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Posts posted by lebeaucouple

  1. @agenth thanks for tagging.


    Below are the list that I am watching now :


    I am enjoying these two weekends drama currently : Jirisan and Chimera.


    For Fri and Sat drama :

    Dr. Brain - a futuristic, thrilling and mysterious plot suits my cup of tea.


    Happiness - as usual, a outbreak thriller drama, but the storyline is too unrealistic and found it too comical instead of thriller. (almost the same context as "sweet home" - outbreak occurred within the same apartment) I like the main couple lead, but their role development are not that I expect.....will watch it as entertainment.


    Now We're Breaking Up - not really enjoying this drama at the moment, but I will continue to watch it just because of the fashion wear.


    Inspector Koo - I dropped this drama after 2 EP, I love this lead actress Lee Young Ae because she has the most natural beauty female artist in my eyes. But I just can't enjoy the plots and her "funny" acting....May be will pick up some other time when I have more time.


    I am waiting to watch "One Ordinary Day" and "Hellbound" :) 




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  2. spacer.pngspacer.png

    @partyon How can we forget this handsome and charming celebrity, Keanu Reeve who is our top favourite actor. With or without the beard (young and old), he still looks perfect to me, because of his kindness, generosity, his Philosophy in life, a very down to earth person....I like and respect him alot.



    To be frank, i like man with beard and it must be neat and tidy trimmed, not in bushes type.....LOLx. That's the reason I told my bf to keep his beard. A man with a beard looks charming but at the same time, attract too many bees... :(

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  3. @lila21

    The whole story that I enjoyed the most is the children acting. You would smile together when they laughed, you would melt when they cried..... So impressive.


    The storyline is predictable , nothing new..., everything is expected at the end.



    If you ask me about any romance at the end There is no romance relationship between the leads (I could see Yeo-Wool was trying to avoid Danny even till the end, she was not learning the surfing lesson from him but from other place. But it leaves it open for your imagination since they will be partner again for other cases to resolve in the town).


    I guess the writing is coming more from a woman standpoint, that the Yeo-Wool needs a truth friendship more than anything now in her situation (as a single mother), which is more practical rather than quickly go into a new romance :).

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  4. 1 hour ago, CarolynH said:


    @lebeaucouple Is Undercover worth the watch?  I do like Ji Jin Hee.  I had trouble with the streaming site, so I gave up.


    Did anyone watch Alice in Borderland?  It's similar to Squid Games, but in Japanese.  


    Undercover is certainly worth the time to watch, not only is the suspenseful and thrilling storyline fascinating, especially the dialogue between the protagonists is the best. I like any favorite proverbs or quotes that appear in the conversations or in narrative statement, they can inspire our daily lives.  It will not make you bored. This drama entered my top favourite list is because of the written script, the cast was good :)


    I did not watch the Japanese drama "Alice in Borderland", but watched the "As the Gods Will" - since many people were circulating that the plagiarism allegation against squid Game. It was a lousy drama (wasting my time and I fast forward), can't compete with "Squid Game". So far, Squid Game deserved the hype :) 


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  5. 2 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    These 2 dramas are very high in my watchlist. I was actually going to watch "Mama", but then went for "Smile Has Left Your Eyes" and since it was draining enough for me (even though it is among my favorites), I just couldn't go for Mama. How did you like that drama (Mama) Chingu? 

    I am glad that you have almost the similar taste as mine.


    "Mama" story is about a terminally ill single mother tried to make several plans and arrangements for her son's future. I picked up this drama was because of leading actress Song Yoon Ah. This drama made me cry buckets of tears, not only the main lead actress was so good, but the little son's acting was very impressed. Meaningful storyline. The IMDb scoring was very high and the actress won the Baeksang Arts Award for Best Leading Actress in TV





    "The Guest" is the most horror drama that I ever watched in Kdrama land. very scary but i managed to finish it. Afterwhich, I tried to avoid watching too many horror film.


    The most memorable horror Korean film     : The Wailing  (I got nightmare after watching this film) 

    The most memorable horror Korean drama : The Guest


    @the_sweetroad - I am totally agreed with you, "MY Mister" is one of the best dramas that should not miss in your entire watching drama journey. A MUST WATCH drama. :) :D

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  6. Below listed are my top favourite, it wasn't easy as they are too many to choose from...anyway, below are not in ranking order :


    1. My Mister
    2. Beyond Evil
    3. Undercover
    4. When the Camellia Blooms
    5. It's Okay to Not Be Okay
    6. The World of Married
    7. Hotelier
    8. Beautiful World
    9. Arthdal Chronicles
    10. Mama (by Song Yoon Ah)
    11. The Veil (Black Sun)
    12. Stranger Season 1
    13. Taxi Driver
    14. D.P.
    15. Kingdom Series

    I wish to add more,.... i can only remember the latest one, I can't remember some of the earlier drama. :D


    I seldom rewatch drama, as there are so many upcoming ones waiting for us to watch, currently watching "Jirisan", I will be watching next :

    • Chimera,
    • Inspector Koo,
    • Crime Puzzle,
    • One Ordinary day,
    • Happiness

    All the above are mainly thriller, suspense, mysterious storyline that suit my cup of tea.:D

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  7. I think most viewers already highlighted the key points of what should a good drama contain about. The quality of drama depends on the individual preferences and cultural values.


    I use IMDb site as a good reference to choose drama or movies to watch, any critique scores below 7/10, i will not spend time to watch.


    There are quite a number of kdrama overhyped that get high rating (I shall not mention here), and some dramas underrated, a good example is "Beautiful World", 8.3/10 in IMDb site, such a beautiful and meaningful storyline, even better than "Sky Castle". Many have overlooked this good drama, sad to say.


    I used IMDb scoring as a benchmark, most of the time that they rated the drama/movie content, it did not disappoint me after watching them. They are mostly good drama to watch.


    In addition, I need to emphasize that any top class actor/actress who has acted in a drama does not guarantee a high-quality drama, because it really depends on the screenwriter, director and production staff. I have seen some top class actors acted on some movies or drama but did not give good result because of lacking good substances of script writing.


    Conversely, if a good script is given to an ordinary actor/actress and with low budget production, it can still produce unexpected results. So I found that the credit should first go to the screenwriter and director, and then follow by the actors and production crews.


    High Rating does not always equal to good quality of drama.


    High Rating involves with many different elements (besides the actors, screenwriter, director, cinematography, OST, etc), in my opinion, it comes with two additional key elements : LUCK and HYPED. Without these two, the drama or movies will not make BIG money. A classic example is the "Squid Game" - the director Hwang, cum screenwriter, did not expect his produced work became worldwide popular drama, first ranking in Netflix. 





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  8. What an incredible ride with the whole drama, full of multi-layered storyline and lots of brilliant twists and turns on every episode, except the last EP was predictable. As long as the dark side of the internal team threatens the justice team again, there is no end to the story.


    The plots outshine many other drama even though it has a little vibre of "IRIS" series drama. The story revealed that the blind faith in the name of patriotism will kill lives regardless of the consequences.


    I am happy that there is no typical triangle love romance involved which could make things complicated. The complication of the story in finding the truth is just fine...


    Trust is earned when actions meet the words --- i think this is the most take away message from this drama - the true relationship among the team members, between superior and subordinates, and the parent and child relationship.


    The Veil Season 2 - I don't mind it as long as there is another good written script and the brillant casts appear again. :) 

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  9. Always looking forward to watch this drama EP whenever Friday comes every week...the intense plot is the most enticing me.


    Whenever I watch the undercover storylines of NIS, FBI, CIA, and KGB, I always pity their fate. Do they have a choice? They sacrifice their freedom and their beloved ones in exchange for loyalty to the country? What did they get in return when the country abandoned them for political reasons. With so many cases cited, Baek Mo-Sa is one of the classic cases. The return of his revenge and hatred is extremely dangerous for the country. Has the country paused to reflect carefully about what caused his result? His mental suffering will never be  recovered, even if it takes years to do so.....


    Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to everyone. But when it comes to politics and serving the country, they are deprived of their freedom. That's why Baek Mo Sa would never forget his past that deep rooted in his heart and thoughts.


    If Baek Mo Sa is finally destroyed, will there be another one? I believe that as long as the joint efforts of the higher up corruption team and the Sam Mo-he team are still in control, there will be another one...Perhaps there will be a Season 2? Back to the basic, demand and supply rule applies :) 





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  10. On 10/16/2021 at 10:43 AM, lila21 said:

    @lebeaucouple wow, what is happening. I lurk here once in awhile just to see what is going on after the Chair died.

    Oh you have stopped watching it?


    An Ji-Yong is back and has been staying at their house basement all these while secretly watching his wife and son movement - shown on the last EP. No surprise as this matches everyone's prediction.


    Song Yeo-Wool and Danny Oh relationship is getting closer, but no romance yet. I think She can feel the love and protection from Danny, but i guess timing is not right yet for Danny to confess his love.


    Hwang Na-Yoon became chair woman as planned by Ji-Yong. What's the actual reason, we do not know yet.


    Nam Ji-Sun has partner with a new investor from (China Wan Chai Group) to back her fund for the Jeju hotel and international school. The new investor was introduced by Alex Comer.


    In the next EP, I think Ji-Yong will find out that Alex and Ji-sun might have betrayed him.....


    We still have 5 more EP to go, I guess the story won't be so straight forward, i hope they will be more unpredictable revelation. :)


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  11. What I like about this drama is not merely about betrayal vs loyalty, truth vs lies, it is the core belief that people hold on firmly whether they are powerful enough to overcome all the obstacles. Do Jin-Sook and Lee In-Hwan - both have their own belief in reaching their own personal interest, but they work towards their goals at the expense of their teammates' death and their mental suffering. Baek Mo Sa himself is also a victim of this whole plot. 

    I like Lee In-Hwan's metaphor. The root of the whole disaster begins with human greed and power. It injects fear into humans and creates catastrophes. More threats mean more opportunities. This is how politicians work: new technologies (leveraging on "Planet" tech), new threats, new governance challenges, new Power forms will be created. If Lee died in this EP10, there will still be another new form of power come up to replace it. It is a never-ending story especially in political arena.  Sad to say...


    Ji Hyuk might not be the one to kill his colleagues, his memory somehow might be distorted. If we could recall his memory, Chang Chun-Woo was being shot and lying there too with the other 2 dead colleagues, Kim Dong-Wook and Oh Kyung-Seok. Chang Chun-Woo was not fully dead that night, his actual dead body was hung over the building. In other words, that night someone else might have entered the room to remove the injured Chang Chun-Woo. The likelihood is Baek Mo-Sa and his men.

    Ji Hyuk's both colleagues that having "internal war" was the creation and order of their bosses. Do Jin-Sook vs Lee In-Hwan. Both have different opinions about running the country.

    Oh Kyung-Seok, who was Seo Soo-Yeon's boyfriend, was a surprise to me. Whether they are "using each other" for exchanging information, or a real

    "boyfriend girlfriend" relationship, we shall see more on the spin-off ep.


    Every ep comes with a twist and turn element, I sincerely hope that this drama will win the best screenplay of the year.  Keep my finger cross :) 






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  12. 10 hours ago, partyon said:

    @Sky Kang @lebeaucouple I haven't watched When the Camellia Blooms. Is there anything specific (character, plot line, feeling, etc) in the drama that makes the drama so memorable for you? :kiss_wink:

    It started with a mysterious plot of a restaurant cafe set up in a small town by the heroine (a single mother)... What made me curious was the mysterious "written message" at the cafe that often left suspense at the end of each EP. You will have an interesting "serial killer" aspect to look forward to watch on each EP.


    It doesn't look appealing from the drama title and the poster ads, but the profound significance of the story is worth watching.


    There are not many TV dramas with exquisite elements that combined suspense, comedy, touching, and heart-warming storylines. The plot tempts your emotions to make you cry, sad, touching and addictive.  


    I binged watched this drama (and "My Mister") that recommended at IMDb site. True enough, it scored very high rating of these drama. It's not just a healing drama, I felt warm, moved and comfortable after watching them. 


    The comedy element came from our supporting role, by Oh Jung-se, and of course he won the best supporting award at Baeksang Arts. 


    In this drama, we can't ignore this super cute character from our male lead, Kang Ha-neul. He certainly deserve this best actor award at Baeksang Arts.


    Trust me, you won't regret watching this drama if you're really willing to spend time to watch this high quality drama. Don't miss it. (I remb the original plan was up to EP 16, but they extended to EP20, so you can imagine how popular and high rating for this drama in Korea)


    My conclusion review of this drama that inspired us - :wub:

    .....The protagonist of life does not need to be perfect.

    .....Perfection lies in embracing and accepting our imperfections.




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  13. 41 minutes ago, the_sweetroad said:

    1. How did you start watching kdramas?

    I've gotten sick of long, unending American sitcoms, and Netflix had been spitting out some suggestions for me, so I decided to try It's Okay to Not Be Okay. I was hooked after that, and tried to watch everything I could of my favorite dongsaeng Kim Soo Hyun.


    Dear Chingu, :wub:

    You mentioned about your favorite dongsaeng "Kim Soo Hyun", then I would recommend you to look up his upcoming drama in end Nov called "THAT NIGHT" (or One Ordinary Day) short series (total 8 ep), a remake from British drama Criminal Justice. Don't miss it :) 

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  14. Thanks for the tagging, my dear chingu.  i think my answer may be the outlier one :D:wub:


    1. How did you start watching K-dramas?
    I was too bored when I was posted overseas to work for a few years and there was one TV drama episode that caught my eyes at that moment, it was "Hotelier", needless to say, it's because of the charming Bae Yong Joon and pretty Song Yoon Ah...:wub:

    2.  Was there a specific K-drama that made you stay?
    I noticed the quality of K-drama is getting better in recent years, especially how they produce the unique storyline and use CGI technology for most scenes. I have been watching korean thriller movies for many years and I mostly picked the highest score of old dramas and old movies to watch based on the IMDb site.


    The OST for most dramas was the powerful and memorable one which made us crazy over it, we can even download the songs and become our phone ringtone. How many of you did that too? I downloaded the song from Gummy : "You are My Everything" from "Descendants of the Sun" (2016)

    3. Which 3-5 K-dramas are the best dramas you've ever watched?
    I may be the outlier one, there are so many good dramas that I like, if only can choose 5 of them, below are the completed ones :


    • My Mister (2018)
    • When the Camellia Blooms (2019)
    • It's Okay to Not Be Okay (2020)
    • Beyond Evil (2021)
    • Undercover (2021)

    4. Why would you recommend K-dramas to others who know nothing about them?
    K-drama have a diversified range, and what attracts me most must be their unique and intense thriller or heart-warming storylines. In the early days, we often liked to choose handsome and beautiful actresses, but now it seems that we pay more attention to the storyline. I usually like to recommend it to like-minded people. If not, I would recommend it to those who are open-minded and able to accept differences from other dramas. I would recommend short drama to people who do not like to spend too much time on melodrama, such as : Squid Game (2021), D.P. (2020), Move to Heaven (2020), Sweet Home (2020) if they don't mind "bloody" scenes.

    5. What do K-dramas mean to you?
    Purely for entertaining, certainly good for de-stress and a good topic to share and discuss with friends when we have social networking. The best to share is when we have like-minded viewers inside or outside of this forum.

    6. Which K-drama you cannot stop yourself from re-watching?
    The Last time was my favourite "Hotelier", now no more, I seldom re-watching unless I am too free. I usually watch K-movies rather than re-watch old dramas.

    I think you can add one more
    Question 7 - which drama you wish to have Season 2 - haha :D
    My answer will be :
    Squid Game,  Sweet home, Watcher (2019), Taxi Driver 



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  15. 21 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

    Wasn’t it a scheduled email sent by Ji Hyuk himself? You mean the video clip towards the end of the episode telling him who the traitor is, right? 

    My dear chingu, welcome to the club for discussion :D.

    Yes...it may be possible a pre-scheduled email sent to Ha Dong-Kyun. But he was trapped or hide himself inside a place, like a cave earlier on? Is there a Wifi or data-enabled inside? :D There may be two possibilities: if the writer chose this route (pre-schedule email) , was meant to distort his memory, made a shocking and unbelievable outcome, or created another startling branch line for tracing......

    Let's see :) 

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  16. 44 minutes ago, gm4queen said:

    If Baek Mo Sa is really Yoo Je Yi's father, then why would he shot at his own daughter?


    If you recall the EP 8, there was a picture placed inside the drawer in Do Jin Wook office, shown 3 of them Do Jin-Sook, Kang Pil-Ho, Baek Mo-Sa (younger version of Je Yi's father) - there must be something happened among these 3.


    Baek Mo Sa transferred to North korea or Beijing but secretly working for Do Ji-sook. He could be a double agent. According to Lee In-Hwan, he said Je Yi's father being "sold" to other country as a political trade off, not disappeared. 


    My theory is that why he shot his own daughter because he himself used to be an agent or an undercover agent. He knew that all agents must wear body armor while on the field, and he knew that their actions were being monitored closely by Lee's team. No privacy at all.


    PS : There is an unknown sender sent old video of ji-hyuk to Ha Dong-Kyun? Who was it ? My guess is Jung Yong-Tae (Lee In-Hwan assistant) :D

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  17. 10 hours ago, reddragon said:

    Baekmosa tortured and killed double agent Cho Sung Woo. Is he the head of Sangmuhoe?

    What we know in EP8 is that Baekmosa is connected to Do Jin-Sook. She once recruited exiled NIS agents in past projects and secretly formed her own army. (she is still doing now even though she has stepped down from her position).


    I suspect that Baekmosa is one of the pawns she placed under the strategic plan. So it is possible that the head of Sangmuhoe is either Do Jin-Sook or Lee In-Hwan at different stand, because both Ji-Hyuk and Je-Yi keep receiving "warming" messages that the traitor is the insider in the team.


    Like what Do Jin-Sook said, many agents including Lee In Hwan using trade off information to their advantages, but no benefits for their country. Lee is the type more inclined to the political election, internal affair, while Do is more towards on foreign affair.


    I think Kang Pil-Ho keeps collecting and hiding information to against the higher up, he contacted the "Planet" company is obviously trying to investigate the secret activities of "selling personal data" and "leaking up to where" , so his motive is not clear till now. But I know he is not a bad guy at this moment.


    So Kim Dong-Wook (his teammate) was the betrayer shown in the video. Why sent that video to Ji-Hyuk from Ha Dong-Kyun, it was originally recorded by Ji-Hyuk? Why until now? Again it is the timing that is utmost important.

    This drama script calls for winning works in MBC - it is worth watching and makes it so much captivating. Playing with people's closest fears and weaknesses in the name of revealing the truth.


    There is a old saying : power doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt people.

    I hope the director will not deviate from the original story until the end.


    My best favourite quote in this drama : The Truth can never be monopolized. The Truth may come off differently for everyone, it depends on where you stand :) 


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  18. 20 minutes ago, gm4queen said:


    One more question. How did you figure it out that the man in question at the end of episode 7 is Baek Mo Sa? I mean what is your theory to say he is the one?? Or am I missing something here? :D As of the name Baek Mo Sa, I figured out as he must be an old man! So I'd love to hear the theory behind your guess!


    I have this habit to check the name lists and actor's relationship chart whenever i watched Kdrama so that I can refer to each character names when they mentioned in drama, to avoid confusion. 


    In the chart, i could see the name and face of that person. Baek Mo-Sa shown the face clearly at the end of EP7.


    In fact, if you could recall at the beginning of Ep7, Baek Mo-Sa shown up (but in the dark mode) when he ordered his men to beat up and killed Chang Chun-Woo who was tied up. So, he appeared twice in this show. :D.




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  19. 41 minutes ago, gm4queen said:

    And who is the real traitor here? Come to think of it, Seo Su Yeon was innocent? Then director Ha Dong-Kyun seems okay as he was helping out Han Ji Hyuk so far? I am dwelling in between director Kang & Do? Who do you guys think that the traitor inside the agency is? Or it's someone we don't get yet? I am so looking forward for tonight's episode! B)


    Me too. I always like this type of internal affair in the authority agencies and undercover storyline....


    It's so hard to guess which one is the real traitor, the writer is doing such a good job that anyone in the agency "seems to be bad guy" turned into a good one or the least suspect person, like soo yeon case. And  Je-Yi seems to be a good girl and later almost betrayed him, but conscience and logic pulled her back. This must give credit to the writer.


    For Do Jin-Sook and Kang Pil-Ho, they have conflict between the two, even though Kang is reporting to Do. I think he is secretly building his own army, ensuring his teammates trust him or share information with him. Like Soo yeon in the past. Obviously, Do Jin-Sook is busy having power struggling with Lee In-Hwan, while Kang Pil-Ho tried to do something to hide the information. But for now, based on the writing style of previous EPs, I will reserve that Kang may not be a traitor (although it seems that we are heading this direction), and the writer may eventually give us more surprises, twists and turns in the upcoming EPs. :) 


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  20. Today EP 7 was one of the best ones, and more revealing of the characters in this EP, Baekmosa finally showed up at the end. The twist plots are at least shown twice in this EP. 


    This is one of the most awesome dramas I have ever seen - love it, there are always unexpected twists in the end. I hope this drama gets a rating above 10.


    In addition, what impressed me the most were :


    1. EP 7 -  the elevator lift that able to skip the floor level to the basement (invisibly) and


    2. EP 6 - CCTV shift of character images (virtual vs reality) thru AI software, this sounds nothing new, we know it can be done easily just like James bond movie, but we never know that the small details showing how they decode it can add interest to this exciting plot.


    The only loophole I felt was Ms Yoo Je-Yi, it seems that she can master everything well in the NIS, NFS system or any authority security system. She is a young agent and new bird, how can she be able to access so much information as compared to the seniors. Even if using hacking, it will alert the higher authorities. Of course, the higher up are aware and "allowed" them to do the tracing, including Do Jin-Sook, Kang Pil-Ho and Lee In-Hwan  :D


    Also, Je-yi went down to the basement clinic and found out there was a medicine can be vaccinated to cause a "fake death" temporary, this might happen to Soo-Yeon that probably planned out by Kang Pil-Ho. Let's see.

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  21. @lila21 finally the "romance" began....Danny Oh has confessed to her but Yeo-Wool was too busy to find out the truth....she needs him now, no matter how, the only person she can trust now....


    I caught him -- finally Lee Jung-Woo, a doctor, the husband of Nam Ji-Sun, involved in this murder case of Jin-Sol, who might be the one handled the illegal drugs medicine given to her. Let's see. I always see the actor in many drama, so I dont think his role or screen time is little in this drama.


    After Ji-Sun’s secretary went to Hong Kong, she discovered the slush fund that connected to her investment fund, and An Ji-Yong, and the relationship between Ji-yong and the chairwoman, but she couldn't simply report the case directly to the police because the investment fund highly likely are illegal. The so-called "donations" to the International school are all fabricated. In fact, Donations to any schools or religious groups or any non-profit organization must go through corporate governance procedures or at least through audit procedures, so it is clear that they are covering up or bribing audit companies to keep the fund from being exposed. I Think Alex Comer is one of the suspects.


    The ending wrap up with a man who is watching over the CCTV at the server room, the mastermind, most people think that it will be the return of An Ji-Yong, If Yes, it may be too easy to guess, no fun, what you guys think? :) 




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  22. Thank you chingu, OMG, you already have an ending in mind? :D

    But the challenge for you is that it all dependent on the readers what they want the direction to be? It opens lots of window opportunities for you guys...

    I am not good in writing but i love to read those individuals writing style and their divergent thoughts.....fighting !!!:allgoodlol:

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  23. @partyon @agenth @confusedheart @Lmangla @Sleepy Owl


    Thanks for the invite. I must give thumbs up to all of you.

    Thanks to your concerted efforts, starting this journey with a creative and compelling storytelling, we should be able to enjoy the process till the end of the ep.


    I have voted, i prefer thriller and mysterious type of storyline, I look forward to a fascinating plots in the process...sorry guys, i hope not giving you any pressure in writing, but you guys are awesome :approves:

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  24. Today EP7 was interesting....


    It seems like the internal war getting intense between Yeo-Wool and Na-Yoon.

    Ji-Sun was taking the situational advantage to achieve her goal, but it will only cause more havoc later on.


    So who do you think the one who killed the chairwoman, Doh Jin-Sol?


    1. Jung Mi-Do - the chief, probably the one as he left his seat during the concert?


    2. Na-Yoon - she might be the one came to the murder scene before Yeo-Wool's arrival? She just pretended shocking after she saw Yeo-wool.


    3. Alex Comer - the toy boy for the chairwoman (The person who speaks the English language is like he is in the learning stage :D, good try)


    4. An Ji-Yong - Yeo-Wool's husband probably returned on that night, they might have some argument in the chairwoman office?


    5. Nam Ji-Sun - probably hire someone to kill the chairwoman so that she can achieve what she wants? They had conflict earlier on.


    6. Sim Ae-Soon - the chambermaid, the least suspicious, but I can't rule her out because she might be the mother of Na-Yoon and grandmother of the child. 


    I really love all the children and their acting, they are so lovable, especially An Yi-Chan, he will be a handsome boy when he grows up....



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