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[OFFICIAL] ♥Lee Dong Wook♥ Yoo In Na ♥ Pichi Couple/Ointment Couple

Yoo In Na

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8 minutes ago, Dandelions and roses said:

When i read about it also this morning, I even made a comment in ig why Ldw was not part of the team. So cute why this couple were eluding some gestures that made them obvious. Of course we know the reason why lol. I am tickled. Thanks @Almondcroissantfor posting.

Just found out that one of the senders is not the guy from the accident scene. So I’ve deleted that part in my post. 

Wookie doesn’t need to send a truck when he is giving her very special treatment at home lmao. 

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5 hours ago, Almondcroissant said:

Камион за кафу за ИИН из ТИХ одреда са њеним главним човеком упадљиво одсутан! То је постало и чланак на Наверу. 

Тако сам срећан што је екипа ТИХ-а тако блиска, тако блиска да су користили своје смешне слике на банеру и написали Инни слатке разигране поруке. 

Зар не мислите да би Вуки волео да буде део овог камиона за кафу јер је било тако забавно са разиграним порукама? Ова врста хумора је у његовој близини, али је очигледно одсутан лол. Чини моје Пицхи срце срећним хаха! 

Ако желите да видите превод банера и ко је био укључен у ТИХ тим, идите на ИГ пост амазингиооинна. Сви узбудљиви детаљи су ту! 


5 hours ago, Dandelions and roses said:

Када сам и јутрос прочитао о томе, чак сам дао коментар на иг-у зашто Лдв није био део тима. Тако слатко зашто је овај пар измицао неким гестовима који су их чинили очигледним. Наравно да знамо разлог зашто лол. Заголицан сам. Хвала@Алмондцроиссантза објављивање.


Wow!  So exciting!  



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Uri pouty couple. :D They're so gwiyeowo :smooches3:

8 hours ago, Aerith_Strife said:

 Wishing we will all be active until LDW/Inna confesses and even beyond that. :heart:

Annyeong chingu! I'm a pretty new shipper here too. I welcome you to this fun thread just as the others have warmly welcomed me. :fullofhearts: Yeah! Let's stay strong as supporters of our dear Pichi Couple. I'm confident that they will make our Pichi hearts happy in the near future. :highonflowers: Until then, let's hone our detective skills! :glasses:

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10 hours ago, Aerith_Strife said:

Hello everyone

been a fan of this group but a silent reader for years now. This is the first time i’m posting. I am so amazed in all your detective skills.
 Wishing we will all be active until LDW/Inna confesses and even beyond that. 

Welcome to all our new friends! Hope you enjoy the shipping journey with the rest of us. Soompi seems to have disabled the reaction button for all the new joiners so sadly we can’t like your posts. But please don’t let that discourage you from posting your thoughts! 

1 hour ago, earthnymph said:

Uri pouty couple. :D They're so gwiyeowo 

They are both so cute when they get pouty. You know what they say, couples mirror each other’s gestures and expressions hehe. 

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On 9.11.2022. at 19:25, Almondcroissant said:

Камион за кафу за ИИН из ТИХ тима са упадљивим одсуством њеног челног човека! То је постало и чланак на Наверу. 

Тако сам срећан што је екипа ТИХ-а тако блиска, тако блиска да су користили своје смешне слике на банеру и написали Инни слатке разигране поруке. 

Зар не мислите да би Вуки волео да буде део овог камиона за кафу јер је било тако забавно са разиграним порукама? Ова врста хумора је у његовој близини, али је очигледно одсутан лол. Чини моје Пицхи срце срећним хаха! 

Ако желите да видите превод банера и ко је био укључен у ТИХ тим, идите на ИГ пост амазингиооинна. Сви узбудљиви детаљи су ту! 


My opinion is that it is Mr Dong-wook planned the coffee cars.  He is behind this  anonymously. 


:fullofhearts:.  So lovely!!

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Uri PiChi couple serving us with matchy matchy cool looks.  :kisslevel:

Also, have you read this Indian article that was published on YIN's birthday this year? 


Maybe the writer is also a Pichi shipper, she described Touch Your Heart as:


It’s like comfort food, warm and soothing.

and I couldn't agree more! That's why we love TYH, right? Perfect storyline with the perfect couple. :wub:


It’s probably too much to hope to see Lee Dong-wook and Yoon In-na in another show again, so at this point only rewatching Guardian and Touch Your Heart can tide us over the blues.

I just miss our dear Pichi couple and sincerely wish that they are staying strong and happy together in private. :cutekitty:

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10 hours ago, earthnymph said:

Maybe the writer is also a Pichi shipper, she described Touch Your Heart as:


It’s like comfort food, warm and soothing.

and I couldn't agree more! That's why we love TYH, right? Perfect storyline with the perfect couple. :wub:

Thank you very much for your comment and the indian article! I loved it ! 

I would say that the performance of both is excellent and as they said, in someway near their own personalities.Yoo In Na in her role is outstanding, superb. She adds that special tone like in Goblin. :love:


@Zay Andrijana Aurora agree with you, Yes I think that very particular message on the CT came from that very special person we know. :rolleyes::wub:


Ps: Touch Your Heart is probably the most rewatched rom-com in the last years... lol :crazymad: :love:

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Omo more spazzing for us! So on Game Caterers Wookie managed to guess a song correctly. And it was the same song that was played on Ava Dream just a week before he recorded Game Caterers! And our boy was so excited, he was practically bursting to say the answer. See the tweet below from Weddingpeach. You can also watch Wookie’s cute excitement at getting it right on the YouTube video ep 2.1 of game caterers x starship at minute 22:50 with English subs.

Wookie must have been so proud to show YIN that he got the song right lmao. No wonder he was busily texting on his phone when he got to his room later on hehe. Busy telling YIN all about it!

Another fun titbit is that in this segment Wookie’s team was competing with the other team which called themselves Yoo Na In. The Hangul written form is the exact spelling of YIN’s Hangul name except it was Yoo Na In and not Yoo In Na. Gosh talk about destiny lol! 

Credit goes to weddingpeach on Twitter for recognizing the song from Ava Dream and making this cute post below! 


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Gosh I’m not done yet about the song that Wookie got right. I’ve got more to spazz!

So it is an old song from the 1990s called As I Told You and the singer was Kim Sung Jae. He was also part of a 2-man group called Deux. Sadly Kim Sung Jae died in 1995 which was over 20 years ago. Interestingly when the players tried to guess the song title and singer on Game Caterers, 3 of the players guessed the song to be by Deux. Nobody knew it was actually by Kim Sung Jae except for Wookie. Even PD Nah said it was easy to think it was a song by Deux and not by Kim. So how did Wookie get it right? I am pretty convinced he watched YIN on Ava Dream just a week before the recording of Game Caterers and saw the avatar of the late Kim singing this song. That is my (not so delulu) conclusion haha!

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1 hour ago, Almondcroissant said:

No wonder he was busily texting on his phone when he got to his room later on hehe

HAHAHAHAHA OH THISSS!! I was also wondering who this ahjussi is txting. Hahaha But I guess we all know?

11 minutes ago, Almondcroissant said:

I am pretty convinced he watched YIN on Ava Dream just a week before the recording of Game Caterers and saw the avatar of the late Kim singing this song.

FOR SURE!! Hahahaha oh my gosh! I almost screamed loudly at work. Yoo In-Na Touch Your Heart GIF by Eccho Rights

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On 13.11.2022. at 10:57, Lunitaaa said:

Хвала вам пуно на вашем коментару и индијском чланку! Допало ми се ! 

Рекао бих да је извођење обе одличне и како су рекли, на неки начин блиске њиховим личностима. Иоо Ин На у својој улози је изванредна, одлична. Она додаје онај посебан тон као у Гоблину. :љубав:


@Заи Андријана Аурора слажем се са вама, да, мислим да је та врло посебна порука на ЦТ-у дошла од те веома посебне особе коју познајемо. :роллеиес::вооф:


Пс: Тоуцх Иоур Хеарт је вероватно најгледанији ром-цом последњих година... лол :цразимад: :љубав:


Yes!  :getmygrooveon:  :wub:  I think yes too! 

12 hours ago, Almondcroissant said:

Омо нам још шприцање! Тако је на Гаме Цатерерс Воокие успео да погоди песму тачно. И то је била иста песма која је пуштена на Ава Дреам само недељу дана пре него што је снимио Гаме Цатерерс! А наш дечак је био толико узбуђен да је практично прснуо да каже одговор. Погледајте твит испод од Веддингпеацх-а. Такође можете да гледате Вукијево слатко узбуђење што је то урадило како треба на ИоуТубе видеу, еп 2.1 о игрицама цатерерс к старсхип у минуту 22:50 са енглеским претплатницима.

Вуки мора да је био толико поносан што је показао ИИН да је добро разумео песму лмао. Није ни чудо што је ужурбано слао поруке на свој телефон када је касније стигао у своју собу, хехе. Заузет причањем ИИН-у све о томе!

Још једна забавна ситница је да се у овом сегменту Вукијев тим такмичио са другим тимом који се звао Иоо На Ин. Писани облик хангула је тачан правопис ИИН-овог хангул имена, осим што је било Иоо На Ин а не Иоо Ин На. Боже причај о судбини лол! 

Заслуге припадају веддингпеацх на Твитеру што је препознао песму из Ава Дреам и направио ову слатку објаву испод! 




Oh  wow!  So sweet  :heart4:.  and so cute!  Voleem.  


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Daebak @Almondcroissantyou're really good at this detective work! You just made my day.:piggydance:

You're right, his smile when he got it right definitely says
"Thanks to my wife's show I outsmarted them kids. I should text her first thing when I get my hands on my phone!"  Yoo In-Na Smile GIF by Eccho Rights 
Wookie is really cut out for a variety show. How I would love to see him and Inna together in one. Probably when they're married? :wub:

LDW made an appearance yesterday at ZEGNA pop-up store opening and his outfit and vibes is very similar to that of YIN during the Broker VIP screening. (Maybe I am biased, but that's the first thing that came to my mind when I saw his photos. Haha!)



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So happy to know all this, THANKS @Almondcroissant  :) 

Beautiful photos matching colours @earthnymph :)

Ohhh YES, YES, SI SI... !  :happydance:     Oh my gosh I can't sleep hahah :) 



AND this too!  How can this happen?  YOO NA IN? haha and YIN? no, it cannot be coincidence, impossible  :bawling: :love:    Maybe they do this to give us some signs... to be prepared? omg :sweatingbullets:


19 hours ago, Almondcroissant said:

Another fun titbit is that in this segment Wookie’s team was competing with the other team which called themselves Yoo Na In. The Hangul written form is the exact spelling of YIN’s Hangul name except it was Yoo Na In and not Yoo In Na. Gosh talk about destiny lol! 




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@earthnymphagree both Wookie and Inna would be great together in a variety show. They are both fun, smart and spontaneous not to mention their visuals are just crazy. In Na can match Wookie’s wit, which is more than I can say for a certain teammate on game caterers who really pulled the team down and made Wookiee lose his chance at getting some food; I was so sorry for him lol.


Good catch on their blue outfits! For all we know Wookie chose the blue outfit to match In Na’s since they both seldom make public appearances esp In Na.


In another sign of destiny, it seems Inna’s character in her new drama is called Yeon Bora. Yeon as in Lee Yeon (wookie’s name in TOTNT1938) with Yeon spelt the same way in Hangul. Is this why wookie was wearing the orange jacket and purple scarf in game caterers to represent both Lee Yeon and Yeon Bora? Kim Bum was wearing an orange beanie so I am quite certain the gumiho brothers wore orange on purpose to promote their drama. But the purple scarf? I couldn’t help noticing how wookie was a bit hesitant/shy when asked by Seung Heon about the scarf and he lamely gave the excuse that it was cold haha (2nd video below). Dear boy, that small cotton scarf ain’t gonna protect you from the cold lmao!



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@Almondcroissantyour insights are always so spot on! I've been watching Game Caterers when I can, but I have a bunch of episodes to catch up on. In the scene you posted above, when I watched it, I immediately thought that he was texting YIN to get some love and sympathy because he couldn't get any food. :lol: He seems to always be texting someone (at least in the episodes I have seen so far).


And I have no idea of the posters on this page are also people with Insta and Twitter accounts (I'm not actually on Twitter, though), but all of a sudden, it feels like a lot of people are posting lots of things about the two of them together. . . maybe it will be the big announcement this New Years. Wouldn't that just be grand? :D

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6 hours ago, AkiChan said:

And I have no idea of the posters on this page are also people with Insta and Twitter accounts (I'm not actually on Twitter, though), but all of a sudden, it feels like a lot of people are posting lots of things about the two of them together. . . maybe it will be the big announcement this New Years. Wouldn't that just be grand? :D

YES, it would be awesome a great happiness :7555_attack:


I got tweeter just bcs of Pichi :love:  haha.. It seems LDW loves to chat, he said once that he wants a gf who like it too bcs he used it a lot also when he has to work, so...

I noticed people are posting much more about Pichi now, we hhave been persistent and very loyal shipping them too.








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9 hours ago, AkiChan said:

And I have no idea of the posters on this page are also people with Insta and Twitter accounts (I'm not actually on Twitter, though), but all of a sudden, it feels like a lot of people are posting lots of things about the two of them together. . . maybe it will be the big announcement this New Years. Wouldn't that just be grand?


Several people have both instagram and twitter accounts and so they would post the same content on both sites. Some people on this forum are on IG and twitter too! Not me though, I don't have the energy and resources to run a fan or shipping account lol. 

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I don't have a fan or shipping site, either. But I know some others on this Forum do (as I recognize their names). I waste enough time just looking at other people's posts, so I'm with you on that one @Almondcroissant. LOL


But I'm others do have the energy because I love looking and reading those posts! Pichi definitely makes my heart happy.

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@Almondcroissant@AkiChanYes! Just like, @LunitaaaI created an Instagram and Twitter account because of our Pichi couple. :hwaiting2:There are numerous updates on Twt, especially about LDW's chats on Universe so it's really helpful to fans like me. :D Due to my Pichi addiction,  I gathered a lot of matchy couple photos and I collaged them.  I don't want them to go to waste so I decided to create an IG account so I can share them, too. I know there are ~still a lot of Pichi Couple supporters out there, just like us. I don't have a lot of free time, but our Pichi couple made me want to dedicate a part of my life to them. Hahaha! They just have that huge effect on me, you know. Their chemistry is really one of a kind. :wub:

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