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Cha Eun Woo at Incheon International Airport heading to Paris, France for Dior Men's SUMMER 25 Collection Show..img.gif


@MayanEcho 🤗meguro ren has been appointed as a brand ambassador of television brand, regza! congrats🎊🎉









The Double, ep 32


I loved the interaction between Li and the Duke. She knows he rushed back for her. And she fully tells him what he is planning. She also knows he’s upset with her. She miscalculated with Yurong, which lead to her almost being hurt and Shijie getting involved. She did break her promise, and this is the first time he’s ever remotely raised his voice to her in anger. Li apologies, but I love she knows exactly how much the Duke is balancing - his responsibility to the kingdom and his need to protect her. She is willing to enter his game fully, and not be a liability. They are headed to the same end after all.

I always enjoy the scenes with the Emperor and the Duke and this was no different. I knew they were close, but had no idea that they go back to childhood. The Duke admits that Li is not a pawn and he has fallen for her. Because of their history, the Emperor relents, slightly, and says to protect her. I will point out when the Duke promises to be loyal, there are qualifiers to his statement.



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Press release of Meme appointment as REGZA'S new product and global brand ambassador 👏 

Snow Man's BTS for BREAKOUT'S MV and back number composing and singing the theme of Meme's upcoming new drama on July 1st. 



Ehem, before June is over, there could still be more endorsements revealed or aired, since it was predicted in a write-up a month or so ago that his appearance fee will double once his new drama airs.




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13 hours ago, WeunXK said:

s so obsessed with his wifey @rocat

Kekeke, so cute the two. I like how she goes along with it.


11 hours ago, WeunXK said:

your oppa  GongYoo at Paris Fashion Week

:fullofhearts:My oppa looks so good!!!


I am watching ep 33, 34 … am aggravated.

:angry: What in the world is going on?!


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Today's eps were daebak! We are climbing to the climax of the show now.


Ep 33 really grated - the first part at least. This is how I know the show has gotten me hook, line, sinker. Kekeke.

Ep 34 made up for the aggravation - defense/counter attacking by both sides at its finest. (Thanks for the clip!)



Shen Yurong is next-level nuts. 

FF's (and invested audience like me) been patient with him - wondering if he'll do anything to redeem himself of the crap he put her through. He's dawdling between self-pity and cowardice, but given benefit of doubt by FF to set things right. He didn't and made things worse by manipulating circumstances, asking for the emperor to grant marriage between himself and FF - he's essentially forcing her to marry him again. Wut?? If it's to redeem himself...what is wrong with the guy? He's trying to wriggle himself out of everything - such a swine. 


I so agree with the Elder Princess' observation of the love offered by him and the Duke - that Shen Yurong is willing to sacrifice FF for himself but Duke is willing to sacrifice himself for FF. See, sometimes when she's not twirling about like someone unhinged, I like the Princess.


Shen Yurong and Elder Princess are a match made in heaven.

I don't know if I should describe them as sad-masochists or Machiavellianists or narcissists. Perhaps all of it. But they go well together like prey and predator.


Ye Shijie, the lovesick

The poor lovesick cousin. What can I say. I like that he so brave to put himself out there for her - and tells her so directly that he is more than willing to sacrifice for her, in no uncertain terms admitting his affection. So much that Daddy Jiang had to walk away and leave them to have their talk.


Duke and Emperor besties

How I love these two! Because they have been friends since childhood - not ordinary ones, but those who go through thick and thin together for the same goal - they have a special bond and trust. Such friends are not easy to find and keep, much less one between an emperor and his subject. I also liked that the Emperor tells Duke to protect his pawn (棋 sounds like wife, 妻) and that the Emperor is the first to know about how Duke felt in plain words - no word play, even before FF.


Fang Fei and Duke are on fire

I can't get over how they are always a few steps ahead of others. Always thinking, always solving. I like that they depend on each other and are yet independent, how they run to each other when they meet and can finish each others' thoughts.  So complementary, so clever, such soulmates! Ep 34 - this Duke sure has his way with words. I think that confession frame has gone viral and will be so for awhile. Totally understandable cos it's that satisfying to watch. Both land on my list of favourite drama characters. 🥰




One funny comment about Wang Xingyue dubbing the Duke - he's got a nice, low baritone, come-hither voice - so the very first time he called Fang Fei 'A-Li', the commenter said she nearly perished from the world. 😂



More material being added too!





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@partyon @Dhakra and others, few years back a musical video was released with the biggest plot twist you would've ever seen. Now they have released a sequel to that video. The song itself is really good. But....I don't know what to say about that ending. Please watch it and let me know what you feel. 


This is the first mv if anyone has not seen that one...


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1 hour ago, kokodus said:

@partyon @Dhakra and others, few years back a musical video was released with the biggest plot twist you would've ever seen. Now they have released a sequel to that video. The song itself is really good. But....I don't know what to say about that ending. Please watch it and let me know what you feel. 



Ahh, why do a sequel in the first place. This MV is iconic among fandoms, because of the plot twist. I agree the song is good, but the MV was easy to figure out. I feel like they tried to do a similiar plot twist, but instead it was quite easy to realize what's going on.



The moment they didn't show a picture at the funeral at the start it was easy to see what's going on. If the girlfriend had died, they would have shown her or her picture, so it was obvious something is going on and it's a very common used plottwist. 

No one interacted with the guy outside aswell, so I knew he was dead from the beginning. 


It's a nice idea to do follow up MVs to existing songs though. So could we please tell Davichi about this and FINALLY do the most important follow-up MV to finish this plotline? 



So cruel, it always makes me cry. I wanna know what happens to both girls! Ahhhh!

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8 hours ago, Dhakra said:

It's a nice idea to do follow up MVs to existing songs though. So could we please tell Davichi about this and FINALLY do the most important follow-up MV to finish this plotline? 

Wow what a douchebag the guy is? I hope both girls get together and finish him off. That is the only conclusion I will accept for this mv. 



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@WeunXK That returning to Japan outfit 🛫




He travels in nicely put together, comfy clothes that barely or hide creases. ️️


It still puzzles me why some travellers are so into over-the-top aesthetics over comfort, or worse, decency. 😅


And yeah, another new cover with TVnavi, releasing on June 24th @CarolynH @rocher22


And there's Hikaru for STAGEnavi, available from June 27th. He'd be busy soon rehearsing for Catch Me If You Can stage play.




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Happy Good Morning GIF by Emilia Desert




16 hours ago, kokodus said:

I don't know what to say about that ending. Please watch it and let me know what you feel. 

The song is beautiful and I wanted a happy ending for the two of them. 




On 6/20/2024 at 4:52 AM, MayanEcho said:

0:04...I think it's Haru...:unsure:

0:11...my fav...  🥰


1 hour ago, MayanEcho said:

Second cover for today. 😆 Will there be more? 


 Im waiting for a new cover.....:D





Evening at Ushigome by Tsuchiya Koitsu







Xiao Zhan and Van Gogh...:D











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Adventure Boys! 🧡🖤


Birthday boy Koji and his favourite Meme 😎




So humid. I'm having honey cake and strawberry ice cream 😋






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10 hours ago, kokodus said:

Wow what a douchebag the guy is? I hope both girls get together and finish him off. That is the only conclusion I will accept for this mv. 





I'm surprised you didn't know it. I just wanna safe the girl who was taken away at the end. Where is Kim Doki when you need him? Someone safe this beauty!

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1 hour ago, Dhakra said:

I'm surprised you didn't know it. I just wanna safe the girl who was taken away at the end. Where is Kim Doki when you need him? Someone safe this beauty!

I also want to save the other girl, because clearly he is a douchebag. I have not seen this video before. Who is Kim Doki?


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@MayanEchoSecond cover for today. 😆 Will there be more? 😅 let's have more chingu :getmygrooveon:

I found this and it last year if you posted then I repost liked her expressive eyes🤩



btw it's Ren M. wear short during Fendi event, now it CEW turn 🤗in Dior event



c as tagged


 Xue Zhao: *calls Xiao Heng his brother-in-law*🤣@rocat










Finally! The way they shine!

I  how some people aren’t finding this couple spicy enough and without conflict, tensions, the ups & downs. All of that makes sense and in other dramas I might feel the same. But what hits for us can be so particular & personal. And for me this time, I’m just relishing how this person that she never knew (before losing everything - being betrayed by husband & in-laws, drugged to be humiliated by a strange man & labeled an adulterer, buried alive and left for dead - this enigmatic man who jailed her and taunted her when they first met…) Now he’s became her solace and a safe place.


She can drink with him and feel free & secure. She can bring him to her intended grave and share her repressed greviances. She can come to his chambers after an attempted sexual assault and sleep peacefully as he watches, waking with a smile. She can trust him implicitly to retrieve her tortured brother and keep him safe. She walks out of that prison and she KNOWS he will be there to take her home. The confidence in him! 


Everything else in Xue Fangfei’s life is difficult and complicated. Everything else is a battle. Her father and newly returned brother, she loves them very much, but she also feels immense guilt and they need caretaking and healing. 

She has so many burdens that I really like that her love interest is, in a way, simple. They have been cultivating this mutual feeling together, slowly letting it simmer, and now they’re ready to express it openly. He wants her to be herself,  and he wants to love her.


And as a viewer that’s what I want for Xue Fangfei: that this one aspect of her life has no battles. It can be easy and drama-free. Just good.




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