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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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:-B I am always leery of 50+ep drama endings...it seems that even the best dramas can take an awful turn  For the worse at about the last ten or so episodes....a Sad ending for me, would be more about a Plot ending that didn't make any sense or was illogical...or the Writers and PD choosing to have a sad ending just for some type of drama impact....that would be disappointing.... I would expect (and want El Plague and Curly to meet their 'end'....there were plenty of times that they should, one or both, should have died....and/or Cruella and the Rat maid....it would make me really sad that those connivers ....aka Vultures didn't die and ended up happy in the end........ED & the General would also be good candidates for departure... But, spare the leads from Having to Carry ALL  of the Sadness.......let them some of them have a good life......as I mentioned before it was to be expected that there would be more deaths and sadness.....worst case scenario really would an illogical plot ending.....that said, I will unwilling accept a sad ending..EVEN ......if if my heart wants to shout.....'say it isn't SO!'...... =((

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  • OMG, I can't believe I have to watch this, EB is actually saying that darn song for WY hahaha
  • WY is studying that song as well, but of course we know he's not as smart as SN 
  • laggety, lag, lag!!!
  • MS is searching for DK in the city (ok, why is it ok for MS to do that at the capital when they're thought to be back in Goryeo?)
  • El Plague and JC sees MS and El Plague says something.
  • That guy tells Bi-Soo that the Merchant leader is her, and she's excited to being able to meet him.

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  • Some guy is sitting in a room with a line of people in ninja suits on both sides of the wall sitting down to create a 'path' to him.
  • Bi-Soo shows up to see the 'leader', but you can't see his face because he's wearing a mask.
  • Merchant leader (ML) writes something on a piece of paper, he doesn't talk, someone reads out what he wrote.
  • They ask what to do with DK, and he writes to say 'Live' meaning to let him live maybe.

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So the Hoksu Master whatnts BS to save DK...from the looks it is a man pass his 40...and The Empress fakes to be scared of SN knowing her minions will tell ED so she can fight with SN...it's like when 2 fight the 3ed wins strategy

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  • DK is crying about his eye, literally, and moaning in pain.
  • DK thinks to what ET told him he'd be giving responsibility to watch over the secret treasure.
  • Is this a waste of time or what? What's with all the flashbacks, now is a flashback of him watching DS' execution.
  • Please take me back to SN!!!!
  • Again DK vows to kill SN, what else is new!

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  • TH is pacing around in his office thinking about SN.
  • First he's angry, then he thinks SN has reasons to be angry because of KT.
  • TH calls for GT, but he's not there.
  • TH says something to GT saying he's different these days...
  • TH tells him to prepare for a puppet show for Gwibi.
  • GT seems to not think it's a good idea...saying something like he's treating her too well (I think), tsk, tsk, tsk GT.
  • As GT leaves he has this look of disapproval on his face.

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TH wants to do something to make SN feel better but Golta says he already did it...seems like Golta knows about SN going meeting WF from the worried looksED comes to SN and indeed fights with her because of Empress strategy like she wantedGolta comes telling SN that Th is looking for her but she doesn't really seem to want to goTH totally ignores The Empress and only pays attention to SN

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  • Again SN is in that room studying the lyrics.
  • HD comes in to say ED is here to see her.
  • ED says something to her about the inner palace rules.
  • Sounds like ED is giving SN crap for showing up late for the meeting with the Empress, and again brings up how she's living in these quarters as a Gwibi.
  • ED orders her to return the control of the royal treasury to KT, SN tells PBH to pass the seal over.
  • SN doesn't care much about it now.

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  • GT shows up and tells SN that TH prepared the puppet show for her.
  • SN wants to turn it down saying she's not feeling well, but GT says TH prepared it and something, so she goes.
  • As SN is on her way, she runs into KT, and KT again tries to comfort her for taking the seal from her.
  • SN tells her she's fine, and smiles at her.
  • TH shows up and walks right up to SN, doesn't even give KT a look.
  • KT tries to talk to TH, and TH just ignores her.
  • SN says to let KT join, but TH says no, it was prepared just for her and tells KT she can't come today.
  • TH takes SN's hands and walk away with her.
  • KT fakes her poor face again to the evil maids.

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