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Winter Garden Detective Agency 2.0


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i saw there was shb during confession time during press confrontation with bang and short hair..im dying to see for season 2 to see what kind of hairstyle will geul wol have..even messy hair ahn jeong won gone crazy about her..if she hair cute hairstyle which dont requires to much to hadle i think jeong won will have heart attack (sorry jung wan for doctor jokes)

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i woke up from a dream. Where Son Ho Jun made a cameo in HP, he acts as a co worker who is interested to Gyeoul - a two year fellow residents who transferred from Asan to Yulje for two months research under Prof Kwon.

He made a move onto Gyeoul and Gyeoul accepts him as a new BF. Jeongwon got brain shock after he w saw this and Yeonseok emerges from it:wut:

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Just a random thought... (while thinking how they will continue WG story without it being the main plot of HP...)


I read somewhere that non-WG shippers are guessing that that game-changing scene in ep12 was just a dream... 


What if it was... but it was Jeong Won's dream ;)

Then we'll have season 2 with JW trying to confess to GW... we'll be seeing JWs POV and Gyeoul's POV will be hidden. :smile:

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1 hour ago, lurker___not said:

Just a random thought... (while thinking how they will continue WG story without it being the main plot of HP...)


I read somewhere that non-WG shippers are guessing that that game-changing scene in ep12 was just a dream... 


What if it was... but it was Jeong Won's dream ;)

Then we'll have season 2 with JW trying to confess to GW... we'll be seeing JWs POV and Gyeoul's POV will be hidden. :smile:

 At first they said it is IkJun's dream, then on the bird app they said (Wg shippers who are clowning) that it might be SeokHyeong's dream. And now, JeongWon's dream? Wow.. Ahaha.. But we all know as WG shippers and who followed the progress of their slowburn romance, that Ep12 confession scene was not a dream. how can a dream have a flashback? But to humor those non-shippers and those who are not convinced yet that JeongWon likes Gyeoul too, then yeah, i hope it is JeongWon's dream or imagination.. And then the start of S2, he wakes up and take action.. Confess to Gyeoul and Gyeoul will of course accept him.. And yeah, that will be a good plot twist. Bring it on.. :heart2beat:

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6 hours ago, JungRok said:

i woke up from a dream. Where Son Ho Jun made a cameo in HP, he acts as a co worker who is interested to Gyeoul - a two year fellow residents who transferred from Asan to Yulje for two months research under Prof Kwon.

He made a move onto Gyeoul and Gyeoul accepts him as a new BF. Jeongwon got brain shock after he w saw this and Yeonseok emerges from it:wut:

 haha i like this :joy:

hojun, his rl bff kekeke make a cameo...bring it on

please make the repressed ex-wanna-be-priest go jealous 

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10 hours ago, lurker___not said:

Just a random thought... (while thinking how they will continue WG story without it being the main plot of HP...)


I read somewhere that non-WG shippers are guessing that that game-changing scene in ep12 was just a dream... 


What if it was... but it was Jeong Won's dream ;)

Then we'll have season 2 with JW trying to confess to GW... we'll be seeing JWs POV and Gyeoul's POV will be hidden. :smile:

Don't mind them. They even have the audacity to claimed that confession is not flashy is their headcanon couple song. Meanwhile the song producer already confirmed that the song is indeed for wintergarden.

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9 hours ago, Vicmrtnz said:

At first they said it is IkJun's dream, then on the bird app they said (Wg shippers who are clowning) that it might be SeokHyeong's dream.

Oohhh so those were their theories... Really didn't try to look for them... Since I read many warnings not to... 



28 minutes ago, leftphalange said:

Don't mind them. They even have the audacity to claimed that confession is not flashy is their headcanon couple song.

Don't worry, I don't :) 


Really, they do? But why??? The couple in the OST cover is WG...

Oh well... To each his own. :D


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are you the one from back then the JungHwan R88 thread?

Hahaha then you know like me very well that group over there and how they play with the words.

From D-1 i am saying the same. Dont bother with what they say.

I have better things to do than reading repeatedly opinions that i dont agree.

I did it once/twice.I tried once to start a convo with one of their believers and because I told her I think in my opinion she is wrong she posted that she is attacked.lol she can tell her opinion but not us if we dont agree I guess.

Its an ongoing drama and truth is we dont know what is going to happen at the end of season 3.

But as a viewer if I dont like what I see  I am not going to prove from season 1 what I believe and  wish is going to happen to S3.

I will let myself  to enjoy what I see and if I dont enjoy it I quit watching it.

I believe we are at the age that we can have the power to control our remote.

Also, attacking actors  because their drama character likes a different character from the one you prefer is the worst example of  an intellectual and emotional immaturity (unfortunately some do it).


Will be fun if Sun Ho makes a cameo.





Edited by kiklaminHo
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@kiklaminHo No, I'm not. This is my first time get involved in the forum but I used to be a lurker for a long time in some threads so maybe I know who particular person you are talking about (a blog owner, right?). I knew him/her since I'm YYS fan, he/she used to be active on YYS drama thread back then. I'm guessing why this user is so eager with the headcanon theories now in HP maybe because first, he/she is YYS fan who wants him to get the main girl or second, he/she is so confident because used to be right with reply 1988 husband guessing game.

Yes I never willingly to go to them again, it's a badluck I accidentaly found such a post at tumblr.

Ughh I'm sorry I feel like I'm ranting again if remembering how disappointed I was with YYS fans, as a fan of him too :wacko:. I swear I'm familiar with some of their name, it's a lie if they said they don't hate SHB because it's clearly they were badmouthing her even one said she was upset because SHB still gonna play with YYS for next season.

I just really really need season 2 come fast. I really need wintergarden new scene badly.

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@leftphalange and @kiklaminHo gosh if you knew what kind of mess Twitter had (though I went in probably around during second or third wave of the war) so I actually read in the old thread (the one that got sent into space) if others here had any idea about the cause.


Anyway one of the WG fans said that the reason why other YYS fans were worried and petty at the same time is because SHB is at great advantage because of one thing: TIME


Plus I think some of his fans are very picky in terms of which actress he had worked with favorable in their eyes? @leftphalange, do you think these fans were gatekeeping their oppa?


Also I visited the blog before and I can sense that one of them is actually a YYS fan too (though I don't remember which one in particular but my guess is the blog owner? I mean why dedicate a special post getting angry at Jeongwon LOL)

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@smartiegal Lol yes, or haven't moved on yet from his previous co-star. Meanwhile his previous co-star has played more dramas with another actors which also have very good chemistry. Why keep dragging her into this? It's irony when YYS has not received enough proper recoginition yet, some of his fans thought that he is a God tier actor who can only play with certain actress. And yes I think that the blog owner, he/she is the one I found in YYS other drama thread.

I think the roots of this all is his fans dislike Gyeoul, and since hospital playlist is not kind of drama which has one male lead to one female lead, they think they can have preference on who Jeongwon end up with. Plus SHB is not very well-known before. And in her interview, she is like confirmed about wintergarden lovelines, maybe it irks them.

And now in my local Kdrama stans, YYS is known for having sensitive fans and a blocking fanbase. It's embarrassing, I don't wanna engage with those fans again -_-

I'm sure the facts that hospital playlist, wintergarden, Gyeoul and SHB is so loved by people both Korean GP and international is pissed them off (YYS fans & headcanon shippers). Not to mention hospital playlist still has another season.


Oh and what do you mean about time as SHB great advantage? Is it because they will have more time to work together? @smartiegal

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i dont bother about them really..well speacial episode 6 shin lee already mention that it was seasonal drama and they only had to change the drama if the actor decide to let go such as move to another country (shb jokes) but if not the plot already fix established...and fact is the storie had been carefully plot and arranged few years back and each character were decide careful..the only one confirm without problem was 3 main actor (KDM/JJS/YYS)..even mido had two characters interviews (song hwa and geul wol) and like shin pd mention they had few new actor reading geul wol character means they really care about jang geul wol..she not just a character having one side crush on one of main character..


from the start she always there to help the character build of the main (ik jun and song hwa) we able to see what kind perfection song hwa and how fast she make decision by how geul wol answer all his questions..and i did realized ik jun prefer geul wol in his surgery and hype about her cause he see how good skill she was not just he wanr her to help in his surgery as song hwa mention in his old hospital ik jun able to handle lots of operation alone..infact he got lots times when he move to yulje... this show how others profesor wanting her not because she the only resident but cause she just worth it


and i saw one of thread in blue bird which i love..the thread of dialogue between rosa and jeong won..how jeong won introduces geul wol to mama rosa and stated early she might be cold at first glace..the mama rosa mention something how geul wol is innocent like a child he was take care and how she need more love and yet get her right when she at the wrong..as reading that my heart felt so warm cause i can see mama rosa said that..


for me jang geul wol is not a ordinary lead character and i glad she was side character and i fact cause how genius shin lee combination character like geul wol able to shine and able to lead on her own story telling 


and i think part of why ahn jeong won fall in love with jang geul wol simple as it is time...love is like that, at the right time they will come..in love sometime we learn to love the wrong one so that we able to give more when the right love come..but sometime love just click between two soul and became forever...love do need a reason.


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@smartiegal and @leftphalange

I followed my bias  for 10 years and I have to say I kind understand why YYS fans -in general- react in a certain way.

I dont say I agree but I tried hard not doing the same with the actor I liked.

Maybe I did not go to extreme measures but I did not like some of his costars.Especially the ones that looked distant to him and in bts clips my bias was not his usual character.

Its very easy to forget that is a thin line between admiring an actor and getting obsessed with his personal and professional life.

At the end of the day they doing a job like us and its ok not getting along(if they) with all their co stars.I dont like all my coworkers either.

As for SHB good for her and I am happy for the recognition she gets.

she portrays Geoul very well.

YYS  caught my eye.I saw what a gem he is as an actor and person through HP while I knew him since the beginning of my K addiction.

He has a steady career,he is a very good actor and a very friendly,thoughtful person.

Me likes him:glee:LoL.



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1 hour ago, leftphalange said:

And in her interview, she is like confirmed about wintergarden lovelines, maybe it irks them.

that why i find it funny..i only saw few of them..i dont even bother to go to check but know cause some of you mention about it..


but the one who unofficial confirm the love live is their ‘oppa’ and they get mad cause shb got lots interviews and mention how she use this as to get popular..i means..hello darling this is produce not for their ‘oppa’ only..and are they forget their oppa had lots works too cause of that unable to go interview..if im not mistake he directly had to shoot puppy movie than with wheter musical practice and due to pandemic his las schedule movie with hollywood actress postponed and he will shoot between sept-oct-nov..as we know interview with magazines look simple but it can take almost half day or full day..so why blame the actress?? hating for no reason??? 


funny cause i never see jeong won and song hwa had crush with each others..not like song hwa-ik jun - chi hong or like reply 1988 with taek-jung wan-daek sun...


in fact actually i tought the plot gonna be between jeong won-geul wol - dr baek but dr baek was like to show how two different characters of doctors still able to act a good doctor...


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@kiklaminHo I see your point, but in this case I don't get where's the hate coming from other than some nonsense reasons. And the way they throw hate speech publicly :wacko: other actor/actress has fans too, of course it hurts them to see the backlash. Yes I'm very happy too YYS got more recognition thru hospital playlist.

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15 minutes ago, kiklaminHo said:


@smartiegal and @leftphalange

I followed my bias  for 10 years and I have to say I kind understand why YYS fans -in general- react in a certain way.


kinda 90% agree with you..i had 10years actor that i bias too and coincidentally he was very close with yys so yys name kinda familiar with me and i kinda support but not became 100% fans..kinda like he among an actor i respect and trust their project


so back to my bias i had some actress which i ok with them acting together but kinda lowly hopefully they not turn into real life..hahaha than i laught at my self cause i felt what kind parents i will be to my kids..

but what i don’t understand is for the fact they badmouth cause simple they dont like her!!! 

i dont want my bias to had relationships with that actress but i never comment directly mention about my opinon or go lowdown the actress cause she is godd person and beautiful in her own..and if my bias somehow were meant to be with her..as a fans i will accept and pray for their happiness as for me seing by bias happy is more important rathan than kinda control them to became person or character wheres fans believe they were...and because of that presure we loss lots of young idol/actress due to the pressure and the hate..then we blame God take them earlier..i means come on...dont wear angels mask but truely your more scary than satan


due to the hate i hope to see some news where shb and yys somehow got cought of dating seriusly..and maybe like ji sung and lee bo young or rain and kim tae hee they will get married..maybe then we dont see any hates coment anymore

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11 minutes ago, Sorary said:

that why i find it funny..i only saw few of them..i dont even bother to go to check but know cause some of you mention about it..


but the one who unofficial confirm the love live is their ‘oppa’ and they get mad cause shb got lots interviews and mention how she use this as to get popular..i means..hello darling this is produce not for their ‘oppa’ only..and are they forget their oppa had lots works too cause of that unable to go interview..if im not mistake he directly had to shoot puppy movie than with wheter musical practice and due to pandemic his las schedule movie with hollywood actress postponed and he will shoot between sept-oct-nov..as we know interview with magazines look simple but it can take almost half day or full day..so why blame the actress?? hating for no reason???


Yeah I think the hate for SHB start from those interviews, she mentioned wintergarden, and that's because she was asked. But that means they have to hate Mido as well, since Mido also roots for wintergarden, and so did JJS, he confirmed about wintergarden feelings for each other in his interview.

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11 minutes ago, leftphalange said:

But that means they have to hate Mido as well, since Mido also roots for wintergarden, and so did JJS, he confirmed about wintergarden feelings for each other in his interview.

i dont see the jjs interview...hahaha i too focus him having baby...but i did remember eun jin talk about they all watch the last episode on jjs company office and mention about winter garden kiss..so are they want to hate her too...hate everyone aside their ‘oppa’ hahahaha dont be like that i love yys and how he can be so much pationate..but im sure and hope only little of his fans like that..while most of his fans pray for his happiness

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