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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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@themarchioness hahaha That was perfect. Actually i was disappointed in YSJ for letting him off the hook easily with just a warning. I was like 'dude he took your girlfriend to a hotel!!!!! Break his bones now' hahaha But i guess SJ doesn't want to pick fights with civilians. Sighh


7 hours ago, phikyl said:

 If he knew both his daughter and SJ well though, he should have realized that they're too alike in personality to make a good romantic match. They really do pair up better as siblings and need their respective other halves to ground them. 

Yes to this. SJ and MJ are similar in many ways and if someone who doesn't know about them saw them, they will think they're real siblings. Actually i liked her scenes with SJ more than her scenes with DY. Yes i was not that much interested in the DY-MJ angsty relationship. But I am really thankful for the writers for not making her a bitchy second lead again.

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This may seem a bit off topic, but I just couldn't help but share my thoughts on the SDY-YMJ love arc. I think it was a topic of conversation a few days ago, and I just forgot to write a comment about it hahaha 

Anyway, I've got to admit that even if SDY and YMJ's love story represented the typical K-Drama couple that has to go through so much angst before getting together, I actually loved seeing them on screen. JG and KJW looked so good together, that the 12 year age gap that they have just didn't seem to show. I just hoped that their characters didn't spend so much time being all angsty when it came to the love line though, because I know we would've all preferred to see them act as sweet as they were during their double date at Dalkkom with YSJ and KMY. 

At the end of the day, I'm still very thankful to the writers for giving us two love arcs. I just couldn't imagine having either SDY or YMJ being the antagonist in YSJ and KMY's romance. It would just be so wrong. Hahaha!

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Article: Soldiers gain popularity over 'Descendants of the Sun' fame

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

More foreign tourists have been stopping soldiers to take pictures and stuff after the drama 'Descendants of the Sun' blew up.

1. [+721, -12] What in the world ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+638, -14] At this rate the army will create a special tourist unit and have soldiers greet tourists ㅋㅋ

3. [+417, -38] Unnecessary

4. [+41, -9] I think it's a great thing. Soldiers get lonely too for all the suffering they do for us. No one cares about them and it's great to make the feel special and important like this.

5. [+27, -3] A bit ridiculous...

6. [+20, -5] This is funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+19, -1] Soldiers suffer a lot for how little respect they get, isn't it a good thing that they're getting more respect and attention even if it's thanks to a drama? I think it's good to see.

8. [+18, -5] Our country does need to show more respect to the people who protect us. We don't give them nearly enough respect to our soldiers as other countries do.

9. [+17, -1] I always found men in army uniform to be dependable looking and handsome even before the drama blew up ㅋ I remember in college some of my male classmates looked better in their army uniforms than in civilian clothes. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+10, -1] Let's just try to think of it positively. It's like tourists in Europe taking pictures with the Swiss guards at the Vatican. It's a huge tourist attraction there.


The truth is everytime I saw a soldier their face will automatically changing into Yoo Shi Jin..... is it a disease?? or just a new habit?? I don't know...

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@phikyl, @annettegatuslao, @kokodus, glad you liked the fic.  I admit, I got to the end and didn't quite know how to wrap things up so I just did.  :P  (It's a common problem of mine.  I never lack for ideas and story beginnings, but story endings on the other hand.)  I also just went back and tweaked it a little bit.  I found a few typo, even though I swear I'd proofread it twice before posting; sigh.

And @kokodus, I totally agree.  In that one scene where YSJ meets the Chairman for the first time, I too had hoped for something more.  I'm not sure what I wanted to see, exactly, but even YSJ rubbing it in the Chairman's face a little bit more would've been satisfying (and gratifying) to see.  But YSJ is a bigger person than me, I suppose, so we'll just have to be happy with what we did get.

@annettegatuslao, I liked the YMJ/SDY storyline too.  I also just loved watching the foursome together in all their different combo iterations, whether it was the four of them together, YMJ and KMY ganging up on the men together, or YMJ and YSJ being their sibling-like selves together, and etc..  One of my friends started watching and so far she's made it through episode 4.  In that one scene where YMJ checks in with YSJ for the first time in Uruk, and they're bantering back and forth about how her father wants YSJ to be his son-in-law, etc., my friend described that conversation as "Military Heirs."  I laughed so hard and thought it an apt description. 

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I liked seeing the foursome together and the MJ/MY, DY/SJ pairings but I grew quite tired of the push and pull from DY/MJ. I did like seeing them being sweet together and the age difference didn't bother me because I believe DY and MJ had a pretty large age gap anyways. DY was a drill instructor when SJ was in training and MJ is SJ's hoobae so the gap in age for their characters is there too. I love, love, loved seeing their double date in the coffee shop though and I wish we could have seen a bit more of that. 

I wanted something more out of the chairman scene too but I guess SJ knows his girl and knew the chairman probably didn't get off lightly. He said he learned about the hotel from the hospital staff gossiping and I know that MY told her best friend about smacking him with the purse so who knows? Maybe word leaked out in the hospital and the Urk staff learned about it too. It would be the reverse of how all the hospital staff know MY is dating SJ before any of the Urk doctors even land back in Korea.

So I did manage to coerce someone into making that car slide gif for me. However, photobucket has decided that now is a good time to do maintenance; and has been down for hours...

So I'll share the awesome with you guys when that comes back up. :D

Edit: Scratch that. @kristy86 beat me to it! :wub:

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2 hours ago, phikyl said:

@kristy86 I think so too. SJ looked so happy that she was just resting on him. Took him a moment to re-orient himself when she sits up and smacks him for lying to her. 

There's errors in the last beach scene too but I don't know if anyone noticed those ones. :P 

If you make a gif of SJ sliding across the car, please post it here! That scene is so awesome! I kind of want to try it myself but lack the coordination to make a safe landing. Lol!

Oh, you are kidding right? Don't try it, it's not safe, you are scaring me... :sweatingbullets: 

In the last beach scene? Hmmm, what could it be..., why do they choose to have the errors in those sweet scenes, lol, kidding, I won't be able to catch it bcos too busy smiling and giggling like an idiot :lol: One error that I know is during the wine kiss, at the end of ep 4 his hand is grabbing her neck but in ep 5 he's holding her chin, I love the neck grabbing more though, lol.

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@kristy86 Don't worry. I'm the one people call when they break bones, I don't want to be the one with the break! I just think it would be a cool thing to be able to do. I'm aware of my physical limitations though [major klutz]. Plus I'm short. I'm not sure I could jump high enough to clear the hood like that....

Yep there's an editing mistake there too. Episode 16 beach scene: Watch their feet. I wouldn't have caught that one because I was too busy fangirling over that kiss except that I noticed something during episode 6. I want to hold off on what made me notice the discrepancy though because I plan to point out that part in my ep 6 novel [for a different reason though]. 

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@phikyl you are making me curious now. Off to watch ep 6 and the shipwreck scene to catch those mistakes. Only i will be instead drooling over the awesomeness that is SJ. Anyways its a perfect excuse to rewatch those scenes.*wink *wink* How dare they make those mistakes LOL

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@kokodus Anything to help the cause! ;)

I'm currently in the middle of yet another re-watch because how can I watch just episodes 1 and 2?!?

And before I forget....



I think I might have been having too much fun with the photoediting software...:phew:

*credit to Lovelycat for the gif portion though the text is my own*

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@kristy86 Gif Queen! I can watch the car sliding gif non-stop. I think SJK is on his way to becoming an action-actor. He suits it. I liked his character in SKKS, but (him being very young and a bit too pretty then aside) I think the relative passiveness in that character did not go down 100% with me. Felt like he had a lot more energy he could use up, y'know what I mean? And since he's one of those few versatile actors who look equally good in period costumes, I'd like to see him take on a swordsman role or something... heh... 

Y'know what I tell my hubby? I tell him that @phikylis giving us episode watching assignments. He laughed and said, "Geez, you and your Soompi friends." Hahaha... I'm so ready to do next week's assignment! But I will be flying off again to bad-wifi land, so my interactions will be back to intermittent... Regardless. :D 

And thanks everyone for your Hug Analyses! They should be given an award for the best hugs in kDramaland. You peeps are right! They hug with their entire being, and I do believe the chemistry they shared had a lot to do with it. They were so comfortable with each other. When watching them hug, just look at their legs and how closely they are standing to each other. There was a drama we were watching before (shall not name it) but my husband remarked that the OTP's legs were so far apart from each other, it was obvious they weren't even comfortable with each other in person, how to be convincing as an on screen couple? Ahhh... SJK+SHK...

The next non-episodal analysis is...


Let's look at their gaze next, beginning with the evolution of YSJ's gaze on KMY... have you ever seen such acting with only the eyes and eyebrows???

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21 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

@kristy86 Gif Queen! I can watch the car sliding gif non-stop. I think SJK is on his way to becoming an action-actor. He suits it. I liked his character in SKKS, but (him being very young and a bit too pretty then aside) I think the relative passiveness in that character did not go down 100% with me. Felt like he had a lot more energy he could use up, y'know what I mean? And since he's one of those few versatile actors who look equally good in period costumes, I'd like to see him take on a swordsman role or something... heh... 

Y'know what I tell my hubby? I tell him that @phikylis giving us episode watching assignments. He laughed and said, "Geez, you and your Soompi friends." Hahaha... I'm so ready to do next week's assignment! But I will be flying off again to bad-wifi land, so my interactions will be back to intermittent... Regardless. :D 

And thanks everyone for your Hug Analyses! They should be given an award for the best hugs in kDramaland. You peeps are right! They hug with their entire being, and I do believe the chemistry they shared had a lot to do with it. They were so comfortable with each other. When watching them hug, just look at their legs and how closely they are standing to each other. There was a drama we were watching before (shall not name it) but my husband remarked that the OTP's legs were so far apart from each other, it was obvious they weren't even comfortable with each other in person, how to be convincing as an on screen couple? Ahhh... SJK+SHK...

The next non-episodal analysis is...


Let's look at their gaze next, beginning with the evolution of YSJ's gaze on KMY... have you ever seen such acting with only the eyes and eyebrows???

wuah can I join the assignment???? what is it about??? coz seems like I cannot move on from this fever .....

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In Episode 1, when Yoo SiJin first encounters Kang MoYeon, he regards her like any other person he meets for the first time. His focus is on recovering Seo DaeYoung's phone and does nothing more than answer her questions:

"Are you Big Boss?" - Yes

"Are you his guardian?" - Not his, but the phone's (i.e. if we could just get the phone back, we would be out of here, thank you.)

But she ignores him immediately after he tells her what he's there for and switches her attention straight back to the patient she was with; he had assumed it would be a quick and easy assignment to complete but he was wrong. At that very moment when she ignores him, see how his regard for her changes with that little raising of his brow as if to say, "This one's not easy." Her strength of character and presence immediately catches his attention but he is not yet intrigued.

He watches her work as she questions the nurse on where Kim KiBeom had run to, and he tries his luck again with the phone. His focus is still on retrieving the phone and she is at this point a challenge to this puzzle - how to get the phone back? Game on. 

See how he pushes Nurse Choi MinJi to the side just to get into a position where he can catch KMY's eyes. He's impatient and honestly somewhat obnoxious here and CMJ is none too pleased about being shoved by him. YSJ is an army captain and is not used to not getting an immediate response to a simple order - give me back my phone. So he continues being this obnoxious male:

"Are you listening to me?" 

And the brilliant response from KMY? Of course I'm not listening to you, you self-absorbed person of the male type! She doesn't answer his question and merely throws another question back at him - she's on her own mission to fact find: Are you a thug? Cos if you are, I'm not letting you leave the hospital after you assaulted someone! We see KMY is someone who has a strong sense of social justice here, aaaaaannnd... he is hooked. The man has taken the bait which KMY doesn't even realise she's thrown at him! His eyes now show intrigue with KMY. The retrieving of the phone is no longer the puzzle - she is.

*cue the curtain scene* 

She looks at him, and she's still irritated; he looks at her and he no longer listens to SDY who's still trying to solve the how-do-I-get-my-phone-back problem:

SDY: Seeing that he left the phone here, I think he made a run for it

YSJ: Yes, I think he made a run for it

SDY: Why don't we go outside and look for him? He couldn't have gone far.

YSJ: Yes, he couldn't have gone far. Why don't you go and find him.

All this while, SDY and YSJ are looking in KMY's direction, but see how differently their eyes speak! SDY is thinking about how to solve the handphone problem; YSJ is thinking about how to solve the KMY problem. :D And it doesn't take long for his best friend to notice it. SDY gives him the "What the..." look. My phone, bro, focus! My phone! And because the bro code at this point is still stronger than a girl he's met for the first time, he reluctantly follows SDY out in search of KKB.

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