by asking for forgiveness if she were to get arrested. But upon seeing her mom's bloody toe in the rain, she apologizes to the police officers and at the police station, asks for pardon. 

Her mom pleads to the police officers that Bora's childhood dream was to become a lawyer/prosecutor/judge and was more than qualified to go to law school, but because she received a one year scholarship to the Dept of Education at Seoul U, she chose to go there so that she won't have to concern her parents about money/tuition. 

Just one correction. Her mom never said Bora couldn't get into Seoul U at first. On the contrary, her mom says that despite not receiving any tutoring or attending cram school, she got into Seoul U in one go. 

Anyway, I know Bora is not a very well liked character in this thread, but I hope people will give her some love too. She is a very layered character. Actually, all the characters in this drama are, which make it that more impressive!

After watching today's episode, I must say my favorite scenes were those involving the moms and daughters. The relationship between SW's mom with her mom, Bora with her mom, and even SW's mom with Jinjoo. 



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Her mom pleads to the police officers that Bora's childhood dream was to become a lawyer/prosecutor/judge and was more than qualified to go to law school, but because she received a one year scholarship to the Dept of Education at Seoul U, she chose to go there so that she won't have to concern her parents about money/tuition. 

Just one correction. Her mom never said Bora couldn't get into Seoul U at first. On the contrary, her mom says that despite not receiving any tutoring or attending cram school, she got into Seoul U in one go. 

I couldn't really understand that part because of her talking so fast and in an accent so thanks for the correction! I thought mine was weird because that part seemed out of place.. will correct it now :D


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SW goes to DS's house to borrow needles for sewing.. LOL that is just funny to me. I know he has a crush(on bora?) But does he wanna borrow everything in DS's house so he could get a glance of his "love". He's cute but if I see someone doing that in reality, I will call him/her a weirdo. :lol:

Can I just say that i love the message of Mums and their kids. I really loved it. 

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@mellinadear I'm very sorry about your situation and you are right, standing up for a cause and participating in a demonstration or protest isn't an easy task as it comes with danger for getting hurt and hurting your family and friends along the way. And I think those dilemmas and conflicts are portrayed very well in our drama, as in this episode where Bora's action hurt her parents who love their daughter and just want her to be safe.

I also don't think it's an easy choice to stand up for a cause like Bora or other demonstrators are doing, it takes a lot of courage. And I admit, I myself don't know if I have that courage to do that myself, especially in a time like Korea during the 80s where violence from the police and military were common. Violence against protesters and demonstrators are in fact still common today in many countries, including Korea too at some degree. Thus I think Bora is very brave for doing what she's doing at that time. She's a very layered character whom I want to know her story, and how it goes with her and the Sung family. Hope the PD will give enough time for her character and as well as the other families living in Ssangmundong.

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Besides JH-DS scenes, I really like the scenes with JH's family. It's something me, my dad and my sis would've done if mom gone away for weeks.. we would've made dinner just by mixing everything with rice. lol. And I totally love how JH keeps making his Dad and his bro suffered just to make mom busy.. haha, I'm surprised Dong Ryung is the one giving him advices about dealing with parents. I hope to see more of DR's backstory as well in later episodes

Bo Ra also has interesting storyline. I could totally see her becoming lawyer in the future, she definitely has sense of justice and tough personality to pull that off.

I was so shocked to see how angry Dad was to Bo Ra, in Reply 1997 and 1994, he weas never this mad, he was mad to his daughters just because of them worshipping celebs before. So it was never serious. But in this, of course he will be angrier because he doesnt want her daughter to be harmed and just study in the school safely. I truly sympathize with Dad. But Bo Ra.. my sister has the same personality as Bo Ra.. she just keep all bottled up inside and she couldnt help but being crazy mad and angry at everyone. i totally get her, and I cant wait to see her journey as well.

The writing is solid, all characters are layered and I think it will get better, and as much as I looove the romance parts, I cant wait too for the characters' journey in life as well.. :) 


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JH waits until 2am for DS who fell asleep in the study room again lol. It's raining and thundering (?) and JH decides to wait outside to give her his umbrella. He gives her his and tells her to come home early from now on. (If DS still doesn't get it after this...seriously)

Wow this guy is unbelievable.  Does JH do every night and wait up for DS to come back home?  I say DS doesn't buy a clue until like episode 10. 

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So let's start the debate here...

THis was posted on allkpop: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2015/11/netizens-get-fired-up-over-ryu-seung-ryongs-seemingly-degrading-remarks-about-suzy

As much as I love Go Kyung Pyo I will have to strongly disagree with him on this one! I am also very shocked to see so many women defending those two actors...

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@carolinedl GKP,since I knew him,has always been outspoken.As an individual, he says whatever comes to mind.

I do not find anything wrong in what he said but it's just the way he put it.There's a certain way a women are portrayed in the industry in that they should always be humble and cheerful and blabla..Nothing wrong with that but it should be the duty of everyone to be that way.Not only women. I think people are taking this way too far. Its just my opinion anyway. 

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@carolinedl GKP,since I knew him,has always been outspoken.As an individual, he says whatever comes to mind.

I do not find anything wrong in what he said but it's just the way he put it.There's a certain way a women are portrayed in the industry in that they should always be humble and cheerful and blabla..Nothing wrong with that but it should be the duty of everyone to be that way.Not only women. I think people are taking this way too far. 

Exactly how I think of it. I Just read the article and I think people are getting way to butthurt over it. Some may have a point but cursing him out on this is just... Everyone can disagree with some things people say, but constructive criticism would be the best. No other way. I think netizens are mapoti. Seriously lol.

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I agree with you that everybody should be like this. This should be the case of all professionals. Not limited to one gender. And especially in that industry, there are many men with a lot of aegyo!! ;)

But the way it was said is very patronizing: Just by being there, she infected us with her happiness, aegyo, and the virtue that a female actress should carry on the set.

"Should"? Wait: should I too be cheery with my classmates to ensure they are happy?

I respect the fact that GKP is outspoken. But netizens are allowed to be outspoken as well. And I am the first to criticize netizens when they blow sthg out of proportion but here I think it is right to point that out. Korea is a bit conservative when it comes to women's rights... Those things should be talked about more. And by excusing such a comment and only criticizing netizens is also reductive and does not help at all.


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Songs in Episode 5:

Whitey / White Dog  -- Yang HeeEun --> Beginning of Ep5


In The Desert / The Desert  --  Kim GwangSeok (KwangSeok)  --> When DongIl scolded Bora


Let's Study  -- Yoon SiNae (ShiNae)  --> DeokSeon at the study room prepairing then sleeping



Is The Rain Falling On The Day You Leave? --  SanUlRim  -- > SunYoung  cried at her mom's letter.

English Translation (from userstk) :

Is the rain falling on the day you leave?
The sky too cries over a farewell
Yet my eyes will shed no tears
Sadness is not meant only for this day
But for many a long tearful day to come
Are we to part as clasped hands get wet?
Is the rain falling on the day you leave?
A long rain to fall till the day is done
Are leaves falling on the day you leave?
The past finds its way back to me
To rain familiar scents on me
Memory is not only stories of the past
But something renewing itself evermore
Was the old love song we sang a farewell?
Are leaves falling on the day you leave?
A long farewell meant from the start

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Finally watched today's episode and the snow in the preview reminded me so  much of chilbong....hopefully the love line won't be as bad as 1994 >_<

I just noticed  that the episodes almost always end with a scene of JH-DS like the alley the bus and now the umbrella scene, did any of the other reply series end like that?  All these cute scenes with JH-DS make me believe he is the husband, if he gets chilbonged I'm sure ill be disappointed, im trying so hard not to ship them too much to avoid heartbreak but the writer makes it almost impossible with all these scenes xD 

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What was your favourite scene today? Mine was the one where JH made a mess to please his mom at the end. :D

We haven't understand as much as you do  but DS in study room was so me in high school and Bora Unni was me in university ^^ I don't know how could it be like being parents but again everyone has different personalities and you can't just bring them only to do what you allowed. Though I've always let them know what is on my mind and respected their concerns over me. For now I think DS is better at that. 

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It shows in this episode how SW keeps refusing DS's help.  You won't do that with the girl you like.  Again the mannerism of the husband of the future doesn't fit SW at all.  He would have treated her like a princess. 

Anyway, regardless of all the shipping, JH slayed me tonight with the umbrella scene.  So swoon worthy.  We will get many more of these moments for sure.  Jealous JH doing the manly thing but yet unable to confess because he thinks that DS likes SW and vice versa ... but he won't be able to help himself.  At this point, I really don't see JH confessing at all.  It is not his style.  Like I said before, it is going to take a certain push factor for him to confess.  In the meantime, let's enjoy the ride.  The road to true love will be as bumpy as the bus.  :D:D:D

I'm so hoping his way of confessing will be to kiss her :wub:

I would really like that too.

JH has a bit of trash oppa style.  You see it in the way he shows love to his mom and to DS.  He does little things for them to make them happy but not he doesn't need to take any credit for it.  As long as he sees the person he loves smiles that's enough.  And I hate to break this news to you but reply has a habit of having their serious kiss in ep 13 or 14 so it is still a long way to go.  

In Reply 1994 the 1st kiss was in episode 6 between CB and NJ( Tomorrow is episode 6 ! ~ cough cough~) and in reply 1997 it was in episode 2 between YJ-SW   So maybe it will be soon?  ;) 

@lelee I loved the scene when they were cleaning the house, the background music was just spot on haahha honestly i didnt think they would be ready and she would enter in the middle of cleaning xD



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