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Posts posted by -jade-

  1. 1 hour ago, willenette said:


    Hi jadecloud, ye, this will be their 1st collaboration in case..... I just hope that the story is well-written too. :P

    Thank you :) And YAY! according to Kshows Weibo, the casting...it's confirmed! We will be seeing JJM very soon. So excited about their first collaboration. Hope the script will not fail such an awesome pairing. 

    Calling all JJM's fans....Come spazz at the drama thread when you guys can... :P 


    • Like 5
  2. 9 hours ago, willenette said:

    What do you think of this drama?

    Thanks for the article. 

    I love this plot premise. And if CJW and JJM take on their offered roles, that would really be awesome! It'd be a pair of seasoned and awesome professionals working together. I really hope they will accept their roles and work together. Frankly, I miss them both, and wouldn't this be their first collaboration? B)

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Ayame said:

    I'm pretty excited for Ep 9 now (well even more excited lol)~ I can't wait to see JH and HJ's date ^^ Looking at what YD says though, I wonder what it will take for him to give up? I mean, I'm a bit iffy at the fact that he will go after HJ, with the knowledge that JH and HJ are dating. And the other things in the preview, like JH's father collapsing, I am worried as to what might possibly happen, as well the thought that the surgery YD's doing might not go well? 

    This is a bit of a random thought, but since HJ was impressed by JH getting the stuffed animals from the toy claw machine, I wonder what her reaction will be if she sees the toy claw machine at JH's house lol.

    LOL I was wondering about these same questions too,,, :P 

    It seems that 'love' has messed up YD' - boosted his boldness to want to compete with JH for HJ's heart, knowing what he knows, why go there? Also, it seems his confidence and arrogance as surgeon has suffered due to the uncertainty over his emotional well-being, i.e. HJ's love. I think the surgery will be a failure and he will be affected by it. From the preview, hearing SW slap and tell YD off for giving her conflicting signals, I think I was right in my prior thoughts/post of YD where SW is concerned. 

    And @Ayame besides wanting to see how HJ will feel when she sees JH's claw machine at his home, I'd like HJ to first have a reason to look into JH's office cabinet to find all those soft toys in there. I wonder if HJ will laugh and tease JH, or she will feel warm about his intentions...hahhha 


    • Like 22
  4. 11 hours ago, salz said:


    Im not an only fan...seem you missed my past post when i say i ship hj with everyone and i know of course jihye  gonna end together which im fine with since i love jh too just im more bias to yd and he my fave.since i have short tempered childish personality i easily get annoyed when i saw negative comment of my bias character and get passionate when try to defend him and my language can be rude and i do exaggerate with the percentage which only my personal math so don't take it too seriously .and it not my intention to disturb the peace if not i would directly argue with people i disagree but i only release venting my feel in spoiler box but still i seem to pffend ppl and get accused as only fan which im not im just overprotective to my bias...ok i should go..it my mistake to delurk in 1st place since when im obsessed and passionate with thing i can get overboard with my word. I should just ignore what i dislike to read..k bye..enjoy the drama

    @salz Hey chingu...don't go! And you've misunderstood my post, I think. While it's true that I've not been able to backtrack a lot, and so have missed many of your posts (biyan), I did not 'accuse' you of anything. I was merely 'wondering out loud'. Please don't misunderstand. :blush: You did not disturb the peace. This thread is peaceful and civil, even if fans agree or disagree away. And no, no offence taken (at least for me, none. And I believe none for Patients too, since as far as I can see/read, everyone is open to each POV). NOT AT ALL. So, please don't go back into lurking mode. Speak up and post away, k? I enjoy reading heartfelt POVs, no matter which way or how it is expressed. 

    So, PLEASE,,,kajimaseyo! PLEASE don't make me feel bad for making you drop out. If you do, I'll drop out too. CHEERS and PEACE? :sweatingbullets:

    • Like 18
  5. 10 hours ago, salz said:


    14 hours ago, ErikaJ said:

    Come on Yoon Do supporters (as a character, not necessarily as a partner for Hye Jung)!  Where you guys at? You know you guys don't see him as some creepy villainous guy! 

    haha not that some haven't come out but the sad reality we just the minority since this thread kinda like 95% JH team, 1% YD, 1% SC, 1% mob boss, 2% HJ x everyone lol..

      Hide contents

    they can't see the cute dorky man full of principle he is that we see because for them as 2nd lead he gonna be this annoying guy who gonna annoy them with every moment he have with HJ who took the screentime from their otp and it gonna be worse in future tbh so just be prepared since 12 ep left :P 


    @ErikaJ @salz LOL are you guys YD's supporters and only YD?



    Relax chingus and all YD supporters.  First, like you said, to each his own. Second, it's not as bleak as you think. There are many YD supporters, as far as I can see. Just not pure YD, and mostly not rooting YD with HJ since we all know who the main OTP is and what this drama plot is all about. But many, like me, are rooting for YD to steer clear of HJ so that he will not, like what SW has told him, get hurt and be miserable again. I for one truly want YD to have a positive effect on SW. The way I see YD, he has good feelings for SW. They have been good friends for a long time, and SW has been a true friend to him, each time bailing him out from the pits when he was dumped. I think YD has become too comfortable and too close to SW that he could not have recognized that SW and him are compatible, and that he probably already likes SW, just hasn't realized it yet, and now that HJ has gotten on his radar and makes his heart flutter, he is distracted. HJ is new and fresh in his eyes and his mind. And since he is always drawn to 'girls with a past', that's why HJ looks exciting to him. But to be honest, SW also has a past, albeit one of one-sided crush over teacher Ji Hong.

    I think even if for the next few eps YD tries to hit his head on a rock - yup, the rock of steady and steadfast love from Ji Hong to HJ, and her now grabbing it reinforces the strength of this rock of love. Don't forget, it's been brewing for 13 years! - he'll soon wake up to his senses. But me, I'm game to see more of his antics and comics LOL. I have to say, YD has that talent :P TBH, YGS the actor is very new to me, or rather, was not on my radar of actors to watch out for. However, I like his persona here and his acting is good too. TBH, I'm drawn to his cuteness by the ep. He'll be an actor I'll watch out for. In Doctors, I won't say he's the second lead, cos he's in the main 4 cast, which I believe some would call Team A cast, while the supporting are Team B cast. SC on the other hand, is a second lead, since he's a supporting cast, just as SH is too. Anyhoo, I can't wait to see YD and SW's relationship take a turn for the better, and for the romance to bloom. TBH, I don't know how that will come about, since at the moment YD is pushing SW away and gunning for HJ. But I think YD is a smart man, and should realize soon that he can't cause a heart to beat for him when that heart has already flown to another man. And not just recently, but the love has been hibernating for 13 years, either out of not knowing what that 'lingering feeling' meant, or denying a love could brew, since HJ never did think she's 'JH's equal' in all aspects of background. 

    And ohhh, many can see the dorky man in YD. I'm sure of that! In fact, he's so dorky at times that I'd so wish for him to team up with JH to give us some more Dorky Bromance...hehe. Anyone for it? Yup, Ji Hong too can be so darn dorkily cute at times, or is that what is termed childish for a mature man? I love it anyway hehe. And when we put dorky next to dorky, what do we get? Yup, super Dorky Bromance. LOL. I want more! And of course, I want more Girly Womance too. In fact, I hope the womance would return to how it were before, with HJ+SH+SW all being happy together. I believe SH and HJ will have a hand in changing SW later, and where they will be tight again. I really hope so.

    YD is not annoying, IMO. How can a cute and handsome guy like YD be annoying? Arrogant yes. I wish he'd keep showing us more of his arrogance. I like that side of him. It was a pleasure to watch him being arrogant and later morphing into an apology or two.

    Thank you Patients for keeping it all ciivl and still friendly. This thread is a blast! Coming her during intervals of the drama is such a blast as well. We have tons of talents and insightful and interesting posts here. Thank you Patients. Keep on! (Psst...There are many YD supporters who I bet a lot are in lurking mode. If you are one of them, come on out and share your thoughts). 

    Patients, you guys can tell I love the main 4, and then some more, like SH and SC. But of course, the crux of this plot is about JiHye and how they grow closer and fall in love, how they'll overcome their obstacles in love, work and family+friends. Pretty much what life is all about - our family, our work and our loves(lover+friends). 

    YD Fighting! SW Fighting! and last but not least, JiHye FIGHTING!!! 


    Btw,, I don't think this thread is 95% JH and 1 or 2% the rest. I believe this thread is (IMO only) prob 40% JH 45% HJ and together, that makes 85% for JiHye Couple, while the remaining 15% is for the rest, prob 6% for YD and 4% for SW, together they make 10%, while 5% for the rest like SC, SH, Puppy and all other supporting cast. Yup, the bulk goes to PSH fans cos she has a huge fan base, followed by KRW fans which is also pretty huge, and so on. 

    @kixamay Awww.... chingu, jinja? You made me float on cloudnine hehe. Thank you and I love your posts too :) 

    6 hours ago, Kasmic said:

    Soju and beer right? 

    Hey sista, yes that was soju+beer. A very intoxicating beverage that's all the rage now, and has been for years, in SK. Of course, it's made more dangerous and addictive cos of kdramas LOL.  It's called a Bomb(폭탄 pogtan) Beverage(주 ju). What they had was Soju Bomb - a combi of beer and soju. It can also come in another version of soju and whisky. Perhaps even more versions out there these days. Amazing how PSH was able to 'bang and drink' so smoothly. And dorky KRW, so funny. But I'm sure it isn't new to KRW the actor. LOL Ji Hong was so cute, with that red forehead as proof of his dorkiness. LOL.

    Patients, cheers! Let's be happy while we await more cheese, I mean, more Doctors. Hmm... cheese and soju bomb, how about that? (we can get intoxicated and float till ep 9 comes...)  kss587C.jpg



    Hello TFIP chingu @snowglobe147 Glad to see you here too. Thanks for your translations. Please keep on :P 


    CR: YTer

    • Like 18
  6. All the 'hatred' for Jin Seo Woo. Hmm... I have, I guess, a different train of thoughts on her I'd like to share. Soon. M/w, no harm trying to understand the actress LSK better. Anyway, this interview was done just before the premiere of Doctors, prob in June, and hence this drama was not included in the interview. There'll be another soon though. 

    I thought she did very well if her portrayal could garner such dislike of her... hehe.  She certainly has improved a lot since her debut in It's OK It's Love.



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  7. 0069CDzEgw1f5qdbrvfejj30db0exglx.jpg



    So many pages to backtrack... you Patients are just too awesome with recaps/insights/updates/etc. Thank you ALL :P *hugs to all*

    Good news (not sure if already posted, but if it is, let's celebrate and be happy again :)) ....

    Ep 7 ratings(real time) => 21.56% :P (are we getting our Cheering dance soon? hehe). At 2301 hours KST time, the ratings peaked at 25.92% (per 700 household sampling in Seoul). Compared to ep 6 which recorded a ratings of 20.83% and peaked at 22.87%. (Source: STARNEWS/Kshows weibo)

    @nonski Thanks for the roll call. Awesome that you're doing it :P I could not LIVE stream and was in a daze the whole day hehe....thanks to all recappers. I'll backtrack in a bit...for now, off to watch ep 7.........GAHHHHHHH been waiting for this moment!:wub:

     I'll be back ...:crazy:


    PS: @Nodame I see your long recap/insight right above my post. Pardon me chingu for not reading now, your wonderful insight. Off to watch first and will back track....

    • Like 21
  8. 3 hours ago, imjiyoon said:

    Hi!! I've been reading through all the posts since a week ago, I usually watch dramas after they air every single ep. My friend recommended Doctors and I tried watching, and I got totally hooked up with this drama ( somehow obsessed with Doctors *hearts* ) I hope I can help out with my limited korean vocab!  Hope you guys don't mind me joining!! :blush: 

    @imjiyoon Welcome! Of course you can join this thread. And your korean vocab would come in very handy in helping us all understand what's going on. Feel free to post anything, any thots.... And ahh... it's ok. We're all crazy in love with this drama and the cast. Esp the cheese :P 


    5 hours ago, angelangie said:


    :D:D:D i had replay it 3 times even though i dunno what the hell they are talking about lols

    @jadecloud u known korean? :D

    @angelangie LOL sorry I missed the preview when it came out, and I missed your question.... I had stepped away by then. Talk about waiting and waiting and then bam, it's here but I'm not LOL. Anyway, I know some korean but not fluent. For instance, this ep 7's preview, I would not have been able to understand the part where JH talks about surgery. So glad we have more korean chingus joining us :P  

    • Like 17
  9. 1 hour ago, Ayame said:

    I stay here all day and the time when I actually go away for a few hours and the preview is released LOL. But omg, I'm fangirling so much. I LOVE the preview, I keep repeating it. Although... now time is going even slower now that I'm repeating the preview. I don't know how I'm going to make it to Monday. XDD

    LOL IKR! Me too... just gone away for several hours and out comes the preview. Geez.


    Gahhhhhhhhh looks like HJ and JH are lovers! :P They both look different. And what's that between JH and YD?  LOL... YD seems so afraid of JH. Also, if I heard rightly, that was SW shouting to perhaps her dad(?) that she must marry JH! Wonder how that's going to work out. JH ...oh I love this writer-nim, giving us cheese and more! LOL. At the end of prev, he shouts to HJ 'you make my heart trembe', and 'lover' 'it's good!'. Wah! Monday's ep is going to be very interesting.

    Makes me think...ep 6 ended with that tentative, awkward but sweet FIRST KISS and then a cliff-hanger... Perhaps ep 7 will show us HJ ACTUALLY KISSED HIM BACK as a form of accepting him? Possible right? Now my heart is trembling LOLOLO:heart:

    :glasses: Preview Ep 7...Enjoy!





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  10. @angelangie @UnniSarah I know stepmom seemed so hateful back then and even now.  I agree she would be better off gone than sticking by HJ's side. Her behavior at the hospital is disgusting, and with no consideration for HJ's reputation, work and colleagues. I was glad that HJ was able to tell her off bluntly despite it being a public place.

    But I somehow don't feel that stepmom will be chased away by HJ's dad even if he now knows HJ was abused by her all those years. The reason is because of HJ's half-sister Yoo Na (haha gotta check her name). Who knows, perhaps there was a backstory as to why stepmom behaved the way she did back then and even till today? Perhaps there exist  a misunderstanding somewhere that made stepmom dislike HJ? Perhaps HJ's dad was the one who deceived  everyone when he had kept a mistress? Perhaps she the stepmom herself was a product of family abuse? Also, HJ's dad could be likewise too. This is why I am eager to see grandma's backstory. I think she said she had a very tough time in the past too, didn't she? 

    In which case, if abuse stemed back to generations before, and involved both dad and stepmom, even grandma, then as is commonly known, abuse usually happens in a cycle which is almost impossible to break, esp when no intervention or acknowledgement of abuse being wrong is done. And so the abused became the abuser and on and on the cycle continues spinning.

    Somehow, I really hope HJ and YN can click and be siblings, and enjoy being siblings. I think family is still a connection that is dear to HJ's heart. Because here we are talking about her father. The only real link to her roots. And if indeed abuse was rooted back eons ago, then hopefully this generation is when the stoppage is hopefully done, where healing can begin for all of them. 

    Anyway, so curious to find out how this will pan out. Like both of you, I sure hope writer-nim will deliver an awesome script, that apart from cheese (and more more please LOL) that all else will be just as awesome.



    OMG! [MAKING] The DANCE & KISS in the RAIN BTS.... but no audio...for this 'short' version (gotta be more coming... Patients, be Patient :) )

    It's HERE! The BTS we are all waiting for! Applause for KRW, PSH and PD-nim+production crew. JJANG!

    PS: No translation needed LOLOL

    CR: SBS/PAN Entertainment/PSH Baidu Bar





    • Like 24
  11. 18 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:


    @UnniSarah Hello chingu... I don't think you're wrong. That was pretty much what they had done. HJ was PO'd at them for not questioning SW's dad over the surgery details and just taking the compensation money. Of course, HJ's dad said old age was an issue and that they only received 'funeral money'. BS! The sale and comp money gave them that restaurant and a better life. In fact, I bet they took all of grandma's recipes as well. That half-sister (though I must admit I like her, she's innocent) was able to get the best of living and education, except she is not as smart as HJ to be able to do better in her studies.

    At this rate of details unfolding, I'm really curious as to how writer-nim can propose a family reunion at some point that can be acceptable and credible. Would remorse and begging for forgiveness suffice? Or there could be another backstory within the story that the description has shown? Hmm...?

    @evie0 Hey my new G+ chingu :) You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed the BTS. Yup, like you, I haven't gotten over that helipad reunion scene yet. Nor that wrestling one. Still checking them out ... so good, JiHye rocks! Can't wait for the BTS for that 'dance and kiss in the rain'!  :crazy:

    • Like 16
  12. 1 hour ago, lc85 said:

    It seems to me that she puts it out there that she knows JH better than he does. She knows him better than anyone else. Is it possible that they were both orphans in the same orphanage, they became best friends there, grew up together or something like that?. I think JH's best (girl) friend will be HJs formidable foe. It can be difficult for any woman to establish a relationship with a man who has a best friend like IJ around. IJ has JHs past, they have a history together. JH has to set boundaries with her, stat. He did ask IJ to look afte HJ - that could come back to haunt him later. Just speculating ...

    @lc85 Pretty good spec there, I'd say. I think too, for the same reasons you've stated, that IJ would cause us JiHye lovers some angst later on. Why? Because HJ may once again be spoken to by IJ, and may once again think for JH's sake and leave him to IJ. Perhaps when JH's dad get into legal trouble? or perhaps conned by SW's dad and grandpa of all his shares in GIMC? 

    Of course. I hope not. Even if JH were to get into trouble at home, hope that HJ will be by his side and help him stay strong and act smartly. They are both professionals renowned for their specialty skills. Even if JH's dad were to lose everything, which could mean JH too, they should still do very well on their own. Yes? 

    42 minutes ago, Ayame said:

    I was curious again on the character description of HJ's father and stepmother, so I looked it up [credit to pshdaily]:

    YOO MIN HO [HYE JUNG'S FATHER]: He is sensitive and strongly egoistic. He has a strongly dictatorial character and will be very angry if things don’t go under his control. Hye Jung’s mother has the same personality like him that always make them collide. He unintentionally injured and made Hye Jung’s mother die. Even though he feels guilty toward Hye Jung, he still neglects Hye Jung due to the ashamedness he has.

    LEE GA JIN [HYE JUNG’S STEPMOTHER]: Mistress turned into a wife. She has a forced kindness. Always unconditionally say “yes” in front of her husband. She pretends to be a victim while also slowly gains her strength. She acts the same with Hye Jung. In the end, she isn’t the one who can’t tolerate Hye Jung, but it’s Hye Jung who can’t endure and decided to leave the house.

    Hm, interesting. I wonder though. How did HJ's father unintentionally injure HJ's mother? Although, I guess since HJ's stepmother is described as a mistress, HJ's father did cheat before HJ's other died, after all. 

    @Ayame Thank you for digging and translating these two characters' descriptions. So he was cheating and in a heated fight with HJ's mom, he must have 'killed' her. Wow! Wonder if HJ knew this was how her mom died? That stepmom, a pretender! No wonder HJ's dad didn't know HJ was being abused? Or could it be that he knew but chose to stay silent and pretended not to know? Wonder if late grandma knew how HJ's mom really died?

    Guess we'll get to see a backstory on HJ's family. In fact, we need backstories on all of them. 

    • Like 15
  13. 1 hour ago, USAFarmgirl said:

    Like I shared before it's a miracle HJ turned out the way she did and her fathers greatest loss will have been not knowing just how amazing his daughter truly is....

    @USAFarmgirl Hmm... I don't see HJ turning out the way she is today as a miracle. Well, perhaps her giftedness and high IQ, but her achievement as a neurosurgeon at such a young age did not come by accident. Nor was it easy. If HJ cramped and studied the way she did back in high school, I'd imagine she put in 1000 percent while in medical school. It was all hard work and perseverence that got her to where she is today. Besides, she merely slept 10 hours a week! Whoa!, how many of us would sleep under 2 hours a day and can get by? Besides, she did also forgo fun(including dating, although there's another reason why she didn't - still pining over JH who's in her heart) and clubbing like any regular undergraduate and graduate would do.

    I suspect HJ's dad could have cheated on her mom, causing her to go crazy, losing her health or have something happened to her that caused her death. Then in came stepmom right away, abusing HJ because she couldn't make HJ listen to her, and she couldn't bear to raise HJ because, first, they're already poor, and second because she's not her own bio child. And that dad, what a loser as a man and a dad. He's probably another kdrama man led by the erhem and had no erhem to protect his child. (pardon my language inference :flushed:, am really mad at HJ's dad :angry:)

    Fortunately for him, Asian/Korean values dictate and promote family bonds. As we have seen in ep 6, HJ's already feeling 'soft' and kinda missing her dad. Hence her trip to their restaurant to check out the family, mostly her dad, in secret. I believe a turn around of bad feelings would likely happen, prob post-stepmom's surgery, (probably with YD's help?) in particular, helped by her half-sis who as character description goes, adores HJ and tries to mediate.

    I can't say that I'd dislike this line of development if it's what writer-nim has in mind. However, I really hope there'll be a proper remorse and forgiveness from stepmom and dad to HJ. Poor girl, she really did suffer a lot, which is an inadequate expression, an understatement for my lack of a better word right now.  

    @bebebisous33 Love your insights on HJ's dad, and pretty much everything else, with some slight different takes :P About the dad, above is what I think. Also, I don't think HJ was abandoned before. since we saw her living and being abused by stepmom. I guess she was neglected and abused a lot, and where her dad closed an eye to it all cos he was 'enamored and busy' with the stepmom back then. I have a feeling stepmom got pregnant with HJ's half sister, and hence dad had to 'let slide whatever way stepmom was behaving and doing'. Absolutely wrong. No matter what his reasons may be. 

    I think (if my memory serves me well) HJ knew she would be abandoned someday by her dad and stepmom, esp after her mom's death, and particularly because she is the exact opposite of being the apple of her stepmom's eyes. So when she was finally dropped off at grandma's, she confirmed her own deepest fears. 

    2 hours ago, CamelKnight said:

    I don't know if IJ married out of spite.

    @CamelKnight Yes IJ did marry out of spite after she was ceremoniously told in no uncertain terms by JH that he never did see her as a woman, nor love her as more than a hoobae and friend. It was mentioned but I can't recall where. 

    Now that she's divorced, and as some have pointed out, it won't be surprising for her to try again. Although that's delusional when HJ is back in JH's life. I hope she won't turn hateful, and won't instigate SW to do more wrong.

    About your love for PSH, why don't you introduce your sig other to KRW? That way, you can both admire JiHye and watch the drama together...hehe :P 


    59 minutes ago, andreasofia16 said:

    they should be together to fight all those battles that await them and to solve all this problems as they grow together as a couple and as persons. If not is this way, the 13 years of separation don't make sense. 

    Exactly! JiHye it has to be! Till the end of the world, I mean the drama.:wub: If not...:angry:  


    59 minutes ago, andreasofia16 said:

    All this possibles pairings that you mention remind me 'General Hospital', a soap opera from the US, where is all against all. No one has been saved and almost all have been friends with benefits, husbands, boyfriends or lovers with the others or among them. :flushed:

    LOL I hope not chingu-ah. Not in kdramas too. The US TV series, some are really good, but others are getting pretty decadent and outrageous, it's the reason why I prefer kdramas and cdramas.   


    Kim Rae Won In Demand. Where's In Joo...LOL


    CR: Hankyung


    • Like 22
  14. SBS Entertainment News Coverage of Doctors thus far... refresh your mind and await ep 7...heheB)

    Btw, @thea2410 awesome FMV. Thank you chingu. Please .... more more :P Now you're also playing with my mind about this ship haha. Though they look good too, but in my mind, HJ is only meant for JH and vice versa, so that's pretty rock solid, I think. However, I do hope YD will have a positive effect on SW and perhaps through her love for him, and his love for her evolving later, that she can be transformed with his help and guidance. Perhaps real and sincere love will be the one factor that can transform SW. At least, that's what I hope. And perhaps we can have the TRIO GALPALS back together later. I pray for this to happen, the GIRLS to be FRIENDS again. 

    ■ Entertainment Good Morning Edition -

    Doctors Park Shin Hye Candy(Sweet) Image Smashed. Transformed into a Rebel. (Ep 4887)


    ■ Entertainment Good Morning Edition -

    Doctors Park Shin Hye Post-Grandma's Death Followed By Separation From Kim Rae Won. (ep 4882)


    ■ Entertainment Good Morning Edition -

    Doctors Kim Rae Won Park Shin Hye Reunion After 13 Years Followed By The Commencement of Their Romance. (Ep 4882)


    CR: SBS ENT News

    • Like 23
  15. 12 minutes ago, Kfan7172 said:

    @jadecloud   @jadecloud Your recent post question about KS SH Love connection --- If the writer has the story go this way - I would support it -- But I do not think it will go that way-  If KS has a love a connection, I think it will be HJ Half Sister YN- soon to be a school teacher - at this point she seems sweet and caring - nice match for KS.

    YD Uncle for SH --- NO NO - EP 5 at approx  35 mins-- tells us he is a divorced playboy/womanizer - not a good choice for SH IMO

    Extract repost of prior thoughts (my post pg 272)

    SH Love Connection - this will be the break we need when the HJ JH story reaches the dark episodes
    --- SH had met 3 of the doctors in training - one will be her love connection--
    ------ CKS - AKA the puppy - Could be a Noona romance connection - I do not think drama will go this way beyond a slight misdirection possibility
    ------ PYK- SW friend/one sided SW Love -- Could be another case of SW losing a friend story - but do not see him as SH love connection
    ------KKJ- Glasses, senior doctor in training- the great Kdrama trope of two people who dislike each other at first- but then continue to meet and grow to like each other - this is my bet for the SH Love connection.

    @Kfan7172 I got ya. Your analysis is pretty astute. You may be right chingu. I agree, YD's uncle isn't suitable for SH, and not because he's divorced but that he is a player. SH's too innocent and sweet to suffer a player. So, no can do,, unless he can change? However, I don't want SH to be paired off with KKJ. To me, he's too err... boring. If not KS, I'd prefer YK, although I find him too 'political', always looking for 'connections'. Very calculative guy. 

    Perhaps it would be biker-delivery cutie boy SC? Since SC has no luck with HJ, perhaps never started being romantic back then, perhaps it was just his one-sided crush....then perhaps HJ may connect him with her bestie? I'd support that. A quiet vs a bubbly... perfect! How about that? :rolleyes:


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