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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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9 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:

excuse me trainee but are you sure you're in the right thread? read soompi rules please.... 

1. No bringing up other drama in a drama thread

2. No bringing up other actors in a drama that they don't starring in

3. No bringing up anything that have no relation or no conjuction with the drama in the thread.

4. No comparing one drama to the drama in the thread.

5. No comparing actors of one drama to the drama in the thread. 

READ SOOMPI THREAD RULES before Moderator warning comes. Nobody like to be jailed for 48 hours.

...yeah m in ryt thread...jst bcoz ppl r bringining up mlfas and comparing so commented..lol.....but thanx for reminding the rules..edited the post..:)

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Greetings, all. 

I haven't been back in the forums since Faith (super soompi forum obsessed) and MLFAS. 

I'm ready to obsess again and I look forward to obsessing with y'all. 

And YSJ. The face that launched a thousand noonas. 

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Lol, day by day, im freakin in love with SJ Shi.. I hope MY stop being cool and ignore My SJ shi. Looking how MJ dad talk about YJ, its kinda like her dad want her to date with YJ. So please dont drag triangle love line here. . No matter what, YJ or SJK his always perfect with player or playboy character. Looks how he tease MY.. Hohoho.. Arghhh,, OHMYGOD... 

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42 minutes ago, utkim said:

I think SJ did try to ignore MY, men he couldn't  resist his beating heart later  :lol:

you're right he's trying to ignore her at first but he can't resist her so his flirty funny touchy feely mode was activate back lol


http://i.imgur.com/fq1dW9q.jpgflirty funny touchy feely mode lol

credit to owner

p/s: dr kang looks comfortable lying on the top of captain yoo chest:P


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Love the episode.  

Lot of catching up for the leads.

Both are professionals and it is now intertwine with their personals. 

Both leads also have to think fast and make important decision during critical moments.  

DotS is getting better and better.


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I find it ironic that a good handful of individuals are vastly drawn to the second leads' relationship more so than the OTP, when in fact isn't the second leads' relationship much similar to the typical noble idiocy, battling with social status, and confined to wed only of equal class/rank due to a parent's desire? I guess as cliche as that is, people love it without even knowing. I, for one, find our OTP's relationship to be refreshing and I love it. It's not too difficult but it's not blatantly simple either. They have firsthand struggles that they must overcome themselves, and no third party manipulating their lives. Don't get me wrong, I like the second leads too and feel for them. I just found it ironic and contradictory that's all.  

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Why does this drama give off Hollywood vibes LoL!? Especially the slow motion scenes, very Baywatch heheh. And Song Joonggi's character is rogue, charismatic, smooth with the ladies similar to Tom Cruise in Top Gun. I don't know it just has that feel to it at least for me. Love his scenes with Song Hyegyo, they're really the top visual couple I tell ya! And the way he looks at her OMG:w00t: I'm melting into a puddle of drool/goo~~ As for the cheesy dialogue - yikes LoL. Still I'd keep watchin', just don't pull a Cheese In The Trap 2.0 please:crazy::P-_-

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Here i am at 1am fangirling over SJK and SHK when i have to get up early for work tomorrow.

Just what does this drama do to meeeeee?

Btw, i keep rewatching the 1st and 2nd episode (yeahh i am one of those desperate fans someone mention a few pages prior). I don't think YSJ falls at first sight with KMY, i would say he is intrigued when she is ignoring him when they first met  he ask her about SDY phone at hospital in seoul. YSJ raise his eyebrow, looks like he is p*ss being ignored by her and then you can see he has his head on the clouds and heart on his sleeve, completely loose in his thought of her, and just repeating whatever SDY say about kibum because his mind is on the other side of the curtain that block his view on her, he even faking stomache just to be in hospital but yeah SDY caught his lie. Lol

Episode 3 loveeeeee it! Or should i say love how YSJ despite knowing how different they are just can't keep himself for not talking to her, touching her or merely seeing her.hahaha!

And loveeee loveee how KMY keep try to be reasonable since logically speaking it won't work between them, but she is just shaken everytime YSJ make his move. Hahaha!

I don't know how this drama will end but i don't mind a sad ending as long as it's how the story goes, not a force happy ending, though i don't mind even love it if their story end with a happy ending.

Anyway i'm on board with this ship. 

Thanks for all soompi recapper, you are all fully appreciated, you are all awesome!

I know i should have sleep right now, but maybe one more replay wouldn't hurt..

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A rather slow episode for me, but the last 10 minutes are so intense, I love it. And no need belittling other OTP since we have our own preferences. The main leads still has the most screentime after all. Oh and the villain is hot, and thank god at least he could act. not like other foreign dudes who shouted awkwardly in some of the scenes :P

So much scenery porn and great cinematography in this drama, feels like Im watching a movie instead of a drama. Hope the pace keeps up because I think things get a lot more interesting and tense when they're in the battlefield instead of just randomly walking and falling towards each other. And dayum, SJ gets a lot sexier when he's in charge mode. And the way his team followed his lead: PERFECT. Cant wait once SJ is facing off against that hot villain one-on-one

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Haha LOVE the cover for the new OST.. why did I get the feeling Daeyoung is the one approaching her instead of the other way around.. and seems like the scene will happen in the cafetaria since both dodnt wear their hat but still wears their uniform.. and she looks like she's eating, nonetheless

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1 hour ago, ilovesjk said:

I find it ironic that a good handful of individuals are vastly drawn to the second leads' relationship more so than the OTP, when in fact isn't the second leads' relationship much similar to the typical noble idiocy, battling with social status, and confined to wed only of equal class/rank due to a parent's desire? I guess as cliche as that is, people love it without even knowing. I, for one, find our OTP's relationship to be refreshing and I love it. It's not too difficult but it's not blatantly simple either. They have firsthand struggles that they must overcome themselves, and no third party manipulating their lives. Don't get me wrong, I like the second leads too and feel for them. I just found it ironic and contradictory that's all.  

oh no hon.. just a few I guess.. still majority are drown into main OTP love story.. but who can resist a deep and complicated makjang love like the 2nd OTP has because theirs is already formed and solid and the emotion is extremer.. and Kim Ji Won has tons of fans.. young fans while an ahjumma like me (30-40 years old) don't even know who Onew is hehehehe..

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I've just finished ep 3. Flashy as all heck and it's big movie style directing. I really laughed at the cheesiness but man it has style. Repeated the ending 3 times just to hear all the guns being cocked. Nothing that exciting ever happened in real life miliary camps like this. 

But wow, he is being court martialed already in ep 4? Fastest turnaround ever!!! Does Korea have a JAG equivalent? 


That Myeong Joo storyline is getting more and more interesting. That girl has style. And I didn't realize the dad liked YSJ enough to machinate their pairing. 

Interesting. And yes the foreign shoot makes things more glamourous. Even the sky and lights made it so Mediterranean.

But this drama is so over the top that it's making cackle at the cheesiness. Love it. Now lemme go back to the guns again. It is so hot; and ok the guys too. FYI back in my days the special forces guys- even Asians and all- were taller and fitter than the regular soldiers. And they did look fit when they wore their uniforms. Or rather during their morning runs. Makes a change from the chaebol dramas. 

Weird though. Every volunteer medical mission teams I know had swarms of locals. And did massive immunisations for the children. This is the most deserted medical mission team I've seen on tv..


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