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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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His wounds are still so raw. I'm really curious to know what happened during all those time. Only 1 hour left of DOTS movie-drama time which will pass with a blink of an eye. Hope DOTS achieve another rating record for the finale.  #DOTSFinale #DOTSFever


crto via dc

@joofangirl Ep16 is airing in 1.5 hours time (@ 21:55 KST), you can watch it by live streaming http://www.kbs.co.kr/player/player_playlist.php?ch=12#kbs


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14 minutes ago, joofangirl said:

Hi babes, may i know where can i watch epi 16? seems like there's only epi 15 everywhere and i'm dying from not knowing the ending... *Someone pls save meeee pls....!*  :crazy:


Ep 16 didn't air yet. It airs in 1h and a half (more or less) :)

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42 minutes ago, SkyKid said:


my friend said the song is one of Korean patriotic songs, soldiers usually sing these songs when they're training.


Means there isn't a studio recorded version of it. Such pity. It's a really nice song. T.T

Thank you for answering. :x

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1f3b6.png#XIA (준수) - How Can I Love You 오후 8시 실시간차트 멜론 1위(-) 벅스 1위(-) 엠넷 1위(-) 지니 1위(-) 네이버 1위(-) 올레뮤직 1위(-) #김준수 #ジュンス #JUNSU #How_Can_I_Love_You

cr ohmyjuncom


#XIA - How Can I Love You 20:00 8pm  Real-time chart
Melon No. 1 (-)
Bug # 1 (-)
Mnet No. 1 (-)
Genie No. 1 (-)
Naver No. 1 (-)
Ole Music # 1 (-)

Junsu # # ジ ュ ン ス #JUNSU #How_Can_I_Love_You



8pm Xia " How can I love you" position at No 1 ALL KILL Charts ( 12 am entry to 8pm)


20 hours


shared from onehallyu (sumikosan)


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less than 2hours before Episode16 starts..the final episode..I'm having mixed emotions right now..I can't wait to watch Ep16 but at the same time I don't want it to because that would mean no more episodes to wait every Wednesday and Thursday :bawling: hope kbs will give us bts every day..just to ease our sadness :bawling:

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28 minutes ago, Far^away said:

I usually enjoyed reading and browsing in this thread because it's good to see lots of POV here which may differ from mine. 

But can't help to point out that 

1. The technology we have now (especially in telecommunication) are vastly different from say, 5 to 10 years ago. (This is coming from a 30 plus year old ajumma so you better believe me. Oh... the old age of 128MB of storage makes you feel as if you are on the top of the world...:sweatingbullets:)

2. It's funny to read that YSJ mobile's battery last forever, because while his phone might be damaged, the sim card had quite a good chance to survive. Get a new phone, slid the sim in and connect to the internet, download whatever app you were using before and walla... messages came pouring in.

3. A few forumer also pointed out it's ridiculous that he could carry his phone around. And i certainly agree. In order to carry out a mission, isn't it customary that you will go to a base first and be briefed before entering the war zone/mission location? They must had left personal belonging there before the mission was carried out.

It doesn't make any sense that a special force soldier who left his dog tags on purpose running around with their phone, which will expose who they are once the enemy (or anyone, so to speak) run the sim card to get the information inside. 

As much as I kind of hate KES and KWS and love them anyway for writing this highly enjoyable drama, I don't think they were careless enough to include anything that were unexplainable. We saw how they tied the story together, referencing earlier scenes with the latest ones. 

And to think they overlooked these kind of things makes me like:mellow:... 

Yeah.... not buying it.

 just for clarification....

South Korea's sim card dont work that way. Sim cards in SK arent that important. When you buy a phone, mobile companies inserted the sim card. You choose your own number. They register the number on your name. Phone Numbers are registered under your name, phone numbers arent tied to the sim cards. 

When you buy a new phone as replacement to old or lost one, you cannot just insert the old sim on your new phone and voila.... Ready to go... NO..

I think in YSJ's case, his phone is perfectly fine. Just no internet connection. 

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1 hour ago, EclipseWF said:

Hi everyone, just want to share some thoughts after watching the raw of ep15. Haven't seen any of the subs so my interpretion might be wrong. This is not a rant, but just some comments from someone not very well versed in Korean dramas... just consider me a casual drama watcher. Anyways...

In my humble opinion, the drama feels like it's going into the comic/videogame universe or something. Some small inconsistencies aside (which is totally ok btw), the drama has been fairly realistic. At least from episode 1-12... and then things started getting weird. For starters, YSJ came back from the dead and stood up and walked to the NK dude in the hospital and diffused the situation. And then he somehow managed to magically purge the bullets from his body. Man he makes a certain Man of Steel look weak seriously.

And then in ep 15 he gets shot. Multiple times. And after an undisclosed period of time later he appears in what seems to be the same desert looking perfectly fine. It's ok if he healed up over that period of time... but when KMY checks her phone, she saw that her messages have been read (I think). YSJ must have a phone with a mega battery that can last soooo long! Otherwise he must have had some means to charge his phone, and the desert doesnt look like it has any powerpoints nearby.

And he responded to her walkie talkie message, or something like that. So he's probably sitting under the sun waiting for KMY to say something onto a certain frequency and then respond and then dramatically appear.

And as someone mentioned somewhere, it doesn't make sense for him to go MIA for so long without a phone call or a message to KMY. You could argue he was captured and tortured... if that was the case, how does he still have a functioning phone with him?

Really hope this is explained in the last episode, cos at this point using the 'Sorry-I-need-to-fake-my-death-to-go-undercover' excuse would be weak in my opinion.

As much as I'm looking forward to the last episode, I really wouldn't be surprised if they said YSJ is of Kryptonian origin, or KMY fell asleep at the grave marker and it was all a dream, or YSJ starting the episode saying 'My name is Yoo Shi Jin. For 1 year I was stranded on a deserted desert with only one goal: survive....' (kudos if you get this reference btw).

So yeah... just some thoughts from ep 15. But if they are going to pull some stunts and make a strange ending, I guess we can just consider ep 12 the last episode for this drama.

I totally agree with you. It looks like a scene from x-files and it would be perfect with the haunting sounds of d x- files theme song, ha ha :):):). It is a bit confusing as ysj left his tag at kmy's home but allowed to carry Personal handphone which miraculously were not confiscated by the enemy while being captured. And how did he know kmy was nearby and can use the walkie talkie is another unsolved x-file mystery  hope I am not overstating things here.:sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

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while re-watching ep 15 the 3rd times, I noticed a cute scene of Dr Song and Nurse Ha, when doctor LCH talked about SNS with Daniel, Dr Song tears the Red Ginseng and gave it to Nurse Ha, hehe, found it's cute, meaning they had begun the relationship by then :wub::wub::wub:


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I too, like the rest of you also am anticipating for a kiss... But then I thought - yah, he's been on the dessert for long, no water --- no toothbrush lah!  Hahaha. So the HUG is just right. Normally, after being away for too long - u still need time to adjust again to the person... Physically too. ;) 


Even my fingers were literally cringing at the sight of LSJ's appearance. Epic! 

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Well this is it.....the end of DOTS. Fangirling with all of you over this drama for the months has been the best experience ever. I hope everyone loves this finale episode and we end with wonderful memories of this drama. 

I hope we get some kind of wedding scene today (for either OTP). 

Many thanks to the live recappers! I'm going to log out of everything now and will enjoy the episode in 8 hours from now :') 

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5 hours ago, bharu said:

One more translation said.. "We said it through action rather than words"

She said we holding hand,kissed and "other things"And when did they holding hand??when YSJ gave her the necklace,she just grabbed his wrist not holding hand,.What the meaning of other thing?? :D

3 hours ago, lizzybaby said:


My sentiments exactly!! He should have given her a kiss like that of the truck kiss!! Sheesh...

He is conservative after meet KMY mom :D

2 hours ago, miss sojisub said:

Omooo.... This is a very funny findings so far..... Lol lol lol

someone who did dots production surely need to monitor this forum and laugh to him/her self about this...

Omona... SDY math disease is very contagious.... 

Even Dots is fantasy drama but this is so funy :lol::lol:.Daebak for Yo Shi Jin Phoenix.#DOTS FEVER  


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It's quite reasonable if the main cast can't watch the last episode tonight because of their tight schedule but I'm glad to know that DOTs crew managed to gather, it shows that they have developed a strong bond after filming :lol: 

But somehow I still have the slight hope that they'll have a quick catch up ^_^

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Just finished watching ep 15 with subs( i know im late). since its a holiday in our country my sister was with me and i swear u guys it wasn't embarrasing at all crying in front of her:mellow:

I was pretty sure our capt is not going to die when Sgt Choi reports that their bodies were not found( it is one of the oldest troupes to bring back the dead person alive in movies and dramas). But i legit cried hard when she read that letter.DAMN THAT LETTER

I think KES has a thing for last minute letters(or will whatever you call that) bcoz there was such a scene in secret garden too

Actually my head hurts a little from crying too much

Anyhow i think its official now, that SJK is the best hugger in the world

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1 hour ago, windofwar said:


Didn't he read all SMS that she sent on his number? She wrote to him everything. I believe at some point she started use it as a diary. Probably that's how he knew she is in Albania, found camp and asked where she, took their walkie talkie and contacted her.


P.S. He is not Big Boss, that's wrong nickname. He is Terminator. Always comes back lmfao.

But, i thought the last scenes show us, that her message to SJ.. Delivered at the same times The walkie talkie from SJ.

i saw clearly, when MY start looking at her phone, and saw the message has delivered..and talking to herself.. "It not possible.."

So im not sure.. How he know MY at albania.. But, since i know SJ always spying MY..everything possible for SJ.kekekee

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This is it ......last epi for this drama ......once again  KAMSAHAMNIDA to all live recappers here !!  It's so selfless of you guys to brother to type it out for the rest of us that cannot watch live !! Will forever remember this friendship we had  that had build up over past weeks for this wonderful drama !!  :heart: 

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1 hour ago, Meowth07 said:

Actually, the song she hummed in ep15 (the same song she sang in ep5) is not the national anthem of SK isn't it? I was so curious that I youtubed SK's NA and listened to it, both music and lyrics (english translated) just didn't sound similar. So I'm wondering as well what song it is. Hope there's a Korean chingu here who can answer.......


Is it the same song she sang on the walkie talkie to her team when they were pretending to be soldiers?

Edit: I see this was already answered :) I have too much to pages to catch up with!!!

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one more hour
okey.. they should tell me how i can forget them !!!
i'm gonna miss : 
waiting Wednesday every week. :tears:
search about everything after episode. :tears:
save all photos & gifs about them. :tears:
replay every episode every week. :tears:
spend 2-3 hours on one episode and feel like it was just 10 mins. :tears:
try watching episode live with poor internet, but i keep watching & reload pages to see your comments and feel like we are together. :tears:
waiting subs. :tears:
read all comments here. :tears::tears::tears:

*try not to cry* 



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Just now, Carin UM said:

She said we holding hand,kissed and "other things"And when did they holding hand??when YSJ gave her the necklace,she just grabbed his wrist not holding hand,.What the meaning of other thing?? :D


They did hold hands before that tower kiss.

And they may or may not have done other things after that truck kiss( remember the hays stuck at their hair) hehehehe:wub:


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