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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

Guest msmall

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Obviously we know down the road the truth will be revealed, I mean it's a melodrama and things happen even more dramatically than usual and that includes however the truth would be revealed. 
But I think MH will fall in love with YJ before he finds out the truth. First, he'll follow her around stemmed from his hatred and anger but I think as he sees her true caring and naive nature, he wouldn't be able to help but fall in love with her. I think he'll eventually question what those emotions are, and find it impossible that he's fallling for her. Denial is what he'll eventually be in. Like now, he's still a brat in a sense that he literally grew up with everything and his way. He wasn't man enough to hold on to his ex, while she held on to him even after being belittled indirectly by his stepmom. Before he even had the chance to start blaming himself, he immediately was able to find a scapegoat. 
As for Yoo Jung. She's going to lose everything let it be intentionally or unintentionally. She's already lost 5 years of her life for foolishly covering for the man she loved wholeheartedly. Lost her child whom she loved so dearly. And now, we know she's going to lose her father too...DH is going to have something to do it judging from the preview. I hope to drama gods that he didn't kill another innocent except this time around to cover up his tracks. She left her ill father alone for 5 years, and now he'll go missing again even before she has a chance to make up for lost time. She's too foolishly blind in love that, she probably will think that at least she has him there to help her, then things will be fine and make right. From the pictures, it seems that she is broken and tired.But I hope she finds her strong will and fight against injustice, and not let the men ruin her life completely. 
All 4 leads are in dire needs of a reality check. MH needs to realize that revenge will get you nowhere, especially when the truth is concealed. YJ needs to realize that she's throwing her life away for a man who couldn't even protect her and own up to his mistakes. It's almost as if he wants her to pity him instead and keep letting her suffer alone. DH needs to man the eff up and realize that two wrongs don't make a right. He ain't showing much care towards his missing son, nor is he caring enough towards the one person who helped paved the path he's working on right now. SY needs to realize that if the man doesn't love her, she can't force it. She'll only suffer heartache and madness if she keeps trying to build this fantasy life for herself with him while she drowns herself in sadness to others. 

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@irilight She looks to me that she is tired of seeing MH everywhere she goes.... I think he wears her out....
if i were YJ i would not only feel tired but scared whenever I meet MH.  =))YJ doesn't know why he is stalking her? She doesn't know why he is so mad towards her, choking her, almost killed her before.  :(( MH should change his approach towards her. I want him naughty, teasing until YJ fell for his charm. after that I don't care if he wants to punish her still, but i hope love blossomed.  :x then punish himself for being such a jerk from the beginning!

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Whao! Those pictures up there are bts, are they! That's not how the actual scene will be eh! Now, that's not very interesting!

As for Min Hyuk's approach toward Yoo Jung in the grocery store in the previous posted pictures, it seem some what genuine, like he is just trying to help her! Is pretending to be nice to her his way of revenge against her! Hmmm!

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@creslin, BSB is acting well in this drama but I sure wish his character isn't so despicable.
@saya2, thanks for your answer about LDH in IHYV - the success of Secret will depend a lot on the acting of the main leads, not just the script. So far, the actors have been delivering good performances, long may it continue.
Am curious about that kiss on the shoulder, it's now 7th most popular search term on Daum - one way of drumming up interest in the drama, I guess :)

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@lilay thank you for enlightening me about those pics above. I was about to comment, "OMG, making another San Hee?"  X_X lol.i see they are still sticking to each other...but for how long? maybe 16 episodes not enough for this drama to make a turn around.  :-?

haodinh thi said:

[News] 'Secret' Ji Sung Proposes To Lee Da Hee Saying, "It's Okay To Have An Affair"


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'비밀' 지성 "황정음 목조르기 연기, 마음 좋지 않았다" 고백ccLM3Ut.jpg

[TV리포트=김수정 기자] 배우 지성이 KBS2 수목드라마 '비밀'(유보라, 최호철 극본, 이응복, 백상훈 연출)에 대해 솔직한 이야길 털어놨다.

'비밀'은 사랑하는 연인을 죽인 여자와 사랑에 빠지는 독한 정통 멜로로 황정음을 비롯 지성, 배수빈, 이다희가 열연을 펼치고 있다. 지성은 재벌총수의 후계자 조민혁 역을 맡아 안정적인 연기력으로 호평받고 있다.

다음은 지성과의 일문일답.

Q. '비밀' 시청률이 10%를 넘었다. 이렇게 잘될 줄 예상했나?

이제 시작이다. 어떤 배우든 드라마의 출연을 결정할 땐 좋은 결과를 예상하고, 기대한다. 솔직히 말하자면, 나는 시청률에 신경쓰지 않는 편이다. 그저 드라마 초반 많은 관심을 가져주시고 사랑해주셔서 감사할 따름이다. 내 능력껏 열심히 할 것이고, 더 좋은 작품을 만들도록 노력하겠다.


Q. 나쁜남자 연기로 많은 시청자들로부터 나쁜 소리를 듣고 있다. 항상 사랑 받는 역을 하다가 나쁜남자 캐릭터를 맡아서 남다를 듯하다. 느낌이 어떤가? 시청자 반응을 찾아서 보기도 하나?

민혁이 나쁜남자라서 작품을 결정하게 됐다. 그리고 항상 사랑 받는 역이라고 하지만 항상 착한 역할은 아니었다. 착한 것과 사랑을 받는 건 다르다. 나쁜 역이라고 해도 좋은 연기로 사랑을 받는다면 배우로서 더 큰 만족과 보람이 있지 않을까, 지금의 반응들은 그 과정이라고 생각한다. 솔직히 지금의 민혁이 더 많이 나빠지고 그래서 나중에 더 깊이 죽을 듯이 후회했으면 좋겠다. 언제 이런 역을 또 해보겠나. 앞서 말씀 드렸지만 시청률도 그렇고, 따로 시청자 반응을 찾아보거나 댓글을 일일이 확인하진 않는 편이다. 작품을 이끌어가는 입장으로서 늘 중심을 지켜야 된다는 생각이 크다. 좋은 반응들은 굳이 일일이 찾아보지 않아도 어디서도 많이 느낄 수 있다.

Q. 시청자들은 앞으로 황정음씨와의 멜로라인이 어떻게 그려질지 기대가 크다. 앞으로 얼마나 더 괴롭힐 것 같나? 현장에서 실제로 황정음씨와의 관계는 어떤가?

앞으로 얼마나 더 괴롭힐지에 대한 부분은 작가님이 잘 써 주실거라고 기대한다. 대본에 충실하게 연기하겠다. 얼마나 더 입체감이 있는 민혁이가 될지, 어떤 사랑을 하게 될지 누구보다 내가 더 기대가 크다. 광고촬영 때문에 호흡 맞춘 일이 있어서 황정음씨가 낯설지 않다. 실제 황정음씨와의 관계는 좋다. 드라마 초반에 티격태격하는 부분도 재미있게 촬영했다.

Q. 나쁜남자인가? 착한남자인가? 자기 안의 나쁜 모습을 찾는다면?

나쁘다와 착하다의 기준부터가 상대적이다. 내 안의 어떤 모습이든 만나는 사람에 따라 다르게 느낄 수 있는 거 아닐까. 어떤 기준을 두기보다 그 때 상황마다 상대방의 입장에서 배려하고 현명하게 판단하려고 노력한다. 물론, 나는 내가 좋은 남자라고 생각한다. 남자를 떠나 좋은 '사람'이 되기 위해 항상 노력하고 있다. 굳이 내 어딘가의 나쁜 모습을 찾고 싶지 않다. 혹시 있다면 전부 없애 버릴거다!!


Q. 황정음 목 조르기 연기할 때 어떤 생각을 했나? 위험하지 않았나?

주변에서 목 조르는 연기에 대해 얘기를 많이 해주신다. 다들 놀라셨던 것 같다. 여자 목을 조르는 것은 정말 말도 안 되는 일이고, 절대 있어서도 안 될 일이다. 이 장면을 찍으면서 마음이 좋지 않았고 걱정됐다. 하지만 정음 씨와 서로 사전에 약속을 하고, 촬영에 임했기 때문에 아프지 않게 웃으며 잘 마쳤다. 방송에서 보면 굉장히 힘들어 보이지만, 사실 꽉 조른 것이 아니다. 나도 그렇고 정음씨도 그렇고, 서로 그럴듯하게 '연기'를 한거다.

Q. 앞으로 치열한 수목극 전쟁이 예상된다. 경쟁 드라마에는 없는 '비밀'만의 강점은?

그 동안 드라마를 하면서 치열하지 않은 적은 없었다. 항상 미니시리즈 부분, 특히 수목극에서는 경쟁이 매번 치열했다. 각 드라마의 강점들을 잘 봐주시고 비밀도 많이 사랑해주셨으면 좋겠다. 비밀의 강점은 뻔할 것 같지만 뻔하지 않은 게 매력이다. 특히 캐릭터에 대한 부분에서 어느 역할이든 딱 구분 지어진 게 없다. 착한 역, 나쁜 역에 대한 구분이 없이 그 모호한 경계선 안에서 끊임없이 갈등하고 사랑하며 아슬아슬하게 이어간다. 그 긴장감이 극의 재미를 더하고 있는 것 같다. 그리고 좀 더 말해도 되나, 연기력, 연출력, 스토리, 심지어 OST까지 좋지 않나. 모든 것이 철저하게 준비되어졌다는 게 강점이다.



Can someone translate please.

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My heart goes out to YJ. It's sad to watch a woman blindly sacrifice herself because of love. YJ will eventually come to know the real Do-Hoon but unfortunately not before he breaks her heart. It's so sad...but I don't believe that Do-Hoon cares at all for his son. He shows no emotions at all. Do I also sense that DH is attracted to Se-Yeon? Wow! YJ just lost 5 years of her life for someone evil.
Then you have the spoiled selfish brat, Min-Hyuk - who will take revenge on YJ for the death of his girlfriend and unborn child. Sorry to say but it's going to get ugly for YJ before the truth ever comes out. I'm also a bit worried about how he's going to use YJ's son to hurt YJ.
Lastly, I have this gut feeling that something bad will happen to YJ's father. In the preview he tells DH that it was DH who was driving the night of the hit and run incident, and that his daughter, YJ took the fall. Yikes!
Oh my goodness....YJ's life is going to turn upside down. I don't know if my heart can take the angst that are headed our way. It's a lot to take in and our emotions will be on overdrive.

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Hmm MH played and used DH especially to get revenge to YJ, but if he is smart, he should have just a little doubt about whether DH as the main culprit rather than YJ, since he knew very well DH's personality. I don't like MH because he's seldom used his head. Anyway YJ suffers alot because of MH, i don't know if she could forgive him, especially if something happen with her child, and i really want YJ know about DH scheming

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