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[Drama 2022-2023] The love in your eyes - 내 눈에 콩깍지


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Pathetic HM is trying by all means to disgrace YY in the work place even going to the extent

of displaying YY's photo with DJ at her desk. 

Anyhow, this will not deter YY but in actual facts she will fight with all her might to get KJ closer to her.


No doubt grandpa stays home, he has informants to keep him updated on his Company daily progresses.

He knows HH is up to no good but he is keeping his cool & will voice out when the times come & take drastic action against HH.


Since Do Sik is not happy with YY going along with KJ, I' m afraid he might approach HM and this is   where HM might bribe DS to have KJ & YY break-up.



3 hours ago, booha said:

It’s so sweet to see the way YY and KJ looked at each other on the rooftop.  No longer waiting, probing, doubting …   Finally YY accepted this newfound happiness but it appears more horrible things are coming.  

along the way, there will be ups & down for both, KJ & YY relationship to go smoothly esp from HM & HH.

Both are evil to the core.

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Wow it’s been a while since I’ve been unreasonably mad at a daily character lol. That HM is something special huh? Like I said, she’s crumbling down faster than any villain role I’ve seen. Sooooo glad the writers weren’t ballsy enough to make HM the one to save KJ and make the plot so much worse but instead turned it around and got KJ to see and stop HM slapping YY. Hahaha and also SJ was a nice touch to add insult to injury. More the opposition against HM the better.


And wow what a low-life HM is by putting that picture of YY’s dead husband and smiling so viciously. Is she sure she’s in the right cast? She honestly gives BD in Vengeance of the Bride a run for her money in terms of evilness and actually getting stuff done especially considering this ain’t even a makjang based revenge plot!


Props to YY for holding that power stance of “I’m not afraid of anything you do” and “you’re a joke to me, just another annoying tantrum-throwing kid” vibe to HM in the preview. YY and KJ are such a nice couple! Loved their scene. I can’t believe a freaking daily almost made me cry in that elevator saving scene. So cute! :heart:

I knew HM was gonna be nasty from the start but it’s beyond my expectations and she really makes SJ from the previous drama Bravo my Life look like an angel in comparison haha. Of course that horrible HH was the one who blinded KJ and is going to play along with HM to sabotage YY and KJ. I hope KJ gets his revenge against her. I mean at least in BML the stepmom was just kinda mean but this one straight up caused his blindness and is constantly sabotaging him. She unlike in BML does *not* deserve a happy ending. I can see them still redeeming HM somehow because yes she’s terrible but at least she’s not straight up evil like HH (yet). HH saying HM is a lot like her hints that maybe HM will follow her high-heeled footsteps descent into unforgivable territory.


HM’s dad on the other hand is someone who I did not expect to like so much! His drunk scenes are honestly adorable and touching tbh. Also he seems to be the only normal person in his family lol. He even knew already HM’s “relationship” with KJ wasn’t even real. He constantly worries for YY like saying he feels the most bad for her and also saying he wants to find YY a partner. I just hope he continues this even if he finds out that person is KJ which we know HM’s mom will be on HM’s side and make YY’s life miserable together.


I thought HH knowing HM is YY’s SIL will make her wary but guess not. Hopefully, SJ’s sacrifice by dating HM will make HH bully HM like someone said! HH and HM deserve each other to be enemies and fight each other in their own little nasty ways lol.


And omg, that DS is getting very annoying. Easily the most annoying non-evil character here along with his mom. DY is being nice to YY but I have a feeling she’ll be nasty too once she finds out EH likes YY. 

And I’ll be honest. I can care a LOT less about that love line between DS and EJ. Nope.

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1 hour ago, perfectmouse said:

And wow what a low-life HM is by putting that picture of YY’s dead husband and smiling so viciously. Is she sure she’s in the right cast? She honestly gives BD in Vengeance of the Bride a run for her money in terms of evilness and actually getting stuff done especially considering this ain’t even a makjang based revenge plot!


Props to YY for holding that power stance of “I’m not afraid of anything you do” and “you’re a joke to me, just another annoying tantrum-throwing kid” vibe to HM in the preview. YY and KJ are such a nice couple! Loved their scene. I can’t believe a freaking daily almost made me cry in that elevator saving scene. So cute! 


HM’s dad on the other hand is someone who I did not expect to like so much! His drunk scenes are honestly adorable and touching tbh. Also he seems to be the only normal person in his family lol. 


Is so dumb & childish of HM to display YY's picture on her working desk, an adult with brains would never  do such a stupidity act & HM is not showing her professionalism as a Manager.


LOL, HM's dad was so cute & hilarious with his drunken act.

Hopefully, he is able to help YY by clearing the path when conflicts & tension between YY & HM rises.


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32 minutes ago, Lunkera said:

@Ameera Ali HM and her Mother are very good at sabotaging it themselves. Hopefully they are humiliated at the apparent family meeting.

don’t understand how her mind work , girl groom don’t want you , what family meeting are you planning :sweat_smile:


Confident MH 




Me thinking

girl you will need all gang for this mission :tounge_wink: 


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HM keeps plotting and trying to use EH. YY told HM to bring it on like in the preview. YY and KJ planned a date but DS was waiting outside with Mirinae. Mirinae runs to them and KJ lifts her up. DS scheme didn't work at all. KJ,YY,Mirinae ended up taking a cab and dumping DS there. They came to EJ cafe and Mirinae is asleep. Seems like drunk DS came to make a scene for awhile and is shocked when he sees YY and KJ. Episode ends with Mirinae drawing the 3 of them again and Mirinae innocently reveal about "ahjussi" and everyone looking shocked while ES looks at YY pissed. In the preview HM and HH plots with a family gathering. I'm expecting this to fail big time for them.


Episode 57 Preview

Hae-mi and Yoon-hee arrange a meal to make Yeong-i in trouble at a gathering of all the adults in the family.
Yoon-hee tricks her family by using her wedding anniversary with Lee Jae-jae as an excuse to go out to dinner with her chairman Jang, and Kyung-jun expresses disapproval when she promises to take Yeong-i and Mi-nae to an amusement park...

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25 minutes ago, Lunkera said:

@Ameera Ali I think she found out from Mirinae at the end of this episode. If looks could kill, it would be ES stare at YY. But they will soon find out who. Hoping Grandpa openly support them infront of everyone :D 

The more this lady acts up, the more I can’t stand her selfish, self-centered attitude. She didn’t want YY for her precious son in the first place. I hope YY doesn’t feel any guilt towards her and stands up for her own happiness. That selfish mother thinks everything should be about her own feelings and not about what her children wants. 

I’m definitely not okay with SJ hooking up with HM. HM seems to fundamentally be an extremely selfish person who looks down her nose at others. SJ seems completely opposite. I don’t want to see him sacrificed to another woman who is just like his mother. I really hope this daily will not hook him up with HM unless she gets a personality transplant. These families also live in one house it seems so I really don’t want YY to have to live with her either. Most of all, I just don’t want SJ with HM. 

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Okay love the KJ, YY and Mirinae scenes today. Yeah they found out via Mirinae  at the end. OMG KJ asked YY out in front of everyone in the office go KJ.


I am so done with HM and DS, I really hope HM plan does not work tomorrow.


I hope we have people standing by KJ and YY and wouldn't this show KJ and his grandpapa that HM and YY are family? she did not think it though haha.

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