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[Drama 2019] Romance Is a Bonus Book ♥ 로맨스는 별책부록


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Key Moments In Volume 11 Of “Romance Is A Bonus Book”


Episode 11 of Romance Is A Bonus Book slowly thawed Dan Yi’s apprehensions to Eun Ho’s love confession.

As the series goes for its last stretch, we are expecting the love fulfillment for our friend-who-will-turn-lover main leads.



Pretending unaffected, Dan Yi talks to herself about the kiss interlude, completed with the detail about the guy being younger. Her reverie is cut off when Manager Seo emerges from one of the cubicles teasing her of what happened. To make her morning more eventful, Director Go also steps out from the restroom cubicle with a knowing look.

Spreading like a wild fire, Dan Yi’s soliloquy eventually reaches Eun Ho, who overhears two of the staff gossiping about it. Feeling proud of making his favorite noona over analyzing her emotion, he spots her at the office library. Asking why she skips breakfast, Eun Ho pushes her luck by playing James Dean, bluntly telling how the peck felt nice. She responds to stop asking for his death wish.

Romance is a Bonus Book



Convincing herself with “Eun Ho is not a Man” mantra, the spring cleaning is a sweet disaster with Eun Ho refusing to call Dan Yi “noona”. He further teases with her, making him call “oppa” eventually; leading her to throw things at him.

Tending to a small cut on his face, Eun Ho cutely quips how he likes her even more when she hits him. Complete with blushing face, he mutters how he sees himself in her eyes.


Romance is a Bonus Book


Shutting him up, she points out how his face is again beet red. He reasons that his flushed face is caused by happiness. Handing the band-aid, Dan Yi goes to the kitchen and seeks the cold air of the fridge to tone down her blushing face. She further scolds herself for becoming like him.

Last round of I-like-you-noona-themed spring cleaning is Eun Ho, alluding Dan Yi’s resolve to eventually falter. Pushing her back when she asked him to clean another place, Eun Ho makes use of the situation to describe their status.

“You are too weak to push me away. You’re so cute Dan Yi. Stop being cute. You make me want to kiss you again.”

His coaxing stops as Dan Yi gives another warning. But Eun Ho continues his boy-in-love spirit, cleaning the bathroom window pane, writing Dan Yi’s name with soap bubbles while singing happily.



Are we really going to prove that romance cannot blossom well with career life? I mean we are almost there, fulfilling the romance that took 20 years to be realized mutually? Why can’t we just let Dan Yi be happy?

So much for being happy about Eun Ho and Dan Yi’s road to romance dream come true. Now, Romance Is A Bonus Book officially made feel sad when I was expecting two weeks worth of fan service.

Career and life lessons have been the driving points on why I like the smooth approach of the series. The love story for me was just an extra perk. Coming from heavy-themed drama exploration, Romance Is A Bonus Book has restorative function to make you feel good after a week’s stressful work.

Will Dan Yi leave Gyeoroo for good? Will Hae Rin and Seo Joon get the closure they deserve from their one-sided romance?

Get your Romance Is A Bonus Book serving on tvN and Netflix.



Full article: https://www.hellokpop.com/kdrama/romance-is-a-bonus-book-episode-11-recap/

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On 3/5/2019 at 8:20 AM, stroppyse said:

I'll try to continue doing that until the end of the drama as long as people want to read them. :)


Omgosh! Yes please, I adore reading these. They give such a beautiful insight into how they are feeling. Something that you only get from the written word. Definitely reiterating how lovely it is to read. After this show is finished, I am going to get back to the pile of books that are on my bedside table! :blush:

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Romance Is a Bonus Book: Episode 11

by Sunny


Our heroine struggles to get a handle on her feelings and our hero doesn’t plan to make it easy.The ball is finally in Eun-ho’s court and he plans to take full advantage of this power reversal before Dan-yi has the chance to tip the scales.


EPISODE 11:”Why Don’t You Think About Breaking Up?”


In the company restroom, Dan-yi tells herself the kiss (with Eun-ho) meant nothing. She’s surprised to realize she’s not alone when Yeong-ah emerges from a stall, giggling that Dan-yi kissed someone. She presses for details, but Dan-yi will only admit the guy is like a little brother.

Dan-yi jumps as another stall opens to reveal Director Ko. Her expression gives nothing away, but after she leaves, Yeong-ah tells Dan-yi there’s no way Director Ko didn’t hear. The women leave, unaware there’s a third listener–an editorial team member.



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On 3/5/2019 at 10:14 AM, gilaswan said:

The CEO has made it quite clear what the company's policy is like - anyone who is a contract staff needs to reapply to the common pool to be considered for a permanent job. Ms Go wanting to terminate Dani's contract is really out of pettiness - I just feel like she is threatened by Dani. Thinking all this while that Dani is "only" a high school grad, surely she can't be this competent. Realising that she is actually experienced probably gives her an excuse to "get back" at Dani. There is nothing kind nor nurturing about this woman. She could easily have advised Dani - "look, you're clearly better than just a casual office support staff. How about applying for a perm position here?" But she doesn't do that. She's a very tit-for-tat person. I'd like to think that Dani will indeed apply for a perm job, and given that everyone else already knows her, has seen her work, and likes her, she will get the job.


@xXMzSmilesXxAs regards whether Dani was trying to get a marketing job in a roundabout way, no, I don't think that was her intention when she applied for the Task Support Team. She clearly did that out of desperation. But to Ms Go, it would not look that way, cos Ms Go can't see beyond her own nose. 


There's something out of our opinions, Ms.Go seems act like arrogant, strict lady but i think she have different motif in dani case maybe she wan dani have chances to apply positions which more suite her education in order to  get that's someone must fired dani.

and like we knew she actually have soft spot for dani personality but been conflicted by dani status and educational.(not my fave.character since she judge others in their standard not by capabilities :rolleyes:)

in another bright side ms.Go logic and by the rule actions is something crucial to Company  well being thought.

And i get happy time watching all EH-Dani dating, i think they will be awkward  but time dani open up. ..they're become cute couple:wub:

And at the end EH smells something fishy about SJ pass code too.

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18 minutes ago, Yana Mujay said:


There's something out of our opinions, Ms.Go seems act like arrogant, strict lady but i think she have different motif in dani case maybe she wan dani have chances to apply positions which more suite her education in order to  get that's someone must fired dani.

and like we knew she actually have soft spot for dani personality but been conflicted by dani status and educational.(not my fave.character since she judge others in their standard not by capabilities :rolleyes:)

in another bright side ms.Go logic and by the rule actions is something crucial to Company  well being thought.

And i get happy time watching all EH-Dani dating, i think they will be awkward  but time dani open up. ..they're become cute couple:wub:

And at the end EH smells something fishy about SJ pass code too.

That's what I had thought first but the way she wanted to fire her and her explanations contradict this. First, she could have confronted DY and told her to come clean with all this, tell her to apply with all her qualifications. But she doesn't, she acts behind her back and uses CEH to announce it to KDY. Moreover, she had asked her acquaintance how her company would deal with this...   

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42 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

But she doesn't, she acts behind her back and uses CEH to announce it to KDY.

I disagree of her acting behind dan i back. And why use ceh?

Anyway, like before. Ceh will just follows order like before when she ask Hae Rin to scrap dan i name as marketing team in the book. They delete her name. How cruel!


Dan i too( just followjng the order). She just pack her things, put it in a box and walk away from the office. Walk back home. So sad.

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42 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

That's what I had thought first but the way she wanted to fire her and her explanations contradict this. First, she could have confronted DY and told her to come clean with all this, tell her to apply with all her qualifications. But she doesn't, she acts behind her back and uses CEH to announce it to KDY. Moreover, she had asked her acquaintance how her company would deal with this...   

Borrowed from Dong wok there is person with "sundere" personality.

I'm not in Ms.Go charm or what's ever but said the truth,i have sympathy for her individualistic life and her way to handling company rule and regulations, she must be someone with clear mindset when take any decision however her flaws is she's introvert who live in her ideal world not much considerate others feelings it's not mean she don't care but she just don't want to get involved deeper in others business.

Maybe in the next episode we would know what her true intention.

But yes there's some cowardly while she delegated this task to EH.

And i think i agree  your theory about what the true relationship between EH-SJ and the old writer, too @bebbisous(i knew you longer but sorry when i still couldn't spell your name right:lol:)

seems CEH have so much mystery, he have so much pain who no one couldn't guess.maybe he will find out who is SJ and his relationship with the writer and him.

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2 hours ago, Yana Mujay said:

Maybe in the next episode we would know what her true intention




As for dan i. CEH is at the same time ( helping her) by calling job agency and helping dan i by passing her resume secretly?


Honestly, I hope she gets a job somewhere else and they have to go through her to get an author or better yet at a rival company. I know it won't happen but I want Ko to see what her pettiness costs the company.

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38 minutes ago, Yana Mujay said:

Borrowed from Dong wok there is person with "sundere" personality.

I'm not in Ms.Go charm or what's ever but said the truth,i have sympathy for her individualistic life and her way to handling company rule and regulations, she must be someone with clear mindset when take any decision however her flaws is she's introvert who live in her ideal world not much considerate others feelings it's not mean she don't care but she just don't want to get involved deeper in others business.

Maybe in the next episode we would know what her true intention.

But yes there's some cowardly while she delegated this task to EH.

And i think i agree  your theory about what the true relationship between EH-SJ and the old writer, too @bebbisous(i knew you longer but sorry when i still couldn't spell your name right:lol:)

seems CEH have so much mystery, he have so much pain who no one couldn't guess.maybe he will find out who is SJ and his relationship with the writer and him.

@Yana Mujay I had to laugh that you couldn't spell my name correctly (bebe =baby / bisous =kisses, in French)

Yes, sticking to the rules and regulations is as such a good thing, but in my opinion she only uses the rules for her own advantages. Actually, she asked DY to take care of her own clothes (send these to the cleaning store) which has nothing to do with the company. KDY could have refused, it is not her job to take care of Ms. Go's clothes but she did not because she was afraid of losing her job. She also was in no position to refuse indicating that Ms. Go was abusing her position. This example proves to me that she doesn't stick to the rules per se, it is just when it helps her. Moreover, she shows a lack of flexibility like CEH pointed out earlier. If everyone just does what he/she is supposed to do, then there is no team work, no help. Besides this undermines the motivation. Their commitment will decrease, people will stop to put any effort.  

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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

 I had to laugh that you couldn't spell my name correctly (bebe =baby / bisous =kisses, in French)

Wow, i learn french. Baby kisses.

Now i know.


Actually, they also protest against ms. Go.

But behind her back. Like hae rin scream, i hate this company.

Its actually, i hate you, ms go.

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58 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

If everyone just does what he/she is supposed to do, then there is no team work, no help. Besides this undermines the motivation. Their commitment will decrease, people will stop to put any effort.  

The insights into the working world - one of the reasons I continue to watch this drama.


I'd like to think there is some good in Ms Go's character, besides commitment to her work. After all, she has been with Gyeoroo for 10 years and even helped her colleagues with removing leaflets from books on a weekend, while donning hair salon gear.


CEO Kim mentioned something about wearing trenchcoats for decision-making like the earlier days. Maybe we will see again the close-knit team work which held the founding members together.


Need some clarification about CEH's character description in the drama synopsis. It is stated that he is Gyeoroo's youngest-ever chief editor. I've been puzzled by that for quite a while. Isn't he the only chief editor the company has ever had? Scouted while still in college.


I can feel my interest waning a little. So, hoping for better episodes in the coming weekend.



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17 minutes ago, sgfan said:

The insights into the working world - one of the reasons I continue to watch this drama.


I'd like to think there is some good in Ms Go's character, besides commitment to her work. After all, she has been with Gyeoroo for 10 years and even helped her colleagues with removing leaflets from books on a weekend, while donning hair salon gear.


CEO Kim mentioned something about wearing trenchcoats for decision-making like the earlier days. Maybe we will see again the close-knit team work which held the founding members together.


Need some clarification about CEH's character description in the drama synopsis. It is stated that he is Gyeoroo's youngest-ever chief editor. I've been puzzled by that for quite a while. Isn't he the only chief editor the company has ever had? Scouted while still in college.


I can feel my interest waning a little. So, hoping for better episodes in the coming weekend.



Well, Ms. Ko is not a villain per se hence she can redeem herself. Until the episode 12, I had been defending her more but for me, the episodes from last week marked a turning point. I was disappointed in her in two scenes... Sure, the one with CEH where she ordered him to fire KDY. But actually, my real disappointment started when she lied to her ex-fiance telling him that she was married. Here, her lie revealed that her pride mattered the most. Instead, she could have come clean with him but she didn't. He was honest with her, told her his failures aso but she didn't. So her lack of honesty annoyed me and she wasn't honest with CEH on many occasions, when it came to KDY.

She uses the SNS in order to give a false impression of herself... At some point, her true personality should be revealed. She is definitely messy and lacks imagination, although she wants to leave the opposite impression that she is organized and very creative.  

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32 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Well, Ms. Ko is not a villain per se hence she can redeem herself. Until the episode 12, I had been defending her more but for me, the episodes from last week marked a turning point. I was disappointed in her in two scenes... Sure, the one with CEH where she ordered him to fire KDY. But actually, my real disappointment started when she lied to her ex-fiance telling him that she was married. Here, her lie revealed that her pride mattered the most. Instead, she could have come clean with him but she didn't. He was honest with her, told her his failures aso but she didn't. So her lack of honesty annoyed me and she wasn't honest with CEH on many occasions, when it came to KDY.

She uses the SNS in order to give a false impression of herself... At some point, her true personality should be revealed. She is definitely messy and lacks imagination, although she wants to leave the opposite impression that she is organized and very creative.  

I think gyeooro had their own stories, judge from the founders interaction and the ways  they treat each of the five founders like@sgfans says, they have a kind of sacrifice for the company's development, this kind of treatment get them privileged and respect to not involved and went beyond theirs jurisdictions or.@bebebisous33,did you think ms.Go have ill motive to fired dani...?

Seems she's not a kind person but yupp she has  insecurities about her past thou.


:lol:i'm sorry for my poor spelling attn. You have such nice name to mess around:ph34r:

Hope the button tag name will correct me then.

And may you help to reopen "Hotel deluna " tread? I tag @jillia but she wasn't respond.

Sorry for asked.

Thanks in advantages 



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15 minutes ago, Yana Mujay said:

I think gyeooro had their own stories, judge from the founders interaction and the ways  they treat each of the five founders like@sgfans says, they have a kind of sacrifice for the company's development, this kind of treatment get them privileged and respect to involved and went beyond theirs jurisdictions or.@bebebisous33,did you think ms.Go have ill motive to fired dani...?

Seems she's not a kind person but yupp she has  insecurities about her past thou.

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I do think that Ms. Ko feels threatened by KDY because now, she knows that KDY has the same qualifications than she has: college degree and she had a really good career before taking a break. Notice that Ms. Ko has internalized that there is no female support coming from her former classmates. Her "friends" were just boosting about their husband, their kids and their wealth, Ms. Ko felt looked down by them. She met them regularly, until Ms. Ko couldn't help herself to underline her own success which led the other three women to decide not to invite Ms Ko any longer. To conclude, over the years, with this kind of treatment, Ms. Ko really thinks that all women are like that: envy, jealousy, arrogance etc.

So yes... right now, Ms. Go really wants to fire KDY. She perceives KDY's modesty and empathy as fake and as hypocrisy. She is not aware of KDY's sincerity.

@sgfanYes, this scene with her "friends" was important in my opinion.  

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10 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

But actually, my real disappointment started when she lied to her ex-fiance telling him that she was married. Here, her lie revealed that her pride mattered the most.

Thank you for pointing this out. Ms. Ko sure has a penchant for keeping up with appearances. This is also evident in a friends gathering, where she proudly (and coldly) offered to foot the bill and bragged about her accolades and achievements. I did not see a problem with this scene initially, as there is nothing wrong with her singlehood.


18 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

She uses the SNS in order to give a false impression of herself... At some point, her true personality should be revealed. She is definitely messy and lacks imagination, although she wants to leave the opposite impression that she is organized and very creative.  

A good glimpse into our society and consumption of social media. Most people would post only the pretty, glamorous sides of their lives, but we do not see what really goes on under the facade. Someone may be sipping fine wine in a posh, swanky high-rise apartment with floor-to ceiling windows; which sounds like the dream life but people do not see the lonely soul in an incredibly bare apartment.

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Erin Smith | March 5, 2019 | Features, Listicles, Trending

Netflix has been bringing its K-Drama A-game lately, with a huge selection of Korean dramas both classic and new. Has anyone else noticed that Lee Jong-Suk is in a LOT of them? We’re definitely not complaining – right now we’re SUPER into the ongoing Netflix original rom-com offering “Romance is a Bonus Book”, starring Lee Jong-Suk (obviously) and Lee Na-Young. Here’s why, at 10 episodes in, it’s getting our hearts all aflutter.

1. A mature romance that’s not afraid of reality

We love a rom-com as much as the next drama fan, but there’s only so many times you can watch the “teenage chaebol falls for poor misfit girl” plot play out. This drama echoes that storyline somewhat, but through the lens of adults. It touches on divorce, ageism, homelessness, grief, sex, being a single parent, and the myth of the friend zone, all while keeping its heart and its dignity – as well as its PG rating. And so far nobody has fallen on anyone’s lips or lost their memory, which is a good sign too.




2. Complex female characters

The typical K-drama female lead is often deliberately vapid so as to allow the viewer to project themselves onto her. That’s (thankfully) not the case here. In the Gyeoroo publishing house office, where much of the drama takes place, there are so many complex female characters bravely showing both their strengths and their flaws. Song Hae-Rin, a young editor, is intelligent and takes no crap, but hopeless in love. Go Yoo-Sun is a cold career woman struggling to deal with lost love, but also a dancing queen. Seo Young-A is hardworking and dedicated, but struggling with the breakdown of her marriage. Then there’s our heroine, Kang Dan-I (played by Lee Na-Young) – a divorced single mother struggling to break back into the job market. She’s determined and capable, but also compassionate and warm. It’s a welcome change from the pushover leading ladies of days gone by.


3. Lee Jong-Suk in snuggly winter sweaters

Come on, we know you love cute boys in turtlenecks as much as we do. Unless you’re Martina from Eat Your Kimchi, in which case… put down the scissors! “Romance is a Bonus Book” is set in winter, so it follows that snuggly clothes are a must. Lee Jong-Suk’s Cha Eun-Ho is a rich boy author and publisher and hence a snappy dresser. Is there anything more inviting than a pretty boy in a cable-knit to wedge his bookmark right into your heart? No there’s not, and that’s not a euphemism. Get your mind out of the gutter.

… Also he sometimes gets around in a fluffy bathrobe. You have been warned.


4. Wi Ha-Joon in snuggly winter sweaters

We all know nice guys (and second male leads) finish last, but we’re the real winners here when the second male lead is as attractive as fresh face Wi Ha-Joon in the role of book cover artist Ji Seo-Joon. Wi Ha-Joon is a fox – all strong masculine lines to contrast against Lee Jong-Suk’s flower boy image – and we might be a little obsessed. Plus, if the plot continues the way it’s going he might not lose out so bad after all… (no spoilers!) 




5. New episodes on Sundays AND Mondays

Oh Korea, we are grateful for your weird television schedules! We know how frustrating it can be to have to wait a whole week for new episodes when we’re living in the age of the Netflix binge. Sunday AND Monday releases for Romance is a Bonus Book mean you can have two hits of your K-drama drug each week, or save them up for a movie-length double feature.



Whether you’re ready to jump in and catch up on the first ten episodes, saving them for a whole-series binge-watch later or keeping up week-to-week like me, we’d love to know what you think of “Romance is a Bonus Book”! Let us know on Twitter or Facebook.



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5 Reasons Why Viewers Can Only Fall Deep In Love With Poetic Lee Jong Suk In “Romance Is A Bonus Book”

“The longer I wait, the deeper my love will be” by Lee Jong Suk (as Cha EunHo).

Viewers of “Romance is a Bonus Book” can only fall deep in love with the main character acted by Lee Jong Suk. He is just the perfect boyfriend!

In the drama, he is in love with Lee Na Young (as Kang Dan Yi) and that for a long time. He started to express his feelings for her and has been waiting for her to realize her own feelings too. The couple love story got viewers addicted to the drama. Here are 5 reasons why viewers of the drama are in love with Lee Jong Suk.

Let us know what makes you fall in love with Lee JongSuk as Cha EunHo. Be aware of spoilers.


1- Hilariously Cute


Who does not like a cute guy? Lee JongSuk is acting cute in front of Lee Na Young but also has quite a few solo scenes where he makes viewers burst into laughter.

Here is one scene. Lee Jong Suk wants to contact Lee Na Young who is out on a date with his rival Wi HaJoon (as Ji Seo Joon). He is in an internal dilemma, contact or not contact… Self-conscious of his childish attitude, he tries to act rationally and smartly.

Animated GIF

Animated GIF

For more of his hilarious scenes, you can have a look here.


2- Poetic and Heart Fluttering Lines

Lee JongSuk knows how to perfectly say cheesy, poetic, and heart fluttering lines. He steals women heart in a few seconds.


Animated GIFAnimated GIF


Noona, I am not just a ‘dongsaeng’ but “I am a fine guy.”


Animated GIF


His confession skills are also poetic and touching. “From spring to summer, from summer to fall, and from fall to winter. Do you know when the season changes? Do you know exactly when winter ends and spring begins? I don’t know when exactly my feelings for you started to grow.”


lee jongsuk romance is a bonus book, lee jongsuk sweet, lee jongsuk cute, lee jongsuk 2019, lee jongsuk drama, lee jongsuk romance is a supplement


3- Sincere Deep Love For a Long Time

It is always romantic to know that the guy you like has only loved you and that his love is deep and sincere. Lee JongSuk has this type of love for Lee NaYoung and his feelings for her are just too much to handle for the viewers.


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4- Trustworthy and Supportive

When you are looking out for a boyfriend, you would preferably search for someone you can trust and that support you in any situation. Lee JongSuk is trustworthy and shows his unstoppable support for Lee NaYoung at several times. He is the one she can rely on in any situation.




lee jongsuk romance is a bonus book, lee jongsuk sweet, lee jongsuk cute, lee jongsuk 2019, lee jongsuk drama, lee jongsuk romance is a supplement


5- Appealing And Handsome Looks

The actor is attractive and handsome making viewers, even more, fall for him. With his perfect fashion, model-like figure, and handsome face, it is hard not to find him charming. Lee JongSuk also knows how to seduce with his cute and sexy charms.


Animated GIF


Animated GIF



Edited by bebebisous33
more than 3 pictures/gifs have to be put under spoiler.
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