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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest seohaseurri22

@pegster‌ Very well said. Of course I'm sure we know already where the story is really heading to, and we aren't watching any rom-com or any other fairy tales here wherein the main leads DID have a happy ending.

Guys, this is a HISTORICAL drama, so expect some painful and realistic scenes that our dear writers have plotted out. Yeah, none of us want to watch such an unhappy ending, but we have nothing to do against it. We do not control the minds of those writers so what we can only do is to watch only to our heart's content. If you do not like to watch anymore, then you may stop watching as you please. The door is widely open for you.

But for me, well, I'll just sit back and relax, munch some popcorn, waste five boxes of tissue for tears, and enjoy the last ten episodes of EK. I'm sure they'll make this worth the months of looking forward for this drama.

Life lesson learned:

We do not always get what we always wanted to have. Sometimes we have to accept the truth, even when it really hurts too..

I hope the rantings about the ending would STOP here... ;;)

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Guest bellenelle

Damo was a good tragic ending, because there's no way it could end differently, taking into consideration the different values of all three characters. Queen Seon Deok wasn't a bad ending as well; Bidam's end was in line with his character, and Deokman lived her life.


I'm not against a sad ending when it's justified. I just hate unnecessary tragic endings; when dramas could have ended well just as they could have ended tragically without any problem. Making viewers sad because that's the only way to keep the story coherent is different from making viewers sad for the sake of it.  

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SN: Hmm...so it's Monday...live stream is about to start NOW!!!

MBC is so stupid! What happened to starting 15 mins earlier?  

  • EP starts with a bit of recap from the ending of the last EP. El Plague tells DK SN just left the palace, and he plans to go ambush her.
  • WY is waiting for SN with MS and EB, JB walks in to tell him that SN is in danger thanks to Bi-Soo's info.
  • Picks up from ending of EP38 with the stand off between SN and DK.

Please stop the lagging!!! [-O<

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Hello Guys, I too don't give a cent about what kind of ending it will be. i notices that when we have high expectation on the kind of ending we want, we rarely get it. If the writer decided to end it during SN coronation, i really don't mind then we can make up our own story of what happened after it...

Right now, Let just keep enjoying the ride

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  • PBH tells SN to run, but instead she battles it out with DK.
  • And it lags...
  • SN is losing so she ends off running off on her own, and DK goes to chase of after her.
  • SN hides from behind and jumps down to attack DK.
  • Ekkkk!!!! SN loses her sword, but guess what...
  • It's no WY, SN pulls out a hairpin and shoots it at DK's eye hahaha.
  • SN picks up her sword and points it at DK as he's backing up in pain.
  • DK's guy comes to take him away telling him WY is on his way.
  • WY shows up with his men. SN tells him she's fine.

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Guest larabn

too much lagging
WY is waiting for SN to come and jeom baki (if that's his name) rushes in telling WY something
SN fights with DK, then she runs away and DK is after her
WY arrives to the rescue and DK is injured in the eye by SN now
DK's men come to help him

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  • MS and JB are chasing after DK, but of course we know he gets away.
  • DK is just howling in pain as El Plague and JC try to stop the bleeding from his eye.
  • WY's men tell him the lost DK.
  • SN asks WY about the secret stash, I think he tells her it's not at the mines.
  • WY tells her about something strange he noticed at the mine, and tells her about that song.
  • SN asks him for the lyrics to the song.

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  • Back at the palace BA is talking to KT
  • BA asks if KT knows why he made her Empress, and they talk, probably about the same stuff, get on TH's good side.
  • KT mentions something about Gwibi, I think BA also says she has to take control of the royal treasury.
  • LAGGING!!!!

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  • SN is her her secret room reading the lyrics to that song trying to figure out what it means.
  • HD walks in to tell SN that KT is summoning everyone to their regular meetings.
  • SN runs into TT, and asks if he has something to say to her.
  • TT says something about the secret stash, something about him knowing she's interested in it as well, and why she would be.

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  • As SN is walking away with her people PBH says something to her.
  • At the meeting KT is saying something to the consorts, and no one responds to her.
  • SN walks in and all the consorts seems to be happy to see her, and greet her.
  • SN introduces herself to KT.
  • KT goes off with her fake complements.
  • OMG what's with the lagging!
  • KT mentions the royal treasury to SN, I think telling her to hand over the control of it.

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  • As KT is leaving with the evil maids, she lies about how SN threatened her (in the preview).
  • Evil maids are adding oil to the situation that isn't even needed.
  • KT pretends to run away like she's sad.
  • Evil maids feel bad for her, and Cruella says their mission with ED is going well.
  • KT has an evil look on her face as she's thinking something to herself.

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