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[Drama 2020] It's Okay not to be Okay, 사이코지만 괜찮아


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Good questions and theories you guys brought up here. there seems to have many mysteries of MY past, like when she mentioned about her mom being in a car(?) accident, the details she gave were so real, make me think her mom is really dead but MY trauma being so deep, her mom is practically still 'alive' in her. I also wonder how did she live all these years and with whom. Hopefully the show will shed light more on that. I don't think the highschool uniform int they met that time, bc it'd be too coincidental and a bit illogical ^^, If not i wonder again how MY makes GT wear that lol anyone watched 'my sassy girl' the movie? there was similar scene. I already saw some comments saying to be uncomfortable with it, well personally to me it's like cosplay, and we don't know the context yet so maybe better make it sth it's not ^^ 


About the head nurse, she's growing more and more suspicious to me, i hope i'm wrong cause i like her character at 1st. But the scene with MY's dad and her reactions to him talking about 'MY's mom' were very odd to me. and how she didn't talk about it to the director after. From the few scenes we see the mysterious figure stalking MY and GT, it looks like her too. She has acknowledge on mental disorders and if she's revealed to be the real 'psycho' here wow it's gonna shock more than one o_o



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55 minutes ago, Liting1 said:

One thing I realize is that at the end of ep.2 after MY's assistant sent her Gang Tae's information & learning he is her "prince" from childhood, she was fully determined to run after GT knowing that their childhood romance was a fail. So now that they met as adults, she strongly believes that they can be together again & nothing can separate them.


this is such a rapunzel reference! in most versions of rapunzel iirc the prince who comes to save her is hurt by the witch who drops him on the thorns at the bottom of the tower (and in the disney version mother gothel stabs? flynn rider) BUT then rapunzel heals the prince with her tears, right?


so here the witch (moon yeong's mother) wants to hurt the prince (gangtae) who would come to save rapunzel (moon yeong), who in turn heals him at the end. which i think (if my theories are correct) is a beautiful summary/overview of the whole series. :heart:


((((and if moon yeong's mother is really the one who killed gangtae's mother (as many have speculated) then that takes the witch hurting the prince to a whole new level omg.)))))


ALSO tears are such an iconic way of healing somebody. the image of being able to heal someone's hurts through your own pain is such an absolutely and heartrendingly compelling idea.

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Seeing them ever crossed path even in high school. No doubt the moment they meet again as adult he knows her right away. Or he even knows her before they even met since she's public figure that loved by many. 


I don't care whether it will be logic or absurd but seeing them in high school uniform makes me more excited for the upcoming episodes. 



P.S. perhaps this high school scenes could be another illustration for another tale for the upcoming one. Now the characters would be played by the two. What story will we get this time. Ah.... saturday quickly come, palli palli!

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It’s Okay To Not Be Okay on VOD real time is NO 1  [episode 6 (7/5) broadcast to 7/6 hourly real time is NO 1]

Daily list [ Ranking on the basis of the number of sales on July 6] is NO 1


Weekly list [number of sales from July 1 to July 7] is NO 2











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Fourth Behind The Scene / Making Film with E-Sub. :wub:

KT and MY are such sweethearts.



Kim Soo Hyun And Seo Ye Ji Show Unique Method Of Rehearsing Lines In “It’s Okay To Not Be Okay”


tvN has released the behind-the-scenes video for episode seven of “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay!”


“It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” is about the strange romance between Moon Kang Tae (Kim Soo Hyun), a community health worker at a psychiatric ward, and Go Moon Young (Seo Ye Ji), a children’s storybook writer with antisocial personality disorder.


The behind-the-scenes video focuses on three scenes: the scene in the motel with the vending machine, the scene in which Moon Kang Tae and Go Moon Young face off at night, and the scene in which Go Moon Young and Nam Joo Ri (Park Gyu Young) get into a fight.


In the first scene, Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Ye Ji have technical issues with the vending machine. During rehearsals for their lines, the two actors imitate each other’s lines back to each other. As they rehearse the shot in which she backs him up against the machine, he asks, “Should I move my hips like this?” and she complains with a laugh, “I end up copying you if you do that.” This scene also featured a cameo from actor Jung Sang Hoon.


In the second scene, Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Ye Ji struggle to remember their lines for a scene in which their characters engage in quick banter. At the end of rehearsals, the two actors show that they have the scene memorized by saying each other’s lines instead of their own.


In the final scene, Seo Ye Ji and Park Gyu Young practice the timing for their slap and fight scene. Seo Ye Ji is calm and professional, giving the nervous Park Gyu Young advice, and Park Gyu Young says, “I had trouble sleeping because of this scene.” The fight looks fierce on camera, but the two actors can’t stop laughing as they film and monitor the scene.


source>> https://www.soompi.com/article/1411420wpp/watch-kim-soo-hyun-and-seo-ye-ji-show-unique-method-of-rehearsing-lines-in-its-okay-to-not-be-okay



So handsome! :love:



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17 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@madmad min @YongZura⁷ @vangsweetie637 I have the feeling that maybe MY's mother could have had a sister. We know nothing about her family. Striking is that the face of the mother has never been properly revealed. So we have two possibilities: MY could have been harassed by someone else... like f. ex. the twin sister. I know that it sounds crazy but her mother was never properly introduced. 

ooo..very interesting. So your theory is: twin sister harassed MY and parents were most likely aware or not?? For me, I still believe we only have one perpetrator here. Because if it was a twin sister, she wouldn’t address her as ‘mom’ right?? Ooo hold on..unless..and this is also sounds crazy but what if the real mom died and there is a twin sister and the dad marries the sister and hence, the harassment. Actually, it sounds like this plot idea of mine may be quite farfetched for me lol. As of now, we have only seen glances of the mom and never the whole of her. I wonder why..


i also agree with some of you. JR’s mom is not MY’s mom and I don’t think Head Nurse is the mother either. She is indeed suspicious but I don’t think being the mom is one of the reasons.




ok back tracking now lol.




omo. Stealing this from @Chellsee




Oppa!!!! You are soooo my Oppa!!



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I cant wait for saturday... all the BTS pics are driving me crazy! 


I was rewatching ep 3 and with all the sizzling tension between our OTP, i totally forgot that there was a woman at the window when MY enters the cursed castle. 


How could I forget such an important detail? Ep 3 was filled with ghostly clues..

1) woman in the backseat of the car

2) woman at the window

3) extreme cold in the bedroom when MY is sleeping and the creepy "Welcome" written on a SNOW covered window when it is clearly summer

4) the opening and closing of the door in the basement 


It clearly points to a ghost in the house and very likely that it is MY's mother. The Shaman also said that MY has all the signs that she is going to be possessed by a ghost soon... is that a warning for us ???? 


I really really hope that it is a ghost and that they do not take in the direction where MY is hallucinating all of this and she has some split personality .... even though it would add a depth to the story, i don't think I want to see that. 


Another thing that i noticed in ep 3 was the bell the head doc was holding. The camera zoomed in on that for a bit... I realised in this drama that everything is shown for a reason. I have my doubts on that doctor. <_< and will be keeping a close eye on him. 



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Since its first release, It's Okay To Not Be Okay has been ranked No. 1 in Netflix Korea



Review- tvN drama 'Psycho but it's okay'



The tvN drama 'Psycho, but it's okay'  is becoming the hot topic in Netflix, ranking first in Korean content every day. It is evaluated that heavy dialogue hidden in the rough surface and unique directing techniques are exerting power. 


This work, which has been aired since the 20th of last month, has been released to Netflix at the same time. Since its first release, Netflix has been ranked No. 1 in 'Today's Top 10 Contents of Korea' which is released daily. TV ratings remain at 5%, but they are gaining a lot of popularity from online video services ( OTT )
Full article





Good data first week of July

Drama TV search reaction It's Okay To Not Be Okay NO 1


Top Keywords for TV Drama Actor Search  :  'It's Okay To Not Be Okay   Kim Soo Hyun' NO 3   and  'It's Okay To Not Be Okay  Seo Ye Ji' NO 5







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21 minutes ago, stella77 said:

This show does have an amazing OST. I have enjoyed every single song and it fits the drama so well.


Aside from Episode 7 and 8, I am also looking forward for the releases of these OSTs. :love:



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Also, just realized - at the beginning of Ep 5 when MY goes back to KT's place (in JR's mom's house) and they eat together, KT is using a pair of disposable chopsticks while MY eats with the proper utensils. Since he didn't want to take 2 sets of utensils from downstairs and risk arousing suspicion, he gave her the proper set and used disposable chopsticks himself. Sooo cute! 

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2 hours ago, Chellsee said:

In the second scene, Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Ye Ji struggle to remember their lines for a scene in which their characters engage in quick banter. At the end of rehearsals, the two actors show that they have the scene memorized by saying each other’s lines instead of their own.


They are amazing actors who put alot of effort, dedication in their work by practicing scenes, discussing how to portrait/convey the message, individual hardwork (look at Ye Ji's script with highlight and stick notes, I didn't study even that hard prior to college entrance lol),  support each other with great teamwork from PD-nim and crew, which lead to great quality of content, cinematography and meanings layer by layer, oh I've been falling for this drama day by day :wub:

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11 hours ago, africandramalover said:


Did the writer want us to contrast the two sleep scenes? I don't know. I also don't remember the specifics of the circumstances that set off the first sleep paralysis episode, so if someone would be so kind as to make a comparison, I would be happy.


I also noted that in both instances, the sleep paralysis happened as Moon Young was sleeping on her back. I checked online and found that sleeping on your back increases the chances of having a sleep paralysis incident. It also involves hallucinations that cause fear, so I think the "Mother" hovering over her bed and throughout this entire scene is a hallucination.. I love this attention to detail. 


Very interesting thoughts. Sleep paralysis is believed even in my culture to be a superstition. Strange right? In my culture, sleep paralysis occurs due to the paranormal. My mom/grandma use to tell me not to sleep flat because it enhances the chance of a spirit to sit on top of you. I use to be so scared of sleeping flat. In these two instances you mentioned, the sleep paralysis makes me believe even more that the mother is MY’s innermost fear, manifested in a hallucination that still feels very real to her. What makes me even more interested is that we are made to believe the house is haunted hence the door opening and closing by itself, and writings on the window. It actually feels real too because ST sees this and attempts to walk down to the basement before MY stops him. However, I think we are being shown the innermost fear of MY and her trauma is deeply tied to the house. But if this house is really haunted then:


:fear: get me out first please lol.


11 hours ago, softestfairy said:

Speaking of sleep paralysis, I used to get it frequently and some years back my therapist at the time gave me a great tip for breaking out of it fast. When it happens, close your eyes really tight (to avoid seeing a disturbing image) and focus on wiggling your toes until your muscles wake up.  It works like a charm!


wow. This is something I haven’t heard before ;)


it was also mentioned that there seems to be a gap between when MY moved away and how long did she stay in her hometown. I wonder the same thing too: exactly how long did she live her under her parents before she moved because my assumption is she continued to live with her father even after her mother died..since she was able to become guardian for her father. Unless, her father was admitted earlier and MY only became guardian when she was of age to do so. :sweatingbullets:


@Alice Wonderland Those new stills of them in high school uniforms..exciting! But how did they even manage meet in high school with KT as a constant traveler? Lol. This might be an epilogue. We could be trolled haha.


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