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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest ziimblu

@pegster‌, thanks for that pic, quite a milestone for Golta! @-) @-) @-) @-) And what a pleasant surprise, didn't  know Golta is dating? ;) Can't keep myself from thinking of HER, still, as the coy, sweet TruLuV of KTan's brother in "Heirs".   But now, now that she is in ThAT compromising pose,  aigooooo   :-/   otoke?  :-t     Edited- @DJG , here,  homemade  cupcakes for you chingu....re: your posts on the anthropology/cultural implication of the drama,  hihihihiii, including that one with "Tantr_ _ S" elucidation (ts for short),   Kamsahamnida!     DJG,  am afraid my reply to your ts comments, in rel. to ancient politics & sealing of palace deals,  may be censored for the sake of the minors,   hee hee hee,  will have to sanitize it before posting....@tessieroo ,  that pic you posted on pleasure and art,  as  both are interchangeably meant, in this post & that pic, omo, emptied my mind, thus, took several  pages to follow thru TS  discussion of DJG   :-? #-o :-? #-o :-?@chelseaS  thank you, the black and white photo of TT is.....am speechless :))Hello all EK fans, thanks for the recap,  transcripts, updates, photos & vids
~O) ~O) ~O)  punctuality is my waterloo, always late, but catching up....

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Guest ziimblu

~Politics of Convenience~ as the drama EK posits it: 
 "strategic compromise" is the closest phrase in mind,
 "strengthening alliances" isn't far off, "loyalty is relative" is most handy! 
So, when  "variables" become victors in the end,  the word "betray" or "traitor"  is dispensed with in recorded history,   as a matter of earned courtesy.     The likes of ybs (or/& eKi brother KiCheul) are omitted (usually?) in the books,  on the ground of being  void as  immaterial.    Although if laurels are in order, as for Woodalchi's valor, then bad eggs are mentioned, albeit as faceless add-ons. (?)
Politics is boring, sorry  :-\" :-\" :-\" For any drama to breathe life into it, kudos to the effort  >:D<  

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Guest critics

@LizaG said @critics:  from the sub of epi 39 Th is begging LK not to be angry with him.@tesserro said @critics In Ep 39 (according to Hulu subs) instead of TH telling SN not to make him angry, he says "Gwibi, Please, I'm begging you. Don't be angry with me" which makes a lot more sense to me. 

critics said:   In the end TH, did ask her not to make him angry. 
Watching episode 39 with eng sub: 
@LizaG & @tessieroo:  Yes, you're right.  TH was truly begging her not to be angry with him and I stand corrected.  Thank you for letting me know of my mistakes.

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

Two cuties on the same picture : ;))(From Kim Moo Young's instagram.)


Tomorrow is === Empress Ki Day !! (can't wait).Thank you very much for the pictures you guys keep posting. They always make my day ! :))
Other cute pictures have just been posted on Ha Ji Won's facebook page : 1977302_270197136474376_454133537_n.jpg
(Baby Ayu !! Ayuyaah O:) )

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Guest Issy_1

I feel that ET clan story dragged too long. They should have gone by ep 35 the most. They also gave us too much TN's last days nonsense.

TN was the character that started really well but it became annoyingly boring and repetitive by the end. Her dialogue made sense at the start but at the end made you think if writers were high on something. Why write TN such a long speeches on how she's the innocent one with so much tears when we have witnessed her evil actions all long. The woman is psychotic murderer but still managed to blame it all on TH for not giving her the love she wanted. Not to mention her last scene with WY. What was the point of such long scene and their conversation?

Sadly have to say that writing has been suffering from beginning. ET clan became the backbone of the story when they should have been on same level as Bayan and maybe ED.

Now Bayan and ET actions feel so rushed and hard to accept. KT should have been on same level as TN too.

The problem is writer's indecisiveness between the novel and history. They are pick and mixing both together and end result is what we have been watching. Empress Ki is no longer a sageuk drama but a soap opera.

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Guest fanofhajiwon

@Issy_1, I absolutely agreed with you on this!! The story of ET clan was way way too long for a 50 episodes drama, unless they are thinking of making Empress Ki a 60 episodes drama. I also agreed with you on TN last day, totally hate this blame game, she just wouldn't see her own fault, poor her, everything is someone else's fault. I was sooo sick of her near end and felt relief that she is now gone!! All the actors and actresses are brilliant, feel sad that the script is not as good as the casts. But the casts managed to keep us excited and entertained. Love SY, TH, TT..... they are just sooo awesome!

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hanaseyes said:

Finally catch all of you, but i didn't really saw all ep yet, just some important moment. ( And yeah sorry, pass many boring scene of Batulo girl ) !! I'll watch carefully again to really catch everybody in Monday !! :D


We can't say TH already took the power back, his situation now is not too much different than when YC alive, I can say it's even worst.

When YC alive, at least he has Beak Ah, DG, SN on his side, even it's weak, but at least he has some allied.


Since Beak Ah are no longer at his side, or follow his order. In any history, even modern, have power meaning you must have your army, or your supporter, or someone who loyal to you, has an army. Now the most powerful is Beak Ah, he's a tycoon, who has all armies under his orders. Now Beak Ah support DG, so she can have some power. If no, she's nothing. In fact this drama didn't show how her clan takes these important positions in the government. When YC down. TH didn't know that Beak Ah'll betray him. Now, you know, anyone loyal to you. All of your allied, they're just doing  everything for them-self. 

And yeah, TH ah, you can't do anything. I hate the way they continue make him like that in this drama. But poor him, he's so innocent, there is no one he can trust, even SN is hiding so many things to him, and want the power too ( even for her son and her people, i don't blame her or hate her but still, her thoughts are at the boundary of the devil because the day you hunger about power, for any reason, that's the day you enter in something in hell )

But luckily, Beak Ah doesn't hungry enough, or now he's glad that his niece is the Empress. Bring another empress is so terrible, I really hate that but without that deal, Beak Ah can easily make a coup, overthrows TH and all finish.

Even he'll have all opposition from the governor, but yeah, since you're the one who the most powerful, who against you, they'll die.

And yeah, at least from the spoiler, hope TH can make SN smile. That's all i want.
All of us want a happy life moment. I'm enjoy any moment TH try to make SN smile, make she eats and care about her and forget about all the cruel things around. Some people said that small things you can do but great to me.
A moment to smile and happy,  just that and just that. 
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Silly thoughts:  For Bayan's niece's coronation (don't even want to mention her name), she wore a hand me down robe, yet for SN's coronation she will wear the most regal of robes.  Hahaha!
BTW, in almost all the BTS' of HJW & CJW they are laughing and/or smiling.  Noona, noona, noona, you're ruining our chances with JCW 'cause surely he'll be looking for a HJW lookalike for a lifetime partner.  Ottoke?   =((

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Guest united06

Episode 36 graphics ~



CREDIT: DarkSmurfSub GFX team

English subtitles are now available at DarkSmurfSubs~! ♥

Empress Gi English Subtitles is a Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7752-empress-gi-2013/
Please visit the link above for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!
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Guest united06

Episode 37 graphics ~







CREDIT: DarkSmurfSub GFX team

English subtitles are now available at DarkSmurfSubs~! ♥

Empress Gi English Subtitles is a Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7752-empress-gi-2013/
Please visit the link above for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!
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