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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest malonowa

josan said:

malonowa wrote: » Happy 400 days.<br />
<br />
Since we will never feel the same again about a simple V sign ...<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Pictures from google images<br />
<br />
Edit Page topper:<br />
Is there really anything more to wish for that hasn't been wished for yet?<br />
Maybe I should try wishing for twins?<br />
<br />
I know!  I wish chapter 19 of @jerqu's FF will be relaesed sooner! *poked @playerkbd<br />
Since I wished it in page topper wishes I may not be denied  =))   =))  =))
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josan said:

malonowa wrote: »

Happy 400 days.

Since we will never feel the same again about a simple V sign ...

Pictures from google images

Edit Page topper:

Is there really anything more to wish for that hasn't been wished for yet?

Maybe I should try wishing for twins?

I know!  I wish chapter 19 of @jerqu's FF will be relaesed sooner! *poked @playerkbd

Since I wished it in page topper wishes I may not be denied     

Hahaha so your joining the rally then. Your probably one who lead the picket.

I couldn't ignore the pleas for intervention anymore. I'm too scared of @playedkbd to be in the front line, I will picket from the back :P

Hahaha! I don't mind if @playerkbd release it later. We have a long way to go. But the new readers are quite greedy after reading @jerqu fanfic. They couldn't get enough of it. I don't know how long will @playerkbd will hold up to her ground.

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Guest koreanway88

id="post-207368" style="color: rgb(0, 144, 218); font-size: 18px; font-weight: normal; margin: 50px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', 'Bitstream Vera Serif', Utopia, 'Times New Roman', times, serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "121102 Sungmin Blog Update: Teukie hyung, are you watching?..November 3, 2012 at 3:32 am | Posted in Cyworld/Fancafe/UFO/TwitterKanginPictures/VideosShindong,SungminWonderboys | 11 Comments 


Compilation: 121101-? Super Junior CHILE 

); background-color: rgb(227, 245, 254); padding: 5px 20px 30px; margin: 1em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', 'Bitstream Vera Serif', Utopia, 'Times New Roman', times, serif; font-size: medium; background-position: 0% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">

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Are we youngsters..?Kekeke

We reached Atlanta after 13 hours of flight!
Now, we have to wait for 7 hours and
take another 10 hours of flight…ㅠㅠ Today’s flight was tiring…


Eh ee…I can only upload this now…
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

The Chile performance ended well..
The first performance without Teukie hyung..
I was nervous and worried..

It’s very~ interesting and well done!!
We’re indeed shiny one stage~
Teukie hyung, are you watching?..

I miss you~
We should tell them about Korea and Korean together!
ㅠㅠWhat a pity.. We’re still not perfect yet~
Come back quickly~Because we’re doing really well!

We’ve been to many places overseas but this is the first time at South America..
Like what I’ve heard, it’s a passionate and cool country.
I would like to go to the other South American countries too!!!
Please find us frequently♥No matter where we go..

Korea, Japan and China fans who are 12 hours ahead of us..
I miss you all so much…I feel like time is moving in an opposite directionㅎㅎ

I’ll come back and greet you all handsomely again tomorow^^

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Guest k_craze

Hi FDs, to fill up my void I decided to join twitter, Last nite @lazyme2day @ice308 @playerkbd @kaiasloket and @uktS74 discussed on coming upp with our own fanfic. the poison of the conversation was too great that I woke up at 6 this morning, having a plot in my head and started writing. I had sent 2 chapters to our president as per the by-laws of our club and seeking her approval. the release of my FF will be subject to our President whim and fancy. that is her Presidential rights. So if u r dissatisfied with the wait, you can always fight for the position on the next election. Warning first, my FF is rated 21 and above, if u r offended with graphic description, my FF is not for you.

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Good Day FD's,

Been busy a little bit and too much notification to ignore,

 I thank you all guy's for the mentions...Appreciate it too much  :x

Anyway,happy 400 days to our Dimple couple!!!

I'll share this for all the FD's :)






My other Half Teuk Oppa,
"I've learnt to see through clouds of despair;
I've learnt to trust just by knowing your there.
Desperately, helplessly, longingly I cried;
Quietly, lovingly, patiently I'll wait
"My future and all to which I relate
Hangs in the balance, and you tell me to wait?
I'm needing a 'yes', a go-ahead sign,
Or even a 'no' to which I'll resign.
"The glow of my comfort late into night,.
"You'd never know, should my pain quickly flee,
But, oh, the loss, I missed what your doing in me,
Quietly, patiently , lovingly wait ?
Yes, your dearest hope dreams would come true.....
Your other half,








Hope the spoiler works :)



Soompi being difficult again....8's supposed to be a poem kekeke! Sorry can't edit the spoiler, have only half hour break and my times up^^


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Guest smileagain2012

How are you all?
I hope  participation with you all

 but I do not have an account in Twitter
And I'm not good at writing in English
I'm going to do any thing as I can in this day
Even if it is simple
Miss them together, but the days pass quickly, joy and happiness to come
We still live with them and with their memories and everything about them




 cr: monmon16 and arysmilingant FD’s



 pic from tumblr


:x :)>-
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Guest k_craze

I am getting emotional today? Maybe because it is a wet wet day or because the content of Sora letter. I wonder if I should post the letter. Imagine what Sora is doing now on the 400th day anniversary so soon after PJS enlistment when she may not get used to his absence yet. Will try to send letter before midnight when my emotional is more in order.

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Guest smileagain2012





No more tears
No more pain
No more tears
No more sadness
No more than doubled
Wait all the love and happiness with them

 and for them and to all of you


Happy TEUKSORA 400th Days Anniversary





:)>- :x :)
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Yep! That girl has a bang like Sora^^

But I really hope it's not the same girl I see here:

Do you have that picture we saw? we need eagle eyes... ;)

I think the two striped sweaters- girls are different, one with bang ant the other without bang... but I need to check the sweater to be sure...

I just realized, was in the first picture there are 2 people who wear stripes. Consider, in front of people who were taking photos, there's someone who's wearing stripes.


Sorry if this has been discussed ..

I just want to confirm again.

Is it just me who saw him or anyone else as well?

If u see, her phone is similar with sora's phone in episode cooking (teoboki)...

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Guest monmon16



How are you all?
I hope  participation with you all

 but I do not have an account in Twitter
And I'm not good at writing in English
I'm going to do any thing as I can in this day
Even if it is simple
Miss them together, but the days pass quickly, joy and happiness to come
We still live with them and with their memories and everything about them



 cr: monmon16 and arysmilingant FD’s



 pic from tumblr





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huey said:




Yep! That girl has a bang like Sora^^<br />

<br />

<br />

But I really hope it's not the same girl I see here:<br />

<br />

<br />

Do you have that picture we saw? we need eagle eyes...


<br />

I think the two striped sweaters- girls are different, one with bang ant the other without bang... but I need to check the sweater to be sure...

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Guest mywebfoot

@josan @lallinachan @huey
There seem to be three horizontal stripe wearers. Picture heavy post

One - male - cameraman - dark blue base, white stripes starting below the shoulder. 

tumblr_mcx1z6PBgw1rscf1lo2_400.pngTwo - female - staff member - black and white stripes with white cuffs and sleeves up to the wristtumblr_mcx1z6PBgw1rscf1lo1_250.pngThree - female - (Sora?) - black and white stripes, with red hearts, can't seem to see white cuffs anywheretumblr_mcx1z6PBgw1rscf1lo3_1280.png
In the BTS screen grab above you see One and Three.In the High Cut still shots in the magazine we see Three. In two different shots. 658e61aagw1dxz3jvm62kj.jpg658e61aagw1dxz3gttq0yj.jpg

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Happy TeukSora 400 days FDs! I couldn't join the twitter trending earlier as i'm out for some errands. I really missed both of them and started watching their episodes again TT_TT
Anyway, for those who waited, sorry for the late update. I've published Chapter 10 for "La Rencontre" here >> http://teuksocouplefanfic.blogspot.com/2012/11/chapter-10.html
Please enjoy and thank you in advance for reading.
Feedback are welcome as always! ^^

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mywebfoot said: @josan @lallinachan @huey
There seem to be three horizontal stripe wearers. Picture heavy post

One - male - cameraman - dark blue base, white stripes starting below the shoulder. 

tumblr_mcx1z6PBgw1rscf1lo2_400.pngTwo - female - staff member - black and white stripes with white cuffs and sleeves up to the wristtumblr_mcx1z6PBgw1rscf1lo1_250.pngThree - female - (Sora?) - black and white stripes, with red hearts, can't seem to see white cuffs anywheretumblr_mcx1z6PBgw1rscf1lo3_1280.png
In the BTS screen grab above you see One and Three.In the High Cut still shots in the magazine we see Three. In two different shots. 658e61aagw1dxz3jvm62kj.jpg658e61aagw1dxz3gttq0yj.jpg

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Guest k_craze

jerqu said:

Good Day FD's,

Been busy a little bit and too much notification to ignore,

 I thank you all guy's for the mentions...Appreciate it too much  :x

Anyway,happy 400 days to our Dimple couple!!!

I'll share this for all the FD's :)






My other Half Teuk Oppa,
"I've learnt to see through clouds of despair;
I've learnt to trust just by knowing your there.
Desperately, helplessly, longingly I cried;
Quietly, lovingly, patiently I'll wait
"My future and all to which I relate
Hangs in the balance, and you tell me to wait?
I'm needing a 'yes', a go-ahead sign,
Or even a 'no' to which I'll resign.
"The glow of my comfort late into night,.
"You'd never know, should my pain quickly flee,
But, oh, the loss, I missed what your doing in me,
Quietly, patiently , lovingly wait ?
Yes, your dearest hope dreams would come true.....
Your other half,







Hope the spoiler works :)



Soompi being difficult again....8's supposed to be a poem kekeke! Sorry can't edit the spoiler, have only half hour break and my times up^^


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Guest k_craze

I imagine how difficult it is for Sora to receive so many tweets to remind her of PJS, that is why thoug I support trending, I only send one tweet. So the letter is how I felt she would write if she does write a letter today.  

3 Nov 2012



It is rather difficult to forget, even if I wish I can,  I get reminders from fans congratulating us from all over the world. Usually I would love to receive the well wishes if you are here to share the happiness, however today I wish the fans can forget for a day. I know they meant well and by sending messages, I know they love and care for us very much, but it is rather painful for me. I am still trying to get used to your absence, Oppa, and our communication is limited.

The sky seems to know my heart and seems to be crying. There were just too many reminders of you - everyday I drive pass Han River and saw the usual spot that we used to be, how we walked down Han River chatting or when you practice your baseball pitch.

Right now, I am looking out the window sitting on your side of the couch watching the raindrops fall and drinking a cup of hot chocolate.

I wondered sometime how I can endure missing you. The heat pads you sent to me today made me remembered the day when we were filming WGM where you provided me with the heat pads when I came back.you took care of me so much that now I am at a lost, now I understand why Father doesn't want you to pamper me too much, so that separation will not be so painful.

I wish 5 weeks will pass quickly. Unnie said that once she received family invitation, she will ask me to go along, can I? You told me I shouldnt visit with your family as it will be too obvious, but I really miss you and would like to see you. ;So can I, can I?

I really do love you, my Prince

Sora, your Baby Princess

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I just want to share this video. how leeteuk kisses his baby kyumin ( hello baby )

Just watching how he kisses the baby is totally the same he kisses Sora. How his lips open is the same...meaning when he kisses her it is in his comfortable way..

Leeteuk kiss to Kang Sora


Sorry ladies I don't know how to screen cap Leeteuk kisses..OMO perjumma will get back at me




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Another video of Leeteuk peppero kiss with an actress ( I think )..He is such a teaser only but when his lips gets to her at the end he tried to wipe it..I think this was the time he has a girlfriend.



I topped the page I wish Leeteuk and Kang Sora to be together after Leeteuk's army and wish them all the happiness.

Prosperous career for both.

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I just remember that Eunhyuk said that Leeteuk has a habit of putting the band aid to show that he is injured. Eventhough there no more cuts or injuries he still keep putting it to show to the fans that he was not ok. I wonder what does he feel on this picture while Sora was putting medicine on his real cut and why was it not shown in the program since Leeteuk likes showing it to fans that he gets injured. Why this scene was not even shown?Is WGM scared on the reaction of the fans on this scene??Is this shot off camera supposed to be? Seems like they don't care on the camera. If this was a scene it should be shown so that people will see that Sora takes care of his husband but it does not end like that scenario.

If you look on the picture itself both seems focus and not concerned on the camera if it was running or not. Leeteuk face is different while looking at it same with Sora. Both faces seems too indulge on LT injury...

No smiles between the 2 during those time..Looks serious

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