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Watching a moment ago the 6 min preview and saw the women the fire powers talking with CY like they knew each other from very long time...At first i thought the same as many that she was his ex partner in search of revenge....i was also curious about ES,maybe she has powers as well...saw her playing some instrument even tought she looked slighly different(like another person)...

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*getoba thanks a lot for the info... didn't even come to my mind that idea...but i must say that it really had that fantasy thing and it would be awesome if they would go with that story....and the camera looked way better...I'm kinda sad because such a thing as a camera can put down a good story :(

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It's very interesting to see how will ES show her democracy ideology to CY and the other warrior so they don't have to obey the king's command if the king's mind not in the right place. I meant es had already showed that to king gongmin and his advisory that she can speak out..well in her hilarious way haha, like ES' s character alot , how she faced the problem with her modern thought and attitude is very interesting to see, it has a similarity with the character in chinese series step into the past,imo and that series was amazing

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Guest Heart.And.Soul

I'm glad that there are going to be more scenes regarding Choi Young's past. It was interesting to see what makes him the way that he is today. Maybe he will have these memories while he is still passed out at the beginning of the next episode? 
Thanks for posting the previews, I hope that someone is able to translate it soon!  :)

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I think that episode 5 & 6 are going to be crucial both story-wise and ratings-wise: So, Mr. Director, sit yourself behind the editing table and give us finally some decent editing worthy of Faith! Show us, you're capable of a cliffhanger ending, too [-O< . I must admit that some improvement in that regard occured already in episode 4 when we didn't end the episode seeing CY dozing off nor asleep, but instead cut it off in the middle of a conversation. It shows that the director takes small steps towards the cliffhanger ending but may eventually (hopefully) get there ;;)

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Hi everyone!!I started to see this drama and i like it so far. I really don't mind for the bad editing, yes it's true and i liked only the first animation part in ep.1 (it was graphically beautiful with this feeling of past) than i thought that was unnecessary and too like to cartoon, but well... i can hold it for the moment.I have to say that i fall in love with ES, she so funny and i can empathize so much with her that i can't wait for her screen scene! It's past so long that i find so refreshing a famale main character that i'm amaze. I really don't care so much about enemy and their plan, i want more scene with her!! In realty i don't care so much also about CY, but it's because he still didn't fall me in love with him... i don't know why.. I really like Lee Min Ho, but.. well, i just discover that Kang Ji Hwan was the first choise for this role in the past, and now i can't help to think that i'd see better him for this role... please don't eat me, but I just can't see him right in this moment.. maybe with the next episodes and more scenes between ES and CY i'd fall in love... i really hope. I find Lee Min Ho a very good actor, maybe one of the best between the youngs (he is still very young, also sometime you can forget), but in this case i don't empathize with the character and his act.. well it' a my opinion of course.However i can't wait for the next episodes, the true story have to begin! And our couple need more scene together!!

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Guest myphim

The lyric to Carry On is really beautiful and so is the melody.

"The moment you started to breathe
You became my heart
I want to dream with you and love you..."

That part is so beautiful and romantic.  :x  :x  :x

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@Kim_Lilly If you have the time, be sure to watch QIHM. :-) It's a good drama.


I think Lee Min Ho is an amazing actor, and he's doing an amazing job on Faith. And ever since I saw Kim Hee Sun in My Fair Lady (2003), I liked her and I thought she is a good actress, but for some reason she wasn't in my top list of Korean Actresses but in this role, she shines! It's like the role was made especially for her. Everytime I see her on screen with Lee Min Ho, I get really excited and when the scene ends I'm like: "No, why did it have to end? I wanted to see them more. Gosh, now it's the evil guys, I hate them". XDDD

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Guest klexie24

ooppssies I mean that part  "I want to dream with you and love you."
It's just full of heart and revelation that he wants to be part of her life or vice versa teehee. aaww  :x  >:D<  :\">

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Despite the bad computer graphics, I actually enjoyed the first 4 episodes. I had a good time laughing my heart out when the royal bodyguards were eyeing EunSoo's legs and uneven shorts. Lol. Even CY was looking at her legs to. <3 Ahh, and the scene where EunSoo was crying because CY didn't want to receive her treatment, I just felt Ohhhh, so good. :) I'm so excited to watch them together, possibly getting closer (lol,if not closer then at least friendly to each other) Mondaaaay, please come soon! :3

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@rrmski: I know what you mean, my senses go always on high alert everytime they appear on the screen together :x I've been calling their chemistry sizzling and cracking, however, everytime I used those words I knew they're not the right expressions to describe the tension that is between them, until today when I've finally found the right word for their chemistry - RAW :\"> , their romance is of the more mature kind without those many cutesy gestures that you can see in other dramas, it's a nice change and something I've been waiting for a long time, it gives it a more real feeling.

And ES  :x She is simply RADIANT, both in appearance and temperament (I don't know who it was but the person who got the idea to make her hair red is a genius :-bd ), and so very different from all the other women in the drama, she really shines. I'm not suprised CY is so affected by her. I really hope we get to see at least some of the scenes I put into my preview post [-O<  :x

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Guest CountMcAwesomeness

God, I can't even express how much I...
The costumes and the scenery are just... Breathtaking beautiful. The music (especially the epic choir pieces) teared me up. They're full of emotion and so enchanting!There ain't bad actors in this drama and I adore the leading lady. The woman is clumsy, but not in an annoying or repetitive way. She's just amazing. (:And our general - well, he ain't general yet - isn't the typical romantic hero. He's pretty ruthless and merciless, and that's the way I like it. 
And I loved - No, I worshipped - the cartoon scene in episode four. It reminded me of Kill Bill. 
Good choice, made me all nostalgic and stuff. (':
I hope this drama won't disappoint me.
Really, it's been a while since I enjoyed a history/fantasy drama like this. 

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