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[Drama 2021-2022] Love Twist/Twists of Love, 사랑의 꽈배기 - Mon - Fri @ 19:50 KST


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7 hours ago, Lmangla said:

found that scene really absurd and hilarious. all pork mom had to do was tell her the truth. no need for dramatic butlers (who appear all of a sudden) to lock her up.  this girl didn't even care that her father is hooking up with her future mother-in-law and was more like "sorry mom, I know you are hurting but my love life really matters because we are in love" (eye roll from me). grandparents were aghast and it was simple enough reason for them to change her mind. but sori, no? that is just another obstacle to love. pork mom thinks that sori wll die if she learns the truth -- please, it would have been far easier as the girl has tunnel vision. the birth secret would have stopped her immediately.

You may find HO complex or interesting, but what she is doing with KN is beyond the cheap tart type, it is repulsive to receive an apartment from a man in exchange for something and breaking a ho hum marriage which is normal after 3 decades. 

Because of their lies and that meathead mother,  the fool HR now 'admitted' that he made YN pregnant and wanted to be responsible for her. Just to stop his 'sister' from pursuing him.
The one who loses is SR, she will end up in the gold digging family, not just one but the whole family is parasitic. YN's father has money and seems level headed.


I can imagine HR keeping it to himself, admitting that you've slept with your own sister is too much. But the mother? 


Is SR pregnant too? 
Don't this people have money

to buy even one protection against pregnancy and diseases? I forgot, it is always in a drunken stupor.


I know this is a show full of morons but I need, really my busybody bone needs to know how the writer is going to end this. 
 I remember reading a book which had the ' Romeo and Juliet' type theme. Both swore undying love but the guy married his parents choice and the girl did not. They kept in touch, letters and calls. Seven-eight years later her parents or parent died and she was free to marry him, the guy had two children by then. 

We may get another HR falling in love with his wife and SR leaving the guy. She would have the steelly conviction, he would compromise. But there are dozens more episodes


Why isn't anyone recapping this? :anguished:


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1 hour ago, maribella said:

You may find HO complex or interesting, but what she is doing with KN is beyond the cheap tart type, it is repulsive to receive an apartment from a man in exchange for something and breaking a ho hum marriage which is normal after 3 decades. 

Because of their lies and that meathead mother,  the fool HR now 'admitted' that he made YN pregnant and wanted to be responsible for her. Just to stop his 'sister' from pursuing him.
The one who loses is SR, she will end up in the gold digging family, not just one but the whole family is parasitic. YN's father has money and seems level headed.


I can imagine HR keeping it to himself, admitting that you've slept with your own sister is too much. But the mother? 


Is SR pregnant too? 
Don't this people have money

to buy even one protection against pregnancy and diseases? I forgot, it is always in a drunken stupor.


I know this is a show full of morons but I need, really my busybody bone needs to know how the writer is going to end this. 
 I remember reading a book which had the ' Romeo and Juliet' type theme. Both swore undying love but the guy married his parents choice and the girl did not. They kept in touch, letters and calls. Seven-eight years later her parents or parent died and she was free to marry him, the guy had two children by then. 

We may get another HR falling in love with his wife and SR leaving the guy. She would have the steelly conviction, he would compromise. But there are dozens more episodes


Why isn't anyone recapping this? :anguished:


I am so happy I checked this forum as streaming site has few postings. I was watching without all the nuggets and character map found here. I guess SR is pregnant and will not know that they are fake siblings. She will be forced to marry on paper only as child needs father. Only SR and husband will know the baby is HR's. The cheaters will find out how they thoroughly ruined so many lives and will self-destruct when the truth is exposed.  ....Thinking bone marrow required at some point for reveal. That scummy father should be consumed by regrets as lost a loving wife, daughter and grandchild. Tomorrow's episode will be heartbreaking and hope time jump starts next week. Not sure how this will play out but SR and HR must be together in the end.  The mistress is a sociopath!

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yo creo que Sori no esta embarazada de Haru , porque Kyung sabe que son medios hermanos y sabiendo que esta embarazada de Haru no creo que  la deje tener al niño del ¨supuesto hermano* y ser el supuesto padre  a menos que él sepa que verdaderamente no son hermanos ,porque hasta al momento de lo que se ha mostrado él piensa que son medios hermanos  , viendo como van las cosas no creo que ambos terminen juntos :( que pena por Sori y Haru 

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48 minutes ago, Elizabeth Roxana Chura Hinostroza said:

I believe that Sori is not pregnant with Haru, because  Kyung knows that they are half siblings and knowing that she is pregnant with Haru I do not think that he will let her have the child of the ¨supposed brother * and be the supposed father unless he knows that he really does not They are brothers, because up to the moment of what has been shown he thinks they are half brothers, seeing how things are going I don't think they both end up together :( what a pity for Sori and Haru 

KBS site says the child born by Sori is Haru's. Look at character summary page.  They will tell everyone it is Kyung's child. Even parents will not know. In these dramas there is no birth control and nobody can count 40 weeks...or verify dna tests. There are three babies per the character chart on first page.

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I feel so bad for Haru and Sori...mainly Sori. She was worried from the beginning that Haru would run away like he has in the past. 


I guess cheating is a family trait. Grandpa trying to justify his own cheating while yelling at his son for his. I am glad that Oh Hee is being firm on what she wants from the divorce and just glaring at all of KN side comments. 


So I guess Haru knows he is not the father of Yun-ah's baby, but everyone else will think he is. Now the how the other two pregnancies come about is the question:


Sori - If she has Haru's child will Kyung-Joon know? I don't think he can know the truth. There is no way that if he finds out Sori is pregnant with her "brother's" baby that he wouldn't tell her the truth. Unless he is that greedy to marry her that he lies anyways. 


Nurse - If she gets pregnant with Kyung-Joon's baby why would she keep it. Her goal is to marry rich. Unless Kyung-Joon agrees to fund her with Sori's family money or she is against abortion I don't know why she would tie herself to him. 


2 hours ago, maribella said:

The one who loses is SR, she will end up in the gold digging family, not just one but the whole family is parasitic. YN's father has money and seems level headed.

True, Sori has it worse when it comes to in-laws, however when it comes to spouses I think Kyung Joon > Yoon-ah. So I think Haru has it worse in the spouse department, but he does that to himself. I thought for sure that Yoon-ah was going to trap him...but no he trapped himself. 


Later in the drama when he finds out the actual father of Yoon-ah's baby he is going to be so angry at Yoon-ah for lying. It is one thing if she didn't know and he was taking the place, its a whole other thing if its a close friend of his. 


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1 hour ago, youactlikeicare said:

True, Sori has it worse when it comes to in-laws, however when it comes to spouses I think Kyung Joon > Yoon-ah. So I think Haru has it worse in the spouse department, but he does that to himself. I thought for sure that Yoon-ah was going to trap him...but no he trapped himself. 


Later in the drama when he finds out the actual father of Yoon-ah's baby he is going to be so angry at Yoon-ah for lying. It is one thing if she didn't know and he was taking the place, its a whole other thing if its a close friend of his. 


Why would Ha Ru offer to marry her? I guess his own birth circumstances. He will have a great deal to be angry about soon. Wonder when he will know KW is not his father. The writers hopefully will deliver an epic smackdown when th time comes.

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1 hour ago, MLWetherill said:

Why would Ha Ru offer to marry her? I guess his own birth circumstances. He will have a great deal to be angry about soon. Wonder when he will know KW is not his father. The writers hopefully will deliver an epic smackdown when th time comes.

I think it's the noble idiot stuff, he wants SR to accept their breakup and saying that he had slept with her friend ( which for the life of me don't understand why they are friends. YN had never hidden her feelings for HR) and getting her pregnant is a sure way.

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6 hours ago, maribella said:

You may find HO complex or interesting, but what she is doing with KN is beyond the cheap tart type, it is repulsive to receive an apartment from a man in exchange for something and breaking a ho hum marriage which is normal after 3 decades. 

Because of their lies and that meathead mother,  the fool HR now 'admitted' that he made YN pregnant and wanted to be responsible for her. Just to stop his 'sister' from pursuing him.
The one who loses is SR, she will end up in the gold digging family, not just one but the whole family is parasitic. YN's father has money and seems level headed.


I can imagine HR keeping it to himself, admitting that you've slept with your own sister is too much. But the mother? 


Is SR pregnant too? 
Don't this people have money

to buy even one protection against pregnancy and diseases? I forgot, it is always in a drunken stupor.


I know this is a show full of morons but I need, really my busybody bone needs to know how the writer is going to end this. 
 I remember reading a book which had the ' Romeo and Juliet' type theme. Both swore undying love but the guy married his parents choice and the girl did not. They kept in touch, letters and calls. Seven-eight years later her parents or parent died and she was free to marry him, the guy had two children by then. 

We may get another HR falling in love with his wife and SR leaving the guy. She would have the steelly conviction, he would compromise. But there are dozens more episodes


Why isn't anyone recapping this? :anguished:


That movie sounds like Splendor in the Grass with Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty. I've seen this movie so many times if that's the one you are talking about. 

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Honestly I was enjoying the drama but really now, the stupidity of KN and his mistress is ridiculous, from the false DNA test etc.  KN really wants his cake and eat it too. And cos of what him and the mistress, now poor SR is forever in the blind and HR is carrying the weight of 2 babies (well from the last episode it seems as though SR is also pregnant but I could be wrong). 

Honestly after watching Episode 23, I cannot decide who I want to slap 1st, father, mistress or wife. 


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12 hours ago, missyjojo88 said:

That movie sounds like Splendor in the Grass with Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty. I've seen this movie so many times if that's the one you are talking about. 

No, it was a book. It was open ended with him looking at his sleeping wife and his girlfriend was waiting for him. That writer copped out, what kind of ending was that. One of my ' do not keep books'.


Splendour in the Grass was sad. I remember watching it in the Late show long time ago. I don't remember why she broke up with him. I thought what old looking high school kids, just like grad students. :hwaiting2:


I am having problems with their ages too. The summary says OH is 35 and KN is 39. But KJ said he was 30 or was it 20? Even at 20, SR would be 18 or so and OH would have been 16 when she gave birth and got married at 15. Give me a break. 
Notwithstanding the calculations, they all looked 50ish.

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What a jerk! There are so many other ways to end relationship. Catastrophic decision on his part to break her heart like that. But he must have been going crazy thinking he had sex with sister. (It is on KBS website that she has Haru's baby) And the mother's brutal words combined with how his own father (fake) has treated him. Horrible couple. Haru should be jumping in the water.


I found their break-up scene a little off. I was crying more than either of them.


I hope we get time jump next week. Sori is out for revenge.

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5 hours ago, maribella said:

I am having problems with their ages too. The summary says OH is 35 and KN is 39. But KJ said he was 30 or was it 20? Even at 20, SR would be 18 or so and OH would have been 16 when she gave birth and got married at 15. Give me a break. 
Notwithstanding the calculations, they all looked 50ish.


I did highlight this fact when I watched Episode 1 last week...that's why characters charts are not to be trusted. They are just for reference.

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1 hour ago, Newbie21SG said:


I did highlight this fact when I watched Episode 1 last week...that's why characters charts are not to be trusted. They are just for reference.

But it would greatly spoil the show if the viper JK is bakery mum's stolen kid in Second husband.

1 hour ago, MLWetherill said:

What a jerk! There are so many other ways to end relationship. Catastrophic decision on his part to break her heart like that. But he must have been going crazy thinking he had sex with sister. (It is on KBS website that she has Haru's baby) And the mother's brutal words combined with how his own father (fake) has treated him. Horrible couple. Haru should be jumping in the water.


I found their break-up scene a little off. I was crying more than either of them.


I hope we get time jump next week. Sori is out for revenge.

That's why it's in the revenge slot - a hah.


Who is she going after? 
HR is number 1

YN isnumber 2

Then those horrible old people

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I hope the time jump is coming for us soon hopefully by the end of next week. But I could see them dragging it out longer because they still have several things to sort out:


- Sori and Kyung-Joon getting together

- Nurse and Kyung-Joon finding out she is pregnant (Unless she hides it)

- The divorce to be finalized

- Haru and Yoon-a going to America, maybe? It would make sense to jump to when they return. Also is that job offer just open ended, at some point they expect you to be there. 


Haru is making terrible decisions but finding out the love of your life is your sister doesn't result in great decision making. Especially since he has no real support system now. In the past he has always had Sori and Aunt Ok Hee, but that's all gone now. 


I wonder how Sori is going to get revenge. I don't really know what Haru/Yoon-ah have that she can destroy. 


I really don't like Yoon-ah. While I want this drama to end with Sori/Haru reunited, if that doesn't happen I would be disappointed but okay. However, what I definitely DO NOT want is Yoon-ah to end up with Haru at the end. 

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1 hour ago, joccu said:

I still don’t get why they won’t tell Sori. 

But seeing it how this goes there is probably time jump very soon.

so that she can have a heart attack later when she finds out that she had his baby? 


skeptical i don't know GIF 


also if we see sori getting 'revenge', then it is dumb. people breakup all the time. you know what happens people take 'revenge' on their exes -- murder, mayhem, court, and finally jail. is anyone in this drama that is healthy mentally? 


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16 hours ago, youactlikeicare said:

really don't like Yoon-ah. While I want this drama to end with Sori/Haru reunited, if that doesn't happen I

Neither do, I but SR and HR seem to tolerate or encourage her all these years, it makes them stooopid.  The writervwrote dearest lady or love. I read about it just after lunch, and I can't remember the exact title - nothing to do with my brain, it's the strange, irrelevant  and at times seems like someone's cockamammy idea.

ok the favourite man did not win. So SR may end up just SR sans partner. YN may stick to HR regardless of his feeings. 


The parents aren't getting any better - without the subs.

Both YN and KJ are jumping at the opportunities before them. YN by HR's stupidity and KJ now sees a rich girl in a vulnerable state. 

The preview shows them setting up with their new partners. But  I don't think there was anything about SR being pregnant.



watched the sub. Yes SR is pregnant. She's going to marry KJ as a revenge against HR... how is it a revenge to marry the calculative opportunist.
HR is going to marry YN. The nurse is working for KN's parents. 

OH tells HO that she'll give her KN, no longer new but still functioning, yes she says that. In exchange, keep HR's paternity secret. But the Gangster is squeezing money from KN. 

I think after the baby is born and perhaps older, the secret wil come out and SR will make tests for her baby. Most mothers would to clear things. Perhaps by episode 100 :lol:. This is a slow one.

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