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Posts posted by BlackLotus1025

  1. 10 minutes ago, sadthe1st said:

    hi @BlackLotus1025

    it depends where i'm going and who i'm going out with..

    i'm ok with tote bag, sling bag and small backpack.. but definitely not those dinner purse!


    yup the gold composite is definitely different, the craftmanship too!






    Likewise, @sadthe1st! In my case, I don't think I can go out feeling comfortable just by wearing a super small purse. Haha.


    2 minutes ago, Min2206 said:



    Just saw you question thru @sadthe1st - with thanks

    I prefer a crossbody tote bag.     Backpacks when I travel.

    something like this

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    Nice! I do carry something like that, too. About the same size. Haha. 



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  2. 24 minutes ago, Thong Thin said:

    @Min2206  Nowdays, I also feel not safe carrying a hand bag to work or groceries shopping.


    So, I get this wallet where I can put in my hp, driving license and id card.

    Is so convenient now days with e-wallet that I dont have to carry cash with me.


    @sadthe1st  - just be safe esp when late nights inside bus or which ever mode of transport you are in.


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    I like that one, too. It's pretty slim and convenient to bring around. I have the same one but it's black. Be safe wherever you guys go. Do you guys prefer wearing a crossbody/sling bag or backpacks? 



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  3. 2 hours ago, raziela said:

    Episode 12 was definitely a huge improvement over episode 11. There was a lot more plot progress, more Vincenzo/Cha Young and more focus on our antagonists.

     - Loved Cha Young's fierce reaction to Jun Woo/Han Seok at the start of the episode. She was rightfully disgusted and furious with him! One slap, two slaps and she was ready to give him some more:angry: The nerve of JJW/HS still trying to play innocent

    - Nice reveal that they had a plan to draw JW/HS out and work with Prosecutor Jung. So Vincenzo's Italian rules of revenge are: "Give your enemy what they fear most" and "Take away what they value most" and so far JW/HS has played into the first one by revealing his identity.  Between Vincenzo's mind games with the 'Bian'(:lol:)water and his "puppet" trying to kill him and seriously injuring him JJW was woken up swiftly from his God complex that he is still very much mortal and it's no longer so fun to dictate things from the shadows. He looks so handsome with the pushed back straight hair.  Some of us thought he should change his hair after his real identity was revealed but now I see it makes sense that the drama waited until his existence is revealed to the whole world to give him sleeker hair. I have been on and off about Tacyeon's acting but I think he was really good this episode especially in the hospital bed scene. 

    - I can't help but feel sorry for Han Seok.  Like @tulip06 said in different circumstances he could have been normal.  I don't think he is a truly evil person - just warped and damaged after all these years under his brother's thumb.  I do think-if any of the villains can potentially be redeemed-it could be him.  Shout out as always to Kwak Dong Yeon's excellent acting in every scene. He looked so good in his hunting outfit too;) Both brothers did!

    - Now there are clearly two factions in Babel/Wusang which will obviously work in Team Vincenzo's favour. Ever since their conversation about JW's motives last week there is a really weird chemistry between Choi Myung Hee and JW/HS now which goes beyond professional. I feel like he is manipulating her emotions to keep her on side.  He has turned her into his right hand (wo)man and I also noticed since last week she has started dressing a lot better.  Her clothes are suddenly a lot more professional and better fitted.

    - I hope when Myung Hee finally gets her comeuppance it is via the white truck of doom. Does she just have it on retainer until she needs it to knock yet another person off? The way she relishes killing people whilst stuffing her face is so disgusting. I hope Jipuragi help the Union next episode.

    - CenCha couple give off such couple energy without being a couple^_^ Just buying snacks-which Vincenzo immediately pays for like a good boyfriend should obviously!- and bickering comfortably.  I loved how we saw the return of their finger-flick but this time it was Cha Young's turn to catch feelings and, of course, she gives Vincenzo a minor concussion as opposed to how gentle he was with her.  Her confused and flustered reaction was so adorable and how she ran away and preoccupied herself with her pink bunny pointer:relaxed:  i'm totally fine with their progress so far.  I don't think they are ready to go any further yet and there is too much else for them to be preoccupied with.  Also, Vincenzo still implied at the beginning that he was going to leave.  Personally, I don't think we are going to get a confession until the final week.

    - The introduction of the Guillotine file is a decent way to tie the gold back to the main plot because the gold was beginning to feel very superfluous to the story.  Good thing is as far was we know only Vincenzo knows that it is hidden with the gold.  As we had guessed, Mi Ri has a hacker background so she could be helpful with this.

    - Mr Nam and CY's reaction to the gold revelation  was hilarious:lol::lol::lol: I love our little Jipuragi family! Vincenzo even said they were family, told them where the gold was hidden and even offered to give Cha Young and Mr Nam a cut so he loves them too!:lol:

    - Vincenzo's new styling shows his increased comfort level. His hairstyle has loosened, dressing less formally in the office, wearing lighter colours.  He didn't wear a suit and tie at all in episode 12 unless he had a an appointment.

    - I was really glad to see more Mr Cho this episode even though it involved him betraying Vincenzo for the gold. I have had my eye on Choi Young-Joon since first seeing him in Flower of Evil and I think he has great chemistry with Song Joong Ki.  Like, I would love to see them in a drama as brothers or best friends.  We already know Mr Cho doesn't have  an average background considering he was working with the Italian Mafia and Chinese gangsters but he seemed to be loyal to Vincenzo until now.  I wonder if it was always the plan to betray him or if he got greedier now he is in debt?  is the debt story even true? If has really stolen all that gold, then he must be working with somebody organised.  How and where does Mr An recognise him from?

    - I think Vincenzo got too greedy this episode and will pay the price by losing the gold and the file.  He practically had gold bars in his eyes during the scenes with Mr Cho! Understandable, as he is only human and finally being able to access billions of won of gold would make anyone a bit crazy.  I think if he wasn't so fixated on the gold he would have been more cautious or had a back-up plan especially as Mr Cho showed with whistle-blowing the temple that he wasn't above going behind Vincenzo's back.

    - I found the humour worked better in this episode than ep. 11. Mr Nam is my favourite and everything from his reaction to the gold, being used as a test subject to his upset at being left out of the secrets had me laughing out loud:lol: I also find Bye Bye Balloon leader and team entertaining.  Same for the cameos by the vagrant, Gilbeot and the Wusang lawyer impressions guy. SJK is a surprisingly good comic actor when needed - his reactions to Mr Cho's confession was hilarious. Agent An was funny as there wasn't so much focus on him and he helped further the plot. The tenants continue to be same old same old:phew: I felt like maybe someone was listening to our complaints when they sent them off to the hot springs LMAO! 

    So nice to see our thread growing and growing! Welcome to the thread all our new posters @Casual Couch Carrot @Phoenix Klaw @Hey Let me do all the choreography then and welcome back to your original account lol @BlackLotus1025 (I hope I didn't miss any other new posters:sweatingbullets:)



    This is just a fan edit lol!


    My guess is he is fake crying and pretending Mr Cho forced him to find reveal gold or stopped him telling the tenants. Obviously, the audience knows he was working with Mr Cho behind the tenants back the whole time:D


    Good points about Mi Ri. From her eavesdropping she has worked out the gold is under Nanyak Temple but we definitely see her leaving on the bus with the rest of the tenants. Unless she made them let her off early so she can run back? But I don't think CY and Mr Nam would allow that.


    That's so cute! Love that he captured her pretty smile:blush: Seems like such a good atmosphere on the set between everyone in the cast and crew. I'm glad they all get along so well:) 


    Hi there, too, @raziela! Yes, thank you! I'm so elated that I got this account back. 


    Since you've mentioned about Jun Woo's new hairstyle, I kind of thought that Vincenzo and he are going to have a "bangs" battle. Both of them have bangs now. Haha.


    I still can't confirm whether Choi Myung Hee is really into the dark side. She's really unforgivable having people killed just so she can get what she wants from them, but a part of me thinks that she's just acting up, too. I remember her character introduction as someone who's not really unjust, and that high ranked prosecutor's comment saying he thought CMH can never be bought. Maybe she's just doing stuff like that to seek evidence on how she can destroy Babel and its chairman. The chairman of Babel was what she intended to get to know in the first place.  One thing also that finds me thinking is when she and Vincenzo had to make some deal (that high ranked prosecutor agreeing to her demands in exchange of her releasing Cha Young from the jail). I think there's more to that especially when Vincenzo just allowed their side to lose when Shin Kwang Bank decided to invest in Babel knowing that he has some evidences to use against Kim Sung Cheol's mom who was really the reason behind his mother's imprisonment. I mean he could've just threatened her, but he didn't. I was thinking maybe he let them win on purpose so Jun Woo (who's real identity wasn't disclosed yet with Vincenzo at that time) would think that CMH is really capable of something. 


    Regarding Vincenzo telling that he'll still leave the country, maybe he will leave the country as Vincenzo and will probably go back using his Korean name after some time (maybe a time jump will happen). Haha! 


    Speaking of Mi Ri, Mr. An, and Mr. Cho, what if the three of them are all a part of connected International Agencies? Haha! That'd be funny and interesting! 

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  4. 1 hour ago, suzy0604 said:


    Aah very good point!! And they are off somewhere in the sunset on the hot air balloon... :sparklyeyes:


    Yup, CY will be unlikely to initiate the kiss, unless somehow she will think its the last chance for them to be together.


    And maybe that hot air balloon will really have to have a landing in Guam. That might be their new place to live in with all the gold and everything. Haha! 

    6 minutes ago, hankukin said:

    @suzy0604@RobinM @Le_Amarant reading your conversation about the possibility of an open ending makes me want to go cry in a corner ;__; i used to be team happy ending just because the cast has always said how this drama is going to feel like you’re constantly taking a swig of cider, watching the evil conglomerates and 1% be taken down. And given the writer’s track record, I didn’t think we were going to be getting a very nuanced commentary on evil and the different shades of it that reside in all of us. Some discussion, yes, but not to the extent that karma sees to it that the protagonist pays for their sins. I didn’t watch « the fiery priest » in its entirety, but the characters do end up going back to their happy lives after emerging victorious against their crooked opponents.


    that being said, VC has been shown to be self-aware, almost remorseful of his past, so everything may very well be up in the air now. Without further ado, let us go bombard the Vincenzo production team board with our demands!


    And we all can wish that Vincenzo can be an exemption. Haha! **fingers crossed**

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  5. 2 hours ago, Le_Amarant said:

    Shall we take bets on who initiates the kiss? I am putting my money on VC. 


    Haha! I am betting on Vincenzo, too! I think he'll be super worried at one point soon and seeing Cha Young safe might make him lose all his doubts and fears so he'll unhesitantly kiss her. Haha! But I'm torn since Cha Young is more aggressive between the two. Haha!

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  6. 15 minutes ago, Le_Amarant said:

    @BlackLotus1025 Okay, where do we submit requests for there to be a storyline with loads of kissing scenes? Where's the writer's hotline where we can bombard them with our opinions?


    Haha! I wish we could really do that. I guess their page might explode in no time. I think Naver/Daum usually has some board for that? I'm not really sure though. 

    17 minutes ago, RobinM said:

    If it’s live shoot they can quickly change the direction of the drama and plot lines according to audience preferences. 


    Thanks @RobinM with this! I remember the drama "I Can See Your Voice" had to change the plot line (Lee Bo Young's character was supposed to end up with Yoon Sang Hyun's but ended up with Lee Jong Suk's) due to the audience's demand and I think there are some more of other stuff. Fortunately, Vincenzo's entire casts and show are mostly getting positive feedback now.

    22 minutes ago, itsmeash said:


    I'm loving the flicking scenes, but yeah if I get one more of those instead of a kiss... I think my mind might implode. lol.


    Me, too! Imagine next time they have a bet, it'll be about who fell in love first. Haha. And the flicking finger punishment will be changed to a sudden kiss. Haha. But since this is an all-type-of-genre drama, I guess we have to be really patient with the "romance" part. Haha. 

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Le_Amarant said:

    @BlackLotus1025 Whadaya mean they're "testing the waters"? I don't know how Kdramas scriptwriting works, but I would think the scriptwriter already has the entire story plotted out before they start filming, non? Or are they gauging audience reaction and writing the remaining episodes based on audience feedback?


    I think it's both. It's for sure that they already pictured Vincenzo and Cha Young in mind together but since this is not a fully completed show yet before it was aired, I've read from other posts somewhere that they still get some requests to not really include/to not really focus with the love angle since they want to focus more on Vincenzo/Song Joong Ki. But with everything's going on now (the show, Jeon Ye Bin, Taecyeon, the supporting casts are getting much more positive feedback) I think it's just a matter of time for us to see how CV's story will unravel. I think they are taking it slowly but surely like how we see CY and V's attempt to conceal what they've started to feel. 

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  8. 28 minutes ago, itsmeash said:

    They were the true OTP of the show for me. Love them so, so much. 

    Truth be told, I don't know if CV will even get together for real and/or be endgame. At least not in the traditional sense. Maybe in a Suits/My Secret Affair ending way. I want to hope for the best, but knowing this writer's track record... i'm a bit scared. So for now, I am just trying to enjoy the ride, which is so much fun thus far! lol.


    Likewise! Their chemistry was really great! I had to repeat their scenes multiple times.  


    And yes, it's not "certain" yet whether Vincenzo and Cha Young would really be the end game since the relationship chart hasn't shown us that "heart" icon yet. Haha. But I think they are testing the waters now since they've been giving us those scenes already. 


    Speaking of scenes, I can't help but be conflicted with Jun Woo. He was so happy after meeting Cha Young but when he turned around, surprise! Vincenzo was waiting for him in the house. I mean he's insane but I think there's more into his persona (maybe much brighter or darker) especially after seeing how he was before he thought of being shot by Vincenzo and hearing what he dreamt of after really being shot by Han Seo.


    I hope to get the main trio's backstory as well maybe before or after the rest of the characters' real-character introduction. 


    No complaints though on how things are going and sailing so far. I hope it's the weekend soon! :)

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  9. 1 hour ago, Dddddddnnnnnnrrrrrrrr said:

    Thanks for translating 


    You're welcome. :) Can you imagine the money they are talking about just by knowing the real estimated amount of the gold? Haha!


    And it's actually funny because I think the three of them or just Vincenzo is listening to Luciano Pavarotti's "O Sole Mio" in the back of their minds as they discuss it. Haha. I stopped the video on the 48:45 mark and there's that classical piece's title. Haha. It means "My Sunshine" in English. It's such a famous piece that's why even Elvis Presley used the melody to create the infamous song: "It's Now or Never". :sweat_smile: 



    14 minutes ago, itsmeash said:

    I love this show so much! And Vincenzo and Cha Young... their build up is so good!


    Seeing your display image reminded me of my favorite BoF pairing (YJ and GE)! Hopefully, Vincenzo and Cha Young's developing romance won't end up as theirs' (they only gave us the hint of them becoming official at the end of the show! huhu). Haha! 

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  10. 37 minutes ago, Dddddddnnnnnnrrrrrrrr said:

    Can anyone translate what was written on the Jipuragi board when Mr Ahn came in episode 12? I think they were trying to calculate how to divide Vincenzo’s 70% of the gold? It was almost similar to the calculations I was doing myself regarding the gold.
    Vincenzo can actually let the tenants help him get the gold out and give them 12 billion won in exchange?? Since they think it’s only 12 billion and then he can share his remaining 70% giving either 10% or 5% each to Chayoung and Mr. Nam??? Seems reasonable


    I think the upper part states "Let's shoot gold!". And it says Geum Gwa Plaza in the middle. Geum Gwa literally translates to gold, too. Haha. They also put the total amount of gold which is about 15 tons. They converted it to grams, too. Haha. 15 tons = 15, 000, 000 grams. I tried to pause the video picture but it's too dark and the subtitles and Mr. Nam's blocking the view. The lower left shows Ji Pu Ra Gi can get 40% which is equals to 58 billion won.  

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  11. 23 minutes ago, sadthe1st said:

    some are ok with some creases.., i dun have iron at home.. hahaha so i try to straighten them as much as i can after taking out from the washing machine!




    haha that's from the website.. the model is 159cm wearing a M. for size estimation.


    @BlackLotus1025 we dun need to study oppa.. we just need to appreciate them!



    ^ @partyon birdnest oppa





    Haha! For sure. Haha. What I meant by that was we can't graduate because we'll only be repeating ourselves over them over and over. ^^ The last GIF you posted was from the show I've been following for 12 episodes now. Haha. 



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  12. 1 minute ago, Min2206 said:

    Thing is the chingus here introduced me to oppas with abs ( gosh, i typed apps )
    one tight slap on me again

    and they have many versions of oppas - ultimate ahjussi, matured, younger oppas - I am still learning , don't ask me please





    Haha! I'm guessing that you have an ultimate oppa now. Haha! I feel like studying oppas will be very hard to do. Studying them will not make us graduate! Haha! 



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  13. Welcome back, @sadthe1st!


    I think you are all very familiar with one another here. Pretty nice to see how people interact here. If it's okay to ask, can I also be familiar with you all here? I know I just boarded, but I sincerely wish to get to know all of you more. :)



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  14. 29 minutes ago, Thong Thin said:



    @Min2206  I prefer lime w/o sugar with lots of ice.


    And my intake for coffee is only morning before 10am.


    Eh !.... the Assam Laksa stall not open today, huhuhu.



    @sadthe1st  Enjoy your shopping !





    Here comes your coffee.. enjoy !!!




    @BlackLotus1025 Is been years I drink coke...not for me.

    Thanks anyway.


    Hey @Sleepy Owl - how's work today.


    I can drink it for you, @Thong Thin! Hello @Sleepy Owl and @partyon! :)



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  15. Just now, Min2206 said:

    Hey, me tooooo

    I can't really drink coffee lately.  I used to be able take one cup per day, nowadays gotta watch the strength before I make or buy, just in case.

    I miss coffee .... 






    Oh. Haha! Aw, make sure the next time you can drink some, you'll have the strength and will. Haha. 



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  16. 5 minutes ago, Min2206 said:


    See you later @sadthe1st  Enjoy your shopping.




    Yea, I could vote on @Sleepy Owl Truck of Doom and @Abs_ triggered LMH lap oppa.    Haha! 
    Truck one is going top.



    Yes and no - I like Coke esp when I go McD.  But not coffee coke?   @BlackLotus1025



    might go for this - it's so hot today



    Hi @Min2206! Good luck with the caffeine with that coffee coke. Haha! I can't really drink coffee to be honest. I get some palpitations whenever I drink some. Huhu. Haha. 



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  17. Hello everyone! I want to share some pictures related to your guys's posting but I couldn't seem to post the right link? Huhu. 


    Anyway, have you guys seen/heard/tasted Coke Vanilla Coffee? That's what I wanted to post. Haha. 


    I like drinking coke especially coke vanilla but hasn't tried drinking that latest one yet.



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  18. 21 minutes ago, sadthe1st said:

    @BlackLotus1025 usually we do +2 or -2.. post it, and then calculate from the post before us and edit to the new total. sometimes we got lazy and only did the +2 or -2 without totaling it up.. as long as the first post on the new page has the correct total, most of the time we will have chingu updating their posts with the correct total.. but dun make +2 or -2 in every post cos if everyone just does that, then the one who has to do the totaling will be quite tedious having to count right from the top of the page.




    HAHAHAHA thats why he is perfect in stills.. no acting just, pure cuteness from stills!



    how can anyone look so pretty brushing teeth?? lol







    All right. I got it. Haha. I just don't want to mess things up, so I'm clarifying it. Thank you again. I'm sorry if most of my posts just says thank you, but I just really want to say thank you. Haha! 


    13 minutes ago, 4evrkdrama said:

    Don’t worry, 

    I would make Jin Yi Han too in my oppa list once when I watch his drama and get smitten by his acting !


    yeah they look like siblings somewhere !






    Haha! Sure thing! And yeah, when I saw PHS, I thought of JS's younger version right away. Haha!



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