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[Drama 2024] Su Ji and Woo Ri - 수지맞은 우리 - Mon to Fri 20:30 KST


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I'm kind of suprised NaYoung didn't warn her mom that SJ's mom was caterer over the phone or when they came into the house. They had to find out by looking back into the kitchen?? 

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15 hours ago, africandramalover said:


(What's with Na Young's overacting when she was uncomfortable with the SuJi's mum catering at their family meeting??:joy:?)

Na Young was gnashing her teeth!

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SuJi wants to break up with Uri. I guess that means she wants to the legal daughter of her bio-mom more than dating Uri. It is kind of weird to date your step-subling. Hmm. I guess they can solve that by making Uri the son of someone else. Maybe Mari??




But that would that make her and Na Young.... Sister-in-Laws?

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1 hour ago, backstreetboysfan said:

Here is the ratings for Episode 71! :).



I thought the rating for Episode 71 is 14.1? 



it seems like they make a guest appearance on Gag Concert. looking forward to that🥰😍


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19 hours ago, kboramint said:

I'm kind of suprised NaYoung didn't warn her mom that SJ's mom was caterer over the phone or when they came into the house. They had to find out by looking back into the kitchen?? 


Yep, totally weird. I like to refer to it as K-Drama Blindness <Patent Pending> it just doesn’t seem to make sense otherwise. How could they have not seen Suji’s mother while entering the kitchen before. It wasn’t like she was using Pym Particles or shrinking down to the size of an atom (yes, all comic book references) so how could they have avoided to notice her earlier until Mari called attention to her. One could give two arguments but even then, I would find it hard to buy.


The first was that her back was turned to them when the entered the dining area. Problem with this is that when you know somebody really well that won’t really fly. If the adults could recognize each other after so many years passing, then the back excuse isn’t going to really fly. They would have felt a bit of familiarity, and it should have shown much earlier.


The other is that both families were so engrossed in talking with each other that they didn’t really notice their surroundings. I would say that is partially believable, but I just find it hard to believe that all four of them would be able to keep up a chain of conversation for so long that they didn’t notice her again. So yes, doesn’t really make sense.


Now if you were thinking that K-Drama Blindness is only in this drama, and it shouldn’t be named think again. Numerous dramas have this fault. But for a simple example I will demonstrate the same issue in a drama called Home For Summer. We all know one thing K-Dramas are quite fond of showing are the large family portraits in the shows. Something we all notice. It would make sense that other characters should do as well. I mean the bigger an object or item the more one will notice it. But why doesn’t it work over here. In this show the female leads former MiL happens to rent a place in her parent’s place (by coincidence). She then invites her family (Both sons) to her new place where she is staying. She removes any kind of evidence that she is living in a rented place, so they think that she is living well and not worry about her, I think. Said evidence happens to be not only the smaller family pictures but the family portrait. Note she moves them twice so that the family doesn’t know that she invited guests over. Only her eldest son manages to show up then. But the point over here was that both times that she moved the family picture she didn’t notice that one of the people in it looked like her current DiL. Just not believable. While the show did have other things that didn’t make sense I won’t go into it. But this thing of not noting the people in family portraits isn’t only in this show but others which I am not choosing to mention at this point as that will definitely become off topic. But as you can see K-Drama needs to come up with more believable scenarios in the future.


Na Young is getting really desperate to be approved in that house. Look at how sneaky she was in the recent episode. She buys side dishes from the restaurant and claims that she made them. I know she can’t cook but that really was just plain stupid. Also look at how insecure she was in this episode. When she sees Suji and Uri together, she wraps her arm around Hyung Sun trying to show that he is my man now and we are happy. Totally unneeded. Only Hyung Sun didn’t seem to realize what was going on.


Mari went shopping for baby items. I have a bad feeling about the baby now. It also seems like Dr. Han may fall for the baby in the end and it will eventually get hurt if something happens to it. While he did sound a bit grumpy when he saw the items it also felt from his facial expressions that he was drawn to them as well. Let’s hope the baby survives till the end of the show for a change.


As for why Na Young didn’t warn her mom on the phone or before dinner that Suji’s mom was there. To be fair she did call her mother and try and do that. Only to be informed that they were already outside. As for before dinner how could she. The entire family was having a chat. She would have to therefore speak in a code that only the two of them could understand without sounding suspicious. Maybe like Oh mother we have ordered food today from the restaurant we last visited where that nice lady was a chef or something along those lines. But otherwise, I doubt that it was possible. Still, it gets to me that they all went inside and didn’t notice her. Oh well.


Amusing how Na Young’s mother felt that Suji’s mother was there intentionally or that something might be going on with her husband when she caught the two of them in that situation. Glad that other people around her seem to have more sense. It is also getting irritating that she seems to be associating every male person around Suji’s mother has her having a thing with them. It is getting old. I do wish the uncle at least clarified his relationship with Suji’s mother in this episode when she called him her husband. The misunderstandings will continue to grow. At least the father knows that Uri was adopted and not her actual son. So, no misunderstandings in that department.


This brings me to a point that some people are making or brought up. If Uri is Hyun Woo how is he currently related to Dr. Han. I am going to assume by his reaction when his wife brought up the fact that Hyun Woo wasn’t his son that he was surprised by it all. This indicates one of two things. He either married her without knowing that she was pregnant and thought that when Hyun Woo was born it was his kid and therefore Hyun Woo would be registered as his child. The other thing is that it is quite possible that he was aware of the fact that Hyun Woo wasn’t his kid and that while he may have thought that he loved him he might not have realized that wasn’t entirely the case and when his wife brought up his current behaviour, he was surprised that was the case. But for some reason it looks to me like the former where he had no idea that Hyun Woo wasn’t his kid.


About Suji wanting to still stay as her mother’s daughter so that she doesn’t cancel the lawsuit and if it turns out that Uri is Hyun Woo that would make her Na Young’s SiL. To be fair either case would still be true to some extent. (being related to Na Young). As long as her father is legally married to Na Young’s mother whether she likes it or not it makes Na Young her sister. If Uri accepts to be a part of his family, then that would make Na Young her Sil if she marries him. So, either way she can’t let go of that connection unless her father divorces his current wife.


Doori and Rapper Brother finally decided to date. Oh, the heartbreak that is bound to come. You know what we should have for a scene. Both of them end up at the hospital for some reason to meet Suji. When asked why they are there they mention to meet their sister. Just then Suji comes there way, and they both say Unni and Noona. When they realize that they both know Suji they say to each other Dr. Jin Suji is your sister. We then get to see Suji with a surprised/confused expression before the episode ends. So, in this ending picture we will have her in the middle with the confused expression and on either side of her Doori and Rapper Brother with the surprised and shocked expression. This does lead me with a question of my own. Has anyone been keeping track of such situations in other dramas to know the fate of these two. I know some dramas the two do end up as items while in others they just decide to stay good friends. Examples Home For Summer the female leads sister ends up with the female leads former BiL but in Angels Revenge the female leads brother doesn’t end up with her former SiL. What do you think will happen over here and is anyone shipping the two of them together.


I don’t know about the Dr. Han and Suji’s mother as endgame. I feel like that is a loaded question at this point. Either way someone is going to get hurt. In a way I do feel their connection, but I don’t think either one is quite ready for the long term commitment. On his end I do feel that he is drawn towards her. Otherwise, how he is always willing to help her especially when she is hurt or trying to carry heavy stuff doesn’t really make sense. But as for her I don’t think that her mind is even in that direction. But then again that was prior to her finding Suji which was her priority. Now that is done, she can finally be open to other relationships. So, who knows. But even then, it is unlikely that she may be willing to accept him though considering the fact that his son is now married to Na Young. Which would be more of an issue than the fact that he was once married. I guess that will be another reason for him to dislike Na Young.


Has anyone noticed Suji’s current reactions living with her mother and the family in that house. Normally when characters who are not only separated from their parents but have also changed their name they mostly stick with their current name because that is how they have grown up with regardless off the fact that the separation might not have been the parents fault. But over here she seems to have no issue with everyone in that house calling her Soo Kyung her birth name. Only her family from her father’s side seem to call her Suji and the same goes for her workplace. Granted she can’t change her name over there due to basing her career and all with her current name. Also, she would have to explain some of her family drama which is none of their business. But either way I do find this point interesting. I guess this also does show that she would rather be her mother’s daughter at this point. So, her wanting to break up with Uri kind of does make sense. I do wonder how they will end up back together.


Speaking of the Uri and Suji relationship who found the selfie between the two of them during the mealtime awkward. I know I did. She didn’t look happy or comfortable in that picture. Someone did say that they didn’t like how Uri was ignoring her feelings and bulldozing his way in much like her former boyfriend especially when she wanted to be alone with her problems and thoughts. It was frustrating for them to watch. I think after watching that selfie that is probably what has been going on Suji’s mind as well. But at the same time that was also Uri’s goal. He knows that whenever Suji is going to face said issues, she is going to shut herself down and try and compartmentalize her issues. Hence suffering alone. Just look how long it took for her to come out of her shell at his place and how much each member of the family had to contribute to help her heal. His goal therefore was probably to help her focus on something else even briefly this would let her calm down and then assess her situation with a clearer head. For instance, when you are angry you may end up saying things that you don’t mean, or you might mean it then but when you actually calm down you may realize that those initial thoughts were dumb and unnecessary.


For instance, you get into a fight with someone and say that if I see you again, I am going to kill you. Perhaps you actually mean it back then. But after taking a break and when you calm down you may realize that while you are still mad at them and probably don’t want to deal with them in the future you certainly don’t want to kill them as that would equally ruin your life and place you behind bars.


So, to avoid such a situation for Suji Uri tends to take her out and make her focus her mind on other things. Even when they return home, she would have been too tired to think about her current situation and a good night’s rest would make her feel a lot calmer and perhaps she would come up with a better solution and she certainly wouldn’t go into lockdown mode. Not sure of how Suji will get out of this mess though.


Come to think about it back to an earlier point that I brought up. When Na Young’s mother asked the uncle if Suji’s mother was his wife there was also that issue of Ara calling the both of them mom and dad further causing the misunderstanding. So, it would have been nice if the misunderstanding was cleared right of the bat. Now if anything does happen between Dr. Han and Suji’s mother, she will be so happy that she was right. Her problem is pretty obvious. She is treating other people as how she would behave. For instance, since she seduced her husband, she is afraid that Na Young’s mother would do the same simply out of revenge. Otherwise, she would have calmly asked for an explanation or have understood when he explained what had actually happened instead of being furious and suspicious.


Not sure how long Na Young is going to stay happy in her current marriage. She works hard to make breakfast only for everyone to leave home early due to earlier commitments forcing to eat on her own. Clearly that was Hyung Suns fault. If he knew that he couldn’t make it for breakfast, he should have informed her beforehand. Granted he didn’t know that she would wake up early and try and prepare breakfast for the family but still as a courtesy he could have informed her this could also be a way to ask for her opinion. Come to think about it her making breakfast is a bit strange considering the fact that she hasn’t shown any cooking skills in the past. In the earlier episodes and even todays her strategy has always been to order from outside and claim it as her own. Did she pull the same stunt again for the breakfast and are we just feeling bad for her. Darn it she got me good. Okay not sorry for her. She got what she deserved. Thinking that she had it so much better than Suji or the fact that she will have a family that is going to love her only to discover that she is still ignored. She might be in a worse situation. At least in her family they at times did ask about her. It seems like this may not be the case over here.


I did like the fact that in this episode when she comes to Suji’s mother’s restaurant and begs her not to reveal her past to Hyung Sun’s family because she is trying to turn a new leaf. Suji’s mother simply tells her that she has no interest in protecting her secret if questioned about it. Simply to avoid any kind of confrontation it is best if their paths don’t end up crossing up. Which come to think about it is actually quite good. But this also means that her secrets are going to be safe for a few more episodes.


Then we had in this episode Na Young pretending to mend bridges with Suji but at the same time asking for the most awkward double date. I mean it was clearly obvious that she just wanted to get a rise from Suji so that she could play the victim card once again. But it would certainly have been interesting if for once Suji did accept the invitation. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t have been fair on Uri so I guess it was a good thing what happened. Though I am sure that Na Young would have found a way to make an issue regarding this as well even though she was the one that had initiated it.


So, Dr. Han knew all along that his assistant was keeping tabs on him on his wife’s orders. Loved the assistant’s reaction when he gets caught. He was like what have I gotten myself involved into. Not that it matters since he still hasn’t done anything inappropriate. Yes, his visits to the restaurant can be a cause of concern but that isn’t exactly his fault. Nor has he done anything to be ashamed of. But even then, I do think that he should control his actions in front of his wife. He knows that she is uncomfortable with the notion that he sees another woman regardless of the situation they are in. He then offers to carry the stuff that she has brought or offer to have her dropped of home. Clearly his wife is not going to like that so he should have been extra careful. He could have asked the housemaid to help her for the former. If he doesn’t provide the same services for the maid assuming that she doesn’t live with them then he shouldn’t volunteer to drop of Suji’s mother home. The wife’s doubts are only going to increase at this point. It will also be easy to manipulate her by others by taking advantage of this situation. Or people like Na Young’s mother might say the wrong thing which will further cause issues in her marriage. For instance, Na Young’s mother suspects something is going on between Dr. Han and Suji’s mother. If she were to say that aloud in front of Hyung Sun’s mother, she will feel like she wasn’t wrong because someone else can see the same thing. This will result in a confrontation with her husband which is unnecessary.


After watching the last episode and how Suji’s mother was invited by the housemaid, I realized something. Mari with her current personality is probably never going to invite Suji’s mother over to host a function. Apart from the fact that she may have hidden the parentage of her first son from her husband she doesn’t seem the overly confrontational type. She tends to keep her problems bottled up which is one of the reasons why she has so many issues. Even therapy doesn’t seem to work or yoga. But like I was saying she had a few times to confront Suji’s mother and clear up any kind of misunderstanding, but she chose not to. She could have gone over to the restaurant anytime or even when she went to the orphanage and noticed her or especially when her husband showed up later on. Her showing up and claiming that Dr. Han was her husband. She probably doesn’t do anything along those lines because of her pride. She can’t seem to bare that she being an elite is being out shone by someone not even on her level that she doesn’t want to know the truth.


The question that we need to ask is whether any of that would even help her at this point. Oh well the good thing is that by the time the show ends she will have two doctors to help heal her mind.  Uri and Suji. She really can’t keep away from the doctors.


Anyway, I think that will be all from my end for the time being. As for those of you in the states. Happy Independence Day. Hope all of you enjoy it. Wait what will you enjoy more the day or the show. So, till the next episode I will be trying to rest. Take care and looking forward to your posts.

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On 7/3/2024 at 8:54 AM, yamiyugi said:

Therefore, I find it highly unlikely that the housemaid would randomly hire Suji’s mother for the catering service and all. To me it seems more like a planned situation. For

 I am easily bored by kdrama episodes  so FFW a lot but in this episode I caught the maid tell Mari that she had ordered from SY because Dr Han liked her food. Probably ordered it regularly. Probably.


On 7/3/2024 at 10:14 AM, yamiyugi said:

that regards. It always feels good to admit when you are wrong.

Don’t worry, this is entertainment, we make up stories all the time.

3 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

Na Young is getting really desperate to be approved in that house. Look at how sneaky she was in the recent episode.

She is being her true self, a conniving liar, not just in this episode. I don’t think she and her mother have ever paid the pain they had inflicted on SK/SJ and mother. Her mother stabbed her good friend in the back and other things she had done to a friend. NY destroyed SJ’s career and relationship. So being given the cold shoulder by the FIL is a small matter.

I hope NY loses the baby and loses her new husband, she should also lose her career but she doesn’t have one.  Maybe that would mean karma gives you what you give out. 


SJ is just being a drib now. After her traumatic childhood and then finding all about her mother, why not grab at happiness? No, she had to torture herself and breakoff with Uri. Kdrama sense.




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1 hour ago, maribella said:

SJ is just being a drib now. After her traumatic childhood and then finding all about her mother, why not grab at happiness? No, she had to torture herself and breakoff with Uri. Kdrama sense.


She's selfish. Haha. She wants to be Restaurant Mom's legal daughter and no longer be the lega daughter of Mistress Mom. 

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55 minutes ago, kboramint said:


She's selfish. Haha. She wants to be Restaurant Mom's legal daughter and no longer be the lega daughter of Mistress Mom. 

She can still be her mother’s daughter if she married Uri or continued dating. Isn’t that happiness? She’s not a child with a need for a guardian. She should write her will, put all legal matters in order so the Mistress cannot claim anything from her. So it remains just a piece of paper. The woman had never treated her like a daughter.

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4 hours ago, maribella said:

She can still be her mother’s daughter if she married Uri or continued dating. Isn’t that happiness? She’s not a child with a need for a guardian. She should write her will, put all legal matters in order so the Mistress cannot claim anything from her. So it remains just a piece of paper. The woman had never treated her like a daughter.

No  it is no the same, what? just a piece of paper? No no and no, she was torn from her mother, she is perfectly right and the right to finally be recognized by her mother is also good revenge against these imbeciles. I'm sorry for Uri but he didn't think about being removed from the family registry. Anyway we'll see.

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1 hour ago, marrez1 said:

No  it is no the same, what? just a piece of paper? No no and no, she was torn from her mother, she is perfectly right and the right to finally be recognized by her mother is also good revenge against these imbeciles. I'm sorry for Uri but he didn't think about being removed from the family registry. Anyway we'll see.

Losing the man she loves is revenge against the Jin family? They will be delighted. Her mother survived those years with the love of her adopted children. If SY now discarded Uri, she would be a user. How would the other two adoptees feel to see their brother become a non-brother?  SY had made the best decision to retract the challenge.

If she married Uri their children will be in her mother’s register and she will belong to the Chae family. The more I write about, the more I think she’s a drib who cannot see happiness. Maybe she’s so used to being unhappy.


But I know they will break at least once. It’s kdrama unwritten rule.

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@maribella @kboramint ~ agree with @marrez1; if sooji knowingly goes along with the cancellation of adoption, then it will give signal to mistress mom and nayoung that their actions were acceptable because they are still family. since sooji has cut them off emotionally, the next logical step would be to make it legal since the process had already been initiated. if restaurant mom had not done anything legally, then no one would have any ideas about the family register. anyways, am interested to see how they resolve this. there are probably legal precedents for this since the drama mentioned it was a recent law. so the drama may be reflecting lots of real life dynamics and scenarios being played out. also some random way for local audience to learn about these family laws. 


the other aspect is that sooji has always been closed off and her first real relationship that she longed for was her mom. even at the height of the scandal, she refused to leave korea with HS because she said she was waiting for someone. she wouldn't give details but she was waiting. so to give up on being the legal daughter for a guy she just knows for a few months? it seems a bit of a no brainer because their relationship doesn't seem as well developed as of yet. in many ways, it was a bit of emotional crutch and rebound on sooji's side. in comparison, she had so much emotion regards her relationship with her mother that she had panic attacks and other psych issues. so in priority level, it makes sense that she devotes to setting right that relationship first. sooji needs to heal first before she is ready to have a romantic relationship where she can give her all. 

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7 hours ago, Lmangla said:

sense that she devotes to setting right that relationship first. sooji needs to heal first before she is ready to have a romantic relationship where she can give her all. 


7 hours ago, Lmangla said:

adoption, then it will give signal to mistress mom and nayoung that their actions were acceptable because they are still family. since sooji has cut them off emotionally, the next logical step would be to make it legal since the process had already been initiated

If her feelings for Uri were strong, then cutting out her father’s family from her life is no contact, legally assigning her money, getting her will in order etc. are all legally available and enforceable. The best revenge on the stepmother and stepsister is for her to be happy in her career and family life while NY is struggling to be accepted.  

It does look like a lopsided relationship between her and Uri. 

However, family registries and being adopted after 18 is a mystery to me. 
The sense of being in her mother’s registry must resonate with Koreans who have their own registries.

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Uri has accepted SuJi as an adopted sibling. There might be only one way the writer (of this drama) can undo this and that is to make Uri the son of Mari. I don't see another option. Uri has to leave the Cha family registry if they want to be a romantic couple again. If SuJi despretely wants to be the legal daughter of Resturant Mom


AND the writer decided to wrap up the storyline between Samjun (Uncle) and the woman he was dating. It's over, now. We don't have to worry about this storyline being dropped. 


AND Uri has confronted Mari. They are going to do it. It's happening.  



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8 hours ago, kboramint said:

Uri has accepted SuJi as an adopted sibling. There might be only one way the writer (of this drama) will undo this and that is to make Uri the son of Mari. I don't see another option. Uri has to leave the Cha family registry if they want to be a romantic couple again. If SuJi despretely wants to be the legal daughter of Resturant Mom




I think unraveling the mystery of that lost child is where the plot is headed, to bring them back together. Thankfully it won't be immediate, so I can catch a break, because URi and co bore me. As an introvert, I'm constantly dying from all the prying and questions and group activities that family does! Thank goodness they're not real!:joy:


8 hours ago, kboramint said:

AND the writer decided to wrap up the storyline between Samjun (Uncle) and the woman he was dating. It's over, now. We don't have to worry about this storyline being dropped.



How did it end? My eyes glazed over and I tuned out in the scene where I assume uncle discussed this romance (another  character the drama could do without.)


On 7/4/2024 at 7:48 PM, Lmangla said:

so in priority level, it makes sense that she devotes to setting right that relationship first.




It only makes logical sense that she prioritises her mother atm, she should want to be legally tied to the long lost parent she was legally and physically yanked away from... and she SHOULD choose her mother over a man. A contrary decision is ridiculous.


Plus, it must happen in terms of plot for the story to pivot to the missing child so they can get back together "properly".

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28 minutes ago, africandramalover said:

ow did it end? My eyes glazed over and I tuned out in the scene where I assume uncle discussed this romance (another  character the drama could do without.)


The lady just asked if she can go on a blind date and the uncle gave her permission without getting jealous. If he had really liked her, he would not let her go on the blind date. She then broke up the relationship. 

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On 7/4/2024 at 3:03 AM, maribella said:

She is being her true self, a conniving liar, not just in this episode. I don’t think she and her mother have ever paid the pain they had inflicted on SK/SJ and mother. Her mother stabbed her good friend in the back and other things she had done to a friend. NY destroyed SJ’s career and relationship. So being given the cold shoulder by the FIL is a small matter.

I hope NY loses the baby and loses her new husband, she should also lose her career but she doesn’t have one.  Maybe that would mean karma gives you what you give out. 


SJ is just being a drib now. After her traumatic childhood and then finding all about her mother, why not grab at happiness? No, she had to torture herself and breakoff with Uri. Kdrama sense

Both NY and YJ consistently lie to manipulate people and situations. NY is a serial liar and YJ bad mouth and spread lies about people. This is why it’s stupid that SY and SJ keep holding back when dealing with them. It helps perpetuate NY and YJ lies and create a lot of misunderstandings. I hope they will stop being silent about what rotten people NY and YJ are. 

I’m watching just to see NY and her mom be publicly humiliated when all their dirty secrets, evil plots and deeds are exposed to everyone. JS should feel some public shaming too for his past and present actions. 

It’s creepy how NY is stalking and calculating each member of the Han family and emotionally manipulating them to bond with a baby when it’s not even 100% established that HS is the father. I still question the paternity because NY is a serial liar. I’m also for HS and NY to part ways. 

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