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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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ED and SN talk i can't understand that old witch but i don't like her voice...Sn seems so strong ...i just admire her so much...omg ...new TW wife again...omg TW came and left with SN he is so handsome...and was so cold with his new wife...love him for that...

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pegster said:

  • GT shows up and tells SN that TH prepared the puppet show for her.
  • SN wants to turn it down saying she's not feeling well, but GT says TH prepared it and something, so she goes.
  • As SN is on her way, she runs into KT, and KT again tries to comfort her for taking the seal from her.
  • SN tells her she's fine, and smiles at her.
  • TH shows up and walks right up to SN, doesn't even give KT a look.
  • KT tries to talk to TH, and TH just ignores her.
  • SN says to let KT join, but TH says no, it was prepared just for her and tells KT she can't come today.
  • TH takes SN's hands and walk away with her.
  • KT fakes her poor face again to the evil maids.

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TH prepared a play for her but SN can't focus at all because she thinks of the children song to find the secret meaning...and while looking at the screen she found the meaning....Bayan as well asks TT if he found the meaning yet he says no and the Hoksu don't know about it eather...TH is quite sad/angry because SN is ignoring him completly

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  • TH is noticing SN's sour face and asks what's wrong, SN tells him nothing.
  • As the show is about to start TH reaches over to hold her hand, and she looks a bit shocked.
  • As the show is going on, SN is thinking about the lyrics to that song.
  • TH is staring at her, and SN says something about everyone's around (I think).
  • SN figures out the secret to the lyrics and has a serious face which both GT and TH notices.

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  • BA is in ET's old office, now his, thinking about the stash as well.
  • As TT walks in, he asks TT about it, and it sounds like TT might have told him Gwibi is looking for it as well...I hope not!
  • SN is having tea with TH, but she's completely not there.
  • TH notices it and starts asking her, SN tells him she's not feeling well and asks to be excused.
  • TH is upset and asks why she's like that, ask SN is about to say something GT comes in to say BA is here to see him.
  • TH allows SN to leave.
  • As SN is leaving she hears GT say something to TH.

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  • TH is meeting BA at the grand hall.
  • BA is all dressed in his battle uniform and pulls out his sword (scene from the preview).
  • BA talks about Gwibi, and TH tells him he's being like ET.
  • BA mentions something about going to battle the country where the merchant group is from.
  • TH doesn't want to agree to it because they're not in a good state.
  • Looks like TH finally agrees to let him go to battle.
  • SN is watching from the side, and is surprised/shocked at what BA is doing.

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seems like SN has cracked the secret....SN seems intrested in meeting BS and they do...WY comes as well at the secret meeting...SN tells WY that she knows were is the secret hidout....WYshows BS the letter with the solved code...SN and WY are left alone to talk....BS meets Bayan and seems she is betraying WY ..he wants to tell Bayan the secret place for the fortune...she wants to make a deal with Bayan,to be the new head of Hoksu Organization...and something about TH royal seal...curious if BS plan is something about what she and BS talked and not showedSN overhears the conversation between TH and Bayan about BS ...SN tells PBW to seek quick WY....WY shows JK the fake cecs and asks him to do something with them...WY finds out about what BS did and it seems is not SN plan..WY attacks Hoksu men one by one...DK sees BS but finds something wierd because all the Hoksu men were caught...YBS follows with DK and sees BS with Bayan.Bayan keeps half of his bargin and BS gives him the location...seems it s in a hard place...YBS seems to be about to betray DK...but indeed BS planned with BS to make it seem a betray and the location is fake

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  • SN is becoming more worried that BA is going to get his hands on stash first.
  • Back at that room again SN thinks of the puppet show the verse from the song and writes out the Chinese character for 'Gold' 
  • SN figured it out!

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  • SN is saying something to PBH about WY, PBH mentions Yeon Bi-Soo to her.
  • SN meets Bi-Soo.
  • WY shows up at the meeting as well
  • All of WY's men are surprised to see Bi-Soo.
  • SN tells WY she knows where the stash is stored, and tells him about the lyrics.
  • SN hands over the answers to WY.
  • SN tells him the need to get to it quick, something about a war
  • Oh lag, please go away and come back on Wednesday!
  • WY hands the paper over to Bi-Soo.

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