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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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As she carried the baby he looks like a tiny WY, must be the small eyes and the smile. Lol.   All due respect to her  friend and her cute little son.  


MKH is being very partial to SY,   but I think she is only playing along for the show. Maybe he is too. 


Her voice is indeed sweet,  reminds me of the duet with Standing Egg and Two Hands Clasped.   

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Wooyoung woke up before sunrise the next day. He planned to go hiking after breakfast. Sleep didn’t come easy, his mind in turmoil, his hand sore. He didn’t know what to feel seeing her once again. He looked at his injured hand, the feel of Seyoung’s hand last night gently wrapping the bandage around it was nice. ‘Snap out of it Wooyoung. She means nothing to you now.’ Said to himself before going for the shower. Seyoung glanced towards Wooyoung’s cottage as she was leaving to go to town, sun has risen and can still feel the air of dampness from last night's cold. She couldn’t see any form of activity from the parking lot. He is probably not up yet, she thought. The vision of seeing Wooyoung’s back walking away from last night was a painful sight, worse than that day she told him it was over. Seyoung wondered if she can last the day with barely enough sleep.

‘What do you expect Park Seyoung? That he will jump for joy at the sight of you? You left him broken!’ Seyoung telling herself off. ‘I wonder if he slept alright with that injured hand?’ She thought. ‘Kurae. He’s a man, he should be okay.’

But Wooyoung was such a baby when he is not feeling well. One time he came home with a graze to his forearm due to a minor accident at dance practice. He said he it hurt a lot that he couldn’t raise his arm to feed himself or undress. Seyoung told him not to be coy, it’s not like he lost an arm. He begged her in the most endearing way, she gave in. He knew her weakness and know how to play the game. But it was a different Wooyoung she saw last night, she was the one who begged him to clean his wound, gone was the endearing man she knew. Unbeknown to her, Wooyoung was watching her from the inside and didn’t move until Seyoung had driven off.

 Seyoung met the rest of the volunteers in the town central park. There were familiar faces she recognized and one of them was Siwon. He joined the church four years ago when he moved to Seoul from Daejon, when he got hired as an engineers for Samsung Motors. Although she sees him during the service, yet they were only formally introduced early last year. Siwon was always polite, well -mannered towards her. In the year she knew him, they never went beyond the ‘friendly hello’ stage.

‘Good morning Park Seyoung-shi.’ He greeted the moment he saw her.

‘Good morning Siwon-shi.’ Seyoung replied back. ‘Great that you made it.’

‘Yes, me too. This is my second time.’ Siwon said. ’So finally you managed to come this time.’

'I’m not working at the moment, so it’s great timing. How did you find last year’s one?’ She asked.

‘It was great. That’s why I made sure to come again. My way of giving back. The support I got from everyone was great when I moved to Seoul.’ Siwon answered.

‘Seyoung-shi! Siwon-shi! Time to go.’ Ahjumonni calling their attention to follow her to the waiting bus that will take them to the strawberry farm, the group is helping with the harvest.

It was lunch by the time Wooyoung returned from hiking. He noticed Seyoung’s car wasn’t there yet as he was walking back to his cottage. He went for second shower to wash away the sweat after the two miles hike he did. After showering, he went to see what he could eat for lunch, there was only small leftover food Seyoung cooked from last night in the fridge. The rest wasn’t very appealing. Then he remembered there was beef soup restaurant he saw in town as he was passing the other day, he decided to go there. Wooyoung went to the restaurant, he found himself a quiet corner and ordered. While waiting for the food, a group of people started arriving, filling the small restaurant quickly. One of the last person that walked in was Seyoung. She didn’t see Wooyoung sitting in the corner table because she was talking to the man who came with her. He discreetly watched the man usher Seyoung to an empty chair, one hand to her back before he sat down next to her. It was only when his order arrived that Seyoung saw him, her eyes was following the hot pot which table it was going to be served. She excused herself from the group and went over to Wooyooung.

‘Hello Wooyoung-shi.’ She greeted. ‘How’s your hand this morning?’

‘It hurts.’ Wooyoung told her. Because I don’t like how happy you look talking to that guy, he thought.

‘Really? Did you take the painkillers I gave you last night?’ Seyoung asked.

‘No.’ Wooyoung said. He lied. He took some last night and this morning too before he went hiking.

‘Why?’ Seyoung asked. He just looked at her and ignored the question. Picked up a piece of beef rib from the boiling pot by hand but dropped it straight away because it burned his finger.

‘Be careful.’ Seyoung immediately grabbed his hand and dipped it in the glass of water in front of him. ‘Don’t give yourself more injuries!’ Seyoung snapped. But then, Wooyoung gave her that look. ’I’m sorry.’ She apologized. 

‘Is everything okay Seyoung-shi?’ Siwon asked coming over to Wooyoung’s table after hearing the small commotion.

‘No. He burned his finger.’ Seyoung answered, keeping Wooyoung’s finger dipped in the glass. ‘By the way, Siwon-shi, this is Jang Wooyoung-shi, a friend of mine. Siwon-shi came to volunteer today.’ Seyoung introduced the two men.

‘Anyeonhasaeyo. My name is Kim Siwon- mida.’ He extended his hand to Wooyoung for a handshake which he accepted with his bandaged hand. ‘What happened?’ Siwon asked referring to Wooyoung’s other hand.

‘Minor accident.’ Wooyoung answered briefly. ‘I’m good now. Thank you.’ Telling Seyoung, she let go of his hand.

‘Seyoung-shi. Should we order now? They are waiting for you.’ Siwon asked.

‘Yes.’ She answered.’Be careful.’ Turning to Wooyoung.

‘Kenchana. Go back to your table.’ Wooyoung told her. She stood up and walked back with Siwon. Wooyoung continued to eat in silence, he would catch a glimpse towards Seyoung when she wasn’t watching. Yet, a couple of times, their eyes met. Seyoung smiling at him with a concerned look. Wooyoung bent his head down, smiled in secret victory.

Siwon offered to walk Seyoung to the car park after they bid goodbye to everybody. The person who organized the outreach program expressed his appreciation to everyone who came. The owner of the strawberry farm gave everyone at least two kilos worth of strawberry. Wooyoung left the restaurant ahead of them. She saw him get up, paid his food at the counter without looking at her direction.

‘Are you heading back to Seoul?’Siwon asked, carrying both his and Seyoung’s bag of strawberries on his insistence.

‘No. I am staying few more days. There are things I have planned to do here.’ Seyoung replied.

‘The friend you saw at the restaurant earlier, is he on holiday too?’ Siwon asked, referring to Wooyoung.

‘You mean Wooyoung-shi?’ Seyoung clarified. Siwon nodded. ‘I bumped into him by chance yesterday. I don’t really know what his plans are.’ Seyoung said.

‘Okay.’ Siwon smiled. ‘I’m going back to Seoul. I need to go back to work tomorrow. I’ll see you around?’ He said when they reached her car and gave her the bag of strawberries, waited for her to get in to the car.

‘It was nice to see you. And thank you for carrying my strawberries.’ Seyoung said. ‘Drive safely.’ Waved at him before driving away.


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@drkangel- thanks for the knowing brothers video, even though I didn’t understand Korean, still enjoy watching sy. Likes the way she talks, very steady, doesn’t act cute or fidgety, the guys all gave her full attention.

Think they talk about her dramas like mdgsw but not her recent ones like Whisper and MF. Would have love to hear more stories from her about filming these dramas. Lucky she didn’t act with those creepy actors who sexually harassed young actresses.

She gets along well with kb cast and they treated her very respectfully. Very happy this variety is long, thought only 90 mins max. Glad she gets lots of screentime so the Korean and international fans can get to know her cos I know lots of people watch. Hope after this, she gets invited to more variety shows. 


@standingtallyy- tell your friends her fanfic is good, she has lots of readers 

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@standingtallyy I am really enjoying the fan-fic, tell your friend to keep writing as we love it and look forward to reading more.

I watched Knowing Bros raw as i could not wait more until the subs are out, did not understand a single thing the said though but enjoyed just by looking at how PSY did the whole show. All the focus was on her and the brothers forgot the other actress sometimes lol and that other actress was trying so hard to get their attention towards her, and it clearly showed how well mannered PSY was and also how decent and respectful she was towards everyone. The funniest was that other actress was covering herself with a blanket :joy: Next time she should as SY for some advice on how to dress appropriate while being decent.

Also, Min Kyung Hoon was totally attracted to PSY and she was playing along just for the show, and i thought PSY should have been invited alone because there was not much screen time for the other person and as well as not much of attention was given, fortunately :tongue:

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I found in instagram of chief editor instyle magazine tag SY. She will be feature of instyle magaziñe march edition. I don't know she will be the cover or in beauty editorial. Iam sorry guys iam not good for import photo from instagram to this forum. She looks stunning in bold and nude makeup.after variety show she will appear in magazine. She is everywhere from event to event:D

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Let's keep cheering our friend to keep her pen busy. Here's another one for the road :)


Seyoung was waiting in the balcony steps of Wooyoung’s cottage when his car pulled in, holding the first aid box and a bag of strawberries.

‘Hi.’ Seyoung greeted. Her cheeks red from the cold wind. ‘I was waiting for you.’

‘Why?’ Wooyoung asked, walking past Seyoung to unlock the door.

‘We need to change the wound dressing.’ Seyoung answered. 'Did you go for a drive after you left the restaurant?’ She asked to keep the conversation going.

‘Seyoung-shi.’ Wooyoung turned to face her. ‘Why are you doing this?’ He asked, looking annoyed.

‘I just want to help.’ Seyoung explained. ‘You…you might get infection.’ She stammered.

‘Whether I get infected or not is none of your concern.’ Wooyoung said bluntly. ’And to help? Do I look like I need help?’ He opened the door and went inside.

‘Then don’t get hurt again. Please.’ Seyoung begged, leaving the first aid box and strawberries by the door before turning to leave. Wooyoung went to the kitchen and got himself a drink, ignoring what she said. Seconds later, he heard a thud and Seyoung screaming. He immediately rushed outside to see what’s going on. He found Seyoung sitting on the last plight of the steps. It appears that she slipped and landed on her bottom.He quickly went down to help her get up.

‘Are you okay?’ Wooyung asked, when they’re both seated at the stairs.

‘I’m alright. I’m not hurt at all.’ Seyoung said. ‘Thank you.’

‘Are you sure?’ He asked again.

‘Don’t worry. I’m fine.’ Seyoung replied.

‘I’m not worried about you.’ He said seriously. ‘It’s the steps I’m worried about if you’ve damaged the poor thing.’ Wooyoung added, looking around pretending to check the stairs.

He turned, and their eyes meet. As if on cue, they both burst out laughing. Seyoung laughed so hard tears starts rolling down her cheeks. Then hers turned into a sob, her shoulder shook, covering her face with her hands. Seyoung suddenly felt Wooyoung put his arm around her, drawing her close.

‘Shhh. You didn’t break the stairs.’ He said. Seyoung’s cry grew louder with his comment. Wooyoung held her even closer. They stayed in that position for few minutes, no one uttered a single word. Only feeling each others warmth. Seyoung’s arms went around his back, holding on to him. Not letting go.

Saranghae.’ Seyoung said in a muffled voice.

‘Did you say something?’ Wooyoung asked, didn’t quite hear what she said. Seyoung extracted herself from his embrace to look at him. Her eyes red, her nose even worse. Wooyoung wiped her cheeks dry with his bandaged hand. ‘Since when did you become such a cry baby?’ He asked.

‘When I made the worst decision of my life five years ago.’ Seyoung said.

‘What was that?’ Wooyoung asked.

‘When I gave up on us.’ Seyoung answered. 'Can you forgive me?’ Tears still flowing.

‘What is there to ask for forgiveness. It wasn’t your fault.’ Wooyoung answered, still wiping the tears away.

‘It was my fault.’ Seyoung insisted.

‘Fine. It’s your fault.’ Wooyoung replied, smiling this time.

‘I miss you so much.’ Seyoung said, but Wooyoung said nothing, he just kept staring at the beautiful woman in front of him. ‘Why?’ She asked in wonder. Wooyoung answered the question with a kiss. He leaned forward, one hand went behind her neck, pulling her close. His kiss was soft and gentle at first. Bold and aggressive the next second. Seyoung didn’t hold back either, her hand went to touch Wooyoung’s cheek, then moved towards the nape, the part where she used to touch him. Her kiss probing deeper. Wooyoung pulled her up with him, not breaking the kiss, hands on each other’s body. Slowly but surely, they walked inside the cottage. Wooyoung kicked the door shut, locked themselves in for the rest of the evening. First aid box and strawberries left outside, forgotten.



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Guest elenskivios38

@standingtallyy Thanks a lot ! your friend was so gifted all her fanfic is our companion

after work turn on the laptop and read what we have for today.

Park Se Young was stunning :o in March issue of Instyle Korea.her face features is 

perfecty shaped .Even her eyes ...everytime Seyoung look on the camera her eyes was 

sparkling even now you can look on her eyes ...perhaps because of the color of her eyes.

Im glad KB focus on her more they knew she is popular this day ,even i dont understand 

anything she's truly feminine.easy to deal with,very respectful towards others.Perfect


Go! Go! Go! Park Se Young its about to SHINE! you are BLESSED and we are BLESSED too.

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Woke up to see pretty photos of sy, so happy  :D

Like I said previously Sy has pretty features- nice eyes, nose, mouth and ears and also nice complexion, she is one of the rare few actresses who can do closeup of her face for makeup photoshoot. All her features compliments each other- she doesn’t fix her nose bridge or cut the corners of her eyes to enlarge them (I find it scary if the eyes are too big like a doll).


Glad she has this photoshoot - she can carry different looks

The 1st photo is more natural with earth tone makeup 

The 2nd photo is more sexy- tight fitting dress (too bad can’t see much), red lipstick, gives off the chaebol haughty vibes

The 3rd photo in white blouse - more office like 

Notice her clothes and accessories are simple, just focus on her face, her sparkling eyes and luscious lips 


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Watched Knowing brothers with Eng Subs. Too bad SY was only able to ask two questions. It's still good to see her though and learned new things about her especially her wanting to become a good wife and a mom, sending pictures to her parents whenever she goes, her curfew and how she dates hehehe. 

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1 hour ago, chic-chic said:

Watched Knowing brothers with Eng Subs. Too bad SY was only able to ask two questions. It's still good to see her though and learned new things about her especially her wanting to become a good wife and a mom, sending pictures to her parents whenever she goes, her curfew and how she dates hehehe. 

So true, even the focus was on SY she was asked only 2Qs :(

But we got to know how she grew up with strict parents, secretly going on dates early morning and her curfew time was 10 PM before debuted at the age of 25. Wonder what she did during small days for her parents to put a rule like sending pictures of what she does :D:D:D

The ratings are not good enough unfortunately for this show.

On a side note:

Did anyone notice when HS said she was from Busan, the look on Sy's face and also they played a 2PM song at the cafe segment if i am not wrong :tongue:


Just watched KBs because of SY and it is not a show that i will rewatch unless SY comes again on it lol

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3 minutes ago, mimisl123 said:

So true, even the focus was on SY she was asked only 2Qs :(

But we got to know how she grew up with strict parents, secretly going on dates early morning and her curfew time was 10 PM before debuted at the age of 25. Wonder what she did during small days for her parents to put a rule like sending pictures of what she does :D:D:D

The ratings are not good enough unfortunately for this show.

On a side note:

Did anyone notice when HS said she was from Busan, the look on Sy's face and also they played a 2PM song at the cafe segment if i am not wrong :tongue:


Just watched KBs because of SY and it is not a show that i will rewatch unless SY comes again on it lol


Off topic

If anyone is interested on reading a good fan fiction written by a fellow Money Flower Fan here is the link, it is the story after MF ended and it is about the love of KPJ & NMH ( which was left open on screen) Fan Fic Credit - Purplebass




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Knowing brothers is one of the popular shows for cable. However their ratings are not doing well these few months. They have changed a lot of their segments. Their previous segments on the previous episodes were better and funnier. They have games before too so it was fun. So I've been watching the show.  I think they have changed director. The rating for the last episode was only 2.5% I think. It's one of the lowest ratings they have.


One of the hosts asked if there is something she did to have that rule and one of them answered she sneaked out after her parents went to bed and I think she agreed.


It was great that she doesn't have a curfew when she did WGM. If 2young dated, it would be hard to date with the curfew hahahaha. 


I wish SY can be a guest in Happy Together so that we'll get to know of her.  

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1 hour ago, chic-chic said:

Watched Knowing brothers with Eng Subs. Too bad SY was only able to ask two questions. It's still good to see her though and learned new things about her especially her wanting to become a good wife and a mom, sending pictures to her parents whenever she goes, her curfew and how she dates hehehe. 

Also finished watching. Too bad sy didn’t get questioned about her ideal type and dating but surprised she still have curfew. Maybe cos the entertainment business can be sleazy so she doesn’t want her parents to get worried, that’s why she sends photos to them. In a way, she is a good daughter.

Likes her answer about being a good wife and mother, so she has plans to get married :D

I also like that she doesn’t butt in when the other actress is talking, patiently listens and heechu knows how to direct questions back to sy so the other person doesn’t monopolize the conversation. 

So in the end both gets tickets to Hawaii? Are the tickets real?

Can we have a travel and food show of the 2 of them then? 

@mimisl123- thanks, will read the MF fanfic

@chic-chic- also hope sy does more variety shows - still want her on running man cos she is sporty


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@Gerry58 The tickets were not real it's just a memorabilia hehehe. It would be great though it they were real hehehe. But it would be expensive for the show to cover hehehe. 


Since they are friends, both of them can join the variety Battle Trip. We can see them go to a good place and eat delicious food.


When they say her family is well off, are her parents stakeholders for Seoul Land?



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28 minutes ago, chic-chic said:

@Gerry58 The tickets were not real it's just a memorabilia hehehe. It would be great though it they were real hehehe. But it would be expensive for the show to cover hehehe. 


Since they are friends, both of them can join the variety Battle Trip. We can see them go to a good place and eat delicious food.


When they say her family is well off, are her parents stakeholders for Seoul Land?



Not sure about that. They hinted but sy denied, maybe not major shareholder. At least not poor compared to those  actresses struggling on I live alone.

Her family didn’t appear on Wgm so they don’t want publicity. They stop her childhood acting career and send her to university. Some actresses took part-time courses while acting fulltime. 



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