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[Drama 2023] My Gold, My Jade - 금이야, 옥이야 - Mon to Fri 8:30 - 9:00 KST


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JP took Jandi test that she threw away from the dustbin. KS pissed at SS and them for throwing away the drawer. Seems like something bad was said to KS in the end. SS did mention MIL and something. Maybe resenting him for Sun Joo leaving? maybe pressuring him to let go and move on?.



JP gave the test paper Jandi threw away to MR. KS is very drunk in the preview aswell.


Edit : from google translating the clip title. Seems like MIL told SS that KS should have done a better job in regards to not make Sun Joo leave. Showing her resentment towards KS. I can't wait for the day when she finds out that KS is not Jandi biological father and realize how much he has actually done for her family. No wonder KS went out drinking.



30 previews

Disturbed, Kangsan leaves the house and wanders the streets. Meanwhile, when Seon-dal hears that Kang-san has lost contact with him, Seon-dal asks if he is harassing Kang-san these days, and she breaks into Hong-do's house and gets angry...

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@dramaninja While shes not as bad as ES in previous drama, i still don't like her. BIL is not as useless as DS but still do not like him at all. YJ(sister-in-law) is okay. I think she cares the most since she sees KS as a sort of father figure. I guess that's why shes so overprotective of him. KS needs to get divorced soon >.<. Hoping it is moving in that direction now. I think MR will be reunited with her father in the next 2 weeks. KS will find the hair accessory from DH and also identical one at MR house. Sigh, May is the slow month with this drama....

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@dramaninja Except the father-son villains, i don't know who is the most unlikable ones. I want to say SJ, but in a way MIL and BIL are worse. SJ is a stranger to KS, while MIL and BIL are supposed to be family. I do think i actually like MR family more in a way. Once they get past the objection in the future, i think he will be treated better there. Chairman likes him. CR also have a good impression of him and they can relate since they are in a similiar position. MR brother doesnt dislike him either. SJ and KS have made peace for the moment. I also think she will be better later in the drama. GC and JH are so alike. Snobs,arrogant,controlling and just plain unlikable. MR sparing herself from an abusive marriage. She will get the best husband in the future.

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@dramaninja @backstreetboysfan We can always hope. But first and foremost, i want KS to get divorced first. I certainly hope not that MR and KS will date while hes still legally married.


KS does not deserve to be treated like that. I like seeing him more when hes not with the in-laws tbh. I enjoy the scenes when hes with MR family. It's sad that strangers treat him better than his own "family". Only Jandi and YJ is decent.

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Wow just wow. HR even thought of taking him to a hotel when he was dead drunk. Thankfully MR saved it and MR helped and they both took KS home. DH saw them and helped. MR and DH ofcourse do not recognize each other. 


KS dad tells KS MIL to get them divorced at the end of the episode.


They don't show the woman face. People started speculating it is Sun Joo haha. We have to wait and see.


In the preview KS MIL and BIL are talking about it. JH is visiting a woman at her apartment. SJ asks KS something. Jandi tries to find the test but cant. GS asks if JH was with MR the previous night. 



Episode 31 Preview

Hong-do sees a message from Ho-rang that he happened to see on Kang-san's phone. Meanwhile, Gyu-cheol calls Mi-rae to reveal the real reason why he opposes dating Joo-hyeok...

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Checked the subs real fast. So it seems KS dad did indeed tell KS MIL why KS has to live there and he wants him to get divorced. KS MIL is seriously considering the divorce. Hopefully it's moving now to KS getting divorced.


Also about the test results, i think JP will end up helping Jandi study probably.

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JH stopped GC from telling MR the reason he opposed. Sooji acting smug about test results. KS send Jandi a message about test results. Jandi is nervous and rummage through the garbage can over it. At the end KS finds out from HR that KS dad was at the house when he was drunk.


They did not show the scene with MR talking with GS or JH go to visit some woman. Will happen tomorrow. Sometime the preview show scenes from 2 different episodes.


KS argue with his dad in preview. MIL and YJ say something regarding it(divorce?). GC threatening JH in preview. With him using MR for revenge. MR in deep thoughts probably suspicious about JH.


Episode 32 Preview

Jandi agonizes between Mirae and Harry's advice about test scores, and Joo-hyeok bumps into Kyu-chul, who is trying to reveal a secret to Mi-rae. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure appears next to a drunk Joo-hyeok...

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