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Posts posted by lebeaucouple

  1. 2 hours ago, Idylla Kaizoku said:

    I would like to recommend to watch

    Choi Hyun Jin, 14 years old (starred lastly in King of Pigs, TV adaptation)


    I've cried and crossed fingers for this boys, his emotional scenes were very good. And overall performance highly memorable. 

    I would recommend to pay attention to the whole young cast of King of Pigs. They were very good in their roles and portraying very intense, captivating characters of victims and offenders in bullying case. 

    Totally agreed. Give me five. I hope there are more people watching this drama "The King of Pigs", such a fabulous drama (the original story is an animation film which was awarded in Europe and now this kdrama is a remake one)....

    The young actors are really good, not just the adult ones.The storyline is disturbing, angry at the sad ending.......to be honest,  i prefer it comes with hope at the end, there must be a "light at the end of the tunnel", why chose to jump down?....disappointing and sad for them. The trend of school violence must be corrected, it happens everywhere now and then....



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  2. Once again, we were fooled by the writer, expected and unexpected.


    Apparently, she had done enough research to check the ratings and audience preferences. Most viewers are attracted to this pair of SPY and SDM (shown in many forums), they don't want the writer to kill off the SDM role after seeing the last ep. I would consider the writer is so "cunning" that to keep the suspense characters, so everyone will be drawn to S4 whether we like it or not, despite the odd combination of ghost storylines that distracts from the plot.


    To me, if I compare the two SEO brothers couples, I prefer LSE and SB - This older couple gave me the vibe of down-to-earth feel, slow and steady win the game, while watching the SPY and SDM couple, I would feel the fairy tale storyline, everything was so perfect and smooth in relationship. But when the fairy glass shatters, it wakes everyone up and pulls us back to reality (If the last scene that shown SDM died in the accident). I want the reality but the writer is once again playing with us - More Ghosts come into picture. 


    I don't see any value added if she continues to add more Ghosts into the storyline. S3 already had 3 ghosts Grandpa, Song Won and the little kid.


    From this S3, I could see more attachment to the surviving family because the ghosts were still lingering. Aren't we trying to learn from our life lesson how to detach when necessary and move on? Why do we still see more attachments after death in the storylines?


    I am getting worried if I see more ghosts around after death in S4, and before they move on to another "world", they are still lingering in the existing world because of attachment or agony. This is not the life lesson we are learning.


    If the whole show is a pure comedy, then I'd rather the writer makes all the storylines a ghost world, or everyone lives in harmony in heaven.


    I would rather the handsome and charming actor who acted SDM role, joins a new drama since he is getting popular after this drama.


    PS : To me, 50's husband role needs to be completely written off. He was still glue to his ex wife and asked the ex-wife to pay for the current tenant's relocation fee and the agent commission as he wanted to move into their old apartment. If the writer still wants to add ghosts, then the best choice for S4 is to turn the ex-50s husband into a ghost.....hahaha :D


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  3. 8 hours ago, CarolynH said:

    I would visit the Pyramids in Egypt.  Has anyone ridden a camel?  Has anyone watched Death on the Nile, the new one with Kenneth Branagh?

    Absolutely no to hot air balloons!  I crashed in one in New Mexico.

    • Yes....you should visit Pyramids in Egypt, one of the 7 wonders of the world that we shouldn't miss. I joined the tour many years ago, the package was including the River Nile cruise. We even had a night for tourists to put up an Egyptian Costume at the cruise party - what a memorable fun tour for us. No regret.
    • Yes for Camel ride - but not too enjoyable for me.
    • I had experienced one hot air balloon at New Zealand, and I love it. The only pity was the sky weather wasn't that clear during that time.
    • I watched "Death on the Nile" movie, i would say it's boring, no suspense thriller at all. Don't waste time
    • I recommend you to watch a new fantastic movie The Outfit (2022) - There is no stacking of big-name, special effects and dazzling skills, pure good shots and good stories, a masterpiece of simple old-school essence. It's been a long time since I saw a movie like this that didn't feel like a waste of time after watching it. The scenes that are not hidden in the waves, the story of the assassination, the surprises are constantly, once again shocking at the end, interesting story, a high rating movie too. 





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  4. @partyon - Thanks for the tagging. :wub:

    Among all, I had chosen the best for below to go with my oppa (bf):


    Lapland - experience Northern Lights as we were there to see northern lights at Finland/Sweden/Norway two year ago. We were damn lucky to watch the northern lights at three different countries. Blessed us all the way :wub:


    Of course, a fun husky trip with various husky sledding experiences during the Aurora Zone tour and a night's sleep in a Finnish glass house was an unforgettable trip for us - we would never forget this trip, albeit an expensive one. 





    My next target will be iceland :) 

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  5. To be frank, I don't like Ami character from the start....her conversation and appearance seem to be the "weakness and naive"  type in front of Sa Pi-Young and Shin Yu-Shin, and try to "make friend" or called Sa Pi-Young "unnie" from the beginning. To me, she is the smartest lady among all the homewreckers. There is a saying If you can't beat your strong competitor (SPY has a strong character), you need to play the weaker role in order to win the war...She won it.


    Don't forget, in earlier EP, Ami is the one could even "challenge and argue" with BHR at the cafe, She can also fight boxing with her mother-in-law at home.


    I feel that Shin Yu-Shin hasn't married Ami yet, not just because of Jia,  but because Ami loves to gossip. No matter how big or small, she will tell him in details on the phone, or at home, or even visited him in the office at hospital, regardless of her husband's tiredness or stress after get off work. The stark contrast of their married lives - Sa Pi-Young with Shin Yu-Shin in Season 1 vs. Ami with Shin Yu-Shin in Season 3.  (Yes, Ami needs to learn a lot, and i believe this intentional setup - before vs after, is done by the writer )


    In today EP, her statement was very boiling and disturbing : "May be divorced women have men wrapped around their fingers".....Oh well, she forgot her position, she is the homewrecker that causing the breakout of their family. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, the dialogue is so real and reflects the true nature of all people: we always like to criticize others in general, but somehow we forget our past actions. :D


    All the mistresses in this drama almost got their punishment, what about Ami, till now I still see her enjoying her family bonding with her "boy friend" (not yet husband) and "future mother in law".


    I wonder what was her fate on the last ep?  I am really curious....


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  6. By reading the above viewers' comments, i guess I am not the only person who is not really enjoying Pachinko drama so far. IMO, it is too "typical hollywood style" of filming, I don't feel any sadness effects while watching, but let's see the final EP.


    @leo2020 and @SC2019

    I am so glad that you both love the "Somewhere in Time" classic movie, and our dear chingu @SC2019 can even play the piano song of the OST, wow wow wow, amazing and awesome:foryou: 



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  7. Talking about time travel, I am sorry that I just can't help but must bring up this evergreen classic romantic old movie (1980) - "Somewhere in time" (Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve)...I totally fell in love for this couple and the OST and the place they shot the movie in Grand Hotel (Mackinac Island), I even visited that place in US back then.





    For Kdrama, I don't remember many, but the below listed that I watched are the good ones:

    1. Tunnel

    2. Signal

    3. Go Back Couple

    4. Kairo

    5. 365 - repeat the year


    The next event voting should be which are the best comedy kdrama? , or which Kdrama are the best from the remakes? :D




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  8. Such a super sweet drama !

    It is a pity that not many comments written here in this forum.


    It's so heartbreaking to see the thoughtfulness and caring on one side and the frustrating longing to wait for the other to notice the love.


    The female lead also has feelings for him, a kind of "unrequited love". In a sense, because she has the deepest desire to protect their friendship and is afraid of losing him, she can't fully express her heart to him. Besides, she also wants him to realize his lifelong dream. It takes courage to cross the friendship line because their happiness outweighs the possibility of hurting each other. I believe that the departure of the male lead will make their hearts grow fonder because of the distance.


    For the coming Ep4, I think we may have a romantic ending based on the tarot card that held by him - that the couple is holding hands eventually. :) I hope the writer grants us the wish.


    I want few more episodes, can't get enough of the story, the anticipation is killing us....:D

  9.  @Lmangla and @Ameera Ali  


    Today EP was run out of track, outlier again especially when we saw a ghost child appeared toward the end of the EP? why Ghost again ? I wonder : did the writer run out of idea? 


    I enjoyed the beginning part of this S4, but as the plots moved along, it seemed getting weird.....hmmm


    Can someone pls tell me who is the "ghost child" walking together with 60's mother?


    PS : the evil mother in law, she looks great on her short hair, rather than the previous long hair :).


    I hope this drama closes the final chapter nicely. Pls do not show "Ghost" storyline because I don't think it carries any specific meaning to this overall drama.


    The show started out with good intentions to describe the marriage and divorce storyline in a realistic way, but with the addition of "ghosts" keep popping up...which is probably pointless.


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  10. 1 hour ago, CupcakeEonni said:


    I'm watching "Soundtrack No. 1" but there is something about it that's not working for me. I really liked "The Time we Were not in Love" and that might be why. That drama was also about two people that had been friends for a long time, and I think I keep comparing the two.


    I haven't started The King of Pigs yet, but I plan to. Most of the dramas I've been watching are finishing, so it will give me time to watch it :lol:


    "Sound track No 1" and "The Time we Were not in Love" are very slightly different. The latter one was on longer EP 16 that covered more in depth content. But I love the female leads Ha ji won's dress code in this old drama. She looked gorgeous in "The Time we Were not in Love".


    Sound track only 4 EP and the story is very simple but it did resonate to our past school days' Puppy love or Unrequited Love..

    Those were the days when we looked back :).


    Once you missed it, you missed it as time will never turn back the clock...


    I love the gist meaning in this drama :

    True Friendship will last longer in our lifetime and lean on each other when we have a bad day because true friends won't grow apart even if they don't talk everyday. Friend is like someone who knows you better than yourself and isn't afraid to tell you how is it with love of course. Friendship, with the right person, is a valuable gift we ever had and can last a lifetime.


    Once we cross over the line, the relationship may change which is why the female is so afraid to see that may happen in future.


    Love can be taking for granted, love comes with expectation and demands on your partner. So in conclusion, Love needs to take courage to do the right thing whatever the consequences are.


    That's why some couples can turn their relationship sour, while some can go back to friendship from their previous love relationship. It takes both parties to consent and work on it.


    I do hope this Soundtrack no. 1 can give us a satisfying ending, of course come with a big Kiss :D:wub:




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  11. @Sleepy Owl Thanks for the result vote.


    I have voted for these 3 drama to watch, however,


    1. Pachinko - after watching EP4, I found it boring and probably a "hype" because of apple TV channel and Lee Min ho acting. IMO, it is typical hollywood style of filming, the dancing scenes and the inter-switching scenes between the different era made viewers confused, and we really need to pay lots of attention while watching...


    2. Our Blues - hope it turns up well, keep our fingers crossed.


    3. Tomorrow - After watching two EP, not to my expectation yet, (though funny plots) but shall continue to watch for a while...


    My current top 3 favourite drama are

    1. "A Superior day"
    2. "Soundtrack No. 1"
    3.  "The King of Pigs" (2022) -  The play is a remake of director Yeon Sang-ho's debut film of the same name, and is the first thriller animated (catnoon) film invited to Cannes, Europe.  This is a Korean drama about boys' school violence. Common topic? No, pls continue to read on......It mainly tells that in the small society of middle school, those who conform to violence and power are called "pigs" (lower class), and they are in despair with a sense of inferiority and insecurity. The superior upper class ones in school will call themselves as Dog (which are so called "obedient" to the senior level students, and school principal). A story of resistance and fight back.  Animation attracts great attention at major awards ceremonies. This story can provoke your thoughts.....:wub:


    I would recommend for those who love thriller and suspense storyline to watch this drama - The king of pigs (if you have time) 



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  12. @CupcakeEonni@larus @lila21 @the_sweetroad


    I love this drama full of unpredictable plots . It is in my current first 3 favourite list. Have you wondered why the professional killer wish to kill the Psycho murderer besides giving the plain reason? Who paid him to kill Psycho murderer? I want to know the main reason behind?


    My current top 3 drama

    1. "A Superior day"
    2. "Soundtrack No. 1"
    3.  "The King of Pigs" (2022) - see below picture




    The play is a remake of director Yeon Sang-ho's debut film of the same name, and is the first thriller animated (catnoon) film invited to Cannes, Europe.  This is a Korean drama about boys' school violence. Common topic? No, pls continue to read on......It mainly tells that in the small society of middle school, those who conform to violence and power are called "pigs", and they are in despair with a sense of inferiority and insecurity. The superior ones in school will call themselves as Dog (which are so called "obedient" to teachers and school principal). A story of resistance and fight back.  Animation attracts great attention at major awards ceremonies. This story can provoke your thoughts.....


    I would recommend you to watch (if you have time) since you love this thriller & fast pace genre - A superior day :)





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  13. @partyon - based on my own preference, i choose those two leads (which I never crazy before) , but because of that particular drama, I started to watch and follow their previous works and like them alot...their kissing chemistry made you :shaq: 


    1) My favourite couple because of their on screen chemistry for that particular drama (they had dating rumours before, during filming and after post drama) - It's Okay to Not Be Okay  by Kim Soo-hyun and Seo Yea-ji - not just because of their excellent acting skills, the storyline is so good,.....they were well deserved to achieve their popular awards. :foryou:




     2) My 2nd favourite couple with sparkling chemistry is - Hyun Bin & Son Ye Jin’s from their famous work : Crash Landing on You. Needless to say, they are both so gorgeous and matching couple.





    3) My 3rd favourite couple shown on screen chemistry is from their previous work "Happy Home" drama- Kim So Yeon and Lee Sang Woo  (now they are truly married happily) :foryou:




    4) My 4th favourite couple shown on screen chemistry is the current romance drama that touches my heart is the Soundtrack No. 1 by Han Soo Hee and Park Hyung Sik.....beautiful storyline with beautiful scenes but only total 4 EP. You will love this couple a lot after watching 1st EP.  :wub:





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  14. For EP 9 :


    The most favourite of the role : Park Hyang-Ki (a daughter of 50's wife) - I love her role since Day 1, she is so mature and understanding young girl, without her encouragement and kindness, her mum won't be stepping out from her current zone. For the remarriage, the highest credit score goes to her. But Let's wait to see the next EP 10, what will be their upcoming obstacles?


    The most ugly character : Park Hae-Ryun (50's husband) - I could never understand how this brazen husband could make such selfish demands on his ex-wife. He could do that simply because he knew too well the weakness of his ex-wife, too soft spoken. Never fight back. Never raise loud voice....too kind hearted. Luckily, she has a good daughter to protect her.


    About Seo Dong-Ma and Sa Pi-Young speed love relationship, I called it "love infatuation" : which is also in a "honeymoon phase" of their relationship, the most enjoyable stage now. However, love infatuation will come and go, only lasts probably for few months or a year or can be shorter. It could turn into a more serious relationship if it lasts beyond that. Their speed relationship that rush into marriage in only few months can be a risk, especially Dongma is a young man who crazy over for "sound" only, this will not last long in the marriage practically as marriage comes with many other important elements to stay long. For comedy genre of this drama, they might end up being successful in pairs, but realistically, it won't last long, and frankly they have a weak foundation in this marriage.


    So far I only like the love line growth between Lee Si-Eun and Seo Ban, the most practical and realistic relationship. The rest of the characters including the "ghosts" are comedy only.


    So there again, the writer is testing us, especially the lady audience, you want a comedy unrealistic ending or a more practical realistic ending? :D


    @UnniSarah - yes i love the OST in this drama, but I want to know their songs too. I love the karaoke song that sang by 50's wife, it was so soothing and the 3 of them in the KTV room was stung by her singing skill.






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  15. @Sleepy OwlThanks for the tag. :wub:Yes, I am always looking out for a good kdrama. Below are my choices (most likely will watch) but if the story does not meet up to my minimum expectation, I may drop halfway :D

    • Tomorrow
    • Our Blues
    • Insider
    • Eve's Scandal
    • Pachinko
    • Red Heart
    • Dr. Lawyer
    • The Police Station Next to Fire Station
    • The Sound of Magic
    • Adamas
    • Again my Life
    • Soundtrack #1 (2022) --You missed out this one

    Currently, I am watching some drama (in ranking order)

    1. A Superior Day (2022) - fast pace thriller drama, my top favourite now
    2. Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) S3 (2022)
    3. The Sponsor (2022)
    4. Grid (2022)
    5. Forecasting Love and Weather (2022)
    6. Military Prosecutor Doberman (2022)

    Juvenile Justice (2022) - just completed. A highly recommended drama to watch, story is sooooo good....


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  16. @africandramalover I am with you, I love 50s wife and Seo Ban to end together until the end although I can see few obstacles in their relationship along the way, one is from her ex-husband, the other one is her close friendships with 30s and 40s wives. She will not disclose her love relationship to her friends which I expected. Come on, give us something new and unexpected...


    Seo Ban's brother will end up with 40s wife...which i prefer this line too.


    The only motivation for watching this drama for a good laugh is watching the 30s son old parents' acting, especially the scene at the church when they prayed to the God....so funny :D


    The only surprise for Ep2 was the mistress that died in the hospital after giving birth with "eye open"...will there be a twin sister or a Phantom? Everything seems ridiculous and possible in the storyline from this writer.


    BTW, i don't like the new dongmi stepmom, her face has a truly evil look from the start while the previous dongmi stepmom will not show true colour easily, she knows how and when it is appropriate to show her angry expressions and hide her true emotions. Her acting is so much better than the new one.



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  17. If anyone can't stand the drama series Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce), there's some "decent" drama here to watch with the open- minded, one of these is the Japanese drama in Netflix (Fish bowl wives), more daring, more straight forward and with more "eye opening" scenes..."the story is about in a luxury apartment building, six women with unhappy marriages end up crossing the line and embarking on a journey of infidelity". What causes them, of course there must be a reason behind.....


    I found the story interesting, unusual and contrary to the traditional way of telling the audience. Empowering women is clearly a goal in this drama, but it relies too much on the idea of sex scenes.... The acting is solid, the show is well filmed, and some of the topics raised are relevant and worthwhile. BTW, all the Japanese younger men quite good looking if the ladies love it :D....(caution : there are so many sex scenes in this drama) and I am sure there is way to attract some fans and some ardent critics, too.  Perhaps should consider not to watch it with your partner though :D


    • LOL 3
  18. I think i will still watch this drama S3 although it may lead us to another round of "mind-blowing debates".


    One of the recent dramas was really disappointing - Bulgasal: Immortal Souls (2021).... too draggy :(


    Some of the below drama that I just finished watching were given me an unexpected result. I loved it and enjoyed very much when the plots moved on - such as 

    All of Us Are Dead (2022),

    Bad and Crazy (2021),

    Snowdrop (2021)

    Through the Darkness (2022) - still airing (so far not bad, but not the best yet)


    I am waiting to watch the following drama, hopefully they are good ones, otherwise will skip it :


    • Forecasting Love and Weather (2022)
    • A Business Proposal (2022)
    • Grid (2022)
    • Military Prosecutor Do Bae Man (2022)


    See you around once the "Love, Marriage, Divorce S3" is officially aired.

    Wish everyone a happy and healthy and abundance new year ahead !! :wub:


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  19. In my opinion, the open ending for kim hyun soo standing at the top floor of high rise building was an intentional scene by the director : it allows us to ponder what the audience wants him to be in future, will he jump down from the building (which can be a very depressing ending, or we want him to reflect himself and don't give up hope?) - a helpless and depressed teenager - what can he do in the future bearing the "murderer" name throughout his lifetime even though it has cleared his name in the end. From this drama, we can see the unfair judicial system can ruin a young man easily....


    Before the end of the story, the sentence was sentenced to life imprisonment, but later the plot reversed. It turned out that the murderer was not him. However, for Hyun Soo, even though the facts were innocent in the end, the physical and mental changes and injuries caused will be the mark that will follow him for a lifetime.


    The elder guy that Hyun Soo met in prison changed his worldview step by step. Therefore, he was forced to adapt to the dark side of the world. He felt helpless and disappointed in his innocent debates, and that pushed him to distrust the world and life, and finally stood on the top of high-rise building smoking thoughtfully, although the picture did not appear to jump off the building, there was the sound of a police siren, which was intriguing....


    In the absence of direct evidence, the prosecution and the police used circumstantial evidence as the basis for conviction. They could not find a real prisoner within the short time frame. They may need to create a prisoner in order to calm public opinion. Very ironic.... This drama has greatly raised the unfairness of the judicial system. Questions and doubts are one of the very important themes of "One Ordinary Day".


    From a general perspective, "One Ordinary Day" adapted from a BBC drama can be regarded as a very successful work in terms of script transplantation. The plot is compact and the paced was just nice, coupled with the background ending music, the moving performance of all the actors, it's like watching a movie. The story is finished smoothly, expressing a clear purpose, and raising the doubts and challenge on the Korean judicial system. "Human nature" is always a topic in dramas and movies, and everything is presented naked and unreserved in the play, which makes the audience ponder a lot. A highly recommended drama to anyone.

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  20. Thanks to all the event organisers for the reminder of the Christmas seasons coming to the corner. Every years this song reminds me alot and it carries a powerful message on the lyrics.

    And so this is Christmas and what have we done, another year over and a new one just begun.....an open message reminding us to do a self-reflection or a new resolution for the coming year. :wub:



    When I was young, I loved Wham's song "Last Christmas", when I was much older, I found this song by John Lennon was even more powerful and meaningful.


    My only christmas wish is World Peace and Pandemic quickly get over so that I can travel to my dream countries with my family : Iceland, Russia and South America that are still in my long bucket list. I supposed to go Russia last year but due to Covid-19, the trip was cancelled.  


    This song is not heavy at all, the rhythm of the song is perfect, but sometimes we do need a "wake up" to remind us, a minute for pondering what have we done or not yet done in the past 1 year (2021)


    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All my chingu here. :foryou:




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  21.  Stove League 

    @Sleepy Owl

    For the ending part, the english translation site mentioned it would be a new sport (other than baseball club), while another local language translation site mentioned broadly that it would be a "new category", it did not mention "sports", only revealing that the male lead was going to meet the management for a new challenge post if he accepted it. So it is possible that you mentioned football club or other sports. I personally prefer to work on other arena, if i used the  translation "new category" - this will provide a route to tap on new markets and I am sure the male lead can do well based on his business acumen skills, although he still lack of social skills. Don't we find it familiar to have such person in any workplace organisation? I am looking forward to have S2 if it ever comes true.




    I totally agreed with you that no regret to watch it although i was late. I thought it was dried by looking at the baseball game, but the story came out with a surprise to me...:D

    SInce you are the loyal fans of Nam Goong Min, have you watched his latest drama, The Veil?


    The next one if i have more time, i will watch hospital playlist....but not now.

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  22. 45 minutes ago, confusedheart said:


    This! Why can't we have another season? It is just perfect for another season. I was pretty reluctant to watch this drama because I am not into sports etc. But it was a NGM drama and I thought I'd give it a try. Let's just say, I never regretted my decision.  I agree with every word you have written about the drama. It is one of his best works.  Doctor Prisoner was another of his masterpieces.


    I have watched both Stove League and Doctor prisoner drama, but I prefer the earlier one as the plot is more practical and realistic. Doctor's storyline is out of realistic if you recalled it, although it was an exciting and unexpected plot.


    If there is a second season for Stove league, I would prefer to have another project (not necessary must be a baseball club) that he can assist for those small and dying company that may require to do mergers and acquisitions. Most people think that M&A only good for the businessmen or shareholders, what about turn around the table, look at different perspectives for the employees...


    Is it true that the value created by M&A is greater than the value it does not create, and strong execution is still the key to success for the company as a whole? If the scriptwriter can present the way in details like what he did for the baseball club, it would be interesting to watch as well. The last time I watched was the hotel acquisitions in "The Hotelier" :) 




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  23. Many of the latest Kdrama have worked with Netflix for multiple seasons production. I am not surprised that this trend will continue appearing in the next few years. This is how they entice the audience and also to test the market. Very smart strategy. Look at the Squid game, My name, Sweet home, The Uncanny Counter...all will be having S2 soon.


    I don't mind to have S2 or S3 or S4 for the following :

    1. Taxi driver ( i love the OST too)

    2. D.P.   (this confirmed will have S2)

    3. It's Okay to Not Be Okay

    4. Arthdal chronicles S2

    5. Signal 

    6. Stranger S3

    7. The World of the Married (2020) -currently open ending

    8. Hot Stove League - open ending shown new position offered to male lead - higher chance for S2 if there is any... but may not be baseball club anymore.

    9. Black Sun (The Veil)

    10. Undercover

    11. Kingdom S3

    12. I need romance S4 (it seems like sex and the city plot)


    Hot Stove League - i just binge watched this drama and was fascinated by the storyline, was left speechless by the well written plot.  I knew nothing about baseball. But now I have a better understanding on how the newly hired project director (Nam Goong Min) manages and runs the baseball club from the bottom of the league and works toward success. The journey in front of him was a long and winding road with many heavy rocks obstacles to overcome.


    The entire process for the revival of the club was lengthy but interesting from the selling of top skilled player to another club; recruiting foreign aid talents and negotiating the annual package salary with the team members (when their budget is cut); finding the most suitable venue for training and practising (due to the season change), and managing the baseball players if they ever took the prohibited drugs (banned substances), and many more.


    The story is not about the matches, nothing about the romance, but it is more on the resolving conflicts and negotiating techniques by the Project director and his supporting team. Most importantly, it's also the synergy teamwork, the best quote to describe this drama is " If you want to walk fast, walk alone, if you wish to walk far, walk together."


    There is so much I learned and connected with this drama because they have portrayed it in an intriguing manner which make the audience, like me, who don't watch baseball game, but will fall in love with this drama and the plot, and of course the wonderful cast too :) 



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  24. 46 minutes ago, Sky Kang said:

    The recent ones I finished was Empire Of Lust, The Spy: Undercover, Tunnel, The Flu, and Voice Of Silence. Escape from Mogadishu was still on my watch list and I heard a lot of good reviews. 

    @Sleepy Owl and @Sky Kang


    Yes the latest movie, Escape from Mogadishu is one of the best korean movie in 2021 after "Parasite". Don't miss it. I watched it with curiosity, the fun ride was fascinating and exciting throughout the show. The civil war rages in Mogadishu, Somalia was so real but scary. I wonder how the South korean production team gather those Somalis to film this movie in such a thrilling way.....this drama deserves a "rewatch".




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  25. @the_sweetroad

    Dr. Brain - To me, so far the storyline is not confusing, just that they enticed the viewers to hook on it...and gave us a twist on the latest EP, the PI was dead as claimed by the lady detective, however, the PI suddenly appeared in front of the male lead's house...There are few possibilities, PI may not be the real person in the name of the deceased person, or he could have come from elsewhere with a motive to investigate with ML for the death of wife and child (?) The funny part was using the brain connection with the dead cat, LOLx.


    Let's watch tonight new EP once release. It will be a short drama produced by Apple TV. 


    @CarolynH - oh we can talk about movies, which is my favourite. I watched the latest movie Finch from Tom Hanks, I like the storyline, the journey was pretty good, although it was only him, the robot and the dog for the whole show. Watching this type of art film, one needs to be patient to complete the show.

    If you like Tom hanks movies, some recommended movies are Forrest Gump, Cast Away, Greyhound, The Green miles, The Terminal, Capital Philips, Catch me if you can, Bridge of spies, and many more.


    Just to share with you that there are few movies, just one man show to hold on throughout the entire movie, just to name a few :


    Buried (2010) Thriller/Mystery - by Ryan Reynolds (story extracted from website) A US truck driver, Paul, is attacked by Iraqis and finds himself six feet underground with no idea of this claustrophobic situation. With just a lighter and a cellphone, he races against time. I love it.


    All Is Lost (2013) Adventure/Drama - by Robert Redford 


    Cast Away (2000) Adventure/Drama - by Tom Hanks


    I know that not all audiences will like art films as most of us have different taste... after watching the above touching and inspirational films, we will be inspired by their survival skills, and the most important thing is their spirit and the faith that they hold on for so long - don't give up under any circumstances .


    Feel Free to add in the list if anyone has ever watched the one man show movie :) 

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