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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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however, my favourite scenes from ep 49 are when we can see the badass SN again in the end and the moment TT wipe his tears while saying 'Gwibi Mama' while talking to SN in the beginning of the episode. both look so cool and both are my new favourite couple, SN-TT. I don't know how to make GIFs here, maybe someone can do that. Anyway, i keep changing my favourite couple according to who are currently treating SN nicely, loving and respecting her. before this, it was WY, but then she lived with TH, so i dont have any choice but to like him either, but now, TH treated her badly, and TT came to the rescue, even when TT started to be SN's teacher I already like him, then, I decided that TT is the final and the best man for my SN. hehehe.... ;)).

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Guest adjani1430293095

I think SY is the only consistent character... and written the best amidst the inadequacies.... and well the drama is about her. Both TH and WY... I have issues with... I mean she went from "I am so angry with her" to .. "God I love her and I am stupid.." so fast... and how is it his sanity is really when she is around and they both completely at peace or in love.... 
SIGH... TT .. I do like.. and what they have done with his character...
I really DO not like the Golta twist.. its so contrived that he went from mr nice and supportive to I am supporting you because I am evil merchant lord..... really doesn't gel with nothing that "pushed" him over... sigh .... not my thing at all :( 

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TalNyang MV...so nice.

I was hoping TH and SN would get a couples award next MBC award but I'm starting to think TT and SN will get that award instead. The tides have really turned in his favour.

@akiharu I still blame him because not everything can be blamed on drugs, the choice was still his to make and in the crucial moments he was either drunk or not drugged and still choose to mistrust and mistreat her. He was obvious sane when he took BY's hand and threaten to throw her out if she didn't forgive BY for trying to kill her and Ayu. He was kept in her quarters without Golta, he was detoxing and was able enough to comprehend what was going on and even came up with a solution all on his own. Only his solution was to betray her trust in him, after she put her neck on the line to prove BY's motive.

The whole drugging thing is used as an excuse for his bad behaviour. Sure it was the drugs all the drugs and nothing to do with him.

I want to kill the writers for once again making TH the victim instead of letting him see the errors of his ways and change on his own. If he wasn't drugged and instead man up and become someone worthy of his position and her love, his character would have been great, but now he is still a useless character.

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Guest linhcao

in most of K drama, viewer always want the truth will be found. but with EK, the truth better should be kept in secret. on the scene which TH asked SN to come back palace, he said that it had been the last chance he gave her the forgiveness. so what would he do next after knowing everything? 

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Guest lorac

Some random thoughts...
@CherKell said: This is a SAGEUK.  This is what's expected in the last 4-5 episodes of such a show.

Sorta like Chuno or Tree With Deep Roots, or many others. Actually, this is not as intense as those two dramas.
and @linacao said: JCW ah, please don't cast any historical drama from now. I want to see you in comedy romantic drama.
Be careful what you wish for. You may end of up with a Level 7 Civil Servant after Joo Won's brilliant character portrayal in Gaksital.
and @geilbladder: Correct me if i'm wrong, he was never forceful about his love towards SN. 
Are we watching the same drama?
And... “As for the 'legitimate rape' issue.”
Anyone see Game of Thrones on Sunday. I think that blows away any thing that happened between the emperor and Lady Ki.

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@pegster with tons of thanks for the translation... now it makes more sense, can understand watching the raw episodes better.
I love WY's marketing strategy under disguise of ML to topple Eagle House.. I commented earlier the wearing of mask and acting mute will play an important role and that Al Plague esp will be the first to run.. indeed here he was dumbfounded yes? What I would love was to also have Bisoo involved, poor her why did they make her die so early.
On a personal note (which is off topic of cos) Kdrama is getting so interesting as days pass by - I have lost touch with many English TV series such as good woman, Games of Thrones and the like shelved aside for the last few months now. I am going to start learning Hangul.. am definitely.. at least to enable me to follow kdramas comfortably. 

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@lorac depends on what kind of forceful you are talking about. He forced him self on her unsuccessfully twice and successfully once. He tried to kill WY when she rejected him the first time in episode 20. He told himself and her more then once that he would never let her go. He's been trying to kill WY a couple of times because of her as well. I would call that pretty forceful. I think a lot of women actually like this kind of man, the one who refuses to let you go as oppose to WY who would leave you for your own good.

To all those who keep saying this isn't a true Sageuk...this is a fusion...please refer to the first screen of EK's episodes where is says this is a work of fiction!

So bring on the cleavage, bath scenes and NO ONE has swung a sword half naked yet. It's a must for all Fusion Sageuks!

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Guest lorac

Miky88 said: @lorac i don't have the problem with re-syinc the subtitles for Empress KI with one or 2 exceptions because i seem to download the ones that match with them as well,so no need....mostly WITH or Baros 720p

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Yes, Of course TH's wrong in the first place. And i dont deny it. But I'm trying to put my self in his shoes. He really is trying very hard to man up but unfortunately in the wrong direction. At first, he didn't have any resolution in his life. He just want to survive, to live happily with the ones he loves. Being an emperor is already a burden to him. He tried to convince SN to give up the whole revenge plans and he also will give up the emperor position. SN keep refusing and in the end succedding to make TH accept her goal and plans. TH finally has a resolution as emperor and dreams to be the great emperor to balance SN. BUT he goes to the wrong direction. He want to proof to SN that he is a capable emperor without her help. That's why BA take this to his own opportunity. The worst things are GOLTA also betray him with the drugs and everyone close to him (except SN) is the same so he continously walking toward the wrong path.I keep saying that what TH need is being needed by SN so he can confident by himself and give a proof to SN that he is a capable husband. 

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so after all that's been said and done, Sungnyang and TaHwan reunite, only to be separated again by Tanquishi, after the latter makes known the secret of all secrets that Maha is Sungnyang and Wang Yu's offspring. Well, we really don't know if the two will separate again for the nth time and then reunite in time for the final episode where Sungnyang is proclaimed Empress. I am  watching episode 49, still with no subs. I still don't know what in heaven's name is being said. just been watching closely and trying to read between the lines.. or should I say just plain reading the actors.

Reading most of the posts, I am in awe on how some still believe that Sungnyang might end up with Wang Yu, or how some are so upset that Wang Yu might still come between Toghon/Ta Hwan and Sungnyang. I mean, seriously? The title of this drama is Empress Ki isn't it? So, in order for Sungnyang to be Empress, she has to marry an Emperor, right? coz at this point she is still gwibi mama or lead consort even after the Empress died or was killed. So, hold your horses dear shippers, Sungnyang will marry Toghon and then become Empress. There, the cat is out of the bag. Sunyang will end up with Toghon, Ta Hwan or Emperor Huizong, so she can be Empress KI, thus fulfilling the drama's title promise.

this episode 49 wasn't as eventful as episode 48.  I mean, please don't take my word for it, I watched this episode without subs. Therefore my understanding of the events are so limited. Anyways, Tanquishi found out about the secret through Lady Soh (who the freakin' hell let her out!!! dang it!, oh yeah the writers.... sorry 'bout that.) movin' along....Tanquishi finally met his down fall through Sungnyang and Wang Yu. He did not die right away coz writers felt that he needed to hang on a few more seconds to torment Paeha . And of course it worked. oh well, something to look forward to in the next episode. but rest assured they- Tahwan and Sungnyang will become Emperor and Empress of Yuan. unless they decide to extend the series to 100 episodes, then we might see a bit more of their love-hate-love relationship.

And then Golta unravels himself in front of Yom and sidekick, 'don't know what was being said, except that Yom falls to the floor and looked really scared of Golta. seriously?

And then Tal Tal.......what can I say, except.......sigh......and more sigh.......and then swoon......and sigh some more....then swoon again....I don't care if I don't understand what he was saying, but yeah I agree. whatever he wants, i'll believe it, hook, line and sinker. this guy is giving Wang Yu a run for his money. lol!

and finally, Wang Yu makes his appearance to save the day. of course he is at his handsomest as ever, enough to make Sungnyang stop in her tracks and let his name roll off her lips, hmmmm.......... she'll never get over him. Hooded lids, smoldering gaze and deep sexy voice. okay Wang Yu, you really need to stop this, Ta Hwan will only pale in comparison. Stop stealing his thunder. No wonder Ta Hwan's fans are all up in arms against you. You keep on making Sungnyang all weak in the knees. Not only do you make Ta Hwan's fans unsure of their Paeha, but you make Paeha so unsure of himself. Adding to that now that he has found out that you had a kid with Sungnyang, it will be tough for  Ta Hwan and his followers now. You need to stop being gorgeous and manly! go back to being just upright and dignified and kingly. stop making Sungnyang swoon over you. the drama is almost over she needs to be the Empress.

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@akiharu Why does Ki have to give up her revenge for him? she came back with a trade, he agreed to the trade, then tried to back out once he was threaten, after declaring he fears her death more then his he goes and tells her now to take punishment until she dies and to not return to the palace even as a ghost? Then when he can't stand it anymore he goes and gets her to come back with a threat.

It's always about what he wants, he listens to Ki when its inline with what he wants, but ignores and threatens her when she doesn't. He still believes BY had his best interest at heart and still doesn't know about Golta so you cannot use this as an 'excuse' for him.

why does Ki has to be the one to submit? to be his punching bag for everything?

What they have is an abusive relationship, he has physically and emotionally abused her for a couple of episodes now. He is using love as a reason, mistrust as a weapon and threats to keep and force her to submit, Ki is showing signs of an abused wife, wherein she gives reason to her husband's abuse, is apologetic for her behaviour and chooses to change herself to appease her husband.

as someone who volunteers at a woman's shelter, I can put myself in his shoe and see from his perspective but cannot condone or absolve him of his crimes or accept his behaviour and put it all under the tag of 'it wasn't his fault his like this'.

I had great hopes that the writers would show more to his character, showed him as someone who is flawed but someone who is willing to grow and mature, to change himself for the woman he loves. Not someone who needs his love to prove herself worthy for his change.

Most of all, I am anger at the robbed chanced for a good character to evolve into a great character. Redemption is one of the greatest arch any character can have.

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Guest Lyly1430292245



@rinchan76 I understood your insightful post,in many thing as a viewer in this modern era i might not accept and condemn and see it as wrong but i see it throu the spectecle of that time and those principels being wrong or good...Only talking about the meaning of the Emperior says some stuffs,he is seen as above all other people,the ones te gods choose to do their wish on the land,he is the total autority,his word is final...That was the time and thinking,it applays in the way of thinking as well...SN didn't regret her doings but she also did it to save Tal Tal life to mention it...TH told her to say she is sorry and wrong so he can spare her yet she refused it..TH actually told her he is sorry for not seeing her sincerity all this time...let's also remember at that time SN was still a concubine,don't know if in those times it was permited as a concubine to have such great power of decision in the well of the country and more doing it without TH as a partner...And indeed TH as the Emperior didn't need to go bring her himself back,he only needed to give word yet he came himself asking her to come back,she said she still has to pray for the well of Ayu and him...It's more like a cultural thing...correct me if i'm wrong but oriental people when they marry even now are old mentality people that abide by the thing:the women will abide by her husband wishes,so i guess that is also a case(the child belongs to the father not the mother,the man can have other wifes,and the most they must listen to him)...like it or not from our liberal free will of seeing things..TH was talking about SN not listening to him(in that era the man was the pillar and the voice,not equals)(don't watch oriental shows because it will be hard to understand there even if i totally loved watching so many years back EL Clon,a brazilian drama that was about muslims and occidental,just beautiful,my youth addiction for real,that one i recomand,not the remake,it is such an epic story)i only hope we will be able to see more redemning scenes for TH character in the remaining time...oh love triagle,till the end u stay...if the story was set in modern times i wouldn't forgive nor understood TH character at all...between JCW eyes were so read in today's episode or is it just me?

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Guest novemberA

serg8 said:

so after all that's been said and done, Sungnyang and TaHwan reunite, only to be separated again by Tanquishi, after the latter makes known the secret of all secrets that Maha is Sungnyang and Wang Yu's offspring. Well, we really don't know if the two will separate again for the nth time and then reunite in time for the final episode where Sungnyang is proclaimed Empress. I am  watching episode 49, still with no subs. I still don't know what in heaven's name is being said. just been watching closely and trying to read between the lines.. or should I say just plain reading the actors.

Reading most of the posts, I am in awe on how some still believe that Sungnyang might end up with Wang Yu, or how some are so upset that Wang Yu might still come between Toghon/Ta Hwan and Sungnyang. I mean, seriously? The title of this drama is Empress Ki isn't it? So, in order for Sungnyang to be Empress, she has to marry an Emperor, right? coz at this point she is still gwibi mama or lead consort even after the Empress died or was killed. So, hold your horses dear shippers, Sungnyang will marry Toghon and then become Empress. There, the cat is out of the bag. Sunyang will end up with Toghon, Ta Hwan or Emperor Huizong, so she can be Empress KI, thus fulfilling the drama's title promise.

this episode 49 wasn't as eventful as episode 48.  I mean, please don't take my word for it, I watched this episode without subs. Therefore my understanding of the events are so limited. Anyways, Tanquishi found out about the secret through Lady Soh (who the freakin' hell let her out!!! dang it!, oh yeah the writers.... sorry 'bout that.) movin' along....Tanquishi finally met his down fall through Sungnyang and Wang Yu. He did not die right away coz writers felt that he needed to hang on a few more seconds to torment Paeha . And of course it worked. oh well, something to look forward to in the next episode. but rest assured they- Tahwan and Sungnyang will become Emperor and Empress of Yuan. unless they decide to extend the series to 100 episodes, then we might see a bit more of their love-hate-love relationship.

And then Golta unravels himself in front of Yom and sidekick, 'don't know what was being said, except that Yom falls to the floor and looked really scared of Golta. seriously?

And then Tal Tal.......what can I say, except.......sigh......and more sigh.......and then swoon......and sigh some more....then swoon again....I don't care if I don't understand what he was saying, but yeah I agree. whatever he wants, i'll believe it, hook, line and sinker. this guy is giving Wang Yu a run for his money. lol!

and finally, Wang Yu makes his appearance to save the day. of course he is at his handsomest as ever, enough to make Sungnyang stop in her tracks and let his name roll off her lips, hmmmm.......... she'll never get over him. Hooded lids, smoldering gaze and deep sexy voice. okay Wang Yu, you really need to stop this, Ta Hwan will only pale in comparison. Stop stealing his thunder. No wonder Ta Hwan's fans are all up in arms against you. You keep on making Sungnyang all weak in the knees. Not only do you make Ta Hwan's fans unsure of their Paeha, but you make Paeha so unsure of himself. Adding to that now that he has found out that you had a kid with Sungnyang, it will be tough for  Ta Hwan and his followers now. You need to stop being gorgeous and manly! go back to being just upright and dignified and kingly. stop making Sungnyang swoon over you. the drama is almost over she needs to be the Empress.

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Guest fantasticbaby12

@serg8 stop making Sungnyang swoon over you
Sorry for cutting your post. However, when did  SN swoon over Wang Yoo in this episode?  all I see is her utter his name and redirected her attention to paeha  

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So glad to see TT in this episode... In all my many years of watching dramas, this is the first time I wanted the main actress to end up with someone other than the first or second leading man.  I was in tears when he tried to protect SN from taking all the blame.  Sorry TH and WY... but TT made you guys look like small potatoes today. :P

Is it just me, but does Empress Ki seem to have so many more bad guys than the usual saguek?! :-? I mean when one enemy goes down, it's like two more more pop up!  I mean BA went down yesterday, but just today SN and TH are already fighting for their lives again against DK.  And even though DK went down today, they'll probably be fighting for their lives again next week against ED and Golta.  I don't know why the writers think they need so many enemies... They are so busy always plotting and fighting for their lives, there are no happy, funny or cute scenes anymore.

Also, after watching today's episode... it really seems SN and WY are really getting the short end of the stick.  :-w   I feel like they are doing all the work to hold things together, yet TH just reaps the benefits.  Yes, I know he is Emperor, but it's so unfair!  Also, I know that SN has a big secret from TH, but that's nothing in comparison from what she's forgave him for (i.e. his role in killing her father).  If TH can't forgive SN like she forgave him, then he's just a lost cause. 

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@Lyly  I totally agree about your opinion about Tana.  I think even if TH was good to her, she'd still be evil to all potential concubines due to her constant jealously problem.  In matter of fact, if TH was good to her, I bet she'd be even worse because she would feel invincible with the Emperor's backing.  But that being said, I thought Tana was probably one of the most awesome villains in a saguek.  She really kept her character to the very end.  I always watch dramas where the female villains just easily drink the poison (i.e. Dong Yi), but I loved how Tana just kept breaking the bowls. 

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