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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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1 hour ago, miss sojisub said:

That's why I am also againts the idea of DOTS season 2.... since its already beautiful as it is now. 

If we all dig more we surely can have another things that not yet settled in this drama.... but I already satisfied with the story flow. 

And for the first step... even KBS have the PD team ready for season 2... how about the writers.... the heart of the story, without them there's none to be told. Having both writers sit again together i find it so hard. 

And the casts... the leading lead for instance SJK next month will start filming for his movie Battleship along with HJM and SJS  let say the filming took 6 months... and when its close to the premiere date on 2017 he will be busy with promoting things... also not to mention his packed schedules with CF shoot, magazine photoshoot and interviews, invitation to here and there, also fan meeting and who knows that he will spread his wings later next year to China and Japan by taking many jobs there. It will be so freaking hard to get him as YSJ again. 

and if we talk about SHK, she will as busy as SJK. So I feel thats impossible to have our lead stars again. 

Just keep it as it is now. I don't want another Full House season 2 kinda like .... its weird to me to see t


I'm also in the Camp of No for a second season, for all the reasons you've cited, but after thinking about it some more, I suppose I could see it working if they made the drama related but not necessarily a sequel.  For example . . . And recognize, this is probably borne out of my thoughts and imaginations of what life down the road for YSJ and KMY would be like.  But one of the visions I have had for their future is their son wanting to join the special ops team like his father.  YSJ, who is now a commander himself, is against the idea.  But his opposition stems mostly from knowing how his wife suffered to endure his own career, and he doesn't wish that on her as a mother.  But their son goes to talk to KMY and surprisingly, it's she who gives her blessing because after having loved YSJ and lived with him all these years, she understands what's in a soldier's heart.

Anyway, it's with those thoughts in mind, I could see them creating a drama that explores something that's tangentially related to the drama.  It's far enough removed to not damage the impressions and memory that the original drama has left in all of us, but close enough to still pique viewers' interest and call itself related.  It'd also allow the production team to bring back actors for cameos, if they were interested, without them necessarily having to have a huge role in the project. 

But I guess we'll have to wait and see what how it all pans out, if at all.

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I ended up creating gifs too because of dots withdrawal. SHK was so cute acting out the drunk scene and from the making she said that it's based on her own experience....so that's how she is in real life when drunk too cute,,, I wonder how many takes they need to do this too as we see SJK cracking up and rolling all over dying with laughter. They're so happy working together no wonder their on-screen chemistry is at its best.







Oh my during script reading, the chemistry is already in the making by our leading man who wanted to have a melodrama with his leading lady. I guess he was acting out the part YSJ and KMY went camping and he wanted to cross the line...so cute.








cr heartou.tumblr.com

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DOTS Special #3 was excellent - gave us the chance to appreciate more the efforts put in the drama by everyone -  from the producers, writers, director, the main cast, supporting cast and the crews - all did an excellent job in presenting this short story and putting life in it.  We also got the chance to see how the actors real feelings were while filming and how they tried so  hard to study their characters well.

Because of DOTS, I can no longer appreciate the previous and present dramas I've watched and need to watch.  DOTS has always been on my mind from the beginning to the end.  I used to like Secret Garden - and I was so taken with the actors' acting.  Twenty Again was also a favorite - but then DOTS came and I started comparing the actors involved.  I can only say, I loved SHK when I first watched here in AIMH - but I love her even more - like what SJK and JG said - she is perfect - and that is her flaw.  I've watched SJK in other dramas (even when he wasn't that popular) and so far, his role in DOTS is the best.  I don't like his role in Innocent Man - too serious - his role in SSS is also good but his role in DOTS which makes him portray someone cool and firm, is the best - especially when he flashes those teasing smiles.

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Hyun Jyu Ni Shares Candid Photos Taken With Song Joong Ki, Song Hye Kyo, and Other “Descendants of the Sun” Co-Stars











Hyun Jyu Ni Shares Candid Photos Taken With Song Joong Ki, Song Hye Kyo, and Other “Descendants of the Sun” Co-Stars




KBS2′s “Descendants of the Sun” may have ended, but the camaraderie between the cast continues on.




Actress Hyun Jyu Ni recently posted a collage of pictures taken with her “Descendants of the Sun” co-stars through her Instagram. Some of the actors, like Song Joong Ki and SHINee’s Onew, smile brightly for the camera, while others, such as Jin Goo, make funny faces. She can also be seen goofing with Song Hye Kyo and other female cast members.




The actress provides a caption lamenting the end of the drama, and hopes that her co-stars will always be happy.




While the drama ended last week, three special episodes aired this week, including a recap of the whole series as well as exclusive behind-the-scene clips from the set.














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1 hour ago, gilaswan said:

Dots withdrawal is real. I keep coming back hoping to see updates though I know there won't be any... Sob! Rewatching plans, anyone?


I have re-watched Episode 1 to 16 repeatedly everyday. I also switched on DotS OST playlist at work and I put them on repeat mode. I cannot sleep at night until I watch at least 10 mins of any DotS episode regardless of what time I reached home and got ready for bed. This is true story and I don't know myself until when this habit will stop :sweatingbullets:

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LCH never knew the name of the little boy and he also never got to meet his mum let alone say hi too...




cr heartou.tumblr.com

KMY is always beautiful to YSJ








cr serenity2bliss.tumblr.com

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‘Descendants of the Sun’ concert lineup revealed









Updated : April 24 2016














The initial lineup for an upcoming “Descendants of the Sun” concert was confirmed Friday, according to JL media group.

The host of the concert has previously revealed the news that Jin Goo and Kim Ji-won would be performing at the concert. Lee Seung-joon and Seo Jeong-yeon have also signed up, adding another “Descendants” couple to the list of performers, though what they will do onstage is as yet unnannounced.













“Adding on, the second round of the lineup will be unveiled on Wednesday. It will include actors from ‘Descendants’ as well as many musicians and artists,” JL media announced.

The news of the concert garnered much attention from the public, with people flocking online as soon as the tickets were available.

The “Descendants of the Sun” concert will be held at the Grand Peace Palace at Kyung Hee University in Seoul on May 14.








By Kim Ji-young (christinekim@heraldcorp.com




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Im experiencing withdrawal symptoms... its terrible. I tried watching something else like The Entertainer. I wad doing a fastforward throughout the two eps. I felt so sorry for the drama. :tears:

What am i supposed to watch next week? Im seriously thinming of rewatching the entire series again. This is so not me! 

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I've not seen any promotion for Sergeant Major Seo Dae-Young who is one of the great soldier of Team Alpha. 

As majority of us here, I also share my sentiments that it will be quite a long time before I will forget this drama. I can't forget the phrase SHOULD I APOLOGISE OR CONFESS MY LOVE which uttered by Captain Yoo Shi-jin.  

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Dots Withdrawalll is realll 
No matter how many times i read when someone post this... i will say I agreee...  
It has been a journey alright... journey full of love and laughter...ever since i first watch the trailer in December, and then when its officially launch in Feb, until the BTS.

Wed - Thursday will never be the same after dots... it will a long time till i can let it go... I've been re-watching the drama over and over again since ep 4.. so yeahhh it's very hard to let go..

I'm actually not an active drama viewer when it's aired, usually i'm more of a Drama recap reader. 
But this drama really fascinates me from the first time I watch the trailer, SHK's voice reciting Doctor vow, and the trailer it self was WOW... i gotta hand it to the producer and their team .. the trailer is seriously awesome, and alas.. the rest is history.

There is no words to describe how i feel about DOTS, and  i don't think i need too... we are on the same boat after all.

One thing i will say.. I really learn a lot from KMY as a woman ... there are a lot of reflection moment whenever i thought about her character... and the constant struggle she faced. 
I can still remember back when ep 2 was first launched, I got a big laugh when some one wrote that the BGM of "I love you" is the new "Love is the moment" :D   is was so funny and hilarious... because it was sooo true :D
Luckily the producer of this show is better than Heirs.. instead of 1 memorable song, they gave us so much more. All of the OST on DOTS are amazing, and contain so much feel to them... i can'tt even choose a favorite... i love them all.

I want to address something about Drama beans.
To tell you the truth i am bit disappointed with DB, especially the re capper of DOTS, lollypip.. idk why sometimes i find her recap is so dry... even dryer than a dessert, i was like omg.. are you seeing what i'm seeing...  are we even watching same show? 
I didn't see her to have any passion in writing to be honest.
Whenever i read them, i was like do you even enjoy the show? even when the latter recaps is better i still feel like she did not really enjoy DOTS. Sometimes i wish it was JB instead that recaps the show, her writing is something I always enjoy.

For me recaps truly is important, i enjoy reading recaps because sometimes my workload doesn't really give me enough time to do anything outside of work. Whenever i want to know more about a drama, i will always go to DB and KP. Recaps also helps me to find some hidden gem. Added to that whenever i miss or want to remember a drama, i can always go back and re-read my favorite part. Yeah whoever read this can definitely conclude i'm a dork who loves to read.
So to find that DB and also KP are the worst re capers of DOTS really makes me sad. 

Regarding the Season 2 news, despite my ramblings in my previous post.. i do agree that if the story line is the same, then season 2 is not really necessary..... YSJ and KMY story line are done.... and in my mind.. they will live happily ever after... :wub:
Let's just say that i will put my trust in SHK and SJK to choose the best scenarios if the news are confirmed.Al tough i think a NEW STORY will be better hehe...

idk.. to tell you the truth i think as long as i see both of the Song-Song couple in a drama i'm happy :D 



"Instead, a behind-the-scenes from episodes 1 through 16 will be released on DVD. A novel will also be created based on the script and a theatrical movie will be put into motion as well. Several other countries also want a remake of the drama."


Regarding the novel, do anyone have any experience and info about Korean drama turn to novel? will they ever be translated into English? 

During Autumn in my heart period, there was a series of books published for the drama, and fortunately as it was not the era of internet yet, the request for the drama was very high, everything related to the drama was on demand, even the novel book was translated in my language, so i can get the book in my local book store.
I had all the series in my collection once upon a time... it mysteriously vanished when i move to another house, but i still remember it with fond memories.
As today is the era of internet,,, i am sad to say that i have doubt that if the novel ever be published, my local book store may not be interested in translating the book.

So I really hope the book will be translated in ENGLISH, but is it possible?

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1 hour ago, CatWhiskers said:

Oh gosh...withdrawals from Dots Is real. I am suffering. Been rewatching since Ep 1. I think I know what lines and which scenes in which Ep already....T.T


Catwhisker, you are not alone, majority of us is like you. 

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I strongly agree that DOTS writer is really a genius one...the fact that I'm so intact to #GooWon couple not only for the undeniable chemistry between Jin Goo & Kim Ji Won but also for the deep well written saga of their love story. I love how KMS/writer catches the heart of the viewers by giving us this one coz for me their story was much more touching & strong batling it against the will of YMJ's father and at the end of it they win against it by SDY love for his nation & for his strong willed Army Surgeon & only Angel YMJ.

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I keep coming back checking this thread even the drama has ended... miss DOTS so much:tears:

After watching BTS with sub...i kinda have a crush on the director.. haha:D 

His instruction to all the actors on how to act is very impressive.. from asking YSJ to stare KMY from the beginning of story...how to kiss on the truck to make it ohh so pretty.. and how to act surprise while taking the phone.. and all the actor really did an excellent job acting it out. 

The team work of all the people in dots were the one who made this drama surpase every one expectation.. good job to all of them;)

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Missing Big Boss.... :heart:








Missing this drama...










Missing this thread...










Missing everyone here.... :bawling:














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I think it is so hard to be an actor or actress because after every drama, they seem to suffer a break up feeling after such a wonderful romance.

I am sure in DOTS, the romance is so fun and interesting that it is easy to fall into the character so if we think as audience we have withdrawal symptoms, it should be worser for the actors/actresses.

What if they have enjoyed the kisses so much but in real life...it is back to reality because the person kissed was the character in the drama not the actor or actress. They may fall in love with the character and not the actor or actress per se....so I think to be a good actor and actress, one needs to be able to pull in and out of emotional matters very quickly.  That is why I think when a strongly romantic drama ends, they actually suffer a "break up" with the character they love...but have to look rational and strong when they return to their own original self.

Salute them.:wub:


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