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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Thank you @CherKell to remind everyone this thread to keep calm and maintain peace!

Now, people we're heading to the last chapter of this drama. I'm happy but sad at the same time.
Happy because I will finally finish my first long sageuk drama (51 eps). If it's not for Ji Chang Wook and Ha Ji Won I won't watch this drama. I'm happy because it will end my suffering every monday and tuesday being trolled by the writers who couldn't make everyone happy obviously.

But I'm sad too, because I will bid farewell to characters that shaped this drama. Everyone's acting is top notch, especially the three main leads. The supporting characters are great and unforgettable as well, ET, Bayan, TalTal, Tanashiri, ED, etc. I'm sad because the drama that I love will come to an end just like everything else in life. I will also have to bid farewell for everyone in this thread and shipping thread.
Life must go on, maybe we'll meet again on another thread, on another drama, or even in real life...

:\"> :\">

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Guest critics

Counting the remaining hours before EK finally bids goodbye to all of us (viewers) since it is not yet confirmed if Ep 51 is part of the story or just a special edition of EK only. 

Being part of this thread helps me discover something hidden deep inside me.  With that I owe this to all EK soompiers whose posts in one way or another make my life a little bit different from what it used to be.


@CherKell for maintaining this forum available for all of us anytime we want to post our comments/observations, your constant reminders, information updates, & posting of EK images & I love your jokes also

@pegster THE GREAT/THE MASTER - for your unfailing written previews, live recaps, spoilers & all-satisfying ideas/opinions & your undying love for this thread

@larabn & @Miky88:  for your unfailing live recaps in every episode (it quenched our thirst of knowing the current events as if we were watching live shows with eng sub)

@DJG for unselfishly and patiently imparting us anything about history – you are a great mentor.

@rinchan76 for sharing your in-depth analysis & insights in every issue that needs to be discussed further  

@tessieroo:  for showing us your human side (being alive, funny, sweet, frank & sometimes meticulous…he..he..)

@loli for being a good and patient moderator

@tieuyeunu for courageously defending and fighting for your opinions you deemed right but still your posts are always great and so with @issy_1 & @palilsan

@stclaus:  for coming back to soompi in the name of @tessieroo only (LOL -  I know you will also miss this forum).

@ChelseaS, @SongMira, @yoonmin66 & @bresies:  for the pics & gifs

@sally_b & @jeonghyang:  my idols in JOKE TIME – you’re the reason why I decided to get involve in this forum.

@SeGafanlady, @jeenee, @PeggyM,@kiyokotsubasa @chocobana:  for reading some of my posts and laughing at my corny jokes – your posts were one of those I have been looking forward to read & click.

@berrybliss & @adjani for trying to appreciate my joke lines – you both encouraged me to do it better the next time around.

@jewel11 for being our pacifier

@valsava, @ziimblu & @filchiny (wherever you are now?) for being warm & friendly I didn’t expect I will find you in this forum.

@Andy78m, @ravendark, @alwaysjcw8788, @sj15elf0hjw1023, @ronthasam, @kdramaadt, @niknokdagu425, @nrfan4ever, @Shammyhjw4ever, @janice3joy3, @sogongx3, @tucci, @HanN, @Lucel18, @hunterdd, @EstelleH, @diana76 @SamShop Watch, @kanyaprasetyo, @avocado & @AppleP for being constantly active in the midst of hot button issues.

And to all new comers, welcome to this thread! love your posts also.

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class="subject" id="articleTitle"'기황후' F4..하지원의 남자들 또 빛났다 기사입력 2014.04.28 오전 10:06
최종수정 2014.04.28 오전 10:07 9 가-가+ [스타뉴스 김현록 기자]

사진 왼쪽 위부터 시계방향으로 주진모, 지창욱, 김정현, 진이한 / 사진=MBC 홈페이지, '기황후' 화면 캡처

'하지원과 함께한 남자배우는 다 뜬다'더니, '기황후'도 예외는 아니었다. MBC 월화특별기획드라마 '기황후'가 오는 29일 51부로 종영을 앞뒀다. 그 중심에 섰던 것은 뭐니뭐니해도 타이틀롤 기승냥 역의 하지원이지만, 수많은 캐릭터가 그녀와 함께 빛났다. 그녀와 함께한 남자들 역시 마찬가지였다. 특히 타환 역 지창욱, 왕유 역 주진모, 탈탈 역 진이한, 당기세 역 김정현은 모두 승냥을 사랑한 개성강한 캐릭터로 시청자의 사랑을 듬뿍 받았다. '기황후'의 F4라 할 만하다.

◆ 팔색조 성장기..타환 지창욱

'기황후'를 통해 재발견된 여러 연기자들 중에서도 단연 첫 손에 꼽히는 이가 바로 타환 역 지창욱이다. 가장 입체적이고도 드라마틱한 캐릭터로 시청자들의 시선을 붙들었다. 극중 타환은 황태제의 신분임에도 황위를 빼앗기고 고려에 유배를 왔다 승냥과 맺은 인연을 평생 지켜가는 인물. 유약하고 코믹하기까지 했던 캐릭터는 권력 싸움에 본격적으로 접어들면서 변화에 변화를 거듭했다. 굴욕적인 황제였던 그는 위엄과 카리스마를 갖춘 진정한 황제로, 또 원의 영광을 되찾겠다는 욕심에 사로잡혀 실패를 거듭하는 폭군으로 변화를 거듭했다. 일편단심 기승냥을 사랑하는 가운데서도 귀여운 연하남부터 질투에 사로잡힌 모습까지 다양한 연기 스펙트럼을 그려냈다.

캐릭터에 완전히 몰입한 지창욱의 열연은 더욱 극의 몰입도를 높였다. 캐스팅 당시만 해도 주인공으로 적절하냐는 의심을 받았던 그는 도리어 '신의 한 수' 캐스팅으로 평가받으며 분위기를 역전시켰다. 또 드라마와 함께 점점 성장하며 시청자들의 호응을 얻었다. 앞가르마까지 완벽하게 소화하는 미모도 한 몫을 단단히 했음은 물론이다.

◆ 한결같은 첫사랑.. 왕유 주진모

기승냥의 영원한 첫사랑 왕유 역 주진모는 내내 든든하게 극을 떠받쳤다. 극중 왕유는 원의 속국이나 다름없는 고려의 왕족으로 왕위에까지 올랐다가 권력에서 쫓겨난 인물. 공녀로 원나라에 온 승냥과 함께 고려인으로서 설움을 함께하며 원나라 황실에서 입지를 키우고 이후 승냥이 권력의 중심에 서는 데도 제일 큰 몫을 해냈다. 숨겨진 조력자인 셈. 여러 지략가들이 등장하는 '기황후'에서도 한 수 앞을 내다보며 맹활약했다. 원 황제의 후궁이 되었다 황후까지 오른 기승냥과 비극적인 사랑 이야기의 중심축이기도 했다. 설움 속에 살다 어린 나이에 생을 마감한 마하 왕자의 친부로서도 시청자들을 눈물짓게 했다.

온화한 카리스마의 왕유는 늘 위엄을 지닌 인물. 시시각각 표정과 목소리를 바꾸는 입체적 캐릭터들의 향연 속에서 한결같은 인물을 연기한다는 것은 그만큼 어려운 일이다. 돋보이기도 쉽지 않다. 주진모는 그같은 어려움 속에서도 극의 중심을 단단히 잡으며 스스로는 물론 주변 캐릭터들을 더욱 돋보이게 했다. 배우의 힘이다.

◆ 무심한 척 냉정한 척.. 탈탈 진이한

모르는 게 없는 원나라의 '무엇이든 물어보세요' 탈탈 진이한은 가장 후반부 주목받은 승냥이의 남자. 김영호가 연기하는 숙부 백안을 그림자처럼 쫓아다니는 냉철한 책사이자 장군으로 등장했으나 후반부로 접어들며 점점 존재감을 키워갔다. 백안과 함께 승냥을 후궁으로 왕실에 들여보내는 데 가장 큰 공을 세웠고, 그런 승냥을 처음엔 의심했지만 신뢰를 쌓은 뒤부터는 누구보다 든든한 조력자가 됐다. 승냥에 대한 개인적 감정보다도 조국 원의 영광, 진정한 명분을 고심하는 인물이기도 하다. 이는 그가 숙부 백안을 배반하고 승냥의 마지막 손을 들어주는 데 가장 큰 이유가 됐다.

처음부터 진이한이 눈에 띄진 않았다. 그러나 나즈막이 감기는 목소리, 스마트한 캐릭터, 그에 딱 어우러진 비주얼로 시청자들의 궁금증을 자아내던 그는 오묘한 러브라인의 기운까지 풍기며 후반구 '기황후' 시청자들을 제대로 사로잡았다. 캐릭터의 힘이기도 했지만 배우의 매력이기도 했다.

◆ 애증의 당기세.. 김정현

물론 모든 남자가 기승냥을 사랑한 것은 아니었다. 김정현이 맡은 당기세는 애증의 캐릭터라 할 만하다. 원나라를 호령하던 연철 전국환의 아들이자 타환의 첫 정실 왕비 타나실리 백진희의 오빠이기도 한 당기세는 원의 실세 중의 실세. 승냥에게는 고려에서 잔혹하게 공녀를 끌고가며 자신의 어머니를 죽게 한 원수였으며 권력 투쟁의 과정에서도 내내 넘어야 할 산이자 적수였다. 아이러니는 이런 당기세가 승냥의 석도 모르고 한 눈에 반해 이뤄질 수 없는 사랑을 꿈꾸기도 했다는 것. 승냥의 계책으로 가문이 망했음을 알게 된 당기세는 연철 일가 가운데 가장 질긴 목숨을 부지하며 끝까지 승냥을 위협했다.

당기세 김정현은 주인공 하지원, 주진모 등과 내내 차례로 맞서면서도 결코 밀리지 않는 카리스마를 발산했다. 악역일 수밖에 없는 당기세를 밉지만 연민이 가는 인물로 그려내며 시청자들의 동정심을 자극한 것도 그의 몫. 입체적으로 살아난 조연들은 드라마를 보는 재미를 한껏 높였다.

김현록 기자 rokymtstarnews.com
Translation (based on my limited Korean skills):
' Empress Ki ' F4 .. Ha Ji-won 's men also shone
Article Date 4/28/2014 10:06 a.m.
Last modified 04/28/2014 10:07 AM

[star News Kim Hyeonrok]

"Ha Ji-won make a lot of men wild, ' Empress Ki ' is no exception. Mon-Tue MBC Special Drama ' Empress Ki ' is coming 29 weeks(??) 51 eps. It stood at the center the title role of rampant Nyang, Ha Ji-won character, but men shone with her many characters. She was also center of men. In particular, whether Ji Changwook's Tahwan character, Wang Yu's Joo Jin-mo, Jin Yihan's Taltal character, all three characters loved Seungnyang loved and also Kim Jung - Hyun strong characteristics were getting plenty of viewers love. ' Empress Ki ' deserves to be called the F4 .

◆ whether Ji Changwook's Tahwan growth .

' Empress Ki ' through the rediscovery among the various actors by far the first hand counted is timid(??) Ji Changwook's Tahwan. The three-dimensional character of the dramatic (??) held the attention of viewers . Latitude in the play, even the identity of the the prince considered to have been exiled for life keep a relationship going with seungnyang. The comic character until the drama was a full-scale power struggle to repeat changes was exciting. Dignity and humiliation, he was Emperor of the true emperor with charisma, also won the honor of being the greedy tyrant obsessed with repeated failure and was repeatedly changed. S
ingle-minded love cute to Nyang appearance ranging from jealousy to draw sword spectrum was found.

Completely immersed in the character, Ji Changwook involvement is further raised the rating. He's being replacement at the time of casting of the main character, but it is suspected that only God's know how his casting can reverse the atmosphere. The drama grew with the viewers' response was obtained. (??)to fully digest the beauty haeteum(??) is firmly a part in that as well .

◆ Wang Yu's Joo Jin-mo sustained first love .

SeungNyang's eternal first love is Wang Yu character played by Joo Jin-mo . Wang Yu's character is no different than the one considered tributaries of the royal throne, he was banned from the far figure to rose to power. Seungnyang came to the Yuan Dynasty as tribute, with the Koreans' sorrow as raising its presence in the Yuan Dynasty imperial power since the fox standing in the center also did the largest share. Hidden helpers, Schemer(??). Emerged that many jiryakga 'Empress Ki' looking forward in numbers was a big success (??). He was the empress' consort before the Emperor won the right to SeungNyang and the central axis of the tragic love story as well. Live in sorrow till end at a young age also as the father of the Prince Maha create tears to viewers.

Wang Yu has always been a gentle charismatic person with dignity. The ever- changing faces and voices in a three-dimensional character of the feast that is so single-minded person
challenge acting. It's also not easy to stand out. Despite its difficulties, such as Joo Jin-mo firmly grabbing the center(??) to enrich themselves, as well as the rounded character was around. The power of learning.

◆ nonchalant cool.. Taltal's Jin Yihan

Yuan did not know the ' ask anything ' fox Taltal's Jinyihan received the most attention of the drama later. Uncle, played by Kim Young Ho is chasing shadows in the bag and the general appearance, but the cool-headed chaeksa(??) citing growing presence raised the turn of the second half. He with the royal family formed in letting Seungnyang gained confidence for the first time after starting in doubt, but who was more reliable helper. Rather than personal feelings to Seungnyang and about the glory of the motherland, the true historical figure is also struggling with a cause. This is the man that betrayed his uncle's last breath to Seungnyang. The biggest reason was SN.

Ttuijin  eyes (??) were beginning Jin Yihan. However, the cold voice man, smart character, he's just an enigma to brings viewers visual profound love line. He threw up the spirit of the late (??) 'Empress Ki' captivated viewers properly. It's because of the actor, but also the charm of the character's strength as well.

◆ love and hate .. Kim Jung - Hyun's Dangkise

Nyang loved by all men, of course it was not rampant . Dangkise in charge of the character of this love-hate relationship Kim Jung - Hyun place deserves to be counted. Yuan to shout the other ring was the first son of wrought iron prime minister Jeon Gukhwan, Tanasili's Baek Jinhee brother is also a queen pull- counting of the original story. Gongnyeo who brutally considered as S
eungnyang's enemy after he killed her mother in a power struggle over the course of the mountain. The irony is that Dangkise-Seungnyang story can not be done without knowing the love at first sight that it is just dreaming. Seungnyang gyechaek of the network discovered that Dangkise's family counted among the most sturdy wrought iron, and the end of his life seungnyang threatened (??).

Ha Ji Won Kim, Jung - Hyun are the main characters beside the three, Joo Jin-mo and then against all such radiates charisma, yet never was not pushed (??). No choice but to pull one villain, three people are going to draw sympathy from viewers and also stimulated his share of compassion. Supporting survived a three-dimensional look at the drama raised the utmost fun .

Kim Hyeonrok reporter rokymtstarnews.com

Sorry for rather confusing translations, maybe someone fluent in Korean can correct it.
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Guest adjani1430293095

@critics: its hard to find people who are insightful, witty and yet still on point *grin* and you are right... for me the drama was brilliant until the end of El T clan, then it turned a bit "meh" for me.. but it is really the rest of the "gang" that made the drama as special as it is.. now to the End we march :) 

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Happy Monday everyone love you all. Let us all enjoy the 2 last episodes of empress ki. Excited, scared and feeling sad too because after so many months in here we exchange different point of view and now we are in the end. The finale is almost here. Empress ki is already mark in our heart. It touches our deepest feeling. Empress Ki is simply amazing. For sure it will be great hit when it air in different country. What we feel in empress ki will rock their world. They will experience the feelings that we felt when watching this drama. God bless everyone.

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So are we all watching live today?

I know I am.

@Pegster She looks mighty young to be that far down the road...they should have at least dyed her hair white to show time has pass. (I just really want to see her in white hair for some reason, I think she'll look fab.)

@Sally_B group hug.

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tieuyeunu said:

So are we all watching live today?

I know I am.

@Pegster She looks mighty young to be that far down the road...they should have at least dyed her hair white to show time has pass. (I just really want to see her in white hair for some reason, I think she'll look fab.)

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@pegster and @tieuyeunu -- I'm having a hard time focusing on Ki's black robe due to the double-butt-graphic-overlay of some poor stock-actor. LOLz! (that's just....odd.)
I thought the color of mourning in Asia was yellow? maybe I made that up.But yeah....Ki in black is definitely some kind of statement - I hope it's lamenting something other than Ta Hwan's death but the writer's and I haven't been on the same track for about a dozen episodes ~so I've prepared myself emotionally for the final blow.
I'm like Tapjahae trying to sword-rush General Bayan ~and we all know how that ended! 
<sally> Raises sword and cuts to a full force RUN at the Ending of Empress Ki ~ ~ ~ b-(

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Guest critics

So excited to see the finale of this drama.  I will try my best not to fall asleep while waiting.

@sally_b, @adjani, & @tieuyeunu:  GROUP HUG!

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@CherKell‌ Girlfriend you are totally full of crap, I shall give you a red flag. Lol I'm kidding but what you said in your post is super duper agreeable. And about the EK posters, there are so many if them lol I don't know which one is bad or good since I skipped pages all the time.

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Guest geilbladder

Awww, i was thinking maybe that robe represents the death of WY then i thought how many times had SN thought that WY is dead. And there is no way she's allowed to grieve by wearing black if none other that the Emperor. :(

I'm gonna miss you all! I hope to see you all in other future drama forums as well coz i dont know if i'll still lurking here after the drama. :((

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Guest geilbladder

Awww, i was thinking maybe that robe represents the death of WY then i thought how many times had SN thought that WY is dead. And there is no way she's allowed to grieve by wearing black if none other than the Emperor. :(

I'm gonna miss you all! I hope to see you all in other future drama forums as well coz i dont know if i'll still lurk here after the drama. :((

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Guest critics

@EstelleH:  You're welcome, chingu! 

Being addicted to EK and becoming part of this thread is a worthwhile experience.  Finding friends and reading those opposing point of views as well as those who just simply agree for the sake of peace make this thread stay alive and kicking.

To all EK Soompiers:  I will truly miss you all!

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Nyang new robe is so pretty even though it's all black, wait don't they usually wearing black robes for like uh funeral or something related to someone death?? Ok nevermind a chingu already says something about the whole black outfit thing, so disregard my question please :)

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