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LMH in Personal Taste episode 12:


Thanks for the great recap Latifah!  Just when you think things might be calm and happy, something else happens.


6 hours ago, Latifah_ said:



This is also my favorite part:





My 2nd favorite part is this little tongue bit:


Thanks Latifah!





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Thanks Latifah for your recap!


Wah :bawling:, poor poor heart broken Do Bin.  I just love young Sun and Sang Jun.  It bugs me that Jin Ho had to call Kae In.  Since she is at the hospital just waiting for Chang Ryul to wake up, why didn't she call Jin Ho?  Gosh, In Hee just doesn't give up, does she?  Latifah, I agree, it's just heart breaking to hear Do Bin admit that he would have let Jin Ho deceive him.  Why does Kae In have that look on her face when she sees In Hee and Jin Ho in the elevator; she was with Chang Ryul for hours in the hospital?  Jin Ho has a right to be suspicious and angry because kae In and chang Ryul had a history whereas Jin HO and In Hee have not.  Chang Ryul has really grown up.  I can actually see whee chang Ryul and Jin Ho could have been friends if not for Chang Ryul's father.  Oh In Hee, why do you have to open your big mouth about Jin HO's reason for moving to Sang go jae?  Nooo, Hye Mi again.  I thought we got rid of her.  I wish Jin HO's omma would lighten up.  Her son is really happy for the first time in years and you're spoiling it.  

I thought Do Bin was a tiny bit harsh with Kae In when he should have been more upset with Jin Ho.  

I had forgotten a lot about this episode such as Young Sun telling Kae In to invest her money, Kae In offering to loan Jin Ho money and even Jin Ho pretending to be asleep so he didn't have to go home.   

I like the tender moment when Kae In was telling Jin Ho that her father got rid of her mother's pictures after the mother died.  

Oh boy, here comes trouble again when Jin Ho discovers Mirae Construction is behind Doyle Furniture's hiring of Kae In.  Just when I thought about liking Chang Ryul.   Ugh, Chang Ryul is sounding like his father, just when i thought he turned a corner.  Would you tell Kae In about who is behind Doyle Furniture?  I could go both ways--she's so happy, that I wouldn't want to tell her.  On the other hand, the truth always comes out and she'll be angry that she wasn't told.  

What I like about rewatching these dramas is that I am realizing that I had either missed or totally forgotten about many of the scenes.  I appreciate the drama  lot more rewatching with the group rather than watching them on my own.  

@1ouise i'm trying to focus on Jin Ho's tongue but that food looks like a seahorse!  ugh:o

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The scene where Im Hee catches on the reason JJH wanted to stay at Sang Go Jae in the first place. She is sharp and perceptive and she got JJH where he is most vulnerable. Even though he is a straight arrow person, he wanted to stay at her place so that he could see the interior of the house. Do you think he was wrong? Do you think he is an opportunist or meant to use Gae In initially? I think not. Gae In was renting out the place, he saw the opportunity to rent the place. They mistook him for a gay, he never said that he was. That he decided to keep quiet. That was his prerogative because he could not rent the house then if he spoke out but he did clearly let them know that he did not like being called  gay. They assumed that he was a closet gay. He did not feel he had to clarify. It was not their business whether he was or not. He wanted to move out when he realized that they thought he was gay but Sang Joon stopped him. He did not try to be nice to her, in fact he was pretty rude and direct. He helped her when she hurt her ankle and helped chase her friend. However I don't think he had an ulterior motive there. He probably wanted to get on her good side so that she would rent the room to him. Later, he became nicer to her  because he was getting smitten and he did feel sorry for her.


I love the part where JJH breaks into a smile when he realized that Gae In wanted to get a gift for his mom. I love his smile in this scene. His smile could melt butter.:lol: Do you all agree?

The guessing the number to unlock the safe competition was hilarious, JJH bragging that he could guess the # and Gae In picking the easiest number and that turned out to be correct was really funny. The look on JJH' s face was priceless and he wasn't so happy at the photo session. His pride was hurt.




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Thanks, @Latifah_ for the recap. :)


I think Chang Ryul's motives have changed. He did intend to step back and let Jin Ho pursue Gae In, for the sake of her happiness. And when In Hee tells him of Jin Ho's "ulterior motives," he wanted to protect her. I think his concern for her now is real, only, he's not afraid to do those dirty tricks, and he fell yet again to In Hee's manipulation. In Hee is really something, she does know how to get what she wants, and smart enough to spin things, and people's minds, to her advantage. 


I think Jin Ho's intentions at the beginning was simply to get a closer look at the Sanggojae. Things just got complicated, to his advantage or not, and now his feelings unexpectedly got involved with Gae In. Now how does he untangle this mess when Gae In finds out the truth.


Jin Ho living under the same roof with Gae In was just going smoothly, until his mom brings up the idea of "premarital pregnancy." And now the two are getting these "ideas", leading to that sexual tension between them. Yup, those scenes are funny and awkward.


Having glass as a ceiling of a basement to let sunlight in might be an ingenious idea, but the idea of it breaking into pieces, while Gae In's mom was underneath it, just gave me the creeps. And when it did break, ughh...poor Gae In and her mom. 


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cr:  cr. 须臾LoveJ via 

Lee Min Ho Ли Мин Хо

@CallieP:  Here are the smiles that can melt butter lol.  While I love the on - off work pictures, I do miss seeing his smile.




In response to your PT query:  Hmm, i don't think he meant to use Gae In.  As an architect, as with any profession, I think people serious about their work are curious to see what is considered successful or ingenious.  The only way to see the secret of Sang go jae was to pretend to be gay.  I think I'm still missing something, because I don't see what is so wonderful about a basement with see through panel.  



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20180217 Philippine news :






In the interview, Gelli De Belen said her sister Janice met Lee Min Ho in person when she went to Korea, and she planned to meet Lee Min Ho also after 2 weeks.


ps. Both of them are famous actress in the Philippines. Is Suseo Welfare Center a famous place all over the world now ???


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Hello! I updated 3 weeks



세계인의 축제, 하나 된 열정

Date 2018. 01. 31 17: 01: 00 Hit 195


갤러리에 올라와 있는 평창 올림픽 홍보대사 비하인드 사진 다들 봤어? 
2018년은 언제 오고 올림픽은 또 언제 열리나.. 했는데 벌써 D-10이라니!!
2018 평창 동계올림픽이 정말 얼마 남지 않았어!

30년 만에 국내에서 열리는 올림픽인데다
한국 최초! 역대 최대 규모의 동계올림픽이라 다들 기대감이 남다른 거 같네.
더욱이 민호가 홍보대사로 있으니
나까지 주변 사람들에게 이번 평창 동계올림픽 홍보를 자청하게 되는 것 같아ㅎㅎ

2018 평창 동계 올림픽의 팸플릿, 등신대, 홍보영상 등
곳곳에서 민호를 접할 수 있어 행복하고 
공백 기간임에도 불구하고 국내외로 동계올림픽 홍보에 
크게 기여하고 있다니 정말 자랑스러워! (민부심) 

동기들은 올림픽 경기 잘 챙겨보는 편이야?    

나는 스포츠 경기를 워낙 좋아해서 되도록이면 열심히 챙겨봐!ㅎㅎ
동계올림픽 종목에서 가장 좋아하는 건 피겨스케이팅!
회장 안에 울려 퍼지는 음악 소리에 맞춰 
빙판 위에서 자유자재로 표현하는 모습을 보면
경이롭기도 하고 우아한 몸짓에 넋을 놓게 되는 것 같아.
(이번에는 민호가 좋아하는 스키경기도 챙겨 볼 예정!>_<)

우리 선수들이 이번 동계올림픽에서 좋은 결과를 얻길 바라며
2월엔 다 같이 경기도 챙겨보면서 세계인의 축제를 즐기자!




2018 평창 동계올림픽 파이팅! 



오늘도 수고한 나에게~♥

Date 2018. 02. 07 17: 01: 00 Hit 172

2018년도 벌써 한 달이 지났어 
새해를 맞아 세웠던 계획들, 동기들은 잘 실행하고 있어? 
초과장의 ‘턱선 되찾기 프로젝트’는 순조롭게 잘 진행되고 있는 것 같아! 
동기들의 댓글 반응도 그렇고, 요즘 예뻐졌다는 소리를 자주 듣고 있거든 >. < 
헬스장을 다니기엔 시간적인 여유가 너무 없어서 
아침, 점심은 꼭 먹고 저녁은 간단히! 그리고 간식이랑 야식을 좀 줄이자 결심한지 꼬박 1달
(작년의 다이어트 결심은 추석 입운동으로 무너졌기에..다시!) 
다이어트하는 사람은 대단하다는 민호의 말처럼 
치느님(치킨)의 유혹은 아직도 여전히 견디기 너무 힘들어 ㅜㅜ  
그래도 1달간 잘 참고 실천한 기특한 나에게 보상선물을 해주기로 하고, 
동기들한테 ‘첫 보상 선물로 어떤 것이 좋을까?’ 추천 받으려고 했는데 
2017 토크 콘서트 DVD 발매 소식이!!! 듣자마자 ‘이거다!’ 바로 결정해버렸어 
(운명처럼 찾아온 찰떡 타이밍) 
기다리고 기다리던 콘서트 DVD 발매소식에, 평창 동계올림픽 개막식까지! 
설레고 행복한 일들이 가득한 2월 :D
목표 달성 여부를 떠나 노력한 내 자신에게 
‘오늘도 수고했어~’ 하고 보상 선물 한번 해주는 건 어때?







새해 복 많이 받아♥
Date 2018. 02. 14 17: 01: 00 Hit 110
드디어 내일부터 설 연휴시작!(두근두근)


동기들은 설날에 고향으로 돌아가?


서울에서 명절 보내는 동기들도 있을거고
먼 길 내려가는 동기들도 많을거라 생각해
난 내일 출발할 예정인데 벌써부터 교통정체가 걱정될 뿐이고…..


그래도 고향에 도착하면, 오랜만에 만나는 반가운 얼굴들이랑
맛있는 음식들이 기다리고 있을테니깐
(연휴에 먹는 음식은 0칼로리인걸로..)
고향 가는 길은 즐겁게 >_<


귀성길 안전에 유의하고 가족들이랑 즐겁고 행복한 설연휴를 즐기길 바라!




새해 복 많이 받아,

그리고 해피 발렌타인 데이^_____^ 



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안녕하세요! 여미에요!
2월 20일부터 진행하는 프로미즈의
우수하다 프로젝트를 안내할 안내자에요

아이들에게 하얀 우유수염을 그려주는 그 날까지
저를 잘 따라오세요!

[프로필 정보]

성 : 하 / 이름 : 얀수여미 (줄여서 여미!)
영문 이름 : Yummy Ha
성별 : unknown
좋아하는 것 : 시리얼, 고구마,
싫어하는 것 : 색이 들어간 우유, 빨대
고민 : 단호해 보이는 표정

Hello! I am Yummy!
I will guide you Milk Mustache project
which will start from February 20.
Let’s make children happy
with PROMIZ’s milk mustache!

[Who I Am]

Name: Yummy
Gender: Unknown
Likes: Cereal, Sweet Potatoes
Dislikes: Colored Milk, Straw
Worries: Looking too firm

#PROMIZ #PMZ #PMZER #프로미즈 #피엠지 #피엠져
#우수하다 #우유수염하다 #우수하다프로젝트
#여미 #하얀수여미 #YUMMY



우수하다 프로젝트 D-1

2월 20일,
아이들에게 하얀 수염을 그려주실
준비 되셨나요?!


Milk Mustache Project D-1

Are you ready to give our children big love
with milk mustache on February 20?

#PROMIZ #PMZ #PMZER #프로미즈 #피엠지 #피엠져
#우수하다 #우유수염하다 #COMING_SOON



Coming Soon!!

ㅇㅅㅎㄷ : 우수하다 : 우유수염하다

아이들에게 하얀 우유수염을 그려주세요 ㅇㅅㅇ

프로미즈의 2018 NEW PROJECT
우수하다 프로젝트의 제품 수익금은
입양대기 아동을 위한 건강한 간식 ‘우유’ 구입에

프로미즈의 뉴 프로젝트, 기대해주세요!

This is PROMIZ’s new project!
ㅇㅅㅎㄷ: Milk Mustache

Let’s give children white milk mustache
on their face ㅇㅅㅇ!

The profits from Milk Mustache project
will be donated to children
who are waiting for adoption, to buy their milk.





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cr:  맑. 하



I know City Hunter is a favorite LMH drama for many of you, so I hope some of you will volunteer to be a host for the rewatch of City Hunter.  If you are interested, in being a host, please PM me, so I can start a PM group for the hosts to arrange a schedule.  As you can see from both BOF and PT, hosting is not brain surgery and there are no set rules how to host.   Episode 1 begins March 18!  C'mon, you know you want to volunteer!


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3 hours ago, leeminhosny said:


Naver/Google translation :

[Seoul Economic] actor Lee Min-ho's donated brand, ' Promize, ' (PROM IZ) ' campaign aimed at donating " foster children, " has shown a milk beard project.

Child awaiting adoption means a child who is waiting to be adopted and in need of protection. Recently, as the adoption process was prolonged following the revision of the Act on Special Cases concerning adoption, the average wait period for adoption was extended, thus increasing the need to support milk and baby food.



Promise Excellent The product of the project is designed to feature a milkmark in the mouth after drinking milk and a graphical motif of a bottle of milk. The total project product is a tumbler, organic handkerchief,

Revenues from Naver's online donation portal " Hapibin " are used entirely to buy " milk " for children waiting to be adopted by Holt Childrens Services Inc.After finishing the campaign, she plans to continue the project through the Promise Web site (www.promiz2014.com) and also plan to plan offline volunteering activities in addition to selling the products and reconsider the reality and efforts to recognize children ready to adopt.

Promise' is a 'transparent umbrella' campaign that delivers transparent umbrellas that children can safely use on rainy days to elementary schools, followed by 'excellent' campaign to support children who are waiting for adoption. And the 'Good Market', which donates 100% of sales proceeds, and has been taking the lead in social contribution activities by winning a good brand award for two consecutive years.



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13 hours ago, gtLmh0622 said:

PROMISE & PROMIZ (eng ver.)


cr Promiz PMZ



And only few hours after launched, the total target 3M Won in 33 days has been reached over 100%.




Soooooo excited to see this new PROMIZ video and to see his face!  He looks sooo good!!

I wish I could contribute to this campaign!!! :heart:




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20180218 Indonesia news :

https://lifestyle.sindonews.com/read/1283126/186/miss-korea-ha-eun-kim-ternyata-mengidolakan-lee-min-ho-1518964492?utm_source=Twitter Koran Sindo&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Social Media


Google translation :

Miss Korea Ha Eun Kim Apparently Idolizes Lee Min Ho


JAKARTA - It is common knowledge that Lee Min Ho is one of the best actors in South Korea. Not only handsome, this actor also has a good acting ability.

With this fact, it's no wonder that so many people idolize Min Ho. No exception Miss Korea who is also Miss Continent Asia, Ha Eun Kim.

Beautiful woman who has just arrived in Indonesia is admitted really like Min Ho. Not only because of his good looks, Ha Eun also never miss watching a drama or movie starring Min Ho.

"I really like Korean dramas, when I relax, I watch Korean dramas and I praise Lee Min Ho with his good acting and jiga handsome face," said Ha Eun at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Jakarta, Sunday (18/2/2018) .


-- skipped unrelated --


Ha Eun is part of the contingent Miss World 2017 who visited Indonesia. Together with Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar and Miss World 2016 Stephanie del Valle, this contingent will be diving a number of activities, including visiting the project of Beauty With a Purpose in Indonesia.



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Wow, congrats PMZ/MYM for another blockbuster campaign! 207.gifAmazing how they hit their target after only a few hours from launch. Maybe next time they should aim for a much higher amount and open the site to international fans, right? 


And what a treat to have double The Minho, double the love! :wub:



This “dark, skeptical” MH gives me a lump in my throat (so GJP without the curls!).  Seriously :astonished:  I miss him so bad. 


Thank you chingus for all the updates! :heart:

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1 hour ago, Claudia Ximena said:

Hey guys, do you know when LMH will be done with his military duty? it feels like forever.......................



@Claudia Ximena Was originally the 21st May but It seems to have been advanced 2 weeks.



still a long, long time of waiting...:(

my only consolation is that GOT will premiere its last season a month ahead of his release from MS -_-

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