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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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선영집에 예상치 못한 손님이 찾아오고 선영은 비상체제에 돌입한다.
사소한 일 하나까지 엄마 손이 필요한 성균 집, 갑작스럽게 미란이 집을 비우게 되자 성균 삼부자는 혼란에 빠진다.

한편, 정환은 자꾸만 덕선 집을 드나드는 선우가 의심스러운데...


google translation :

Unexpected guests who are coming home to Sun Young Sun Young will rush to find emergency system.
Mom trifle bacteria from one hand you need a house, suddenly doeja erosion sambuja bacteria cleared out the house falls into chaos.
On the other hand, it jeonghwan is house and out jakkuman deokseon favorite Sunwoo is suspected seureounde ...


Google translator has a problem with Korean, seriously :sweatingbullets:



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Now SW received chocolates twice by DS. I wonder if both times he is not aware who gave it to him. Also, while DS is always giving chocolates to SW and feels like she has feelings for him, unconsciously she relies on JH as her protector. Remember in reply 1998, I think Shiwon first felt the change was then YJ saved her from being attacked by a guy while she is walking down the alley at night.

I think there are some similarities between JH and DS, ShiWon and YJ. I really liked Shiwon and YJ.

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Lmfaooo that ripped shirt scene killed meee!! *insert goat sound*

Love precious moments between JH & DS and I love how JH responded to his Dad's jokes! Aww

Still can't stand the Glasses guy, but liking Taek more and more. Sun Woo's smile is still cute. Somehow I'm looking forward for Sun Woo to share more scenes with Bora.. hehe

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Okay.....so it's basically official! JH IS THE HUSBAND! Like if the director/writer freaking changes his mind at the last imma be hella mad!!! I SHIP THEM SO BAD!

Pls don't make him the second lead my goodness I went thru so much with Shin Hyuk and Ha Joon in SWP and SGG! My heart can't take it if JH suffers the same plight!

And speaking of JH...he's definitely NOT good looking but there's smthing abt him which makes my heart burst everytime he's on screen...especially in today's episode with him being all macho and cute and awkward with DS...basically you guys get the idea...I heart him!!! 

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text preview for next episode:

선영집에 예상치 못한 손님이 찾아오고 선영은 비상체제에 돌입한다.
사소한 일 하나까지 엄마 손이 필요한 성균 집, 갑작스럽게 미란이 집을 비우게 되자 성균 삼부자는 혼란에 빠진다.

한편, 정환은 자꾸만 덕선 집을 드나드는 선우가 의심스러운데...


google translation :

Unexpected guests who are coming home to Sun Young Sun Young will rush to find emergency system.
Mom trifle bacteria from one hand you need a house, suddenly doeja erosion sambuja bacteria cleared out the house falls into chaos.
On the other hand, it jeonghwan is house and out jakkuman deokseon favorite Sunwoo is suspected seureounde ...


Google translator has a problem with Korean, seriously :sweatingbullets:



Okay I shall try my best with my indecent Korean. ^_^

"Unexpected guest came to Sunyoung's house. Sunyoung went into a state of emergency. The house who needs the mum for the smallest things(Sungkyun), fell into a chaotic mess after Miran's house was suddenly evacuated.

On the other hand, Junghwan kept going in and out of Deoksun's house and Sunwoo started getting suspicious..."

I have absolutely no idea who were the Sunyoung, Sungkyun and Miran. Maybe they are the parents. Yup it seems to be family oriented for the next week's episode.

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text preview for next episode:

선영집에 예상치 못한 손님이 찾아오고 선영은 비상체제에 돌입한다.
사소한 일 하나까지 엄마 손이 필요한 성균 집, 갑작스럽게 미란이 집을 비우게 되자 성균 삼부자는 혼란에 빠진다.

한편, 정환은 자꾸만 덕선 집을 드나드는 선우가 의심스러운데...


google translation :

Unexpected guests who are coming home to Sun Young Sun Young will rush to find emergency system.
Mom trifle bacteria from one hand you need a house, suddenly doeja erosion sambuja bacteria cleared out the house falls into chaos.
On the other hand, it jeonghwan is house and out jakkuman deokseon favorite Sunwoo is suspected seureounde ...


Google translator has a problem with Korean, seriously :sweatingbullets:



Okay I shall try my best with my indecent Korean. ^_^

"Unexpected guest came to Sunyoung's house. Sunyoung went into a state of emergency. The house who needs the mum for the smallest things(Sungkyun), fell into a chaotic mess after Miran's house was suddenly evacuated.

On the other hand, Junghwan kept going in and out of Deoksun's house and Sunwoo started getting suspicious..."

I have absolutely no idea who were the Sunyoung, Sungkyun and Miran. Maybe they are the parents. Yup it seems to be family oriented for the next week's episode.

Not at all indecent Korean. Your translation was right on, except for one tiny mistake.

The text preview says that Junghwan is the one who gets suspicious when Sunwoo keeps going in and out of Deokun's house~~  ^^

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Guest beastrbae


Okay I shall try my best with my indecent Korean. ^_^

"Unexpected guest came to Sunyoung's house. Sunyoung went into a state of emergency. The house who needs the mum for the smallest things(Sungkyun), fell into a chaotic mess after Miran's house was suddenly evacuated.

On the other hand, Junghwan kept going in and out of Deoksun's house and Sunwoo started getting suspicious..."

I have absolutely no idea who were the Sunyoung, Sungkyun and Miran. Maybe they are the parents. Yup it seems to be family oriented for the next week's episode.

Yup, Miran and Sungkyun are Junghwan's mom and dad whereas Sunyoung is Sunwoo's according to Wikipedia. (I just realised with the Sun's O_O)

Before the tutor session in Junghwan's home, Deoksun was seen trying to fit into her tight jeans, Junghwan washing his face till he nosebleed (lmao) and Sunwoo finding his jeans jacket and wearing it despite it not being completely dried. I get the first two trying to impress someone they like, but who was Sunwoo trying to impress? And trolololol at Jung Bong speaking in english to impress Bora xD I cannot with the Kim's family. 

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Miran is JH's mom and Sunyoung is SW's mom, Sungkyun is JH's dad. I think I'm the only one but I keep rooting for the second lead in the end because I feel so sorry for them. In 1997 I rooted for Tae Woong because he was so sweet to Shiwon but I knew he wasn't the end game. I was actually a Samchonpo-Yoon Jin shipper 1988 so I cared less about who Na Jeong ended up with but I ended up rooting for Chilbong because I knew his heart had to be broken. Right now I'm rooting for Taek and SW, their poor hearts are going to be broken. If I had to ship, I'll ship Bo Ra with JB (JH's brother) and SW's mom with Taek's dad. Taek and his dad are like carbon copies of each other, you don't have to wonder where their personalities come from. Really sometimes I wish that the Reply series would stop being so obvious and stop pushing the second leads around just for the sake of mystery, my heart ends up breaking for them... It's my fault for having soft spot for the underdogs.

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Awww.. This episode tugged  my heartstrings.

I am so happy JH responded to his dad's joke. Its about freaking time someone in the family did.I am happy.

OK,Taek REALLY needs to learn how to do things apart from games. Yesterday, he couldn't pick his food with his sticks,DR had to help him. Today,he couldn't open the wrap for the yogurt and DS helped him with that.Dudeee.   This has bothered me though, he plays baduk with his right hand but eats with his left? Is he conscious not to hurt his hand? I don't get it. It was equally funny how DS tries to make TK confused with the rubik cube and he just solved it in seconds. DS tryna change it without showing him is so me lol. I did that with my cousin too. Felt bad when TK lost but its not every time you win the game..that's life. I'm happy his friends were there to cheer him up.

Ahahhaaha DS ripping JH's shirt is hilarious and him protecting her at the end is the cutest thing ever. No no NOooooooooooo...I said I am not shipping writer-nim. NO WAY.

Lastly,Bora teaching DS maths reminds me everyday why I hate that subject..Lawd. 2x-8=6...duh,since you are moving -8 to where 6 is,it becomes +ve. Right? So,its 2x=6+8. DS is right(even though she added the + sign later). The answer overall is 7. Bora really shouldn't be a teacher because it will make students fail the more. Too late,she's studying mathematics education right? *sigh*

Cool episode. Can't believe I have to wait 2 more days just for English subs.

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@mrukki omo,I thought I was the only one who wanted SW's mum and TK's dad together. Even in episode 2,she kept telling him to get an apartment with the money he has or something like that. I'm rooting for them.

 If the writer is tryna make bora and SW a thing,then the battle for the role of "husband" goes to JH and TK(I'm rooting for TK). Let's see how it goes anyway.

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Taek and JH's brother are a bit similar, no? They are both obsessive about specific things, espeicllay linked to numbers and space.

Taek is such an interesting character. He is good with complicated things, stupid with simple things. Is it because his mother died early? I also cannot help think he might be autistic... In any case, I like how his friends are always trying to bring him out of his shell, how they are not judging him.

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DeukSun's mother was asking something about Bora in the teaser Sunwoo. Why him? If there really will be something up the two. I hope to have :)

For now, since DS-JH couple as my heart. I really liked JH and his love. :wub: 

She asked him if he'd seen Bora or not. 

I really liked episode 4 xD it was upbeat and touching at the same time. Plus once again the preview was misleading lol. Am I the only one who likes Bora lots? she's just so assertive and smart that I can't help but want to baby her HAHAHA 

I want to see more of her and SW ;_; 

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Okay I shall try my best with my indecent Korean. ^_^

"Unexpected guest came to Sunyoung's house. Sunyoung went into a state of emergency. The house who needs the mum for the smallest things(Sungkyun), fell into a chaotic mess after Miran's house was suddenly evacuated.

On the other hand, Junghwan kept going in and out of Deoksun's house and Sunwoo started getting suspicious..."

I have absolutely no idea who were the Sunyoung, Sungkyun and Miran. Maybe they are the parents. Yup it seems to be family oriented for the next week's episode.

Yup, Miran and Sungkyun are Junghwan's mom and dad whereas Sunyoung is Sunwoo's according to Wikipedia. (I just realised with the Sun's O_O)

Before the tutor session in Junghwan's home, Deoksun was seen trying to fit into her tight jeans, Junghwan washing his face till he nosebleed (lmao) and Sunwoo finding his jeans jacket and wearing it despite it not being completely dried. I get the first two trying to impress someone they like, but who was Sunwoo trying to impress? And trolololol at Jung Bong speaking in english to impress Bora xD I cannot with the Kim's family. 

Yup, Sunwoo is in a one-sided love with Bora and had been so for the past three years. We already see that they both like singer Lee Sunhee,  Sunwoo is an extremely bright student but his one weakness is math, and Bora is majoring in math education in college.

This is an interesting direction by Shin PD and Writer Lee because 1) in the 80s, the older woman, younger man relationships  were a lot less common than now;  2) Bora right now sees Sunwoo as nothing more than her sister's friend and she suspects Sunwoo to like Deoksun by his frequent visit to their home. All in all, it appears that a great deal of heartache awaits Sunwoo.

But I like that Shin PD and Writer Lee chose to give the second couple in this installment as much care as DS and JH pairing. I thought it was unfortunate that the second couple in AM1994 (Samcheonpo and YJ) got less "treatment" than the NJ-Trash couple. Here, it feels like the second couple (Sunwoo and Bora) is just as much central characters as DS and JH.

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The song when JH was protecting DS, it's been so long since I heard it and such a perfect song.

I'm kinda surprised that they used UB40's version since it was released in 1993.  Anyways, I don't care about the chocolates, I am sure JH is the one husband.  JH is constantly DS's dark knight which is a staple character by the secret husband in the Reply series.  Glad to see more scenes with Taek though.  

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DeukSun's mother was asking something about Bora in the teaser Sunwoo. Why him? If there really will be something up the two. I hope to have :)

For now, since DS-JH couple as my heart. I really liked JH and his love. :wub: 

She asked him if he'd seen Bora or not. 

I really liked episode 4 xD it was upbeat and touching at the same time. Plus once again the preview was misleading lol. Am I the only one who likes Bora lots? she's just so assertive and smart that I can't help but want to baby her HAHAHA 

I want to see more of her and SW 

Yeah I think both Bora and SW joined political protest and got injured. Maybe SW was just trying to help her and  entrapped along the way. I come to love Bora this episode too. JH is really something I can see now it's easy to fall for him at this rate. That's only if Taek really has not love line with DS because as much as I see PBG has so much depth in his acting I can't root for other than Taek. 

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Okay I shall try my best with my indecent Korean. ^_^

"Unexpected guest came to Sunyoung's house. Sunyoung went into a state of emergency. The house who needs the mum for the smallest things(Sungkyun), fell into a chaotic mess after Miran's house was suddenly evacuated.

On the other hand, Junghwan kept going in and out of Deoksun's house and Sunwoo started getting suspicious..."

I have absolutely no idea who were the Sunyoung, Sungkyun and Miran. Maybe they are the parents. Yup it seems to be family oriented for the next week's episode.

Not at all indecent Korean. Your translation was right on, except for one tiny mistake.

The text preview says that Junghwan is the one who gets suspicious when Sunwoo keeps going in and out of Deokun's house~~  ^^

Thanks a lot. ^^ Yep, my brain wasnt warmed up to reading Korean just now haha.

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